A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 380 The Shenming Temple was almost exposed, the method of breathing underwater

Aaron invited a second partner onto the dance floor and swayed wildly to the beat of the music.

Hermione's dancing skills are much better than Luna's, and she can dance very well without his special guidance.

The men and women on the dance floor were getting more and more excited as they danced to the rhythm of the music. Almost no one noticed that Aaron had changed his dance partners, or they noticed but didn't care.

After more than two hours, the music gradually subsided and they exited the dance floor.

In contrast to Aaron, who was calm and calm, Hermione's pretty face was slightly red, and she kept fanning herself with her hands.

"Aren't you hot?"


"I almost forgot that you are the one who can fight the fire dragon based on your physical fitness.

How did you practice it? "

"I can't talk about that." Aaron shrugged, "Would you like something to drink?"


Aaron subconsciously wanted to pick out Abe's pockets, but he soon remembered that his pet, wallet and warehouse had been rented out by the vice principal for a day, so he could only go to the drink cabinet on the wall to get two bottles.

"Thank you!" Hermione took a big sip after taking it, feeling much relieved. "Have you solved the clue in the golden egg?"

“It’s solved, I know more than anyone else, but you don’t want to know.

When you go back, tell Harry that the second project cannot be passed with a broom, and he'd better prepare early, otherwise..."

"What else?" Hermione asked curiously.

"I almost forgot, there is no abstention in this competition." Aaron chuckled, "I can only say that the later you delay, the harder it will be to pass the second event."

Hermione couldn't help but frown slightly. After passing the first project, Harry's golden egg had been gathering dust in the dormitory. Until now, he had not tried to crack the clues of the golden egg.

"By the way, everyone else has solved the clues to the golden egg and has begun preparations."

"What about you? How are you preparing?"

"It must be more sufficient than others." Aaron said, but secretly added: But I won't know after today.

"Harry he..."

"Ask Cedric!" Aaron said very straightforwardly, "Harry told Digory the clues about the first project, so it's time to give him a chance to reciprocate."

"I'm afraid not." Hermione looked embarrassed, turned to look at Cedric and Qiu Zhang who were dancing, and said in a low voice: "I think the person Harry doesn't want to see the most right now is Digory."

"I want to save face and suffer." Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly, "continues: after the golden egg is opened, there will be an unusually harsh sound. It is a special kind of singing that can only be heard clearly when it is placed in water.

That's all I can say, and the rest of the riddle is up to him to guess. "

"It's probably not just him." Hermione pointedly pointed out that at least she and Ron would definitely help Harry.

"Then I have nothing to do with it."


Back in the common room, Aaron transmitted tonight's memories to his missing body in the dormitory.

"What do you want me to do?" the missing body said helplessly, "What the eldest sister is doing is not an ordinary conspiracy, Chi Guoguo's conspiracy!"

"Alas! I'm afraid Captain Jack's compass must be taken out. That is the best way to break the situation."

“I don’t deny that you can indeed find two people in the shortest time with the help of that compass.

But then, if this magic item is exposed..."

"Let's take a step at a time!" Aaron said thoughtfully, "The good news is that only we know the true function of the compass, and maybe we can work on this.

A magic item that can point to people's thoughts has great appeal to everyone, but if this magic item has some restrictions, that's another matter. "

"I understand." The Missing Body clapped its hands, "I will make up the story and you will act it out. I will make sure it is so smooth that there will be no flaws."


The Yule Ball allowed all the teachers, students and even guests from other magic schools to vent their excess energy. After that, Hogwarts Castle became quiet and the students began to work on their homework.

After Harry found out the clue on how to crack the golden egg, he was so excited that he stayed up all night.

In order to keep it secret, he asked his prefect for the password to the prefect's bathroom the next day, and carefully walked in alone holding the golden egg.

Turn on all the faucets and fill the bath with hot water.

Harry took a deep breath, squatted in the water and opened the golden egg.

Sure enough, the sharp and harsh sound was gone, replaced by a short song...

"Did you hear that?"


Harry was startled and hurriedly stood up from the water, choking for a while.

"Myrtle? Why are you here?"

"Come here along the pipe." Myrtle said resentfully, "You haven't come to see me for a long time, especially since Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets was blocked."

“That’s the girls’ bathroom, we shouldn’t have gone in there in the first place.

