A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 442 The imminent war, destroying heavy weapons (1/2)

Chapter 442 The imminent war, destroying heavy weapons

"There will be no future." Pusupi still put on a smiling face, but an arrow had slipped from his sleeve, and he had stabbed it hard into Miraz's back.


Miraz screamed in pain, staggered a few steps forward, and fell to the ground unwillingly.

Pusupi stared blankly at Miraz's body, pretending to be at a loss for a few seconds before shouting: "Treachery, they shot the king, they murdered our king."

After shouting these words, he immediately got on his horse and ran towards the Tammer army under the escort of the general.

When General Sopi was defeated in Miraz, he was on horseback and rushed towards the Tamer army before them.

Peter, Edmund, and Caspian were a little dumbfounded when they saw this scene. They knew that Miraz would definitely die today, but his death was too hasty, and they almost didn't react.

"Get ready to fight," Peter shouted. "Go quickly."

Caspian immediately mounted his horse and stood with the leader of the centaur, preparing to strike as planned.

At the top of the fortress, Aaron pulled the bolt of his gun and aimed at the sling in the Tanmo army formation, while on the lower level, Chuan Bujin led a group of archers to stand ready.

The two kings, Peter and Edmund, stood side by side at the front of the Narnians, boosting the morale of the troops.

"Take up arms, Tammer," cried Thorpy. "Take up arms and fight."

The flagman waved the black flag and ordered the projectile vehicle to attack.


A row of round rolling stones were shot out in unison, flying towards the bunker from a distance of several hundred meters.

boom! boom! boom...

Like muffled thunderous gunshots, the round stones exploded in mid-air.

Countless large and small gravels fell in mid-air, and the neat military formation became chaotic due to this wave of stone rain, causing quite a commotion.

But it wasn't over yet. After the rolling stone shattered, gunshots rang out again.

With every shot, a catapult broke in the middle.

The Tanmers brought a total of seven catapults, which were taken away directly by Aaron.

"What's going on?" Pusupi asked in panic.

"I guess it's the magic of the king of Ancient Narnia," the general said.

During this time, he also took the time to learn about the history of Narnia. Magic did exist, otherwise Caspian would have summoned the king of Narnia with just a horn.

"Are you kidding me?"

"This is the only reasonable explanation. We can't say that all our catapults are malfunctioning!"

"Maybe!" A general said with a nonchalant smile, "There are rats among the Narnians. Isn't it normal for them to come over at night and destroy the catapult when we are not paying attention?"

"You're right." Pusupi calmed down, "It's definitely a trick of the Narnians. They thought it could scare us, but they were totally wrong."

"But how do you explain the sound?" The general was still a little worried.

"That's too simple, isn't it?" Pusupi smiled disdainfully, "General, you are too worried.

Don't think about it. If those four children, no, four kings had this ability, the battle with our king just now would not be so dangerous, and we would not be able to return to our camp safely. "

Hearing this, the general thought so, nodded slightly and said: "Sir, should we launch the attack now, or wait for the new catapults to arrive?"

"Let the soldiers who were injured by the stones go to the rear to rest first. After they have rested, they will launch an attack immediately." Old God Pusupi said, "I will not give them time. Destroying the slings will only prove that they are strong on the outside but good on the inside." ”

On the other side, Peter and Edmund couldn't help but swallowed when they saw the catapults falling, and silently praised Aaron in their hearts.

"This shooting technique is really good." Edmond praised, "And the shooting speed is also very fast, with almost no pause in the middle."

"After all, his family sells arms, so it's natural for him to have this ability." Peter said, "But he just fired all the bullets in the sniper rifle, which means..."

"That's not what we should consider now." Edmund interrupted, "First follow the plan and win this battle."

Peter nodded, "I hope Lucy and the others can find Aslan sooner!"

Ten minutes later, the Tamer army was reorganized.

The general drew his sword and said, "Cavalry, attack."

Thousands of fully armed cavalry rushed toward the fortress at the same time, and the galloping force of the horses made the ground shake slightly.

