A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 456 Senior Investigator, Find a Qualified Teacher (1/2)

Chapter 456 Senior Investigator, Find a Qualified Teacher

"Here are these two books for you." Aaron put the light element magic book and the dark element magic book on the desk, "Jeans has taken care of the matter, and our Wicht ancestors finally decided to teach us new magic. "

"Great." The missing body said slightly excitedly, "But you don't look very happy."

"During the summer vacation, Ancestor Weihet will test the learning status of these two magics. If nothing else happens...the testing method will not be very friendly to me."

"Every gain must come with a loss!" The Missing Body said comfortingly, "Generally speaking, we are not at a loss."

"My back hurts when I stand and talk." Aaron curled his lips. He was the one attending cram school at home, and he was the one who got beaten. It had nothing to do with the missing body.

The missing body laughed sarcastically, and then opened the magic book.

"Light element magic, dark element magic...

A generous gift crab! This is so intentional! "

"I think so too." Aaron smiled bitterly, "We all have to work harder this school year. These two magic circles are relatively unfamiliar to us, and we need to spend more energy to master them."

"Does this count as shooting oneself in the foot?" The Missing Body said depressedly. It took them four years to barely be able to control the five elements. Now that there are two more elements, the workload has suddenly increased.

"It's useless to talk about it now. In order to save me from being beaten during the summer vacation...work hard!"

Aaron sighed slightly, picked up a piece of scratch paper and began to study the use of light and dark elemental magic.

The next day, the auditorium.

While the students were having breakfast, the quarrel between Professor McGonagall and Umbridge was heard outside.

Many students heard the sound and put down their tableware in unison and walked out of the auditorium door.


"I'm sorry, Professor, what are you insinuating?"

"I just ask that you strictly abide by the established school rules when punishing my students and act reasonably and impartially."

"Did I hear you correctly? You seem to be questioning my authority over the students in my class, Minerva."

"I definitely didn't mean that. What I said was that you used corporal punishment on students."

"I'm sorry, dear." Umbridge sighed quietly, "If you question my method, it is equivalent to questioning the Ministry of Magic. In other words, you are questioning the Minister himself.

I am a tolerant person, but there is one thing I will never tolerate, which is disloyalty to the minister. "

"Disloyal to the Minister...?" Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment. In her impression, Hogwarts had never been required to be loyal to the Minister of Magic.

Umbridge turned around, looked at the students walking out of the auditorium and said, "The situation at Hogwarts is much worse than I expected. Cornelius will definitely take action immediately."

"What a great official authority!" Back in the auditorium, Aaron couldn't help but clicked his tongue, "Even if the Ministry of Magic wants to reach out to Hogwarts, it won't be so blatant, right?"

"Don't you know?" Draco asked in surprise.

"what do you know?"

"The Ministry of Magic has issued Educational Order No. 23, and Dolores Umbridge has been appointed High Inquisitor of Hogwarts."

"Investigator?" Aaron frowned slightly, "Investigation or something?"

"Investigating fellow faculty members, in other words she has the authority to review the teaching qualifications of other teachers."

Hearing this, Aaron opened his mouth in surprise, and then sneered, "What a dirty politics! Is Fudge already so shameless?

After reviewing the teaching qualifications, Umbridge should be the first to be expelled.

I had read all the magic defense theories she taught before going to school, but I still had to practice the magic spells that I should learn. "

Draco couldn't deny that Fudge had directly promulgated a new education law in order to control Hogwarts. He felt that this kind of behavior was ugly.

"Forget it, she is reviewing teachers and it has nothing to do with us.

But I still remind you, don’t meddle in other people’s business. It’s only a matter of time that someone like Umbridge will be ruined, so don’t get involved. "

"I know." Draco nodded, but his expression was a little unnatural.


Article 24 of the Education Charter prohibits playing music during study time...

Article 30 of the Education Charter, all Weasley products are immediately banned...

