A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 299 Divination Class


Aaron sat at the seat next to the long Slytherin table, eating breakfast and looking at his third-year class schedule.

He has the mind body and can handle the situation of taking two courses at the same time, but if he takes three courses at the same time, he will have to give up one of them. But he doesn't want to just give up, so he has to think carefully about how to maximize his improvement. Learning efficiency.

Self-study is definitely not possible. Even if he can never forget it, he still needs the guidance of a teacher to truly understand the knowledge involved.

It was impossible to make up lessons, Sunday was so wonderful, and besides, he was already using himself as two people.

Just when Aaron was feeling melancholy, Draco and several Slytherins entered the auditorium.

"What are you thinking about?" Draco asked curiously, "I always feel that after a summer vacation, you are different from before."

"People always change, but I am definitely changing for the better."

"What do you think I'll pretend to faint in front of Harry Potter later?"

"Childish." Aaron rolled his eyes at him, "Even if you don't like him, you shouldn't use such a low-end method. Besides, you are not much better when facing dementors. What right do you have to laugh at others?"

"Okay!" Draco shrugged, "Then I'll save him some face and just promote Harry Potter's glorious deeds on the train."

"what ever."

Draco raised his lips and told the surrounding Slytherins with great interest how Harry Potter was scared to death by the dementors.

More and more Slytherins gathered around, and Draco also showed his gift of excellent speech, making them laugh.

After the three Harrys came to the Great Hall, they heard Draco's funny and true story. They were angry and tacitly chose to ignore it. After all, what he told was the truth and they couldn't deny it.

"That's too much, isn't it?" George put the third-grade class schedule in front of him, "Malfoy is like this, he clings to other people's pain points."

"He was quite frightened when the dementors came," Fred said contemptuously.

"But I was the only one who was attacked." Harry said bitterly. There is nothing more heart-wrenching than when your enemies know about your embarrassment and spread it everywhere.

"That only proves that you are unlucky, but it doesn't explain anything." George changed the topic, "Malfoy is still Slytherin's seeker this time. As long as he can win the first Quidditch match, you see, he can still Do you dare to be arrogant?”

Harry nodded, feeling much better.

The last time Slytherin won the Quidditch match, it was entirely with the help of his broomstick, but this time Wood had a new tactic, and the key to victory or defeat lay in the two Seekers.

In terms of flying skills, he was absolutely certain that he could defeat Malfoy.

"Let's not talk about that. Let's take a look at what classes we are going to have today!" Hermione said slightly excitedly.

"We're fine, but is your class schedule too exaggerated?" Ron frowned and said, "You have almost ten classes a day, can you make arrangements?"

"Don't worry, I have reached an agreement with Professor McGonagall." Hermione said proudly, looking at the necklace on her chest with some pride.

"But you have three classes at nine o'clock today." Ron smiled and raised his fingers, "Divination, Muggle Studies, and Arithmancy. No matter how good you are, you can't take three classes at the same time."

"This has nothing to do with you. Anyway, I have discussed it with Professor McGonagall." Hermione didn't take it seriously. Then she seemed to have thought of something and turned to look at Aaron, "What are your plans for today's class?"

"I will take the divination class in person." Aaron said with some embarrassment, "As for the other two classes, it depends on the situation."

Hermione frowned slightly, then pointed to the necklace around her neck, "How about you come with me?"

"No." Aaron refused, "I wouldn't refuse the watch if it was really going to be this way."

"What watch?" Ron asked curiously.

Aaron gave him a smile in response, "This has nothing to do with you."

At this time, Hagrid came in carrying a dead polecat. He couldn't help but stop when he saw several people here.

"I'm very glad that you have all signed up for the Care of Magical Creatures class." Hagrid said excitedly, "My first class is after lunch, you must come.

I started preparing at five o'clock in the morning, and I won't let you down. "

"Then can you reveal the content of the class in advance?" Aaron asked awkwardly but politely, "It's not that I don't believe you, I just want to be mentally prepared in advance.

If you let the three-headed dog out, I have to think in advance which way it would be easier to run. "

Hearing this, the three of them couldn't help but swallow.

Originally they wanted to congratulate Hagrid, but now they were more worried about their own safety.

What Aaron said was not impossible. Hagrid had a good relationship with the magical animals in the Forbidden Forest. Even Aragog, the Acromantula, would give him some respect.