Peter turned around and gave Caspian a wink, and he immediately entered the bunker with the centaur leader.

After a day and a night of hard work by the Narnians, the bunker was covered with dry firewood and straw soaked in kerosene, and large and small oil drums were also placed in some inconspicuous corners.

Half of Narnia's army was gathered underground, and Caspian quickly rushed to the team, "Narnians, attack."

They did not rush out of the bunker directly, but quickly moved underground directly in front of the bunker.

"one two three..."

Counting from one to ten, this is their calculated time.

At this time, directly above them was the Tammer cavalry that launched the charge.

"Now," shouted Caspian.

Powerful races such as oxen, goats, horses, and giants among the Narnians took action one after another, and in the process of running wildly, they broke the stone pillars supporting the ground.

As the stone pillars broke one after another, the ground collapsed.

The Tammer cavalry fell directly into one-third, and the remaining two-thirds also braked sharply to prevent themselves from falling into this huge pit.

Trump saw the right moment and ordered all the archers to release arrows.

A round of arrow rain made the already severely damaged cavalry even worse. Many soldiers who were still crawling out of the pit fell back again.


Peter yelled, and all the Narnians outside the bunker were killed.

At the same time, Caspian led half of the Narnians around to the rear of the cavalry through two dug passages.

The total number of Narnians is less than that of Tammer, but it is far greater than the number of Tammer cavalry.

Ambushed midway, attacked from both sides, and still had an absolute advantage in numbers. This cavalry team was caught off guard and was unable to even counterattack for a while.

At the top of the fortress, Aaron put away his sniper rifle, looked meaningfully at the battlefield below, and held a second of silence for the cavalry in his heart.

Some were shot to death by random arrows, some were bitten to death by tigers and leopards, some died under swords, and some were beaten to death by giants. The saddest ones were those killed by rats. They were definitely one of the most tragic events in life. Big failure.

"How miserable!" Cornelius sighed.

"They are pretty good, at least they can die happily." Aaron said angrily, "I just wanted to ask, why are you here?"

"Where else can I go?" Cornelius asked confidently, "I am old and not in good health. Let alone fight with a sword like them. Even if you give me a crossbow, I won't do it." It will kill people!"

Aaron's face darkened, "Do you really want me to put my words in plain sight?

Why do you have to follow me, you old fool? "

"Safe." Cornelius said sheepishly, "Originally, I wanted to hide deep in the forest overnight and come out after the war was over.

But Caspian advised me to follow you, as he said that was the only way to keep me safe. "

"Haha!" Aaron sneered, "He will definitely be a qualified king in the future. There is no psychological burden at all when he takes advantage of other people."

"He also asked me to apologize to you for him. After all, he didn't discuss it with you beforehand." Cornelius's voice was weak. If Aaron hadn't had excellent hearing, he might not have been able to hear clearly.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

"Beautiful." Aaron gritted his teeth and said angrily: "It is absolutely right not to discuss it with me in advance, because I will refuse this request without hesitation.

I have done my best to help him get those heavy weapons, but I have to help him protect an elderly fat man. Doesn't he feel ashamed? "

"I am a professor after all, so I can save some face."

"Bah! You actually have the nerve to say this. Now that you're here, you've proven how thick-skinned you are." Aaron retorted unceremoniously, while secretly complaining in his heart. There are always one or two in every world. An old bastard with a bad mood.

Cornelius' mouth twitched slightly, "Caspian is also helpless."

Aaron rolled his eyes and took out a light sniper from the magic circle. "I'm in a very bad mood right now. You said it wouldn't matter if I shot him quietly!"

Cornelius's face changed drastically. He had seen the power of this weapon with his own eyes. Caspian could not be killed even if he was shot.

"No, I'm leaving now."

"forget it!"

"No, as long as you don't take action against Caspian, I will never hold you back."

"It's just a joke." Aaron shook his head and said, "It's just to protect one more bad old man. It's not difficult for me."

