A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 394 The plucked Phoenix, Dumbledore’s Pensieve

"Nothing, probably because he was a little excited to see an old friend."

"Is this... is this really exciting?" Harry was a little skeptical, "But Abe has already shown his claws, he won't..."

Before he finished speaking, Abe turned into a white afterimage and rushed towards Fox at high speed.

Fox immediately spread his wings and flew to the ceiling, leaving it empty.


Abe roared, spread his white wings and flew in the air to chase.

Two figures, one red and one white, ran rampant in the principal's office, and gold and silver utensils fell all over the floor.

Fox was miserable. Although he didn't want to admit it, he really couldn't beat Abe now.

If it was outside, he might still have room to escape, but the principal's office was not big or small, and he was caught up by Abe in a short while.

The sharp claws pinched its neck directly. Fox saw Abe's pure eyes mixed with a hint of joy, and he panicked immediately. Red flames ignited all over his body, trying to use high temperature to make it loosen its claws.

Abe glared at it with disdain, and a layer of white scales appeared on the surface of its body, easily resisting the flames of the phoenix.

Next, its other claw began to pluck feathers, and Fox let out a shrill whine.

In just a few seconds, one-third of the red and golden feathers were plucked, and even several of the dazzling tail feathers were plucked.

"Stop, stop it." Harry couldn't bear it anymore and shouted hurriedly.

Abe was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look at Aaron, and only let go of the Phoenix who had no desire to live when he saw his master nod.

"Uh... Don't mind it." Aaron said nonsense seriously, "Sometimes the way magical animals greet each other is so simple and unpretentious."

"Is this a greeting?" Harry said angrily, "Even if I don't have much education, you wouldn't fool me like this!

Fox has been bullied like this, look at it, it's crying."

"What? Crying?"

Aaron seemed a little surprised by this and walked quickly to Fox.

Just when Harry thought he was going to comfort and apologize, Abe took out an empty crystal bottle from his pocket.

"You are sensible." Aaron patted Abe's little head, and then carefully collected the Phoenix's tears, "This is a healing elixir, it's a pity to let it fall on the ground."

Abe snorted disdainfully, and then put the feathers he plucked into his pocket one by one in front of Fox.

Phoenix cried even more sadly, and the speed of tears was much faster.

Harry, who was standing by, was also stunned when he saw this scene, and couldn't think of any words to describe it for a while.

He was really open-minded today. Aaron and Abe's tricks directly opened the door to a new world for him. It's okay to pluck feathers, but even tears were not spared.

Collecting its tears and feathers in front of Fox is not enough to describe it, it's simply crazy.

"This is tragic. Dumbledore will be very angry when he comes back."

"Not really. I just plucked some feathers."

"Is that a little?" Harry said speechlessly. "Fawkes is only a little better than a turkey now."

Aaron was stunned for a moment, turned his head and gave him a thumbs up. "This cut is just right."

Before Harry could react, Abe handed Aaron another empty crystal bottle.

Originally, the Phoenix had almost shed all its tears. Harry's words made Aaron collect half a bottle of tears.

"Okay, a great harvest!" Aaron said with satisfaction. Abe also patted its pocket and felt that today's trip was worth it.

Harry couldn't help but pick up Fawkes, gently put it on a cushion, and gave it some water to drink.

"When Dumbledore comes back and sees it in such a sick state, he will definitely not let us go." Harry said with tears in his eyes, "You have caused me so much trouble this time."

"Don't worry, the Phoenix's self-healing ability is very exaggerated. To a certain extent, they are immortal creatures." Aaron said indifferently, "Now the damage on its body is just that it is unwilling to recover.

But it doesn't matter, Abe, heal it."

Abe hesitated for a moment, walked to Fox reluctantly, and activated his healing ability.

A white magic circle appeared above Fox, and soon the little injuries on its body were completely recovered. Except for the loss of some feathers, it was almost impossible to see that it was injured.

Harry's mouth twitched, and he subconsciously said: "It's really mean!"

"What did you say?"

"No, nothing." Harry waved his hand immediately, and then looked at the messy principal's office, "Let's clean it up quickly before Dumbledore comes back."

Aaron shrugged, then pulled out his wand, waved it at the ground, and the gold and silver utensils flew back to their respective positions.


"Amazing magical talent." The Sorting Hat said, "It was right to sort you into Slytherin. Your value is fully reflected."

