A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 330 The holiday begins, sending a message to Lucius

Test scores are sent to everyone on the last day of the semester.

Except for arithmetic and divination, Aaron ranked first in all other grades in his grade. In particular, Professor Trelawney gave him an unprecedented high score in the divination class.

Since Gryffindor won the House Cup, the flag at the end-of-term banquet was changed to the red and gold Gryffindor Lion.

Compared to the lively Gryffindor table, the atmosphere in Slytherin seemed a bit heavy.

"No wonder my dad would say that Dumbledore being the principal is the most unlucky thing about this school." Draco said with a stern face, "Harry Potter and the others violated so many school rules, and even injured Professor Snape in a sneak attack. But they were not punished at all. If they had deducted a few points, the House Cup would still belong to Slytherin.”

"I said Professor Snape's face was not very good-looking." Crabbe glanced at the teacher's chair and met Snape's sharp gaze. He was so frightened that he turned away hurriedly.

"It's perfectly normal." Draco curled his lips in a sinister manner, "If it were me, I would be angry at Dumbledore's partiality."

"Who told us that our principal was born in Gryffindor!" Aaron smiled nonchalantly, "But even if he is partial, he has a reason for being partial, otherwise Professor Snape would not choose to swallow his anger."

After hearing this, Draco gritted his teeth, stopped talking about Dumbledore, and silently lowered his head to eat.


The next day, Aaron packed his things early in the morning.

In addition to the necessary daily necessities prepared for the missing body, he stuffed some miscellaneous things into the suitcase.

Abe squatted nervously on the bed, covering his pockets carefully, fearing that if he didn't pay attention, he would have to hand over the supplies he had saved for half a year.

However, Aaron didn't mention it until he boarded the Hogwarts Express, and Abe breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, this kind of worry is completely unnecessary. The supplies in Shenming Palace are definitely enough to support the missing body for more than a summer vacation. Aaron will not pick up Abe's wool when the supplies are sufficient.

The supplies it currently stockpiles cannot be easily moved. They are prepared for the next semester or even the next semester.

There were no werewolves on the train back. Aaron came earlier and entered a private room alone.

He put down Abe who was holding him and sat down by the window.

The scenery outside was quite beautiful, but he had no intention of admiring it.

His vacation is different from other people's vacation. It is a cram school within a cram school. There is absolutely no way to escape the two months this time.

At this time, the sliding door of the private room opened, and Draco walked in with Crabbe and Goyle.

"It's holiday, why don't you look happy at all?" Draco asked.

"Cram school." Aaron said with a grimace.

Draco was stunned for a moment, his pupils dilated slightly, "No, your family is too...exaggerated, isn't it?

You’re fourteen years old and it’s not over yet? "

"What's not over?" Crabbe asked with some confusion.

"It has nothing to do with you." Draco said, and then looked at Aaron speechlessly, "I heard last year that you often appeared in Diagon Alley a month before school started. I thought..."

"It was an accident last year." Aaron forced a smile. "Last year, my family wanted me to go out and gain knowledge, so they arranged a long trip for me. This made me realize that there is something worse than cram school. What."

"Uh... If you think about it this way, the cram school isn't that bad, right?"

"Haha!" Aaron rolled his eyes, "I just thought you were comforting me."

"There is the Quidditch World Cup this year. I originally planned to invite you to go with me." Draco leaned back on his seat regretfully, "It seems there is no need for it now."

"Maybe there's a chance." Aaron said calmly. After all, he was Gaius's only heir, and Jeans always had to listen to his opinions.

It doesn't hurt to take a few days to watch the game and relax your tense mental state.


Hearing this skeptical tone, Aaron also felt a little less confident.

If his parents gave him a death order, no matter how difficult it was for him, Jeans would never let him go wandering around.

"Alas!" Aaron sighed, "It depends on the situation!"

The whistle sounded, the train began to accelerate slowly, and Hogwarts became farther and farther away.

Aaron calmed down and prepared to see what functions the upgraded system would have.

But just as he closed his eyes, he heard a knock on the door.

"I'm probably looking for you," Draco said.

Aaron turned around and saw Hermione standing tangledly outside the private room. He immediately got up and walked out.

"Did I disturb you?" Hermione asked a little embarrassed.

"No." Aaron rubbed his eyes lazily, "Why did you think of looking for me?"

"This." Hermione took out a box from behind her back, "Professor McGonagall asked me to return it to you."

Aaron opened the box and inside was a silver watch.

"Time turner?