Article 45 of the Education Charter: Maintain good clothing, appearance and etiquette at all times...

Umbridge was completely lost. In addition to often appearing in other professors' classes with small notebooks, she also kept adding various rules and regulations as if she were the principal of Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Grapeplan didn't take her scrutiny seriously, and were able to answer her questions calmly outside of classroom teaching.

It was just that Professor Trelawney seemed to be deliberately targeted in the divination class.

"I want you to make a prophecy for me." Umbridge said with a smile.

I have to say that this is forcing people to do something difficult, because truly effective predictions cannot be made casually, and what you see in the crystal ball is only one of countless possibilities.

According to Dumbledore, there were no more than five completely accurate prophecies in Trelawney's sixteen years of teaching.

"The third eye will not be ordered to see." Professor Trelawney said seriously.

"What a shame." Umbridge made a few notes on her clipboard.

"No, wait, wait." Professor Trelawney hurriedly stopped her. Although she was extremely angry, her job was in the hands of this senior investigator.

The situation is stronger than the people. If this prophecy is not fulfilled, the job may not be saved.

"I seemed to see something.

Yes, I saw dark things and you are in very serious danger. "

"Interesting, if you can only do this at best." Umbridge raised her eyebrows slightly, with a gloating smile on her face, and scratched on the writing board.


Gryffindor common room.

"This hateful old witch." Hermione cursed angrily, "We can't learn how to protect ourselves, we can't learn how to pass Oath, she has taken over the entire school."

"But what can we do?" Harry said depressedly, "She is now a senior investigator sent by the Ministry of Magic, and Dumbledore has nothing to do with her for the time being."

"We have to take action. If Umbridge is not willing to teach us, then we might as well do it ourselves."

"What?" Ron asked.

"Learn Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Spare us!" Ron said in a low voice, "We still have a lot of homework, Harry has to deal with Umbridge's confinement, and I signed up to join the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Hermione, I hate to say it, but it's only our second week and the load is already heavy. "

"But learning defense skills is more important than homework." Hermione said seriously, "The mysterious man may come back at any time. If we don't even have the ability to protect ourselves, how will we face him and those terrifying Death Eaters? ”

"You mean... we go to the library to find some spells to practice on our own?" Ron said.

"No, that's not enough.

What we need is a teacher, a teacher with rich combat experience who can give us correct guidance. "

"But who can we turn to?" Harry frowned slightly, "The teachers at school are definitely not good, Umbridge is keeping a close eye on them.

Sirius can't show up, Moody and Professor Lupin are also busy with the Order of the Phoenix, Mr. Weasley..."

"No, I'm not talking about them." Hermione interrupted, "What do you think of Aaron?"


Harry and Ron looked at each other, then fell into thought.

"I definitely trust Aaron's ability." Harry said awkwardly, "Some professors may not be as good as him, but..."

"But he may not teach us." Ron continued.

"He said if you have any questions you don't understand, you can go to him."

"He said guidance, but... what we want is a teacher!" Harry forced a smile, "I don't think he will have that much time."

“You have to try it!”

"Harry." Sirius's voice suddenly came from the fireplace.

The three of them turned to look, and Sirius' head appeared in the red flames.

"Why are you here?" Hermione glanced around worriedly, and then breathed a sigh of relief when she saw no one else.

"I'll answer Harry's letter," Sirius said. "It's the safest way I can think of."

"Have you written to him?" Hermione looked at Harry accusingly, "Do you know that our letters may be intercepted by the Ministry of Magic?"

"I just want to know how Hagrid is doing," Harry said with a guilty conscience. "Besides, my letter didn't say 'Sirius'. I used 'cold', so no one will find out."

"The writing is indeed very clever." Sirius praised, "Don't worry, Hagrid. He and Ms. Maxim went back to his hometown, but they got separated on the way back, but there is no danger. I believe you will be there soon." can see him.”

