A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 320 Unregistered Animagus, enough to make a table of mahjong

"This is ridiculous." Hermione frowned slightly, "No one can do this."

"That's why I admire him!" Aaron sighed, "In order to survive, he gave up his dignity as a human being and was willing to be a beast.

Fortunately, Ron, you are a man. If you were a woman who lived with him for twelve years, you would probably even want to hang yourself.

But I don't know if such a pervert would care about the gender of his master."

Ron's eyes twitched slightly. For some reason, he always felt that everyone looked at him with a little more pity.

"Impossible, you must have made a mistake." Ron pretended to be calm and said, "Scabbers may have some special bloodline, so he can live longer.

There are so many mice in the world, how can you be sure it is this one."

"That's right." Hermione also nodded confidently, "The Ministry of Magic has records of wizards who can turn into animals. Including Professor McGonagall, there are only seven Animagus in this century."

"Hehe!" Aaron sneered and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you shouldn't have found the name of Sirius Black among these seven, right?"

"Ah this..." Hermione was speechless for a moment.

"It seems I'm right." Aaron spread his hands. "Registration of Animagus is not decided by the Ministry of Magic, but by the wizard who is the Animagus, such as Sirius Black.

One question is also answered, why can Sirius sneak into the castle again and again?

Because Dementors cannot sense the emotions of animals, they only care about Sirius Black, and don't care too much about his Animagus form."

"That's what I did." Sirius Black watched Scabbers struggling to escape, "Can I kill it?"

"Not yet." Lupin shook his head, "We must explain it clearly."

"It's not too late to explain later." Black roared, and grabbed Scabbers.

Scabbers seemed to feel the great crisis, screaming and scratching Ron's cheeks and neck, and even biting him.

But Ron cherished his pet very much and did not let it go because of his actions.

"Stop it." Lupin pulled Black with difficulty, "Not to mention that Ron has kept it as a pet for twelve years, there are some things that even I don't understand. If you kill him now, the truth will no longer be complete, which is unfair to Harry." "Okay!" Sirius looked at Scabbers in Ron's hand, and a flash of painful struggle flashed in his eyes, "But it's better to be quick, I just want to kill people now." "I can only say what I know, but you have to explain the part I don't know." Squeak! The door suddenly opened, and several people looked over subconsciously. "This place won't be haunted!" Ron said a little nervously. "Absolutely impossible." Lupin said, "The Shrieking Shack has never been haunted. The screams heard by the villagers of Hogsmeade were all made by me."

"When I turned into a wolf?" Aaron looked at him in surprise, "Isn't there a wolfsbane potion?"

"I was bitten when I was very young, and there was no wolfsbane potion at that time.

Before the invention of the potion, I would turn into a terrible monster every full moon. If Dumbledore hadn't become the headmaster, I wouldn't even have the chance to go to school.

The Shrieking Shack, the secret passage, and the Whomping Willow were all specially prepared for me to prevent anyone from encountering me during the dangerous period."

"Haha! It seems that our old headmaster is really kind!" Aaron said sarcastically, "But we are here to find out the truth, not to listen to your stories."

"But some things have to start from the beginning."

"Hurry up, Limos." Sirius was impatient.

"Because of my identity as a werewolf, I disappear a few times a month. After a while, my three good friends noticed it.

They didn't alienate me like others did, but learned to be Animagus to accompany me when I transformed. That was my happiest time."

"So, my father is also an Animagus?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's also unregistered." Lupin nodded, "Werewolves are only dangerous to humans. They accompany me as animals. Prongs is a deer, Padfoot is a dog, and Wormtail is... a mouse.

Deer and dogs can control werewolves. We can move at night, figure out Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, draw a live map, and sign our nicknames."

"So self-righteous!" Aaron said speechlessly, "You three don't have to worry about werewolves, you can do whatever you want, but what about others?"

"I was young and ignorant at that time." Lupin said awkwardly, "Fortunately, there was no accident, otherwise I would never be at peace in my life.

In fact, this student I have been struggling with my thoughts for years. No one knows what method Sirius used to sneak into Hogwarts, but I know it, Animagus.