But those ferocious animals only gave Hagrid face. Seeing that students like them might not be able to restrain their bloodthirsty impulses, it would be tragic if Hagrid didn't stop them.

"This has nothing to do with Maomao." Hagrid opened his little eyes, "The magical animals I will introduce today are not that dangerous, you don't have to worry at all."

"Really? Remember you raised a dragon two years ago, and you didn't think it was dangerous at that time." Aaron said meaningfully, and then looked at the polecat in Hagrid's hand, "If I'm not wrong, Is this the food you prepared for it?"

Hagrid subconsciously put the dead polecat behind his back, and then looked at Aaron with a smile, "Very smart."

"Let me ask you a question." Ron hesitated, "How big is it?"

"To give you a hint, it's almost like a unicorn." Hagrid gave Ron a smile and walked towards the staff table.

"Should it be okay?" Ron asked anxiously.

"As long as it's not Maomao's size, Abe can deal with it." Aaron stroked the baby dragon in his arms. If it exploded at full strength, it would be about ten meters long. A creature as big as a unicorn could be killed with one claw.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief. This is the sense of security that comes with having a dragon!

After breakfast, the students were busy going to their classrooms to attend the first class of the semester.

The divination classroom was on the top of the north tower, and Aaron climbed the stairs for more than ten minutes before reaching the top.

But there is no classroom here, just a medium-sized platform where more than 20 students are waiting.

Aaron raised his head and looked at the ceiling above his head. There was a circular trap door with the name 'Sybill Trelawny, Divination Teacher' written on the door.

"Looks like we need to bring a ladder over." Aaron said to himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, the trap door opened and a silver ladder was lowered.

Aaron shrugged and climbed up the ladder, and the students behind him followed one after another.

The divination class classroom looks like a mixture of an attic and a chess hall. Several stairs divide the classroom into several levels. There are more than twenty small round tables placed on the stairs, with armchairs and futons placed around the tables.

The red curtains block the sunlight, and the red lampshades and tablecloths also give the classroom a hazy red light.

The fire was burning brightly in the fireplace, and the shelves were filled with tattered playing cards, shiny silver crystal balls, and tea cups of various colors.

"Welcome." Professor Trelawney came down the stairs, her voice extremely excited, but a little vague, "It's great to finally see you in the material world."

Aaron looked at the professor. He was very thin, wearing a pair of big glasses, and had countless chains and beads hanging around his neck.

Trelawny was a bit sloppy and very different from the fortune teller he imagined, but it was understandable that a professional fortune teller was closer to the mystical side than an average wizard.

"Sit down! My children, sit down!" Trelawney said with a smile. "In groups of two or three."

The students separated and found their own places.

Aaron chose a seat in the front row, Hermione sat at the same table with him, and Harry and Ron sat next to them.

"Welcome, my children.

With me you will explore the remarkable art of divination.

With me, you will know whether you have vision or not.

From my place, we will learn together how to predict the future. "Trelawney raised his hands with an exaggerated smile on his face, "I am Professor Trelawney. You may not have seen me before, because I find that often living in a chaotic and noisy campus will make my health worse. The third eye becomes blurry. "

"Predict the future?" Hermione asked doubtfully, "Do you believe it?"

Aaron shrugged, "The most indispensable thing in the magic world is all kinds of prophecies.

The reason why I signed up for this elective course is to predict the future, which is very important to me. "

"I'm not asking you this." Hermione frowned slightly, "Do you think Professor Trelawney's prediction is accurate? She looks crazy."

"There are two possibilities. One is that her prediction is extremely inaccurate, and the other is that her prediction is very accurate." Aaron said more seriously, "We will know this soon, but I prefer the latter. By."

"Divination is the most profound of all magical learnings." Trelawney continued, "I must say it up front. If you don't have insight, I can't do anything.

In this field, books can only teach you so much.

Many wizards have special talents in the fields of sound, smell, invisibility, teleportation, etc., but they may not be able to see through the mysterious veil. This is a talent possessed by very few people. "

After the words fell, Aaron noticed that Hermione's face turned ugly.

What she was most proud of was learning knowledge through books, but the divination class seemed to have blocked her strongest talent.

"Look away." Aaron comforted with gloating, "After all, most fortune tellers' props are just a crystal ball, and books are indeed superfluous."

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