A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 35 Snape is a good person, but his goodness is not obvious

"Don't be stupid, Professor Snape has already left." Aaron looked at Hermione who was stunned in place and looked a little funny, "What do you want from me?"

"Yes, I almost forgot." Hermione said suddenly, "Follow me first, this is the Quidditch pitch, not a place for talking."

"Mysterious." Aaron shrugged, picked up Abe who was lying on the seat and followed him.

The two began to walk along the campus and gradually reached a place with fewer people.

"That's almost it! If we go further, we'll reach the bathroom.

Even if you are going on a date, find a decent place! "

Hermione's face turned red, "Who's going on a date with you?"

"Isn't it a date? Then I would be even more disappointed.

But it’s okay, we are only eleven years old, so we just need to remain good friends. "

When Hermione heard the first half of the sentence, she couldn't help but feel a little secretive in her heart, but when she heard the second half of the sentence, the secretive joy was wiped out, and her face became a little bitter.

“Okay, I was joking.

If my mother knew I made girls cry, she would probably come back from Loch Ness and beat me. "

"Pfft!" Hermione was amused and let go of her unhappiness.

"Can you tell me what you want to do with me?" Aaron asked curiously.

Hermione calmed down and looked around with a solemn expression. After making sure that there were no people or ghosts, she said: "Aaron, you must listen to me and stay away from Snape in the future. He is not a good person." ”

"Huh?" Aaron was a little dazed, never expecting that Hermione called him over just to remind him of this.

Although the Gryffindor students don't like Snape's face, they don't define him as a bad guy!

“It’s impossible, I can still tell whether someone is a good person or not.

Although Professor Snape is usually a bit strict, he definitely cannot be a bad person. "

"It's true, I didn't lie to you." Hermione explained anxiously, "Harry almost fell off his broomstick during the Quidditch match yesterday. You know that."


What does this have to do with Snape not being a good person?

You don't suspect it's him, do you? "

"He was the one who cursed Harry, and I saw it with my own eyes.

He was sitting on the platform, staring at Harry's broom without blinking, and he was chanting the spell very fast. "

"That doesn't prove it's him!"

"Why? This is already conclusive evidence!

Don't you believe me? "Hermione felt very wronged. Originally, only she, Harry, Ron and Hagrid knew about Snape's curse.

She was very determined and even risked being noticed by Snape to come and tell Aaron.

Seeing Hermione's red eyes, Aaron panicked and said hurriedly: "It's not that I don't believe you, but are you sure that Snape is harming Harry?

Snape was not weak in strength, and he was also a magician. A magician was concentrating on chanting spells on the broomstick. Why do you think Harry could persist for such a long time without falling?

Rely on technology? Do not make jokes.

I admit that he has good talent, but in the end he is just a novice. "

"What do you mean?" Hermione frowned, as if she had discovered the key point, but she was a little unsure.

"Stupid! I have read so many books in vain." Ling Ge shook his head speechlessly, "Since you have read the relevant content, you should know that this evil curse can also be counteracted by the opposite spell.

The method is similar, keep your eyes on the target of the spell and concentrate on it.

In other words, there were at least two people chanting the curse at that time, one was chanting the evil curse and the other was chanting the reverse curse.

If Snape had recited a reverse curse, he would not be harming Harry, but saving him.

You don't know the specific situation, so you just put such a big blame on Professor Snape. Isn't it too arbitrary?

Or did you hear Snape reciting a curse with your own ears? "

"But... I only saw Snape chanting the curse at that time, and the other people's mouths didn't move that fast."


Aaron flicked Hermione's head lightly, "Who told you that evil spells must be recited with your mouth? Some high-level wizards only need to look at the object that casts the spell, and then use some props and secret techniques. , the same effect can be achieved under normal circumstances.

To give a simple example, before you came to Hogwarts, you should have suddenly released magic without using any spells! "

Hermione was stunned for a moment, thinking that the water in the wizarding world was so deep that everyone had to be so particular.

"But this can only reduce Snape's suspicion by half, and the other half may be that he is chanting curses." Hermione said stubbornly.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Aaron said word by word, "At Hogwarts, everyone, you, me and even Dumbledore may harm Harry Potter, but only Harry Potter Nap can't, he is..."