But I dare not tell Dumbledore, because it means that I betrayed his trust in me when I was in school, and I have always felt guilty about it. "

"Then you really deserve it, Professor Lupin." Aaron curled his lips, "How should I put it? Based on my understanding of that old bastard, no, based on my understanding of Dumbledore, if you tell the truth, he will probably turn a blind eye and give you an extra insurance. "

"Aaron..." Hermione swallowed, "You just said 'old bastard', right?"

The others also looked at him in astonishment, and even Ban Ban had forgotten to struggle.

"You heard me wrong, I never said Dumbledore was an old bastard." Aaron said calmly, as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.


"Our headmaster, the great Dumbledore, was partial to Gryffindor.

But Professor Luping, you are so timid in some aspects that you dare not say anything. "

"Maybe!" Lupine smiled self-deprecatingly, "In a sense, Professor Snape is right about me. I am not worthy of Dumbledore's trust."

"What does this have to do with him?" Sirius asked, his tone particularly contemptuous.

"Severus Snape is the professor of Potions and the dean of Slytherin House." Aaron said with a smile, "I can see that you don't have a good relationship with him, but he is my favorite Dear teacher.

So when I go back, I will tell him your current embarrassment and make him happy. "


"Don't move." Aaron immediately pointed his wand at him, "Before your identity as a murderer is clarified, you'd better be honest."

"Sirius." Lupine winked at him, "Aaron Gaius is Snape's favorite disciple."

"so what?

When he was in school, he was often sneaky and wanted to find out what we were doing, and wished we would be expelled. "

"To be honest, he is like this now, but the word sneaky is a bit inappropriate."

"Yes, he is causing trouble for us openly now." Ron said with certainty.

"You have the nerve to say that." Aaron rolled his eyes, "If there were no problems with you, he wouldn't hold on to you."

"That may be true," Lupine said, "but he doesn't hate James in general."

Harry was stunned for a moment. He seemed to understand why he was inexplicably targeted in Potions class.

The father's debt must be paid by the son, but it's too unjust!

"But Dumbledore told me that my father saved his life."

"This..." Lupine hesitated to speak, but looked into Harry's green eyes and said, "That was just the result, but I don't think he told you what happened."

The three Harrys looked at each other, subconsciously thinking that this incident was not very friendly to Snape.

“Back then, Sirius, just to have fun, told Snape to use the Whomping Willow method to calm down the tree trunk by pounding the knots on it.

Snape tried it, and then discovered this secret passage, and then he met me...a wild werewolf. After James knew about it, he risked his life and dragged him back in time. . "

"It's not unfair to imprison you for twelve years." Aaron looked at Sirius, "Just for fun, you can trick classmates who have a bad relationship with you into feeding the werewolves.

Should I say you are young and ignorant? Or should I say you are... cruel? "


"I just wanted to scare him, nothing else."

“Pull it down!

That is to say, there was no accident, otherwise a talented wizard and master of potions would have died young. "

"Is this why Professor Snape doesn't like you?" Harry asked suddenly, "He thinks you were involved in that prank?"

"That's right." Snape took off his invisibility cloak and appeared behind Lupine.

Snape's sudden appearance made Harry and the three of them stunned in shock, Aaron's mouth twitched, and Black took a step back in astonishment.

"No wonder that door suddenly opened." Aaron patted his forehead, which meant that Abe was not there, otherwise he would definitely have discovered Snape under the invisibility cloak.

"Expelliarmus." Snape directly knocked down Lupin's wand with the disarming spell, and then pointed the wand at Sirius Black. "Revenge is really satisfying. I got my wish and caught you with my own hands."

"System, is it too late for me to give up on this mission?

Although it is not very dangerous, it is too complicated. It is enough to make a table of mahjong. "Aaron asked in his heart, he really felt tired now.

Five hundred magic points are needed to sort out the grudges of more than ten or twenty years ago. Too many brain cells have died, and I feel inexplicably that the gain is not worth the loss.

"Tasks that have been accepted can be abandoned." The system responded.

"That's so..."

"However, double the mission reward will be deducted. Does the host want to give up?"

Before he could say the word 'Okay', Aaron was hit in the head with double the 'liquidated damages'.


Don’t give up, of course.

I am a person who likes to have a beginning and an end when doing things. "Aaron wanted to cry but had no tears. In order not to betray him, he had to continue no matter how troublesome it was.

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