A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 365: Life is important, rules are important? cramming

Aaron returned with Abe, who was reluctant to leave, feeling a little more relaxed than when he came.

The first project was indeed related to dragons, but according to what Charlie said, it didn't seem to be a one-on-one life-and-death duel.

This was good news for him, because he knew dragon language, so as long as the opponent was not a tree-peak dragon, a fireball dragon, a short-nosed dragon, or a hot-tempered dragon, there would be a possibility of negotiation.

"Ouch! Who's there?"

Karkaroff's voice suddenly came from the darkness, which scared Aaron a lot. He thought his disillusionment spell and illusion were discovered.

But when he found that Karkaroff was looking in the opposite direction, he realized that he was overthinking.

It was probably because Harry didn't pay attention when walking and bumped into him.

But it was really interesting. There were still two days before the first project started, and the headmasters of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang knew the content of the project, and they would definitely tell the warriors of their schools.

And he and Harry were mentally prepared enough, so the one who suffered the most was Cedric Diggory.

The day before the game, Aaron had breakfast in the auditorium and started to take a leisurely walk in the school.

It is quite necessary to relax and adjust the state before the game.

"Aaron." Harry came over with a tangled look on his face, "Are you free now? I want to talk to you about something."

"Go ahead."

"Dragons, adult fire dragons are our first project.

I saw them in the Forbidden Forest yesterday."

"Got it."


Harry was confused. Aaron's calm reaction was completely different from what he thought.

"Did you not understand what I said?" Harry said anxiously, "Or do you think I'm kidding you?"

"Of course not, you were with Hagrid that night, as well as Ms. Maxim and Professor Karkaroff.

I was also there at the time and saw the five dragons with my own eyes, especially the Hungarian Treecrest Dragon, the bronze spikes on its tail were impressive."

"You..." Harry opened his mouth blankly, "But how did you know? Did Adrian tell you?"

"Don't be funny, she is quite disciplined and won't tell me this." Aaron stroked Abe in his arms, "But I have it. After those dragons were transported here, Abe sensed the existence of the same kind."

"So that's the case." Harry laughed awkwardly, and then asked, "Have you thought about how to pass this project?"

"It depends on the specific situation. After all, we only know that the first project is related to dragons, but it is definitely It's not a life-and-death fight with a dragon. "

"Then do you have any ideas?" Harry said bitterly, "You know me, a dragon's breath might kill me."

"Ah this..." Aaron hesitated for a moment, and shook his head helplessly, "I have my own ideas, and more than one, but none of them are suitable for you.

You can ask Professor McGonagall or Professor Moody, they may have good ideas. "

"But warriors shouldn't know the competition items in advance, right?"

"Which is more important, life or rules?" Aaron asked with a meaningful smile, "If you are really worried about this problem, why did you tell me the competition items?"

"Got it." Harry nodded heavily, "I will go to Professor Moody."

"By the way, there is one more thing.

Sirius guessed that it was Karkaroff who put my name into the Goblet of Fire. He used to be... a Death Eater."


Aaron opened his eyes wide in astonishment.

Damn, this is really outrageous.

It's okay for a female giant to become the headmaster of Beauxbatons, but a Death Eater can actually become the headmaster of Durmstrang. Compared with Dumbledore's identity as the White Devil, she is much more noble.

"Karkaroff used to be a Death Eater, but after he was caught, he gave out a list of many accomplices and made meritorious contributions, so he was released from Azkaban.

Professor Moody was specially invited by Dumbledore to monitor him."

"Talent!" Aaron laughed dumbly, "Karkaroff's current situation is not very good.

The Dark Mark has appeared, and he will definitely be on the list of liquidations after Voldemort makes a comeback."

"Maybe! But the point now is that we have to be careful of him.

Not only him, but also the warrior of Durmstrang, Viktor Krum."

"Got it, I'll keep an eye on it." Aaron said, Karkaroff has problems, and his students are naturally worthy of suspicion.

"That's all I have to say." Harry shrugged. "Before I go find Professor Moody, I have to tell Cedric about the first task, so that it will be fair."

"Whatever you say."

After Harry left, he found Cedric on a lawn.

There were several Hufflepuffs around him, so he was easy to find.

"Cedric, can I talk to you?"


After confirming that there was no one else around, Harry told him that fighting dragons was the first task.

Cedric was very surprised by this, and fear appeared in his gray eyes for the first time.

"Are you sure you're not kidding?"

