A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 333 Darwin’s Eyes, New Functions of the System


Leon suddenly waved his wand, and countless golden ancient runes were used as chains to wrap around Aaron.

Aaron turned a blind eye and allowed them to lock him.

"I knew it would be like this." Aaron spread his hands, passed through the chains without any hindrance, and then turned into light particles and dissipated.

"Illusion, do you think I can't see it?" Leon snorted disdainfully, and then looked to the other side of the sofa.

Aaron reluctantly lifted the phantom spell on his body, "It seems that my grandfather didn't lie to me. The eyes of the Darwin family can indeed penetrate illusions.

But we have known each other for more than ten years. Isn't your sudden action a bit too much? "

Hearing this, Leon's face became particularly complicated, with grief, anger, helplessness, depression, and bitterness intertwined together to form a strange mask.

"Aunt Lisanna stayed at my house for half a month. She told Klea clearly that she will not be the only woman by your side in the future."

Water law...

Aaron's eyes widened in disbelief, and he was at a loss for a moment.

She is really my biological mother. Can I say this casually?

"It's surprising, isn't it?" Leon sneered, "That's why I decided to invite the ancestor's artifact out after hearing this.

I am already heartbroken that my sister is engaged to you, but I can accept it with gritted teeth. After all, this day will come sooner or later.

But you can’t go too far, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot..."

"Uh... I'm sorry to interrupt you." Aaron said hurriedly, "My mother said that, but I definitely don't think so."

"It doesn't matter what you think. What matters is that my parents didn't object and even took it for granted.

Klea also chose to accept it calmly. For her, it is enough as long as you have her in your heart. "

"Don't listen to what she said." Aaron swallowed hard, "How old is she? What does she know?"

"She knows hundreds of literary masterpieces about love and marriage, and can write papers with tens of thousands of words." Leon slapped the table angrily, and then looked at Aaron with envy and hatred, "And this is just for a certain childhood sweetheart. , there is still the possibility of becoming a philandering bastard.

That's my biological sister. Do you still think I'm going too far now? "

Aaron's eyes twitched violently, "Maybe it's not too much...!"

“Tsk, tsk, tsk!

Where did you get the nerve to say the word 'maybe'? "

"Nonsense, I'm innocent." Yaren said confidently, "First of all, I don't know anything. All of this was arranged by the previous generation.

There are so many people who like me. Is it a crime to be very charming? "

"I feel the same way about this. After all, there are many little witches who like me." A proud smile flashed on Leon's face, but it turned serious the next moment, "But it won't work if it's my sister."

Aaron: ...

I was also out of my mind, and I actually tried to reason with the girl.

"Then you are against it!" Aaron said with a bitter smile.

"How can I object? Don't tell me you don't know your specialness?" Leon asked, "I may not be able to control you in this world, let alone other worlds.

I was shocked when I learned this secret. Unscheduled journeys to other worlds, the time is uncertain. Who knows what you will do during this period? "

Aaron blinked, smiled awkwardly and said, "I personally think my character is worthy of trust."

"It's worthy of belief now, but what about in the future?" Leon said calmly, "People will change. If you stay in other worlds for a hundred or two hundred years, are you sure you can withstand the temptation?"

Aaron hesitated for a few seconds, not knowing how to answer.

"Look, you hesitated, you actually hesitated."

"Hesitation means that I at least have no intention of perfunctory you." Aaron sat on the sofa, took out a bottle of malt wine from Abe's pocket, and drank it all in one breath, "But don't worry too much, the horoscope is still there now." Not a single glance!

I'll hold off for now, maybe she will change her mind in a few years. "

Leon shook his head, "The Darwin family's emotional intelligence far exceeds that of ordinary people, and Klea will never joke about big things.

And... you should know that the Darwin family may have awakened abilities! "

"You mean?" Aaron's eyes widened in surprise, "She..."

"A corner of the future." Leon sighed in a low voice, "I don't know when she woke up. Maybe it was destined when she first said she would marry you when she grows up."

"Wait, wait, let me take a moment." Aaron frowned, his heart thundering, and he sat up after being silent for a long time, "What if, I mean what if, what if she really Are you kidding me?"

"That's the best." Leon shrugged, "My attitude can only be that I disapprove or not oppose it. As for you... just take care of yourself!"

Aaron took a deep breath, "You know me, I don't believe in fate."

"believe it or not."

Leon put down these words and went upstairs. He had talked too much tonight, and if he continued, he might not be able to restrain himself from having a friendly discussion with his future brother-in-law.