I thought Professor McGonagall had already sent it back! "

"That's indeed her plan, but Mr. Jeans thought you might be able to use it, so he asked Professor McGonagall to keep it for you first."

Aaron suddenly realized it and wondered whether he should equip his missing body with this watch.

With this thing, the efficiency of practicing the magic circle of the missing body can definitely be doubled. Two months can be used as four months. If you are lucky, you may be able to cast the ultimate elemental magic instantly next semester.

No one will disturb you in Shenming Palace, it is absolutely safe, and the risk of simply using the time turner for learning is not much greater.

But just seconds after the thought occurred, Aaron killed it.

The missing body is a cheating device for him, but the struggling cows and horses also need to rest.

You can be cruel to yourself, but in the end you cannot be too cruel.

"Aaron, what are you thinking about?" Hermione frowned.

"It's nothing." Aaron came back to his senses and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, "I was just wondering whether to use it to study."

"It's best not." Hermione said earnestly, "I have returned the necklace to Professor McGonagall. I originally thought I could use the time turner to control five elective courses, but I can no longer handle four courses. .

I will go crazy if I continue to use it next semester. "

"Which course did you drop?" Aaron asked curiously.

"Muggle Studies.

It’s not that I don’t want to learn, it’s mainly that there are too many homework assignments in that course.

And compared to runes, arithmetic, and Care of Magical Creatures, it really isn't of much use to a Muggle-born wizard like me. "

"Hahaha!" Aaron couldn't help laughing. "I reminded you to follow the normal class schedule, but you didn't listen. You have to feel the pressure of studying."

Hermione nodded dejectedly, "Now can you tell me how you can take two classes at the same time? I'm really curious."

"No." Aaron refused decisively, "I can tell you everything else, but this is too important to me, so I can't satisfy your curiosity for the time being."

"I'll figure it out sooner or later."

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you!" Aaron didn't care. Unless he and the missing body appeared at the same time and were caught by her, it would be impossible to figure it out.

"By the way, there is the Quidditch World Cup this summer. If you...if you have time..."

"Try your best!" Aaron shrugged. His vacation had been out of his control since he started school, otherwise he wouldn't have run away from home again and again.

What's even sadder is that this situation seems to continue for several more years.

Aaron returned to the private room, and Draco and the three looked at the watches in the box and couldn't help but look at each other.

"Did you accept this gift?" Gore said in astonishment.

"It looks quite exquisite." Crabbe was about to pick it up and take a closer look, but was frightened back by Aaron's look.

This is a time turner! It's not something that a simple-minded person with well-developed limbs like you can afford.

Draco was a little disbelieving, "You don't really have a crush on her, do you?"


Aaron felt a little upset inexplicably. It didn't matter that his parents were concerned about life-long events. Why did you come here to cause trouble?

"Don't talk nonsense, this is mine."

"That's good." Draco breathed a sigh of relief.

"Draco, I have to remind you that you'd better not care about my personal affairs."

"Don't get me wrong, I have no right to care about this kind of thing.

But I still remind you, you can treat her as a friend, but it's best not to think that way. "Draco lowered his voice as he spoke, "Granger's background is too ordinary, and your family background is too exaggerated.

To put it bluntly, she is not good enough for you. If your parents knew...you understand, right? "

Hearing this, Aaron felt calm and even wanted to laugh a little.

Their family never cared about being well-matched, and if Draco were to know his blind date file, his outlook on life would probably be severely impacted.

"Don't worry about nothing.

Also, don’t talk about similar topics in front of me in the future. "


Aaron put the time turner into Abe's pocket. At this moment, he suddenly remembered Professor Trelawney's prophecy, and his eyes at Draco became serious.

Lucius Malfoy was a Death Eater before, and Voldemort is about to make a comeback. When the time comes, their group may have no choice but to rejoin or wait to be liquidated.

"What an eventful year it has been!" Aaron sighed, then took out a pen and paper from his pocket, wrote a paragraph, folded it, and handed it to Draco solemnly.

"What's this?"

"Don't open it and don't look at it." Aaron warned extremely seriously, "This is for your father."

"For my dad?" Although Draco was confused, he still put the paper away.

"You have to promise me that no one can look at it except your father, including yourself."

"No problem, I agree."

Draco patted his chest and assured him that he could still suppress his curiosity.

"Be serious, I'm not joking." Aaron said solemnly, "To be on the safe side, it's best to leave it to your father when no one else is around.

If the content here is leaked, the consequences will be very serious. "

Draco frowned slightly. This was the first time he had seen Aaron so serious, and he also realized that the information Aaron wanted him to convey might not be of ordinary importance.

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