A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 471 Bad prophecy, sending a letter to Weasley (1/2)

Chapter 471 Bad prophecy, sending a letter to Weasley

"Danger, danger, Weasley's life is in danger..."

Aaron, who was sleeping, almost rolled out of bed when he heard the sound.

"Damn it! What's going on?"

"Calm down, is the warning from the prophecy book." The missing body took down the prophecy book from the throne, and then wrote today's date on it, and a line of words appeared on the blank page.

Danger, Weasley's life is in danger.

"Waltfak!" Aaron cursed wordlessly, "I thought I could have a good rest for a few weeks, but I didn't expect that I couldn't even sleep well."

"It has been making a prediction every day for more than a month, and now it has a useful prediction." The missing body couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Unfortunately, it is not good news for us."

"Weasley." Aaron sighed. "Arthur, Molly, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny are all Weasleys. How do I know where they are?" one?"

"The ones at Hogwarts should be fine, but it's hard to say about the remaining five."

"The question now is what to do? Should I take care of it?" Aaron rubbed his forehead and looked at the missing body clone opposite him, hoping that he could give him a suggestion.

"Don't look at me like that. Although I have my own thoughts, I'm still you in essence.

What you worry about is what I worry about, and what you hesitate about is what I hesitate about. "The Missing Body shrugged, "It's a bit hard to say no matter what. After all, we lived in the shabby for a few days. Although we lived in our own tents, their family did fulfill their friendship as landlords and were very polite and courteous to us.

It might be okay if you don't care, but you might also get involved in the disputes in the magic world unintentionally.

Who knows what dangers he faced to his life?

If it was just an ordinary accident, it would be fine. Saving someone's life wouldn't hurt.

But if it's a battle with Death Eaters, if we participate, it's a violation of family rules, and I don't need to tell you the consequences! "

A trace of helplessness flashed in Aaron's eyes, "I really regret buying this book now. If I didn't know better, I could at least have a good sleep."

"It's okay for you to deceive others, but are you deceiving yourself in front of me?"

"After all, we are acquaintances, and we can't help but die." Aaron scratched his head in confusion, "But the question is how to deal with it? How can we resolve the so-called life danger without involving ourselves.

The same goes for this book of prophecies. Can’t the prophecies be more detailed? "

"To be more specific, it's not as simple as 500 magic points.

How about Dumbledore? The Weasleys worked for him and he wouldn't turn a blind eye. "

"No." Aaron refused decisively, "I can feel that our principal is under a lot of pressure. We must not take the initiative to appear in front of him at this time.

And he may not believe us if we tell him, once he knows about the existence of the prophecy..."

"Then this book is almost impossible to keep." The missing body continued.

"That's what I mean." Aaron said. The struggle between the White Devil and the Dark Lord became increasingly fierce. At this time, a book of prophecy became very important.

"Then send someone to send a letter, anonymously."

"Send who?" Aaron asked, "This is Hogwarts, not Gaius Castle, and none of us can control it."

"I'm talking about transfiguration." The missing body waved his wand, and a cup turned into a brown owl. "Let it deliver the letter."

"This... is a way, but I guess the letter may not be delivered." Aaron said with a frown, "The communication channels of Hogwarts are being monitored, and Dumbledore and Harry Potter are the key targets. If nothing else, I was also targeted.

The owl would probably be detained before it could fly to Dumbledore's office. If Umbridge intercepted the letter again, the situation would be even more complicated. "

After hearing this, the missing body was also helpless.

"This won't work, and that won't work either. We can't do it ourselves!"

"Wait a minute." Aaron interrupted, "You mean to take action personally?"

The missing body was stunned for a moment, then quickly responded, "You're not really planning to ask me to send the letter, are you?"

"I'm not that stupid. The letter must be sent, but it cannot be given to Dumbledore."

"Who is it for? Professor McGonagall?"

"No, no, no, apart from the principal and vice-principal, the one who cares most about Weasley at Hogwarts is..."

"Weasley." The missing body suddenly realized, "Yes, it is very risky to send a message to the Grand Magister or the Grand Magister Peak, but it is relatively easy to send a message to the Magister."