"How could this happen?" Aaron murmured to himself, and an innocent smiling face appeared in his mind, but he soon shook his head and threw the picture away.

Why do you think so much?

The future is full of uncertainty, so it is more important to live in the present.

Aaron took several deep breaths and carried Abe back to his bedroom.

But lying in bed, he still had no intention of sleeping. After all, the amount of information today was too great.

"Abe! Give me the crystal ball."

Abe immediately rummaged through his pocket and took out a crystal clear ball.

Aaron sat up straight, placed the crystal ball on the bed frame, and began to concentrate on divination.

Now he is just glad that he signed up for a divination class when he was at Hogwarts. Although the future he got may not be accurate, and with his current divination technology, he cannot predict the future he wants to see, but he can have some reference.

Gradually, the fog in the crystal ball was cleared layer by layer, the picture gradually became clear, and the outline of a woman slowly appeared in Aaron's pupils.

But the next moment, Aaron shuddered and almost threw the crystal ball.

He was familiar with this person, but it was not Klea, but Adrian Klein.

He only saw a playful smile, but this expression left a deep impression on him. It was the same expression before Adrian cut him when he was six years old.

Upon seeing this, Abe jumped up to Aaron and said, "Master, what did you see?"

"Nothing, nothing." Aaron smiled forcefully, and made up his mind that he would not do any divination until the scene just came true, otherwise his heart would not be able to bear it.

After stuffing the crystal ball into Abe's pocket, he looked thoughtfully at the young dragon in front of him, and a way to gain a sense of security grew in his mind.

"Abe, the master will give you a photo of your beautiful sister tomorrow.

You must remember her clearly. If you see her, act cute, don't grin, and don't make her unhappy. "

Abe nodded thoughtfully, then hesitantly stretched out a paw.

"Deal." Aaron flicked it on the head, "If you perform well, your food expenses will be doubled, but if you perform poorly, then it will be cut in half."

Hearing this, Abe puffed up his chest confidently and said there was no problem.

It has evolved to now have three skills, but apart from flying, its innate ability is to act cute, and to make a beautiful big sister happy is to sprinkle water.

Aaron breathed a sigh of relief and lay on the bed again.

"System, the upgrade should be over!"

"The upgrade has been completed, and the mall has unlocked new features—a complete set of products can be refreshed at a specified cost at the cost of 1 magic point."

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, he understood what the system meant.

Ten ghost masks come in a set, but if they are refreshed randomly, it will take years and months to get together ten masks. But it is different if you can specify the refresh, which can save a lot of magic points.

"Timely rain!" Aaron smiled happily, "Open the system mall."

[Magic type: @Air control (100 magic points, flying speed depends on personal strength); @Charm (500 magic points, literally, but it is ineffective for people with a strong will); @Soul release Aperture (300 magic points); @Blank; @Blank]

[Material type: @Blank; @Blank; @Blank; @Blank; @Blank]

[Item type: @Jilani’s emerald (50 magic points, whoever gets the gem will be plagued by bad luck); @Blank; @Blank; @Blank; @Blank]

Looking at the more than two-thirds of the blank product column, Aaron's eyes twitched, and he felt that it was a bit too shabby.

Nothing to say, refresh.

However, you need to test the designated refresh function in the item category column.

The magic category is refreshed twice at a time, and the two empty product columns are filled:

@Dress up (100 magic points, directly replace with equipment pre-stored in other spaces); @Traceless stretching spell (200 magic points).

The material category was refreshed as a whole, and all five blank product columns were replenished:

@Tentacles of the deep sea octopus (5 magic points); @Seaweed (1 magic point); @Fire element crystal (200 magic points); @Acromantula venom (10 magic points); @Thunderbird's Tail Feathers (30 magic points)

As for the items, first buy Ragini’s emeralds as a collection in the Hall of Gods, then designate a product column to refresh the ghost mask, and then refresh the whole thing:

@Razor Mask (2500 magic points, the wearer can summon the Shadow Legion Blades, Note: Collecting ten masks can control the Shadow Kingdom); @Mermaid's Tears (100 magic points, priceless jewelry ); @Ordinary long sword (3 magic points); @Tiger Talisman (1000 magic points, balance of yin and yang); @Piano (5 magic points)

Aaron's attention stayed on Razor's mask for a few seconds, and then he thought about his magic points that were less than double digits. He could only sigh that money will only be used when it is used.

Not to mention four-digit magic items such as ghost masks and charms, he couldn't even afford three-digit magic items such as costume changes.

As for the remaining magic materials and other items, he has not considered them for the time being. Either they cannot afford them or there is no need to buy them.

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