"I saw it with my own eyes, five dragons, one for each of us.

Maybe we just passed by them, but even so it was extremely dangerous."

"Then Fleur, Krum, and Aaron..."

"They all know it."

"Okay!" Cedric pursed his lips, and then looked at Harry suspiciously, "Why did you tell me?"

"Maybe it's for fairness! I can't watch you face those behemoths unprepared."

"So you're prepared?" Cedric asked with interest.

"Not yet...not yet." Harry said sheepishly, "I plan to ask Professor Moody. He may know a spell that can help me."

"But this way you know the competition events in advance..."

"My life is almost gone, who can care about this."

Cedric: ...


Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office.

The room changes style every time the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor changes.

Lockhart's wall was covered with photos of himself, Lupine had a lot of dark magical animals that would be used in class, and as for Quirrell...he had never been here when he was in first grade.

Nowadays, this office is filled with a lot of strange things. There is a large looking glass, and a mirror hanging on the wall, which can reflect many dark figures, but the weirdest thing is the big wood under the window. The box, that box had at least seven locks on it.

Harry looked at Professor Moody who was looking at him with a reserved expression. Both his normal eyes and the constantly rotating magic eye put a lot of pressure on him.

"So, you discovered those fire dragons in the Forbidden Forest?"

"Discovered by accident."

"It doesn't matter. Cheating is also an old tradition in the Triwizard Tournament." Moody smiled nonchalantly, "So, how do you plan to deal with the dragon?"

"I haven't thought about it yet."

"Sit down." Moody kicked a chair in front of him and motioned for Harry to sit in front of him.

"Listen to me, Potter.

Your friend Diggory, when he was your age, could turn a whistle into a watch that sang and told the time.

Miss Delacour, she is not a little princess who can only act coquettishly.

Krum has well-developed limbs and a simple mind, but he has a principal named Karkaroff who is smarter than any ghost.

As for Gaius... I don't know much, but he mastered an Unforgivable Curse last year, and behind him stands a referee with a strong background. No matter how they seem to be at odds, Adrian will definitely not Watching something happen to him.

Each of them has their own strengths. Porter, what are yours? "

"I, I don't know." Harry said in embarrassment, "I can fly, I'm pretty good at flying, but I..."

"I know." Moody nodded happily, "It's a great flight."

"But brooms are not allowed in the competition."

"But I didn't say you can't use the wand!" Moody said meaningfully.

Harry was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized something.

Adrian explained that each person can only bring one wand when entering, but how to use it depends on the warrior himself.

This means that he can use a broomstick, he just needs to summon it to the field in a reasonable way.

Summoning spell, yes, it is a summoning spell.

Professor Flitwick taught this spell. Although he was not very proficient, he still had a certain foundation.

The game starts tomorrow afternoon and he still has one day to train.

He had no other choice. Regardless of whether he could succeed or not, he had to succeed.

After understanding this, Harry immediately left the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and hurried to find Hermione for help.

To practice the summoning spell, he needed the guidance of a top student. Aaron was originally the most suitable, but he was also a warrior in the Triwizard Tournament and might not have time to teach him.

It was a spell that Harry could barely master after practicing from afternoon to early morning.

He was still not very confident. After all, all his training was only in the classroom, and the competition site was too far away from the Firebolt. He had not yet tried the long-distance summoning of this spell.

But even this cleared away most of the haze in his heart. Before today, he was only confused except for panic. Now he can at least see hope.

However, after waking up, the tense and exciting atmosphere in the school made him feel guilty again.

In the tension, time seemed to pass very quickly.

He was obviously in the classroom a moment ago, but when he came back to his senses, he found that he was in the auditorium.

"Potter, Gaius, and the warriors all need to go to the field below... You must be ready to complete the first project."

"I understand, Professor McGonagall, wait until I finish feeding Abe." Aaron said easily.

Harry also stood up from his seat. He threw his fork into the plate, his face showing an unprecedented determination.

"I wish you good luck." Hermione whispered, "Harry, you have to believe in yourself, you will succeed."

"hope so!"

"It seems you have a strategy?" Aaron asked playfully, "Can you tell me?"

"I'm going to use a broomstick."

"Oh! The summoning spell is really a good idea."

"But the distance is too far." Harry said on the verge of tears. "Even with the Firebolt, the time it takes to get from the castle to the venue is enough for the dragon flames to kill me twice."

"You are really stupid. You can just take the Firebolt outside the arena. The auditorium should not be far from the arena!"



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