A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 38 You still have to give gifts according to your preferences

"By the way, I don't think I saw you packing your luggage." Hermione looked at Aaron with some surprise, "Aren't you going home for Christmas?" Harry and Ron were also a little stunned when they heard this. You know, the Christmas holiday is not short. Almost 99% of the people in the school will go back. Only a few professors and some students with special circumstances will choose to stay in school. Harry did not choose to go home because his uncle's house was too dark for him, and it would be much happier to stay in school. Ron did not go home because his parents were going to Romania to see his brother. There was no one at home. Even if he went back, there would only be a few brothers, just like in school. In this case, it would be better to stay in school, at least there would be no worries about food and accommodation. But they never expected that Aaron would choose to stay in school. It seems that he has no need to do so! "Are you surprised?" Aaron asked calmly. The three of them nodded in unison. "I matured early. The Gaius family generally adopted a free-range approach for the heirs. They believed that this would better cultivate a sense of independence.

After I was eight years old, my parents went out to travel. Unless they were tired or something big happened at home, they usually would not come back.

The time I met my parents every year added up to less than a month, and my uncle usually took care of my daily life."

"But...but this is Christmas!" Hermione felt a little unfair for Aaron.

"Don't get me wrong." Aaron shrugged, "They will come back at Christmas, but I think it's more interesting to stay in school, so...I chose to stay in school."

This is only part of the reason, but more importantly, the magic points obtained by signing in at Hogwarts are ten times that of home.

Before having enough power, enjoying life, family reunion, etc., are all clouds.

"So that's it!" Harry laughed.

"Otherwise, my family is still very good to me, the only son."


The day before Christmas.

After lunch, Aaron took Abe out of the hall, and the one and the dragon took a walk in the castle.

The ice and snow outside completely aroused their interest, especially Abei, who had only seen snow a few times since he was born.

A few days ago, the students were busy packing their luggage, and there were still many people, so it could still restrain its nature.

But today was different. Those who should go back had all gone back, and there were fewer people left in the school, so the space was relatively larger.

It rushed into the snow pile wantonly and rolled, its white body and white clothes completely blended into the white snow. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see that there was a white dragon in the snow pile.

If Aaron hadn't warned it not to show its wings, it would probably flap its wings and fly into the sky to watch the falling snow.

Arriving at the playground, Aaron saw that there was no one around, so he took out the valuable magic carpet from the system space, and then jumped on it with Abei.

The dark blue magic carpet was not as difficult to control as the flying broom. It completely obeyed Aaron's orders and moved as he wished. Moreover, the area of ​​the magic carpet was not small, and it could accommodate three or five people.

Now there are only two of them, even if they lie on it and roll around... they might fall down.

Sitting on the magic carpet, admiring Hogwarts in the snow, one person and one dragon each hold a lollipop in their mouths, which can be said to be extremely comfortable.

But it may also be because they fly too ostentatiously, Professor McGonagall who is in the office happened to see the two of them, and then her eyes brightened a little.

"Aaron, Mr. Gaius, can you come over?" Professor McGonagall shouted with a smile in front of the window, like a witch who induces eleven-year-old boys to commit crimes.

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and then controlled the magic carpet to fly over, "Um... Professor McGonagall, is there anything?"

"Um... That, Aaron, your flying carpet is..." Professor McGonagall's eyes glanced at the magic carpet from time to time, a little embarrassed.

After all, as a professor of Hogwarts, she was actually interested in students' things. She felt embarrassed to say it out, but she really liked such magic props.

Professor McGonagall herself is a Quidditch fanatic. When she was young, she also liked to use a flying broom to experience the feeling of speed.

But now that she is old, not only does her body not allow her to use a flying broom, but her image does not allow it either.

The magic carpet perfectly meets her needs. It is elegant, comfortable, safe and can fly smoothly. It is better than a flying broom.

"Uh... I found this in the warehouse at home before I came to school." Aaron explained seriously, then frowned, "Professor, the school doesn't seem to have any regulations prohibiting the use of magic carpets!"

"That's not the case. There is no such rule in the school rules." Professor McGonagall said, "But you still have to pay attention to the impact, understand?"

