A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 315 Peter Pettigrew is not dead?

"Congratulations." Aaron looked at the excited Harry and said, "But next, you will face Slytherin, so you'd better be mentally prepared."

Harry was stunned for a moment, and the joy of victory was greatly dissipated. "You don't want to be a Seeker again, do you?"

"No, I'm not that free." Aaron shrugged, "This is just a simple reminder."

"That's good."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. If the opponent was Draco, he was 80% confident that he could get the Golden Snitch, but if it was Aaron, even if he had the Firebolt, he was only half sure.

This is the last game of the Quidditch season, and it is also their graduation gift to Captain Wood. It is absolutely something they cannot afford to lose.

"Harry, I take the liberty of asking!" Ron coughed, "Are you interested in Ravenclaw's Seeker?"

Upon hearing this, Harry's face immediately turned red.

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Seeing his face flushed, Ron got the answer instantly, "Don't be shy, I promise not to tell anyone."

"I didn't." Harry said awkwardly, "Wood and the others are going to prepare for the party in the common room, I'll leave first."

"As for that?" Ron looked at Harry's back and smiled.

"What do you think?"

"Alas!" Ron sighed in embarrassment, "Do you think I should tell Ginny that Harry has someone he likes?"

"My past experience tells me, don't mind your own business." Aaron shrugged and left with Abe.

"I think so too." Hermione rolled her eyes at him and went to the library with a pile of books.


The next day, Hogwarts was under martial law again, and security measures were tightened everywhere.

Aaron looked at the three Harrys in the auditorium and asked speechlessly, "I heard that something happened again in your common room."

"It's a big deal, a big deal." Ron raised his neck proudly, "I found Sirius Black when I was sleeping last night, and he was pointing a knife at me."

"You?" Aaron was a little suspicious. "Sirius took a knife and instead of killing Harry Potter, he found Ron Weasley. This is really the most ridiculous thing in the world."

"But it's true." Harry said, "He must have found the wrong person. Fortunately, Ron woke up in time, otherwise I, no, maybe not just me, several people in our dormitory might have died."

Ron said proudly, "I just screamed and he ran away."

"Wait, this isn't right!"

Just as Aaron was about to say something, an owl flew into the auditorium and landed firmly in front of Neville Longbottom.

Red envelope, howler letter.

When Neville saw it, he was like Scabbers seeing Crookshanks, and he broke into an astonishing escape speed.

But before he could run out of the auditorium, his grandmother's roar came from the letter. The voice was extremely exaggerated, screaming and condemning, which completely broke Neville's fragile mind.

"What did he do?"

"The Gryffindor password was leaked." Hermione said helplessly. "He was worried that he wouldn't be able to remember the password, so he wrote all the passwords on a piece of paper, and then this piece of paper..."

"Lost?" Aaron's eyes twitched slightly, "By chance, it fell into the hands of Sirius Black?"

The three of them looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"Beautiful, he is the only one who can do this kind of thing.

But why didn't he kill you? Aaron asked with some confusion.

Entering the Gryffindor common room was an unprecedented opportunity for Sirius Black, an opportunity that would never come again.

But he was looking for Ron. After being discovered, he ran away in a hurry. You must know that Harry's bed was only a few meters away from Ron's bed. He could have killed someone and then ran away.

"Maybe he is worried about wasting time!" Harry said thoughtfully, "After all, there are too many people in the Gryffindor common room. He can kill us but not everyone. If he attracts the professor, he will die. ”

Aaron nodded silently, then looked at Harry seriously, "I'll give you a piece of advice, don't leave Hogwarts."

"I see."

"I'll keep an eye on him," Hermione promised. "I won't let Black go to Hogsmeade until he's caught."


Sirius Black seemed to know that he would not have a chance in a short time, so he did not continue to act.

Because of his disappearance, order was quickly restored in Hogwarts, but the level of security increased a lot, especially the fact that there was a troll guarding the door of the Gryffindor common room.

That night, Harry was looking through the Marauder's Map in bed, but a name on it caught his attention.

Peter Pettigrew.

When Harry saw the name, he immediately recalled what he had overheard at the Three Broomsticks. He immediately put on his shoes and started searching in the dark corridor.