"Then what are you doing?" Cornelius looked at the sniper rifle in Aaron's hand with obvious suspicion on his face.

"The gun before was out of bullets, but this one is still available." Aaron said calmly, "Although the Tammer army lost its slings, the heavy crossbows are still there.

I have to destroy that thing, otherwise a row of crossbow arrows will shoot down and a lot of people on our side will die. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of neat footsteps came over.

Pusupi raised his sword high, and a large number of Tamer infantry pressed forward.

"Well... should we change places?" Cornelius asked worriedly, "The second phase of the plan will begin soon, which means that the fortress under our feet will soon become a furnace."

"No need. For me, it only takes a blink of an eye to leave here." Aaron said lightly, and then looked for sniper targets through the scope.

Peter and Caspian also noticed the movements of Tammer's army. They looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

The second phase of the plan is to lead the infantry into the bunker. It is not difficult to do this, but it is not easy to say it is easy.

You have to at least fight before you can retreat. If you run away without fighting, everyone will feel that something is wrong.

Caspian waved his hand, and a dozen griffins carrying boulders and archers flew towards the Tamer army.

Seeing this, Pusupi calmly ordered the soldiers to dispatch the heavy crossbows.

Each ballista is equipped with several rows of huge arrows and requires five people to push it.

The archer aimed at the flying gryphon, "Let go..."


Before the word 'arrow' could be said, a muffled sound came from the distance, and a ballista suddenly disintegrated.


Aaron quickly pulled the bolt and ejected a shell casing.

An emerald green magic circle appeared on the scope, through which Aaron could clearly see the sniper target.

boom! boom! boom!

After a series of gunshots, all the ballistas were scrapped.

"How could this happen?" A look of anger appeared on Pusuppi's face, "Those damn Narnians must have planned it in advance. They even dismantled the ballistae."

"Sir, you should be mentally prepared for this." The general said helplessly, "Besides, I think we should first think about how to deal with those griffins."

Pusupi looked up, his face suddenly darkened, "Let the archers shoot them down.

This is so deceiving. I must kill these damn Narnians today. "


Aaron took a deep breath and put the sniper rifle on his shoulder, "It's not bad, just a little bit unsatisfactory."

"Then you should fire a few more shots!" Cornelius asked tentatively, "This gun should still have a lot of bullets, right?"

"There are three bullets left." Aaron shrugged, "But forget about killing people. The principles may change over time, but you still have to stick to what you should stick to now."

The infantry approached in a mighty manner. Peter and Caspian saw that the time was almost up and immediately gave the order to retreat.

All the Narnians, including Trumpkin and others above the bunker, retreated back into the bunker.

"Come on, don't let them escape, kill them all." Pusupi yelled.

The Tanmer soldiers immediately rushed into the bunker. Peter and others had no intention of fighting, but relied on their familiarity with the bunker to quickly get rid of them.

A few minutes later, a gap suddenly opened a few hundred meters behind the bunker, and Peter led all the Narnians to retreat quickly.

At this time, half of the Tanmer soldiers had entered the bunker, and the other half were also getting in.

When Pusupi saw the Narnians withdrawing, a sneer appeared on his face, "It's not that easy to run away.

Without that fortress they were nothing more than a ragtag group, so the remaining troops were ordered to catch up and destroy them. "

"No." The general thought of something, his face instantly turned pale, and there was a layer of fine beads of sweat on his forehead, "Withdraw from that fortress."

"What did you say?" Pusupi looked unhappy.

“There is no time to explain, my lord.

That is a trap. Let our people evacuate the bunker quickly, otherwise our army will suffer huge losses. "

Pusupi frowned slightly. He still recognized the general's combat awareness, but he was a little troubled by giving up the just-conquered fortress.

"General, are you worrying too much?"

"Sir, I'm not joking.

We must evacuate our people now. If it is too late, it will be too late. "

"Okay! Okay!" Pusupi said indifferently, "Let all the soldiers evacuate the bunker."

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