A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 294 Bargaining, Cat and Mouse

Fantastic Beasts Shop.

There are densely packed cages hanging on the walls of this store, and there are all kinds of animals inside.

Rats, owls, cats, two-tailed salamanders, turtles, toads, poisonous snails, rabbits, and ravens.

But powerful magical creatures, such as dragons, snakes, birds, phoenixes, and thunderbirds, are not available in this store. Even if they are available, they dare not sell them. The magic parts can be seized in minutes.

As soon as the four of them entered the store, the witch behind the counter focused on Abe and swallowed uncontrollably.

She has seen between a thousand and eight hundred cats, but she has never seen this one before.

"Are you here to examine the animals?"

"Yes." Ron said immediately, and then put Banban on the counter.

There was a flash of disappointment in the witch's eyes, but her professionalism still made her put on a pair of black glasses and examine it carefully.

"How old is your rat?"

"I don't know, my brother gave it to me."

The witch picked up Banban and looked at its damaged left ear and the missing toes on its front paws. She couldn't help but smacked her lips, "I suggest you change it to a mouse. We have a healthy and sound one here."

Ron looked at the large group of lively black mice in the cage and turned his face away in disgust. He didn't think that these inferior goods who only knew how to show off could compare with his Bambi.

"Okay!" The witch took out a small red bottle from under the counter, "You may need this mouse tonic."

"How much?"

Just as the witch was about to speak, an orange shadow jumped on top of Ron's head, grinning menacingly at the spotted teeth in the witch's hand.

"No, Crookshanks." The witch shouted hurriedly, but the orange figure did not give her face.

Banban sensed the fatal crisis and immediately jumped out of her hands and ran away frantically through the door.

Ron and Harry saw this and chased each other out.

"Is this a cat?" Aaron looked at Crookshanks jumping on the counter. "You should keep an eye on it. There are so many mice that are not catching, but they are eyeing the guests' pets."

"Sir, Crookshanks is usually very well-behaved." The witch said sheepishly.

"It's so beautiful." Hermione looked at Crookshanks, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Beautiful?" A series of questions floated in Aaron's mind, "Hermione, are you sure you read it correctly? I wouldn't believe it even if it has a persimmon face unless it has been photographed by a brick."

"But I just think it's beautiful." Hermione didn't care, and then looked at the witch, "I bought it, how much did it cost?"

"Five galleons."

Hermione was about to take out her wallet when Aaron stopped her.

"Five Galleons is too expensive, make it cheaper."

"This is already very cheap." The witch said bitterly, "If you don't believe it, you can go to other stores and ask. Cats are at this price."

"It scared my friend just now. It can be seen that this cat is not very obedient."

The witch hesitated for a moment, "Four gold galleons, right?"

"With all due respect, this cat's appearance is too unique. It shouldn't be sold in a store, right?"

The witch's eyes twitched slightly, and then she showed a forced smile, "Three Galleons, nine Sickles."

"I hate to say it, but this cat seems a little older, what do you think?"

"Three gold galleons, no more."

Just as Aaron was about to speak, the witch jumped in and said, "I'm just opening the door for business. It's not easy to make some money."

"Oh! Okay, that bottle of rat tonic?"

"Two Sickles, no two prices."

"Actually, this cat's hair..."

"It's for you, sir." The witch immediately put the red vial into Aaron's hand, and then looked at Hermione who was stunned at the side, "Can this lady pay for it?"

"Oh." Hermione reacted and happily placed three gold galleons on the counter, happily holding Crookshanks in her arms.

"Remind you, you are going to buy an owl." Aaron said speechlessly.

"I won't buy the owl. This cat is enough." Hermione said. She couldn't keep two pets.

"Whatever." Aaron shrugged and prepared to leave the Magical Beast Shop.

"Wait a minute, sir." The witch chased him directly. "I would like to ask if you can leave a photo of your pet, and I can pay you ten galleons in publicity fees."

"Haha!" Aaron refused decisively. He didn't want everyone to know that he had raised a dragon.

Not long after they walked out of the Magical Beast Shop, they met Harry and Ron.

Shivering Scabbers saw the cat and hurriedly hid in Ron's pocket.

"You bought this monster?" Ron said with wide eyes, "It almost took off my scalp just now, and what about Scabbers?

It's a mouse. You can't buy anything but a cat? "

"Don't worry, Crookshanks is in my dormitory, and Banban is in your dormitory. As long as we don't meet, it'll be fine."

"Is this a question of whether to touch or not?" Ron said angrily, "Look at Abe, why is it..."