However, following the guidance of the Marauder's Map, he did not find Peter Pettigrew. Just when he thought the map was wrong, Snape appeared behind him.

"Potter, what are you doing wandering around the corridors at night?"

"I'm sleepwalking," Harry explained casually.

"Why do you look so much like your father, Potter?

He was also so arrogant and arrogant, walking around the castle. "

Harry was immediately furious. He couldn't tolerate others talking about his father like that, "My dad is not arrogant, and neither am I.

If you don't mind, please put down your wand. "

Snape looked at him coldly, and the wand that cast the fluorescent spell slowly moved down, pointing at the Marauder's Map in Harry's hand, "What is this?"

"A piece of parchment." Harry said nervously, hoping that Snape would not discover the secret of the Marauder's Map.

Snape obviously didn't believe that no one would carry around a piece of old parchment unless it had some special magic power.

"Reveal your secret," Snape said, tapping the parchment with his wand.

The handwriting slowly emerged, but it was different from what Harry saw, and there was no map on the parchment, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

"You come and read it."

"Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs greeted Professor Snape and... asked him not to stick his big nose in other people's business."

This made Professor Snape very angry. Just as he was about to punish Harry, Professor Lupine came over and stopped him in time, but when he saw the Marauder's Map, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Lupine still came to Harry's rescue and turned the Marauder's Map into a prank prop.

But after sending Snape away, he took Harry to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, severely criticized him, and confiscated the Marauder's Map. Obviously he knew what the map was.

But when Harry left, he told him that there was something wrong with the map, and there was a dead person's name: Peter Pettigrew.


Divination class classroom.

Professor Trelawney has finished teaching palm reading, and now each student has a hazy crystal ball in front of him.

“Expand your thinking and look further.

The skill of crystal ball divination is to make your third eye clear..."

In this class, some people were confused and couldn't understand anything, some people were struggling with the Sandman, and some people were looking at the crystal ball seriously.

Hermione and Aaron shared a desk, one looked sad and the other looked cheerful.

"Can you understand?" Hermione asked in astonishment.

"I can barely see something." Old God Aaron said calmly, "I have a talent for divination, which Professor Trelawney has personally identified."

Hermione's eyes twitched slightly, she couldn't see anything, but her pride didn't allow her to admit it.

But looking at Ron, who was already snoring, and Harry, whose eyelids were fighting, her mood improved a lot.

"Did you see anything?" Professor Trelawney came over and asked.

"Professor, you may not believe it, but I saw a mouse."

"Mouse?" Ron suddenly woke up, "Did you see Scabbers? Is he still alive?"

"Of course it's still alive," Hermione said unhappily.

"It's so hard to survive from the claws of that ugly and cruel cat."

Hermione's expression became unspeakable, she glared at Ron fiercely and turned away.

"Aaron, where is Banban?"

"How do I know?" Aaron said speechlessly, "Besides, this is something in the future, it may not be there now."

"Then it..."

"Quiet." Professor Trelawney interrupted, then looked at Aaron enthusiastically, "What else did you see?"

“There’s only so much I see in the reunion of a pet and its owner.”

"Very good." Trelawney smiled happily, "With more practice, you can get a more accurate future.

Divination is the most mysterious magic. Your third eye will become clearer and clearer, and in the end the world will have no secrets for you. "

Aaron nodded with deep understanding. He just wanted to divine his future, but a mouse suddenly jumped out and caught him off guard.

This proves that his knowledge of divination is not very good. This mouse may have something to do with his future, but he really can't be sure what it is.

"Ahem!" Hermione coughed suddenly, "Should someone apologize to Crookshanks? He has been wronged for too long."

Ron's face changed slightly, and he said thoughtfully: "This only proves that Banban is not dead, but it does not mean that the cat did not hurt him.

Don't forget, Banban hasn't come back yet. She must be frightened by that cat. "

"You are really..." Hermione laughed angrily, "It's unreasonable."

"You are the one who is unreasonable." Ron said with an unconvinced look. "It's you who failed to take care of that cat and always spoke for it."

"Okay, you two, it's class time now." Professor Trelawney interrupted the two of them, "What did you see in the spirit ball? Do you need me to explain it?"

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