"Tsk, if you don't want to take a shower, shut up."


Harry shook his head speechlessly and sat down on a chair.

This was the first time he sat in the headmaster's office so casually. He could tell Dumbledore about his dream right away, and he felt much more relaxed.

In a daze, he found a cabinet that was not closed tightly, and bright silver light emanated from the gap.

Harry hesitated for a moment, walked over curiously, and opened the cabinet door.

Inside is a shallow stone basin with strange carvings on the mouth, covered with letters and runes.

What's in the basin is not liquid, but strands of silver light. They flow and dance freely in the basin, creating beautiful ripples.

"Aaron, do you know what this is?"

"I know." Aaron nodded, "This is called a pensieve, and I have one too.

This kind of magic prop is not an ordinary rarity, it can store memories and avoid forgetting something over time.

People who store memories can also use it to observe their own memories from a third perspective and find details that are easily overlooked. "

"Does this mean that it contains Dumbledore's secrets?"

“No, I can’t say it’s a secret, I can only say it’s a memory.

No one would put a real secret in a pensieve, otherwise it would be terrible if others saw it. "Aaron said seriously. He occasionally put some memories in the pensieve, but those memories were not considered important. He just felt that it would be a pity to forget them.

Harry stuck his wand in and stirred it.

The silver stream of light slowly turned and became more transparent.

"That's not how it works." Aaron said helplessly, "You have to get closer.

If you want to know about the memory of Barty Crouch, just think of him in your mind. "

"Are there any in here?"

"It may not have happened before, but Dumbledore will definitely pull out this part of his memory during the recent period..."

Aaron's voice stopped mid-sentence because Harry had already stuck his head inside.

"That's awesome!" Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, he hesitated for a while and pulled him back, "You are amazing enough, but it is very dangerous to enter other people's memories without permission. Haven't the lessons Tom Riddle taught you enough? ?”

"Dumbledore and Voldemort are completely different." Harry breathed heavily, "And I know a lot of useful things, Crouch, Karkaroff, Bagman and...Sneed Professor Pu.

"What did you see?" Aaron frowned.

"The scene of Karkaroff's trial. He was captured by Professor Moody and was tried by Barty Crouch himself.

He wanted to give out the names of other Death Eaters to leave Azkaban, but he was not lucky, and several of the people he named were either dead or captured.

He also confessed..."

Harry hesitated for a moment and continued: "Severus Snape, Dumbledore said Snape was his spy on Voldemort's side."

"Phew!" Aaron took a deep breath and looked at Harry seriously, "Keep this in your stomach and never tell anyone else, including Sirius."

"Many people know that there were at least hundreds of wizards in that trial."

"But there are also many people who don't know." Aaron said angrily. "In Hogwarts, hundreds of students don't know. Professor Snape will be very troubled if you spread this matter."

Harry nodded blankly, "I understand."

"Then what? Who did Karkaroff betray?

Not only did he come out of Azkaban, he also became the principal of Durmstrang, which can be considered a success. "

“You won’t believe it, it’s unbelievable.

Barty Crouch's son, Barty Crouch Jr., is actually a Death Eater. "

"Wait...you're sure you read that right."

"Absolutely not." Harry said with certainty. "Barty Sr. personally sent his son to Azkaban. In front of his wife, his wife fainted. This is simply... too cruel. ”

After hearing this, Aaron was silent for a while, "Is there anything else?"

"Then there is Neville. His parents were tortured by several Death Eaters using the Cruciatus Curse." Harry said with a heavy expression. "Professor Moody knew about this. He used it in front of Neville during the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. The Cruciatus Curse should be to get him out of this nightmare."

"But he failed. Neville's face turned pale with fright."

"And Ludo Bagman, who was also accused of being a Death Eater."

"Are you kidding?" Aaron hesitated, "He can be a Death Eater like that, so Voldemort's standards for selecting people are too low!"

Harry also deeply agreed with this. In his opinion, although Ludo Bagman was somewhat annoying, he was fundamentally different from the Death Eaters. At least he would never have the guts to go beyond the rules of the Ministry of Magic.

"Many people think so, so Ludo Bagman was released with almost no trial." Harry spread his hands, "I have seen so much so far. I can only say that it is worthy of Dumbledore's memory, whatever. A little leakage was enough to shock us for several years.”

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