Ron's voice stopped abruptly mid-sentence.

I almost forgot, Abe is a dragon, and catching a mouse would be a disgrace to him.

"That...don't get me wrong.

My Abe doesn't like your mouse either. He didn't like it from the first time he saw it, but I put him down. Aaron said lightly, and Abe let out a low growl in response.

Ron subconsciously covered his pocket because he found that his mouse was shaking violently.

"Don't scare it. Banban's condition is not good to begin with."

Aaron shrugged, then patted Abe's faucet, and it quieted down.

"By the way, you forgot about this thing." Aaron handed the mouse strengthening potion to Ron, "It might be useful for your mouse."

"how much is this?"

"The witch gave it to me," Hermione said excitedly, "You were not here just now, but Aaron cut off Crookshanks' price by 40% and asked the witch to give him a bottle of Mouse Enhancer as a gift. agent.”

"It could have been lower." Aaron was a little regretful. He was confident that he could cut down the price from five gold galleons to less than two galleons, but the witch was too sensible and it was hard for him to continue haggling.

Arriving at the Leaky Cauldron, Arthur Weasley was sitting at the bar reading a copy of the Daily Prophet.

He saw a smile on Harry's face, "Harry, are you back?"

"Mr. Weasley." Aaron extended his right hand, "Nice to meet you."

"me too."

Harry looked at the newspaper in Arthur's hand, "Haven't Sirius caught it yet?"

"No, the ministry has mobilized most of its forces, but there is no progress so far."

"How much is the reward for catching him?" Ron asked with interest, "Is it enough for us to travel again?"

"Don't say it once, ten times is enough." Arthur also thought of the joy of traveling in Egypt, but as soon as he finished speaking, his expression darkened, "Ron Weasley, I'm warning you, you're going to be Put away your unrealistic thoughts, there is no way Black will be caught by a thirteen-year-old wizard."

"We have Aaron." Ron said immediately.

Aaron took a step back silently, he would not get involved in this kind of thing!

Sirius Black is not an ordinary wanted criminal. He can still laugh loudly on the spot after killing thirteen people. This is a psychopath. After staying in an environment like Azkaban for twelve years, he can still successfully escape from prison. This is It is determination.

The combination of the two is pure madness, and Aaron has always stayed away from such people.

Seeing Aaron take a step back, Ron said nothing and put a newspaper on the table.

"I have something for you to see."

The three of them leaned over and looked at a black and white photo in the newspaper. The Weasley family were talking and laughing in front of several pyramids wearing local clothes.

“Egypt is a magical place with many ancient things.

Mummies, tombs. "

"It's really enviable." Hermione said, "The history of wizards in ancient Egypt is worth exploring."

"Aaron, where did you go during the summer vacation?" Ron asked, "Did you also travel?"

"Ah...this has to be kept secret." Aaron chuckled.

Was he traveling? It was taking a risk, risking your life.

At this time Mrs. Weasley walked in with Fred, George, Percy and Ginny carrying large and small bags.

When they saw Aaron and the others, they all greeted him warmly, and Mrs. Weasley even asked Harry several questions, fearing that he would leave something behind when he got on the train tomorrow.

It was just the way Percy greeted them that made them feel a bit flattered, with a solemn handshake and a particularly polite tone, as if they had been deliberately rehearsed.

However, his two twin brothers, George and Fred, imitated his way of greeting, but added 70% wit and 30% humor to the imitation, which made his face not very pretty.

Percy was elected Head Boy, and the silver badge was pinned to his chest, wiped clean.

"The second student body president in the family." Mrs. Weasley looked at Percy proudly, and then turned her dissatisfied eyes to George and Fred, "Why weren't you two elected prefects?"

"Why do we want to be prefects?" Fred said speechlessly.

"That would take a lot of the fun out of life," George added.

"You should set a good example for your sister."

"Ginny has other brothers to set an example for her." Percy said arrogantly, "I'll go upstairs to change first, and I'll come down for dinner later."

Seeing him leave, George and Fred's expressions became lighter.

"Aaron, what do you think of the prefects?" George asked.

"Well... Naylor is a responsible prefect. At least the Slytherin people quite trust him."

"I'm not asking you that." Fred smiled, "Do you want to be a prefect?"

"I don't want to." Aaron shook his head decisively, "Being a prefect is too tiring, and I don't get much salary. Compared with my own affairs, the obligations of a prefect are simply a burden."

The two looked at each other and unanimously gave Aaron a look of approval.

"That's great."

"Next time my mother complains, we will use this excuse."

Aaron: ...

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