"What time is it now?" Aaron asked.

"It's just after midnight and it's curfew time."

"Without further ado, I have to go to the Gryffindor common room, you..."

"Ready." The missing person wrote the content of the prophecy on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope. "This is written with the left hand. No one will recognize it."

Aaron secretly praised his wit in his heart, then picked up the envelope and left the Shenming Palace.

The door to the Slytherin common room quietly opened, and Aaron walked out quickly, using the Disillusionment Curse to hide his figure and the Silent Curse to block the sound of his footsteps.

Jogging all the way to the end of the corridor in Gryffindor Tower, a portrait blocked his way.

Looking at the fat lady taking a nap in the painting, Aaron's forehead had a few more black lines.

Damn it, I forgot that there is a doorkeeper here, and he doesn't know the password to the Gryffindor common room.

After thinking for a moment, Aaron removed the disillusionment spell and changed his appearance at the same time.


A low cough sounded particularly clear in the silent corridor.

The fat lady was still a little confused when she heard the voice, but she immediately woke up when she saw the person standing in front of her.

"Professor Dumbledore, are you here for anything?"

"It's a very urgent matter, otherwise I don't want to disturb the little wizards' rest." Aaron said calmly in Dumbledore's voice, "I don't have time to explain, please open the door for me first!"

"Okay, Principal."

The Fat Madam didn't doubt his presence and directly opened the circular entrance leading to the common room.

Others required a password to enter, but Dumbledore clearly had the privilege of being Headmaster.

Aaron couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this. Although there was no portrait of a special guard in the Slytherin common room, the security was higher.

After all, their door only recognizes passwords, and no one who comes has any privileges.

Entering the common room, the Fat Lady closed the door consciously. Aaron once again used the Disguise Spell to cover his body, and then took out Captain Jack's compass.

Although he had been to the Gryffindor common room once, he didn't really know where Ron's dormitory was, so he could only follow the pointer to find it.

He didn't use this magic item many times, but every time he felt it was overkill.

Quietly pushing open the door pointed by the compass, Aaron walked in lightly.

This dormitory is a mixed dormitory for five people. In addition to Ron, there are also Harry, Seamus, Dean, and Neville.

Ignoring the constant snoring, Aaron walked to Ron's bed and placed the anonymous letter on the bedside. He also cast a spell on the envelope so that it would automatically sound the alarm three minutes later.

After doing this, Aaron breathed a sigh of relief. It was not foolproof, but it was definitely benevolent and righteous.


A low groan of pain suddenly came from a few meters away.

Aaron subconsciously looked around and saw Harry twitching on the bed, his face covered in cold sweat. Although he was sleeping, his hands were still covering the scar on his forehead.

"I'm having a nightmare, and it's a nightmare related to Voldemort." Aaron thought to himself, his brows frowning unconsciously.

The Dark Lord's frequent activities is not a good sign, but it has little to do with him. The letter has been delivered, and leaving here is the top priority.

Aaron returned the same way, but at a slower speed than when he came.

He returned to the Slytherin common room more than ten minutes later. He did not go to the Hall of Divine Sound and lay directly on the bed in the dormitory.

Shortly after he left, the letter rang like an alarm clock.

But Ron was so sleepy that he opened his eyes only a few minutes later with deep resentment.

He doesn't usually set an alarm clock, not to mention that Christmas is coming soon and schools are closed, which just satisfies the desire of the scumbag to sleep until he wakes up naturally.

Now that this wish has been shattered, he must not be in a good mood.

"It's not over yet."

Ron slapped the 'alarm clock' on his bedside angrily, already wondering whose prank this was.

It's best not to let him catch him, otherwise he will definitely let the other party know what a prefect's anger is.

However, the sound of the alarm clock disappeared, and the touch on his hand was different. Only then did he realize that it was not an alarm clock at all, but an anonymous letter.

Ron was a little confused. Just as he was about to open the envelope, he heard Harry's cry of pain.

This startled him, and he immediately walked up to Harry without caring about the envelope in his hand, "Harry, Harry."

Harry suddenly opened his eyes and gasped for air.

