A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 358 Instructing before the game, he really perseveres

"There's no problem with the number of participants, right?" Bagman asked, looking at Maxim and Karkaroff.

The two principals looked at each other and nodded silently.

"Then there's another question." Dumbledore looked at Harry Potter seriously, "Harry, did you really not throw your name into the Goblet of Fire?"

"Not really, sir." Harry said with a melancholy look on his face.

"Obviously, someone signed up for him." Aaron gave a more reasonable explanation, "Someone wanted him to participate in the competition. This was premeditated."

"But I don't want to participate." Harry said on the verge of tears.

"Don't want to participate? Why don't you want to participate?" Fleur couldn't help but ask, "How many people dream of participating in the competition, bringing glory to the school, and getting a thousand Galleons bonus."

"Not everyone takes honor very seriously, and most fourth-year wizards are not capable of dealing with those competitions, but that's not important." Aaron waved his hand and smiled: "In the past few years at Hogwarts, I have Two very special curses were discovered. One was that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor would leave for various reasons after less than one year.

The other one is Halloween, the troll from the first year, the basilisk from the second year, and Sirius, the escaped convict from the third year. I was thinking about what will happen this year a few days ago, but... one person doesn't want to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. People participated in it in a daze. "

"Thank you, Mr. Gaius." Dumbledore said with a dark face. It was somewhat embarrassing for the other two principals to know about this.

"But even if someone puts Mr. Potter's name in, the Goblet of Fire may not choose him!" Maxim said.

"The Confusion Spell," Moody said, "A very powerful Confusion Spell, otherwise it would not be able to fool a super-powerful monster like the Goblet of Fire."

"There seems to be some truth in your idea, Mad-Eye." Karkaroff said coldly, "But I think it is more likely that Mr. Potter wants to use this method to paralyze our Durmstrang warriors. .

Think about it! Who would care about an 'innocent victim'? This way, the pressure on Mr. Porter to win the championship may be reduced a lot. "

Hearing this, Harry's eyes widened.

How the hell do you still think like that? How did Karkaroff become the principal?

"What's important now is how to solve the problem?" Dumbledore looked at Barty Crouch and the other three referees, "Tell me what you think."

"The rules cannot be changed." Barty Crouch said, "The choice of the Goblet of Fire must be adhered to and cannot be changed.

Mr. Potter has no choice. From tonight onwards he is the Triwizard Champion. "

"There may be a way to violate the contract of the Goblet of Fire, but..." Adrian smiled lightly, "But the price will be high, and Mr. Potter will definitely not be able to bear it."

"What price?" Harry asked tentatively, feeling a faint hope in his heart.

"After being baptized by the demonic flames of the Goblet of Fire, your body will be reduced to ashes, but your soul can be retained.

You can live in Hogwarts as a ghost. "

"Forget it, I'll just participate." Harry said far-fetchedly. He had attended the death anniversary party of Nearly Headless Nick and knew how boring the ghost's life was.

If someone asked him how he died, he would be embarrassed to tell them.

"Then let's continue!" Bagman rubbed his hands excitedly, "It's time to give guidance to our warriors, right, Barty?"

"Yes, guidance." Barty responded and walked up to the five warriors, "The first project will test your courage, but we won't tell you what it is. Dare to face the unknown is an important quality for a wizard.

The first project will be carried out on November 24th in front of the judging panel and other spectators.

Warriors are not allowed to ask for or accept any help from other teachers in completing their projects, and their only weapon is their wand..."

"Wait." Aaron frowned slightly and couldn't help but interrupt Crouch.

"Mr. Gaius, do you have any questions?"

"What I want to ask is, can you only use wands? Can't you use other weapons or something?"

"As expected of my brother." Adrian praised, "Let's put it this way, the only weapon everyone can bring when entering is the wand, but how to use it depends on your performance."

"That's it, I understand." Aaron suddenly realized, "You can use other weapons, but they must be summoned by magic."

"That's what it means." Barty Crouch continued: "Only through the first project can you understand the situation of the second project.

Because the competition is very demanding and lasts a long time, participating warriors do not take the school year exam. "

"This is the only good news I've heard these days." Aaron sighed.

"That's all I have to say."

"Barty." Dumbledore looked at Crouch's dark circles and said with concern, "How about you rest at Hogwarts for a day before leaving."

"No, Dumbledore.

I have to go back to the Ministry of Magic, which is very busy and very difficult at the moment.

