A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 44 Hagrid’s curiosity about Abe

After listening to Aaron's analysis, Hermione fell silent.

She knew that what Aaron said was right, but didn't that mean they could do nothing?

"But according to you, can we just wait?"

"That's not the case. You can just not participate and stay the same in the face of change."

Noticing Hermione's unfriendly look, Aaron shrugged, "Okay! No more jokes, all you can do now is to find evidence.

It would be best to confirm who is behind this. As long as there is definite evidence, all problems will be solved."

Hermione frowned slightly, "This is not easy at all."

"No, in fact, it's not as difficult as you think.

Because you know someone wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone, you know where the Philosopher's Stone is, and you know who is guarding that place.

In other words, you have a certain degree of initiative."

Hermione suddenly realized, and the sadness on her face dissipated a little, "Yes, if this person wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone, he must go through the three-headed dog.

In other words... Hagrid!"


Aaron snapped his fingers, "It seems you know what to do."

"Well! As long as Hagrid doesn't leak the information through the three-headed dog, the Philosopher's Stone will be safe.

Once he leaks it, it means that the person behind the scenes has already started to act." Hermione nodded firmly.

"That's it, Hermione, you are smarter than I thought."

Hermione smiled shyly, a blush appeared on her face, and after hesitating for a while, she made a decision.

"Aaron, I want to ask you to help us, can you?"

"Me?" Aaron's face had a strange look, "It's not impossible, but Harry and the others probably won't agree to let me, who is close to Snape, join your plan."

"Then keep it secret from them first." Hermione said, "You are smarter than all of us. With your help, we will be much easier.


"Okay!" Aaron smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I'm really not good at rejecting requests from beautiful girls."

"Hehe!" Hermione smiled embarrassedly, then picked up the book, "Then I'll go find Harry and the others first. They have been looking for Nicolas Flamel for so long, and now they are It's time to let them get what they want. "

"Wait!" Aaron suddenly stopped her, "I still think I should tell you some guesses.

Since someone wants to take the Philosopher's Stone, he must be an insider, which is an important clue.

That means the other party is not an ordinary student, understand? "

Hermione was stunned for a moment, and her pretty face became a little heavy, "You mean there is a thief?"

"I didn't say that, but it is indeed possible.

So except Hagrid and Dumbledore, it's best not to trust anyone, especially the professors of the college.

If you happen to run into the gun, it will be tragic. "

"Got it!" Hermione said, then picked up the book and walked away along the aisle.

"This can be regarded as a reminder to them!" Aaron stroked Abe in his arms, then put the dragon atlas on the table, and continued to teach it to identify its own kind.

When he turned to the Norwegian Ridgeback, he suddenly noticed a shadow on the desk.

Looking up, he saw the giant Hagrid looking at them with a smile, and his thick beard trembled.

"Hagrid, you're actually in the library, how strange!

Let me guess, are you looking for books about pets? Is that little cutie in the Forbidden Forest naughty again?"

"How is that possible? They're all very well-behaved."

"Then why are you in the library?"

"I'm just taking a look!" Hagrid said hesitantly, but Aaron keenly noticed that his eyes were on his dragon illustration from time to time.

"You want this illustration?" Aaron asked meaningfully.

"Why?" Hagrid smiled awkwardly, "Okay! I do want to take a look.

The things recorded in your book are very detailed, habits, diet, hatching guides, etc., which are more detailed than any other book in the library.

So, can you..."


Before Aaron spoke, Abe jumped directly onto the illustration, pressed his white paw on it, and shook his head.

"That... I'm afraid not.

You've seen that our Abe is very possessive.

If he doesn't agree to give it to you, I can't do anything about it."

"Okay!" Hagrid nodded with some regret, "Then when can you finish reading it?

As far as I know, there is also a time limit for borrowing books in the library.

If you finish reading it, be sure to tell me as soon as possible.

Or I'll go and say hello to Mrs. Peace now, and when you finish reading it, ask her to leave the book to me."

Hearing this, Abe, who had only shown his dissatisfaction before, began to bar his teeth. He angrily closed the illustrated book and squatted on it.


"Aaron, I can see that he is reluctant to give it up, but this is the property of the school after all."


Abe angrily made a low moan that did not belong to a cat. The sound was very low, but Hagrid and Aaron, who were very close, heard it.

"This is..." Hagrid's eyes lit up, and his eyes stared at the tightly wrapped 'white cat' in front of him, his eyes full of infinite interest.

"Holy shit! Exposed?" Aaron cursed in his mind, and immediately pressed Abe's dragon head, then held him in his arms and covered his mouth so that he could not make any sound.

It was very uncomfortable, but Abe also knew that he had just exposed his flaw, so he had no choice but to cooperate with his master honestly.

"Aaron, your cat seems a little different!" Hagrid looked at him meaningfully, and as he spoke, his two huge palms slowly moved towards Abe.

He moved very slowly, as if he was afraid of scaring the little guy.

"What do you want to do?" Aaron said with an unkind expression. Hagrid looked like a human trafficker who abducted children, and he couldn't help but be wary.

Hagrid retracted his palm angrily, with an awkward yet polite smile on his face.

"I'm just curious, yes, curious," Hagrid said. "My knowledge of animals is one of the best in the entire magical world, but this is the first time I've seen such a special... cat."

At this point, Hagrid suddenly paused and looked around carefully, "Aaron, is it possible that Abe is not a cat?

I'm pretty sure that the meow just now is definitely not something that a cat of any breed can make. "

"I don't understand what you are talking about?

Abe is an ordinary white cat who has been following me since he was born. "

"I understand, I understand!" Hagrid lowered his voice and said meaningfully: "Is it possible that Abe looks like a cat, but is actually another species?

Actually, I mean the rare breeds of cats.

You know, taking care of such a rare breed requires great care, and if you need help, I'm obligated..."

"I don't need you to worry about this!" Aaron interrupted him. He said it so nicely, but in fact, he was not greedy for the body of my holy dragon.

"Haha! I just said that casually." Hagrid laughed, and then thought of his own business, "Aaron, when can you finish reading this illustrated book?"

“I don’t know about that.

This book was sent by an uncle of mine and is not the property of the school, so don't think about it. "

"This..." Hagrid was stunned for a moment. He had never expected this.

"Then after you finish reading it, can you lend it to me for a few days?

I have an urgent need. "

When Aaron heard this, he looked at this honest giant with amusement, "When did you become so interested in dragons?"

"I have always been particularly interested in dragons." Hagrid explained with dodgeful eyes: "There are many magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest, but there are no dragons.

To tell you the truth, I've always wanted to keep a dragon, but I didn't have the conditions, and the Ministry of Magic wouldn't allow it.

Therefore, I can only have a simple understanding through reading books and barely satisfy my following wishes. "

"Is that so?

I don't know when I will finish it, but I can promise you that I will lend it to you once I finish it. "Aaron said and subconsciously hugged Abe tightly, then picked up the illustrated book on the table and left along the corridor.

Hagrid squinted his eyes, looked at Aaron's leaving figure, and murmured in a low voice: "That is definitely not a cat, but what species is it? Or is it a magical creature that has never appeared before?

So curious! I have to find a way to borrow it and take a look. "

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