Wait, you said Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets is blocked? "

"Yes! It has been blocked for a long time, maybe last year or the year before." Myrtle said nonchalantly, "One time when I was floating down the pipe, I found that I was blocked by a thick wall just after I entered. The wall is blocking it."

"Maybe it was Dumbledore who did it!" Harry muttered, "He is the headmaster. Isn't it natural to seal Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets?"

"I always feel that this is a bit sudden." Myrtle said unhappily, "The entrance to the secret room is in my bathroom, but I didn't even notice it."

"There's nothing surprising about this." Harry smiled nonchalantly, "The White Devil's magic power is not that powerful. Maybe when you were wandering outside, he just waved his wand and sealed the secret room. ”

"But he didn't discuss it with me."

"He is the principal. Your bathroom, including the secret room, is the property of Hogwarts. There is no need to discuss it with you!"


Aaron still didn't know that his Divine Voice Temple was almost exposed during the conversation between the two. Fortunately, Harry's brainstorming ability was enough and he successfully eliminated the last flaw.

"Can you figure out the clues in this egg?"

"If you can't make a sound on the ground, then it's underwater." Harry said slowly, "But what's under the water? A giant squid?"

"There are so many kinds?" said Myrtle. "For example, there are all kinds of... fish. They don't talk very nicely."

"Fish?" Harry gradually moved his eyes to the wall, where there was a picture of a mermaid sleeping soundly.

"Is it a mermaid?"

"You spent much less time than Cedric." Myrtle praised, "The mermaid was still awake at that time and kept showing off her fins, but he didn't notice."

Harry immediately became excited, "So the second project is to go to the lake to find mermaids?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the excitement on his face disappeared.

The clue was found, but the problem is that he can't swim!

The Black Lake is not generally deep, and the mermaid will never live in shallow water, which means that he has to dive into deep water, or even the bottom of the lake.

The ballad says that he has an hour to search for his beloved thing that was taken away by the mermaid, which means he has to stay underwater for at least an hour, which is simply impossible for him.

Harry left the prefects' bathroom in panic. Not to mention the beloved things that were taken away, just breathing underwater was enough to give him a headache for a long time.

After returning to the common room, he shared the clues he had obtained with Ron and Hermione.

"No wonder Aaron said he should crack the clues early. If I find out too late, I will be doomed." Harry said with a frown, "Is there any way you can help me breathe underwater for an hour?"

"Well... there is no such spell in the books I have read so far." Hermione said, "Obviously this is a spell that can only be mastered by seniors, or in other words, not many seniors can master it."

"Beautiful, a heavy blow to my self-confidence."

"How about trying scuba!" Ron suggested, "That's a Muggle underwater breathing device.

Don't you know how to summon spells? Buy a set in advance and place it outside the arena. "

"Uh...isn't this an idea..."

"It's so unreliable." Hermione said speechlessly, "Scuba cannot be used just by buying it, it requires special training, and Harry doesn't have that much time to study.

And operating that device is no easier than magic. If you want to find something at the bottom of the lake within an hour, you can't rely on it.

The most important thing is that in the wizard's Triwizard Tournament, if you take a set of Muggle tools, the audience can drown Harry with spit. "

Harry shuddered suddenly, "Let's try another method! This method is too risky."

"At least I can save your life." Ron said reluctantly.

"That's really not necessarily the case." Hermione retorted, "There are many kinds of creatures in the Black Lake, and many of them are aggressive. It would be inconvenient to use a wand with that kind of equipment."

"What about transfiguration?" Harry said solemnly, "turn me into a fish or a frog like Little Sky Star, so that I can dive underwater."

"It's impossible, it takes years to learn the Animagus!

And you also have to register with the Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic, so you don't have that much time at all. "

"Then what do you think we should do?" Ron said listlessly, "You can't shout on the lake to ask the mermaid to return the things that were taken away, right?"

Hermione was silent for a moment and said: "Look for it in the library! There must be a way to make him breathe underwater."

"Why is it a library again? I think I might as well buy scuba!

Hermione, there may be other shortcuts, as long as you go..."

"Absolutely not." Hermione glared at Ron, "This is the Triwizard Tournament, not a game.

He has done his best to tell me how to unlock the golden egg. If he doesn't tell me more, you might as well ask him to help Harry find something. "

"I just said that casually, so the reaction doesn't need to be so big." Ron said sarcastically.

"Let's go to the library!" Harry sighed, "There's still at least more than a month left. It's not too late to ask him for help when you're really at your wits' end."

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