"I understand. I'm just playing with it during the Christmas holidays. I won't take it out during school hours."

"That's good." Professor McGonagall nodded, then looked at the magic carpet with a sharp look in her eyes, "Mr. Gaius, I wonder if I can experience your carpet."

Hearing this, Aaron was a little confused, then turned his head and looked at Abe.

It shook its head seriously, took a step forward with one foot, and showed an inexplicable sense of territory.

The light in Professor McGonagall's eyes gradually dimmed, "If it doesn't work, forget it."

"Sure, why not!" Aaron said immediately, "It's my honor to have the professor come up."

"But it..."

"It's okay. I know it very well. I succumbed to it with just two chicken drumsticks. It's okay to prepare some snacks if you can't handle it!"

"Okay! Got it." Professor McGonagall laughed excitedly, "Wait for me for a while, I'll be there soon."

A few minutes later, Professor McGonagall sat down on the magic carpet very embarrassedly. She had specially prepared a soft cushion for herself before she came.

As for Aaron, he looked at Abe who was holding a bunch of snacks and cheering and fell into deep thought. Is this dragon going to be abducted by a chicken leg one day?

There was a professor sitting on it, and Aaron became a little bolder. He controlled the magic carpet to fly around the Hogwarts castle, and the smile on Professor McGonagall's face grew more and more.

After that, the magic carpet flew at a low altitude over the Black Lake. Aaron would not dare to do this normally. After all, no one knew whether the magical creatures under the lake would suddenly jump out.

But now there is a layer of solid ice on the lake, and there is a magician-level college professor on the magic carpet. The safety value is directly maxed out, so there is no need to be afraid at all.

But when Aaron returned later, he flew in the direction of the Forbidden Forest, which startled Professor McGonagall and said hurriedly: "Wait a minute, Mr. Gaius, you can't go there."

"Can't you go?" Aaron was a little regretful. He originally wanted to use the professor's 'power' to see the snow scenery of the Forbidden Forest!

If you're lucky, you might be able to see a live unicorn.

"Of course you can't go. It's best not to enter this forest without any special reason.

There are many magical creatures living in the Forbidden Forest. Even Dumbledore cannot say that he understands them 100%. He can only reach an agreement with them to restrict them.

But you have to understand that sometimes the agreement is not worth mentioning at all.

They may be severely punished for attacking school students, and may even pay the price with their lives.

But what's the use? The students have been harmed irreparably. "

"Got it, Professor." Aaron nodded, and then flew in the direction where he started.

After landing on the ground, Aaron rolled up the magic carpet and roughly carried it on his shoulders.

There is no way, there is a professor next to me! He doesn't want to expose the existence of system space.

As for the traceless stretching spell, haha! Abe's pet pocket could fit such a large blanket, but it would be more conspicuous.

Professor McGonagall looked at the magic carpet on Aaron's shoulders with some reluctance, opened her mouth, but said nothing.

She was already very content today. If she asked to borrow something again, she would seem a bit greedy, and she would not be able to get away with this in her face!

If you are rejected, it will be even more difficult.

Aaron also noticed that Professor McGonagall's eyes were a little strange. He glanced at his magic carpet inadvertently and immediately understood something, "Professor, you...don't want my magic carpet, do you?"

"No, I didn't mean that." Professor McGonagall waved her hand and said, but there was a little blush on the old face.

"Understood." Aaron raised his eyebrows, gave Professor McGonagall a meaningful smile, and then walked towards the Slytherin lounge.

After returning to the dormitory, Aaron found a large gift box and stuffed the folded magic carpet into it.

Tomorrow is Christmas. Pack this gift for Professor McGonagall and she will definitely be happy all day long.

Of course, it is impossible to give it away.

He spent a "huge sum" to buy the magic carpet, and he doesn't know if there will be a second one in the future.

But it was still possible to borrow it. From Christmas to the end of the semester, he couldn't use it during this period. It was too ostentatious, but he could lend it to Professor McGonagall for free.

She is the Head of Gryffindor and the Master of Transfiguration. Making a good impression on her will definitely make your future study career much easier.

Human relationships are inevitable at all times, and Aaron also prepared a gift for others, but the degree of intention was different.

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