"You said you were worried about Umbridge, what is she doing?

Training you to kill all hybrids? "

"She won't let us use magic at all," Harry said indignantly.

"I'm not surprised." Sirius said calmly, "The latest information says that Fudge doesn't want you to receive combat training."

"Fighting?" Ron asked in confusion, "Does he think we are going to build a wizard army?"

"That's what he thinks. He thinks Dumbledore is rallying his men against the Ministry of Magic."

"It's ridiculous, this is too ridiculous!" Hermione couldn't believe it. "Because of this, he doesn't let us use magic, and he also arranged for Umbridge to occupy our Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"Fudge's paranoia is getting worse. He feels that Dumbledore will do whatever it takes to take away his power."

"So we plan to find a teacher ourselves." Hermione said confidently, and then looked at Sirius, "The three of us agreed that Aaron is the most suitable."

"Him?" Sirius paused and asked doubtfully, "Are you sure? He is Slytherin!"

"Can't you?"

"No, it's not impossible." Sirius said hurriedly, "It would be great if he is willing."

"We will convince him." Hermione said confidently.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, but it was not easy to throw cold water on Hermione at this time, so they could only nod along.

Ah...ah sneeze!

Aaron, who was in the Hall of Divine Sound, suddenly sneezed, and a black magic circle in front of him also disintegrated, turning into little black particles and dissipating.

"What's wrong?" The missing body, which was enchanting the bullet three times, stopped, "Don't tell me it's a cold. Our current physique is not immune to all diseases, but we should never have a chance to catch a cold in this life."

"I don't know, maybe some beautiful woman missed me!" Aaron smiled nonchalantly, "How are you doing?"

"Not very good." The missing body let out a long sigh, "The bullets for the flintlock are easier to make, but the process of making the bullets for the revolver and the two sniper rifles is more complicated. If you don't use magical animal feathers to make them, With auxiliary materials, it can barely be enchanted three times.”

"Then using the feathers of magical animals can achieve the power of four enchantments?"

"No, the increase is limited." The missing body slowly shook its head, "Unless there are more precious materials, and using the feathers of magical animals for three enchantments is more expensive than the second enchantment, one feather can only make one bullet on average. ”

"Hiss!" Aaron couldn't help but gasped. He had to use these bullets sparingly in the future, otherwise he wouldn't even have enough money on hand to buy raw materials.

"By the way, there is also the automatic pistol." The missing body reminded.

"There's no need for that." Aaron immediately interrupted, "It's good to replenish bullets with your own magic power. You don't have to waste materials. We really can't afford it."

"All right!"


The next day, the library.

Aaron was sitting by the window, and his quill drew a complicated formation diagram on his notebook.

"Aaron, we..." The three of Harry walked over, but his voice stopped abruptly mid-sentence because there was a Slytherin witch standing next to Aaron.

She glared at Harry fiercely, then looked at Aaron cautiously, "Senior, I have classes in the afternoon, so I'll leave first."

After the Slytherin witch left, Harry scratched his head in embarrassment, "Did we bother you?"


"Who is she?" Ron joked.

"Celine McKeon, a fourth-year Slytherin student.

This seems to have nothing to do with you! "

"Uh..." Ron immediately pointed to Hermione aside, "I asked for her."

"This doesn't seem to have anything to do with her!"

"Yes." Hermione frowned slightly and forced a smile, "It has nothing to do with me.

Let me ask you, why is she looking for you? "

"How to cast the silent spell." Aaron said a little tiredly, "Since I became a prefect, an average of seven or eight students have asked me for advice on study problems every day.

If the senior wizards weren't so proud, I would probably be annoyed to death by these people. "

"Oh! That's it." Hermione nodded thoughtfully, and the smile on her face was no longer stiff.

"Okay, let's talk about something." Aaron slowly closed the notebook, "My past experience tells me that it will never do anything good if the three of you come to the door together."

Three people:......

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