A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 309 Dementors invaded, and the Nimbus was smashed 2000

"I...I don't know?" Hermione's face turned red. This was the first time she said she didn't know in class, but she really didn't know what to do.

Just thinking about a friend or close relative turning into a werewolf can make you shudder.

Maybe Neville was right, and running away might be the best option in that situation.

"It seems that a jack-of-all-trades doesn't know everything." Snape said angrily, "Gaius, you answer."

Aaron's mouth twitched slightly and he smiled forcefully, "Well...my personal idea is to cripple him so that the werewolf will not be a threat."

"I heard it, this is the standard answer."

"Professor..." Hermione hesitated, "We may not be able to defeat werewolves."

"Then you have to think carefully about the gap between you and others." Snape said matter-of-factly, "Submit a paper to me next Monday, two volumes of parchment, the content is about werewolves, focusing on how to identify and kill werewolves ..."

"But there's Quidditch tomorrow." Harry couldn't help but interject.

Today is Friday, and he has to work overtime to train. Tomorrow is Saturday, and he has to officially participate in the competition, which means that he only has one day to do homework.

In addition to Snape's two volumes of parchment, there are also assignments for other classes. Unless he knows how to separate himself, it is impossible to finish them.

Snape suddenly put his face in front of Harry and said coldly: "Then I suggest you take extra care of Mr. Potter. You still have to write an article if you have an arm or a leg.

Now turn the book to page 394. The werewolf's name is Wolf, which is composed of the two Anglo-Saxon words Wo and Ulf..."

After class, everyone else left the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Aaron was speechless as Snape packed up his equipment, "Professor, do you know that you are really bored sometimes?"

"Oh? You don't think I should teach them how to deal with werewolves?"

"No, this is still necessary.

There is a time bomb in the school, and it is natural to teach students how to defuse it. Aaron smiled bitterly, "What I want to say is that it's a bit overwhelming for you to ask me, a person who doesn't want to answer questions, to answer questions." "

"This is the teacher's prerogative. You can also choose not to answer." Snape shook his head calmly, "As long as you say 'I don't know' like Miss Granger."

Aaron: ...

The next day, the weather was worse than expected.

The wind howled, the thunder rolled, and the rain poured down.

Hiding indoors in such weather would feel depressing, but the Quidditch pitch was packed with people, and all the teachers and students in the school were enjoying the game in such a stimulating and tense environment.

Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff.

The red and yellow figures looked particularly blurry in the rain. The wind and rain had a great impact on each player, and the broomstick was more difficult to control than usual.

Aaron was hiding under a big umbrella, and Abe was holding a fruit plate and waving his paws happily.

"It's really unique to watch the game in this environment!" Aaron said with emotion, "It's so exciting, it's like hell mode."

"Fortunately, my hand was injured, otherwise Slytherin would be the one to end up now." Draco gloated, "Look at Potter, he is wearing glasses. I doubt he can see his team members clearly. ”

"I'm afraid to disappoint you, Hermione put a spell on his glasses so that the rain can't block his vision."

"That's okay." Draco didn't care, "He's drowned now, and you can't see this scene all the time.

Gryffindor is in the lead now, but as long as they can't catch the snitch, the game won't end until the evening. "


Suddenly a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky and hit the broom of Angelina, Gryffindor's suitor.

The tail of the broom ignited flames. She held on to the broom handle tightly and wanted to make an emergency landing, but she still crashed into the platform uncontrollably.

At the critical moment, Harry rode Nimbus 2000 and knocked her into a crowd, barely saving her life.

After that, he immediately adjusted his direction and flew high into the sky.

A member of the Hufflepuff team was about to catch the Golden Snitch, but unfortunately God was not kind to him, and a bolt of lightning fell and hit him through the Snitch.

Both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor both lost one person and the numbers were even again.

Watching the yellow figure fall to the ground next to him, Harry was stunned for a few seconds, a little at a loss.

At this time, the outline of a black dog vaguely appeared in the clouds, illuminated by lightning, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Harry's heart skipped a beat and he chased after the snitch.

He flew higher and higher, getting closer and closer to the snitch.

But gradually he felt the biting cold, and a black-robed figure flew towards him, and as it approached, a layer of frost formed on the Nimbus 2000.


Harry's heart skipped a beat. He didn't understand why the dementors appeared here, but thinking of the 'ominous' appearance before, he knew he had to leave the sky immediately.

But he had only been flying for a few seconds when he sadly found that he was surrounded. Hundreds of Dementors occupied the area. He luckily escaped one, two, three, but the fourth one When the monster passed by him, it opened its disgusting mouth and made a huffing sound.

A familiar feeling of fear came over him. Harry closed his glasses in pain, his hands unconsciously loosened, and his whole body fell from the sky. Before he lost consciousness, he vaguely saw the murder of his parents.

