A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 382 Gillweed, Dobby’s aid

"I'm really not ready." Harry said sheepishly.

Aaron was a little disbelieving that he had revealed the clue to Harry on Christmas Day, and it had been almost two months and he still wasn't ready.

"Okay! I shouldn't have expected anything from you.

To be honest, how far have we gone?

Are you not sure about fighting the giant squid, or don't know how to deal with Grindylow, or maybe you don't know how to find those mermaids? "

Hearing this, Harry swallowed hard and his face turned slightly pale.

He was only thinking about how to breathe underwater, but ignored the terrifying creatures in the black lake.

"Uh...I want to know how to breathe underwater."

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and looked at Harry with a bit of surprise in his eyes, "Aren't you? You didn't even handle the first step well?"

"I've tried my best. We've looked through all the water-related books in the library, but still found nothing." Harry explained anxiously, "breathing underwater is simply impossible for us fourth graders."

"Be more careful, I am also in the fourth grade."

"You are the exception." Harry added hastily, "You are the only one who can help me now."

Aaron rolled his eyes, and he swore that if it weren't for the fact that Adrian didn't want any big accident to happen during the Triwizard Tournament, he would have turned around and left.

"Head Bubble Charm, this spell can create a large bubble around the head, which can isolate the dirty air. It can also be used to breathe underwater, barely lasting an hour.

Cedric and Fleur were going to use this spell. Aaron said, then changed the topic, "But you don't have to think about this kind of thing. There are not many senior wizards who have mastered the Bubble Curse." "

"Is there any other way?"

"Of course, but..." Aaron looked at Harry suspiciously, "There are only less than two days left. Are you sure it's still too late to learn magic?"

"You're not going to make me prepare my scuba too, are you?"

“No, not really.

There is such a plant called gillyweed. If you eat it, you will grow gills and your limbs will turn into flippers, allowing you to move freely underwater for more than an hour. "

Harry was immediately overjoyed. Gillweed sounded much more reliable than the curse.

Not only can you breathe underwater, but your hands and feet will also become the most advantageous tools. You can also save the magic power of using the bubble spell, and you can directly beat other warriors at the starting line by a huge margin!

"Where can I find this herb?"

"Mediterranean." Aaron said half-jokingly.

"What?" Harry's enthusiasm was poured cold water on him, "There will be a competition the day after tomorrow, and the Mediterranean Sea is so far away that it's too late to make a round trip.

Does Hogwarts have this herb? If it's further away, it's Hogsmeade. Beyond these two ranges, there's really nothing I can do. "

"So you are quite lucky." Aaron smiled meaningfully, "Hogwarts happens to have gillyweed, and it is in a certain professor's private storage room."

Harry was stunned for a moment, then clapped his hands and said, "Professor Sprout, I should have thought of it earlier.

She owns all the botanical gardens at Hogwarts, and she must have the gillyweed in her hands. She will definitely give this herb to Cedric to give him a greater advantage in the Triwizard Tournament. "

"As expected of Harry Potter." Aaron gave a thumbs up. "Perhaps you are right. In addition to Professor Snape, Professor Sprout may also have this extremely precious medicinal herb."


Harry felt a bolt from the blue, and a sense of despair enveloped his head.

If the gillyweed is in the hands of Professor Sprout, although it will be difficult to deal with, it is not hopeless.

He revealed the contents of the first project to Cedric, which made the Hufflepuff warrior owe him a favor. Even if it was a favor, Cedric had to do him this favor?

As for whether being a villain will affect his character, he no longer cares.

Ever since Cedric stole his dance partner (although he may not have known that he was interested in Qiu Zhang), the relationship between them had been one-sided and had reached a freezing point.

But if the gillyweed is in Snape's hands, it won't be as difficult as usual.

At least being a villain is definitely not enough, you have to be ruthless to have a chance.

Harry smiled forcefully, "Are there any other methods besides these two?"

"Well... Viktor Krum has been practicing diving these days. I speculate that he should have mastered a kind of transformation technique, but it won't be an Animagus. You can ask him. "

"Haha! Can you tell me one that is suitable for a fourth-year wizard like me?"

"Uh... This is a bit overwhelming." Aaron touched his chin and said, "Currently, gilly bladderwort is the most suitable for you, but I will definitely not embarrass Professor Snape for your sake."

"Really?" Harry said in a deep voice, "Thank you for telling me this."

"You're welcome." Aaron waved his hand, "You can try to find other people, Moody, Hagrid and even all Gryffindors, they are willing to help you."