Then he felt a sharp tearing sensation on his forehead, which made his eyes darken in pain, and he lay on the bedside and vomited.

"Harry, what's wrong with you?" Ron asked worriedly, "Do you want to go to the school hospital to see Ms. Pomfrey?"

"No." Harry hurriedly grabbed Ron's arm and said in a weak but extremely firm tone: "Something happened to your father, Mr. Weasley."

"What?" Ron was stunned, "Brother, you are just dreaming."

"No." Harry shouted anxiously, "It's not a dream, it's definitely not a dream.

I saw that big snake. He was bitten with blood all over his body. It was very serious.

Dumbledore, quickly, go find him. "

"I'm going to call someone." Neville said in horror and ran out of the dormitory quickly.

Dean and Seamus were also awakened, but they were whispering and didn't care about Harry's dream, and even thought it was a bit of a fuss.

After an unknown amount of time, hurried footsteps were heard on the stairs, and Neville walked in with Professor McGonagall.

"I want to go find Dumbledore, but I don't know the password to the principal's office." Neville said with some remorse.

"Thanks, Neville." Harry said gratefully, his voice sounding weak.

"Potter, what's wrong with you?" Professor McGonagall asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"It's Ron's father." Harry forced himself to sit up. "I saw that he was bitten by a snake. It was very serious."

"Did you see it?" Professor McGonagall frowned.

"I dreamed it, but it was very real, as if I was the snake." Harry said anxiously, "We have to find him. He is very seriously injured. If it is late, it may be too late.

Professor, I'm not lying and I'm not crazy. You must believe me. "

Professor McGonagall looked at him in confusion, and was silent for a few seconds before she seemed to make up her mind, "I believe you, Potter, put on your dressing gown, let's go see the principal."

Hearing this, Harry breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

He really needs the trust of the members of the Order of the Phoenix now, otherwise he really doesn't know what to do, especially since Dumbledore seems to have been avoiding him intentionally or unintentionally this semester.

"Weasley, come here too."

Ron supported the weak Harry and followed Professor McGonagall to the entrance of the principal's office.

"Sizzling honey candy."

Professor McGonagall read the command, and the stone beast jumped aside, revealing the rising stone stairs.

The three of them climbed the stairs and came to an oak door.

Professor McGonagall knocked on the door knocker three times, and after a while, the door opened automatically.

Dumbledore was looking through documents at his desk. He was not surprised when he saw Professor McGonagall, but when he saw the two people behind her, especially Harry, who looked overwhelmed, he frowned unconsciously.

"Dumbledore, Potter just had a nightmare."

"It's not a nightmare." Harry said immediately, and then looked at Dumbledore very seriously, "I did see it while I was sleeping, it really happened.

Ron's father was bitten by a snake, a big snake, and it bit him covered in blood.

This kind of thing has happened before, I have dreamed about Wormtail, and it must be true this time. "

"How did you see it?" Dumbledore asked.

"I don't know, just when I was dreaming..."

"No, I'm not asking you that.

I mean were you standing next to the victim in the dream, or were you looking down from above? "

"None of them." Harry shook his head in confusion, "I saw it from the snake's perspective, as if I was the snake."

Dumbledore looked slightly grim and asked again: "Is he seriously injured?"

"very serious."

Dumbledore immediately turned to look at an old portrait on the wall, which showed a yellow-haired wizard.

"Evra, Arthur is on duty tonight, we must let the right person find him."


A witch who was napping in the frame suddenly opened her eyes.

"You go and help too."

The two wizards nodded and took out the photo frame from the side.

"They are the two famous headmasters of Hogwarts, and their portraits are also hung in other important wizarding institutions.

They can come and go between their portraits at will, so they can tell us what is happening elsewhere. "Dumbledore explained patiently.

He looked at Harry and Ron, who were pale, and conjured two chairs, "You guys sit down for a while, they may have to wait a few minutes before they come back.

Minerva, I need you to wake the other Weasley children. "

"I'll go right away," said Professor McGonagall. "What about Molly?"

"Fox will inform you when he finishes his sentry, maybe she already knows.

You know they have a wonderful wall clock at home that doesn't show time but only shows a person's whereabouts and status. "

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