"But what?" Hermione looked at Aaron, the curiosity in her eyes seemed to overflow.


"No, you must know."

"I really don't know." Aaron said very seriously. He didn't know that he killed Snape.

"Really?" Hermione suddenly showed a meaningful smile, "Aaron, if I go to Professor Snape now and say that Aaron told me everything, what do you think he will think? "

Aaron was startled for a moment, then clapped his hands, "Oh! It's a good idea, very smart.

If I didn't know, you might have succeeded. "

The smile on Hermione's face froze instantly. Snape Severus was the dean of Slytherin House. Aaron, a Slytherin and Snape's favorite student, could easily see him, but he was very special. Lanfondo, let alone seeing him, I'm afraid he won't even be able to get in.

Now they are standing on the same starting line, but the end point is obviously much closer to Aaron. I am afraid that her 'little trick' will be broken before it is implemented.

"Do you understand?" Aaron said with a proud smile, "I can tell you responsibly that Snape will never harm Harry Potter.

Now please Hermione, please get out of the way, I have to go back and catch up on my sleep. "

"No, you can't leave." Hermione grabbed Aaron's arm, "I must know the reason.

If you don't tell me, I...I will cry for you. "

Aaron sighed helplessly and raised Abe in front of him, "Do you know what species this is?"

"Cat, what's wrong?"

Aaron nodded, "Then you must have heard of 'Curiosity killed the cat'!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Abe kept turning over in Aaron's arms. It was a dragon, a dragon with noble blood. That kind of despicable curse was simply an insult to it.


Aaron patted it on the back and said, "Don't make trouble. I'll give you a chicken drumstick for dinner."

In front of the delicious food, Abe stabilized instantly.

Isn't it a curse? It is a holy dragon, and the thing it is least afraid of is curses, let alone such curses that cannot be beaten with eight poles.

Hermione pondered for a moment, "But I still want to know."

"I really can't tell you.

This matter is probably related to Professor Snape's self-esteem, and the more you know, the greater the risk you take. "

"I'm not afraid of risks. The most important thing in Gryffindor is the spirit of adventure."

"But I'm afraid." Aaron smiled bitterly: "If you accidentally let it slip, I will be the unlucky one."

"Okay!" Hermione said regretfully, "Since you won't tell me, I can only check it out myself."

As soon as Aaron breathed a sigh of relief, he was frightened by the second half of her words, and immediately said: "Stand there for me."

Hermione stood up straight, then showed a victorious smile and stuck out her tongue sheepishly.

"I'm really scared of you.

I can tell you, but you have to promise me not to tell anyone, especially Harry Potter. "

"I promise." Hermione raised her right hand and said solemnly, "I swear I won't tell you even if I'm killed."

"Haha! In the world of wizards, oaths are the least binding.

But I am still willing to believe you this time, as long as you don't take my trust seriously," Aaron said, and then his face became more serious, "Do you still remember Professor Snape asked me in the first Potions class? What's wrong with Harry? "

“Remember, what do you get when you add narcissus root powder to a mugwort infusion?”

"Yes, that's it.

Have you ever wondered why he asked this question?

Narcissus and wormwood, in the language of flowers, the meaning of these two plants can be understood as "my regret follows you to your grave", as well as "absence" and "bitter sadness".

Snape apologized in this way when he met Harry for the first time. He felt extremely guilty towards Harry and would never harm him. "

"You mean... OMG!" Hermione opened her mouth in shock. The impact of this secret on her was so great that she couldn't accept it.

"Wait, that's not right!

Why is Professor Snape always giving Harry a hard time? "

"Who knows? Maybe it's because he's so angry that he won't argue!

After all, Harry's grades were completely unworthy of his fame and talent.

As long as he was good enough, Snape would have no reason to make things difficult for him, right? "

Hermione nodded blankly, "That seems to be the case.

Since Harry played with Ron, he didn't pay much attention to his studies.

Both of them copied their homework from me. "

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that these two people didn't learn well when they were eleven years old.

But it doesn't matter, let alone copying homework, even if they hand in blank papers, it has nothing to do with him.

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