Everyone on the platform discovered the presence of Dementors, but everything happened in a flash of lightning. Before they could react, they saw a red figure doing free fall.

"This is an extreme sport!

I was absolutely right not to join the Quidditch team. "Aaron gasped, then took out his wand and pointed it at the rapidly falling Harry Potter.

White light flashed across Harry's body, and his fall slowed down a bit.

"What did you do?" Draco asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I just added a protective spell to him, and by the way, his accelerated motion became a uniform motion." Aaron said simply, "I can only do this for him, I believe others can't. Will turn a blind eye!”

As he spoke, he looked towards the teacher's seat.

He, a third-year student, could take action in time, but there was no reason why these professors couldn't react.

Dumbledore stood up. He did not use a wand, but just recited a shock-absorbing and speed-stopping spell to Harry to ensure his safety.

Then he cast the Patronus Charm on the sky, knocking all the dementors away.

Aaron raised his eyebrows. He was also confident in dealing with hundreds of dementors, but he couldn't do it as calmly as Dumbledore. It was as easy as releasing a simple levitating spell, with almost no consumption.

Dumbledore also seemed to have discovered something. He looked at him from dozens of meters away and gave him a kind smile.

Originally Aaron couldn't feel the cold, but this smile made him shiver uncontrollably.

The Quidditch game did not stop because of this accident, but Gryffindor was missing the most critical seeker, and the result was no longer in suspense.

Hufflepuff won the game and Cedric caught the Golden Snitch, but he did not feel that he had won. Instead, he asked for a fair rematch, but Wood refused.

"I suddenly appreciate this senior." Aaron said with a smile, "Flint and the others should really learn from him."

"Pull him down!" Draco shrugged helplessly, "To be honest, it's a miracle that Slytherin can last two years without fouling."

"Alas!" Aaron sighed slightly, "I'm going to see Harry Potter."

"I'll go too." Draco said excitedly.

"No, you can't go." Aaron stopped him immediately, "If you go at this time, it will be like adding salt to the wound and will drive him crazy."

Draco hesitated for a moment and nodded regretfully, "Then please give him a message for me. Don't forget your Defense Against the Dark Arts homework."

"Are you a devil?" Aaron rolled his eyes, then picked up Abe and rushed to the school hospital.

Harry was already awake when he arrived, and the Weasley brothers, Hermione, Neville and other Gryffindors were gathered around his bed.

"It seems you are lucky, you don't have any missing arms or legs." Aaron said slowly.

"Is this consolation?" Hermione rolled her eyes at him, "Gryffindor lost, to Hufflepuff."

"You should be secretly glad that you didn't get hurt after falling from such a high place. What else are you thinking about winning or losing?" Aaron said, taking out a pack of chocolates from Abe's pocket. "You may need this."

"Thanks." Harry tore open the wrapping paper and ate a piece, barely feeling that his strength had recovered a little, "Wood must be very unhappy!"

"Yes." Fred said with regret. "He has high hopes for this game, but he won't complain. No one could have imagined that a dementor would suddenly enter the school."

"Dumbledore got angry and drove them away after saving you," Hermione said.

"You really should learn the Patronus Charm." Aaron reminded, "You can't wait any longer!"

"There's something else you should know." Ron hesitantly opened the cloth bag in his arms, and the remains of the broom were clearly displayed in front of Harry.


I don't know if it was an illusion, but others around the hospital bed seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak.

"This thing... shouldn't be repairable!" Aaron said with a smile. The repair spell is not omnipotent. If it were an ordinary thing, it would be fine, but the broomstick is a magic item, and if it is broken like this, it can only be used as firewood. .

"There's nothing we can do about it." Ron looked at Harry with a troubled face, "When you fell, it happened to be blown to the Whomping Willow by the wind.

You know that tree doesn't like being hit.

But the wreckage is here, and Professor Flitwick took it back very carefully. "

Harry looked at a dozen pieces of broken wood and twigs, feeling his heart twitch and his eyes gradually losing color.

His favorite thing is Quidditch, and this broomstick has been with him for two years. It is his most cherished thing and his best friend.

"This look is very similar to that of a friend of mine. He also looks like this when he is confused. To describe it in one word, he is hopeless."

After the words fell, Aaron successfully gained everyone's eyes.

"Well...no need to be so pessimistic, I can probably fix it."

"Really?" Harry grabbed Aaron's hands eagerly, a glimmer of light blooming in his dull eyes.

"Haha!" Aaron smiled forcefully and pulled his hand out forcefully, "I can only restore it to its original shape, but it only looks fine. It's impossible to take off again.

In other words, it can only stay with you as a toy model from now on. "

Harry Potter:? ? ?

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