"Got it." Harry nodded listlessly, turned and walked towards Ron and Hermione.

Seeing that he looked helpless, Aaron had no intention of helping. He was not Harry Potter's nanny, and he had already done his best to remind him at this point.

"How's it going?" Ron asked eagerly.

Harry shook his head silently, "Let's look in the book to see if there is any other way?"

"Didn't he tell you?" Hermione frowned slightly, "You shouldn't!"

"No, he said it, even said it very clearly." Harry said bitterly, "A kind of spell called the Bubble Curse, but I can't learn it in two days, an herb called Gillweed, take it You can grow gills and flippers down there, but Snape has these herbs."

Hermione and Ron looked at each other. They would rather believe that Harry could learn the Head Bubble Charm in two days than that Snape would give him the gillyweed.


In the next time, Harry and the three of them spent themselves in the library.

From early morning to afternoon, they kept flipping through various magic books, eager to find the third way to breathe underwater.

Harry was under greater pressure because the difficulty of the second project was to deal with underwater creatures in addition to underwater breathing. However, he did not dare to tell the two of them because the underwater breathing aspect alone tortured them crazy. .

The next day, they repeated the operations of the first day, but received a sense of despair in addition to disappointment.

Because Professor McGonagall sent brothers George and Fred to call Ron and Hermione to the office, the reason is unclear, but they tacitly believe that the Triwizard Tournament tests the abilities of warriors, and others cannot help.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Mrs. Pince closed the library and kicked them out.

Harry's heart became heavier and heavier, and when he returned to the common room, he was about to put on the invisibility cloak and go to the library, but before he could take action, Dobby suddenly appeared at his bedside.

"Dobby, what are you doing here?

Forget it, it doesn't matter what you're here for, now I have to go to the library, don't stop me. "

"No need to go," Dobby said. "Dobby knew what Harry Potter was looking for. Dobby found it for him."


"Gillweed." Dobby took out a ball of grey-green slippery stuff, "Harry Potter needs this."

"You..." Harry's face turned extremely solemn after a brief chuckle, "I'm very grateful to you Dobby, but... you stole Snape's herbs."

"He didn't know that Dobby had stolen it." Dobby said guiltily, "How did Harry Potter know where Dobby found the Gillweed?"

"Aaron told me." Harry sighed weakly, "He just told me yesterday that the gillyweed was stolen today, and I used the gillyweed in the second competition event. As long as I don't have any brains, Even if it gets wet, you’ll know I stole it.”

"Mr. Gaius won't tell Professor Snape, right?"

“It’s hard to say, but it doesn’t matter whether he says it or not.

Whenever I use gillyweed in a game, Snape can definitely tell. Harry smiled bitterly and said, "Dobby, give the things back!"

I won’t do the second project. At worst, I won’t need that thing anymore. "

"No." Dobby shook his head firmly, "That's not an ordinary thing. It's Harry's baby. Dobby can't let Harry lose his baby."

"Wei Zai? What Wei Zai?" Harry asked at a loss.

"The same guy who gave Dobby the sweater for Christmas."

Hearing this, Harry was stunned. After coming to his senses, he quickly took off his invisibility cloak and walked to Ron's bed, only to find that there was nothing under the quilt.

"The mermaid took Ron away, so Hermione also..."

"Just as Harry Potter thought, they are the warrior's most beloved things." Dobby said, "If an hour passes..."

"Hope is gone, completely gone, never to appear again." Harry thought of the song in the golden egg, a look of horror appeared on his face, and he took the gillyweed in his hand very decisively.

Hermione had Aaron on her side, so he didn't have to worry at all, but if he couldn't save Ron, he would probably spend the rest of his life in regret.

Compared to Ron's life, offending Snape was completely negligible. In short, the relationship between them could not get worse.

"Dobby, you were really helpful this time."

"I wish I could help you, sir." Dobby said sheepishly.

"I still have some questions. How did you know that Ron would be captured by the mermaid? And how did you know about the herb gillyweed?"

“Dobby was a house elf who once heard Professor Moody and Professor McGonagall discussing the hostage situation while cleaning.

They mentioned gillyweed, and Professor Snape happened to have this herb in his private storage room, so Dobby..." Dobby suddenly paused as he spoke, and kept banging his head against the foot of the bed, "Bad Dobby, bad Dobby..."

Harry pulled him away hastily, "Dobby, stop, you don't need to feel guilty for stealing.

All in all, thank you very much for doing this for me, but it's time for you to go back now, other house elves may be looking for you. "

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