A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 375 Clues to the second project, dance partners and hostages?

"So you still invited her?" The Missing Body couldn't help but smacked its lips, "I don't object and I agree with your decision, but is this a little too anxious?"

"It's better to do this sooner rather than later. If you delay it, you're just asking for trouble. Besides, I don't have many choices for dance partners." Aaron clapped his fingers and said matter-of-factly, "First of all, exclude all the seniors. It's not that they are not beautiful. , but the way they looked at me was like a wolf looking at a little white rabbit. I was afraid they would eat me.

Secondly, exclude all unfamiliar people. The tradition of the Triwizard Tournament may have some special meaning, otherwise our vice principal's attitude would not be so tough.

Some of the school girls are suitable, but they also have to go home for Christmas.

After this calculation, there are only a few choices, and the most reliable among them is Hermione Granger.

The most important thing is that since you have decided to attend the Christmas dance, it is necessary to find a dance partner as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be extremely embarrassing if the lead dancer does not have a dance partner. "

"Uh... let's not go dancing, can we use illusion to cover it up?"

"It's not that I haven't thought about this, but can you guarantee that Dumbledore will not attend the ball?"

"No, the principal will definitely show up."

"Then it's over." Aaron spread his hands, "If you choose your dance partner early, you don't have to worry about this nonsense. Wouldn't it be nice to have some time to practice the forbidden magic circle?"

"We are still far from being able to do it at our current level." The missing body curled his lips and said, "Forbidden magic is magic that can only be used by holy magisters. Together, we are only junior great magisters, and separately we are only junior magisters. ”

“I’ll leave the exercises under the ultimate magic circle to you, while I will take the time to practice the forbidden magic circle.

Be more proficient in it in advance, and it will be easier to take back your missing body and practice again later when the time is right. "

"That's fine."

"How is the secret of the golden egg solved?" Aaron asked.

"It's almost done." The missing body took the golden egg off the storage shelf, "This thing will make a scary sound when it is opened, but it cannot be denied that the clues to the next project are in this sound.

I think as long as we filter out the noise, we can get what we want. "

As he spoke, the missing person pointed his wand at the hot spring pool in the hall, and a ball of clear water flew out of the pool and wrapped the golden egg in it.

The knob on the top of the golden egg opened automatically, and a beautiful sound began to wander in the hall:

Look for us wherever our voices sound

We can't sing on the ground

When you search, think carefully

We took away your most beloved baby

You have one hour to find and retrieve the items we took.

After an hour there is no hope, it has completely disappeared and will never appear again


The missing body closed the golden egg, "This is the clue to the second project, a concise and clear ballad."

"The location is underwater and involves singing..." Aaron touched his chin and pondered for a while, "Mermaid, it must be a mermaid."

"Yes, if nothing else, the location should be Black Lake.

The second project is to find something stolen by the mermaid from the Black Lake within an hour. "

"But the question is, what do I have that is worth grabbing for them?" Aaron asked with some confusion, "There are a lot of good things in the Shenming Palace, but they will never be able to get in.

The defensive magic and self-destruct mechanism here can't escape even if Dumbledore comes, let alone a group of mermaids who are difficult to land! "

"What if it's not an object?" the missing body said slightly seriously.

Aaron was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Abe swimming in the pool, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

Don't be ridiculous, it's just a mermaid who wants to catch a dragon, it's better if she doesn't get roasted into dried fish.

"It can't be it, absolutely impossible."

"It's so important to us that we have to go to the Black Lake to search for it." The missing body frowned, "How many people are left besides Abe?

Professor Snape? No, unless the mermaid didn't want to hang out in the waters of the Black Lake, she wouldn't be stupid enough to offend the Dean of Slytherin.

There are quite a few classmates and friends, including Draco, Siren, Naylor, Harry, Hermione... I'm here! "


Aaron seemed to want to understand something, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

No wonder the warrior is required to have his own dance partner, who is clearly the hostage chosen for the mermaid.

If there is no suitable partner, they will kidnap the dance partner, and kidnapping students is much easier and poses no danger.

"You really know how to play!" Missing Body patted his forehead, "Is it too late to change my dance partner now?"

"I'm afraid it's too late." Aaron calmed down and said, "Besides, the dance partner is only an option. No matter who the mermaid ties up, according to the rules of the competition, I have to save it."

“In this case...the main thing in the second project is to breathe underwater for an hour.

The water repellent spell can be used, and with Captain Jack's compass, it is easy to find someone. "

"Does this mean that the water-avoiding spell and compass will be exposed in this level?" Aaron said with some toothache.