I put a new young man in charge temporarily. He was very enthusiastic, but a little too enthusiastic. "

"Okay! Then at least have a drink before you go!"

"Next time, I really don't have time this time." Crouch said, pulling the reluctant Bagman away.

Adrian walked up to Aaron, with a hint of playfulness on his lips, "The first project will be exciting, very, very exciting, you must not die!"

"Thank you for your concern." Aaron rolled his eyes, "Just don't forget what you promised me."

"Don't forget what I ask of you." Adrian smiled, "If you can't do it, then... there's nothing I can do to help."

Aaron gritted his teeth and said, "I know."

"What request did she make to you?" Fleur asked curiously.

"It may be a life-threatening request." Aaron said with some heartache, "All in all, it's quite unfriendly to me."

"Professor Karkaroff, Ms. Maxim, and Miss Klein, would you like a nightcap?" Dumbledore asked.

"No, I have something to do and I have to leave for a few days." Adrian waved his hand and walked to the auditorium on his own.

Without saying a word, Maxim took Fleur up the stairs, and Karkaroff quickly left with Krum.

"Then, only those from Hogwarts are left." Aaron spread his hands and then looked at Dumbledore, "I wonder if the principal has any other instructions?"

"I suggest you go back to sleep." Dumbledore said with a smile, "I believe that Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff students are waiting for you to celebrate together!"

The three of them looked at each other and walked out of the room together.

The auditorium is now empty. The pumpkin lanterns are flickering brightly and dimly, and the flames of the candles are constantly dancing, creating a somewhat eerie festive atmosphere.

"I really didn't expect that I would be your opponent." Cedric smiled.

"I thought I would become your opponent." Aaron said calmly, "Except for the prefects, most of the senior wizards registered at Hogwarts are just make-up numbers, and you are one of the four prefects. the best."

"I'm really embarrassed to say that."

"But I really never thought that Harry Butt would become a warrior in the Triwizard Tournament." Aaron looked at the confused Harry speechlessly, "Do you have any thoughts?"

"No, it was too sudden.

I was unprepared and I never thought anyone would sign up for me. "

Cedric took a deep look at him, and then an indifferent smile filled his face, "There's no need to be so nervous. Now that you've signed up, just work hard to pursue that honor. I won't show mercy just because you are young."

After saying this, Cedric walked towards the small door on the right and went to the Hufflepuff common room.

"He doesn't seem to believe me." Harry said aggrievedly.

"It's human nature. Not to mention Cedric as a contestant, I'm afraid even Hermione and Ron may not believe you." Aaron teased, "You explained it in the morning and secretly signed up at night. This way you don’t have to feel embarrassed if you can’t choose.

Unfortunately, you happen to have the perfect crime tool, the invisibility cloak. "

Harry's lips twitched slightly. He had just made a simple guess at that time, but he never expected that it would happen to him.

"You said before that someone wanted me to participate in the competition, but why?"

"How do I know?" Aaron said speechlessly, "The only thing that is certain is that he has no good intentions. The Triwizard Tournament is still very dangerous for you."

"Danger?" Harry murmured, his pupils suddenly widened as if he thought of something, and he stood there in a daze.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"I remembered a dream I had during the summer vacation." A flash of panic flashed in Harry's eyes, "Voldemort, I dreamed about him.

He was weak and gasping for air when he spoke, but Wormtail was at his side, plotting to kill me. "

"Yeah, I understand." Aaron nodded indifferently.

"This may be true. You know Professor Trelawney's prediction."

“Don’t get me wrong, what I mean is that your dream could be true and the prophecy could be true.

But even if you didn't have this dream, Voldemort would want to kill you, wouldn't he? "


That makes sense.

I actually worried about a fact that everyone knows for several months.

"By the way, he seemed to have mentioned you in the dream."


Aaron suddenly lost his composure and immediately grabbed Harry's arm and shook it, "What did he say?"

"Don't worry, he didn't mean to kill you." Harry said hurriedly.

Aaron reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief and slowly let go of Harry's arm, but his next words made Aaron stumble and almost fall down the stairs.

"After killing me, he hopes to capture you alive."

"Haha!" There was an indescribable bitterness in the corner of Aaron's mouth, "Through it again and again, it seems that the great Dark Lord is really persevering with me!

Harry, don't let anything happen to you! If you hang up, Voldemort's attention will be entirely on me. "

Harry Potter:…

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