"You can also try using the Head Soaking Curse." The Missing Body suggested. "Although it's not comparable to the water-avoiding spell, at least you can breathe underwater, and at most you'll have to swim a little longer."

"Let's use the water repellent spell!" Aaron said helplessly, "This magic is not that shocking, at least it is low-key compared to the first project.

As for Captain Jack's compass, try not to take it out. "

"As long as you're happy." The missing body shrugged indifferently, and then put the golden egg in Aaron's hand, "This thing is useless, but I don't know if the school will recycle it. Why don't you leave it here with me? Very suitable.”


It’s the last week of term, and Christmas is only a few days away.

The school is getting more and more lively, and various news about the Christmas dance can be heard everywhere, but eight out of ten sentences are false.

The teaching mentality of some teachers has also undergone some changes. Professor Flitwick allows everyone to chat in class, and Professor Binns’ lectures are more boring. However, Professor McGonagall and Professor Moody are still working hard as before. As for Professor Snape All students are required to write homework in the last class.

Students from fourth grade and above sat scattered in the auditorium, writing furiously on parchment, while Professor Snape was patrolling around to maintain order.

"Finished." Aaron placed three pages of parchment in Professor Snape's hand.

Snape glanced briefly and raised the corner of his mouth, "You did well. Come to the office with me after class."


Aaron yawned and was about to go back to practice the carving of the forbidden magic circle.

"It's really terrible. At this rate, we are the only ones who can't find a dance partner."

Ron's voice suddenly reached Aaron's ears, which immediately aroused his interest. He immediately put down his notebook and sat in front of them.

"What did you just say? You haven't found a dance partner yet?"

“It’s quite embarrassing, isn’t it!

But it’s not just us who can’t find a dance partner, it’s Neville too. " Ron teased, "These days he often practices dancing alone in the dormitory. "

"Well...he must have found a dance partner to train like this."

"No way." Harry smiled in disbelief, "We're pretty sure he didn't find a dance partner."

"He did, actually," Hermione interjected. "Neville invited Ginny."

Ron and Harry looked at each other, "I feel even more depressed now."

At this time, a paper ball was passed to him, and it was Fred who handed it over: It is better to act than to move your heart, otherwise you will miss it.

"Incisive." Aaron commented intuitively.

"Then who are you going to go with?" Ron asked looking at his brother.

Fred calmly threw the ball of paper at Angelina, "Will you go to the dance with me?"

"Go to the dance, okay!" Angelina pondered for a moment and then agreed with a smile.

This operation made several people nearby look dumbfounded. Aaron even gave a thumbs up, "I feel bad for myself. After all, I am a bit thin-skinned in front of girls."

"You haven't found a dance partner either?" Harry asked unexpectedly, but at the same time he was also a little happy.

Aaron was definitely a hot commodity at the dance, and after the first event, he was probably only slightly less well-known than Krum.

Now that he hasn't found a dance partner, he and Ron won't be so embarrassed.

"What are you thinking about?" Aaron said speechlessly, "I found my dance partner the next day, but I was a little embarrassed when I invited her."

"That's it." Harry lowered his head depressedly.

"I remember I reminded you to find a dance partner earlier. You haven't been putting it off until now, right?"

"I'm just... not ready yet." Harry said a little cautiously, "Girls come in groups, so it's difficult to invite them alone."

"You are even thinner-skinned than me.

By the time you are ready, the daylilies will be cold. "

"Hermione, you're a girl, right?" Ron said suddenly.

"You have good eyesight," Hermione said coldly.

"Then you pick one!" Ron pointed at himself and Harry, "Hurry up and pick. It's okay for boys to go alone, but it will be miserable for girls."

"Uh... I'm sorry." Aaron said speechlessly, "She is my dance partner."

"What? You two, this..."

Ron hesitated and spoke awkwardly, and Harry's eyes widened in astonishment.

The next moment, the two of them received a slap on the back of the head.

Professor Snape stood behind a few people with an expressionless face, "You seem to have forgotten that you are doing homework."

"Hahaha." Hermione couldn't help laughing, but her laughter suddenly stopped when she saw Snape's dark face.

"Professor, I've finished writing." She placed the parchment in Professor Snape's hand, quickly stood up and left without giving him a chance to do anything.

After Snape walked away, Harry and Ron looked at each other with determination in their eyes.

“Listen, no matter what, you have to find a dance partner.

We need to find a dance partner before we meet in the common room tonight, okay? "


The two of them were constantly sifting through suitable dance partners in their minds, preparing to shamelessly look for opportunities to invite them.

But they didn't notice that Snape had left and returned. Seeing the two of them talking absentmindedly, they rolled up their sleeves and pressed their heads on the table.

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