A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 473 The bad owl just doesn’t want to die (1/2)

Chapter 473 The bad owl just doesn’t want to die without saving it.

Gryffindor common room.

Professor McGonagall was sitting on a sofa next to the fireplace, while Hermione took the long list and called the names one by one.

Since Dumbledore's request was to search in secret, they didn't make a big deal about it. They just made up a random reason and asked everyone to fill out the form to go home for Christmas again.

Students whose names were read would step forward to sign their names, completely ignoring the owl in the cage.

But from morning to noon, from seventh grade to first grade, all Gryffindors in school were searched, and Hedwig showed no obvious reaction.

"Professor, is there something wrong?" Hermione asked disappointedly, "Except Harry and the others, all the Gryffindors have tried it."

Professor McGonagall rubbed her brows tiredly, "I feel the same way, maybe I missed something."

"Could he not be Gryffindor?"

"This is impossible." Professor McGonagall said firmly, "The Fat Madam will not let anyone in who doesn't know the password."

"What if he knows the password?

Sirius had picked up Gryffindor's password two years ago to be able to enter smoothly. "

"This..." Professor McGonagall hesitated for a moment and walked to the entrance of the lounge, "Good morning, Fat Madam."

"Good morning, professor." The fat lady grinned.

"I would like to ask if any students from other colleges came last night?"

"No, absolutely not." The Fat Madam shook her head solemnly, "I won't let you into Gryffindor without a password, let alone other houses."

"Look!" Professor McGonagall said to Hermione.

"But Professor Dumbledore did come last night."

"Who are you talking about? Professor Dumbledore?"

Professor McGonagall stumbled, almost breaking her defense, and Hermione opened her mouth in shock.

"Yes, he came once at almost midnight." Fat Madam recalled, "He said there was something very urgent, so I let him in."

Upon hearing this, Professor McGonagall and Hermione looked at each other.

No wonder they couldn't find anyone in Gryffindor, because this guy wasn't Gryffindor at all.

Professor McGonagall looked frustrated and kept mumbling: "How could this happen? A prophecy genius just missed Gryffindor like this?"

"Uh...Professor, are we still looking?"

"Looking, why not looking?

No matter which college he is from, being able to deliver that letter to Ron means that he has justice in his heart and there is still a possibility of fighting for it. "

"But Professor..." Hermione hesitated, "We have a holiday tomorrow, and it took us all morning just to find Gryffindor House. At this speed, we won't be able to check the other three houses.

Moreover, Professor Dumbledore meant to do it secretly, so checking several colleges at once was somewhat blatant. "

Professor McGonagall's face suddenly turned ugly. After a long silence, she sighed unwillingly, "Forget it, let's talk about it after the Christmas vacation!"

After saying that, Professor McGonagall turned and left, leaving Hermione with a forlorn figure.

"Wait a minute, Professor, maybe I have an idea."

Auditorium, the night before the holiday.

Hermione was the first to arrive in the auditorium, sat at the end of the Gryffindor table, and placed Hedwig's birdcage on the table openly.

Students came in one after another, preparing to enjoy dinner before leaving school.

Hermione was not in the mood to eat. She was reading a book and observing Hedwig's movements.

Professor McGonagall at the staff table felt a little more relieved when she saw this.

She gave unconditional support to Hermione's method. She not only fulfilled Dumbledore's requirements, but also was able to screen most of the students.

Unless that person doesn't come to eat, there is absolutely no way to avoid it.

It took more than half an hour before Hedwig flapped her wings and made an excited sound.

Hermione and Professor McGonagall immediately looked towards the door of the auditorium, and then their eyes widened in unison.

I saw Aaron holding Abe in his arms and striding in.

He obviously didn't notice the two glances falling on him and just started eating his dinner.

Professor McGonagall winked at Hermione and then left her seat.

The two met outside the auditorium and walked all the way to the foyer before stopping.

"Are you sure it's Mr. Gaius?"

"Didn't you see everything? Hedwig said it was him." Hermione said hesitantly, "It's unexpected but reasonable!

Aaron's transformation skills are very good. Even if he can't transform into someone else, the Fat Lady can't see through his illusions.

As for the gift of prophecy... he is probably Professor Trelawney's proudest student. "

"That's right now." Professor McGonagall said with a wry smile.

She used to be full of joy and thought that Gryffindor had a genius and could finally be proud in front of Snape, but now it seemed that she was overthinking and the situation had not changed at all.

"Professor, do you still want him to join the Order of the Phoenix?" Hermione said awkwardly, "Based on my understanding of him, I'm afraid he won't agree."

Professor McGonagall did not give a clear answer, leaving a message of "please keep it confidential, no one can tell" and left in a hurry.

Instead of returning to the Great Hall, she went to the Headmaster's office and told Dumbledore everything directly.

"Albus." Professor McGonagall said in a dumbfounded voice, "I'm afraid Gaius' ability needs to be re-evaluated. He is better than we expected."

Old God Dumbledore was sitting on the chair, as if he had expected this.

"This kid should be leaning towards our side, otherwise he wouldn't have sent a letter to Ron.

My suggestion is to recruit him into the Order, and you have to talk to him personally. "

"It's not time yet, Minerva." Dumbledore said solemnly.

"What do you mean it's not the right time?" Professor McGonagall asked puzzledly, "Harry, Ron, and Hermione all know about the Order of the Phoenix, so it shouldn't be a problem to have one more!"

"He is different." Dumbledore shook his head, a wise light flashed in his eyes, "I do not deny that recruiting him into the Order of the Phoenix will be a huge help to us, and many people will be inspired.

But Gaius is a true Slytherin. He has all the qualities of a Slytherin. What he is best at is protecting himself wisely. Otherwise, he would not be able to send messages in that way. I am sure that I would not be able to find him at this time. Any gain. "

"I very much agree with this." Phineas stroked his goatee proudly, "The Gaius family has been standing for thousands of years, powerful, mysterious, and intricately connected.

They seem to always be on the fringes of the magical world, but their every move deeply affects the entire magical world. "

"Thank you for reminding me, Phineas." Dumbledore said speechlessly, "You have said this so many times, it makes my ears tingle."

"One more won't hurt."

"Uh... I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean." Professor McGonagall said.

"It means Dumbledore is right." Phineas said meaningfully, "If the time is not right, it will only be counterproductive."

Professor McGonagall frowned slightly, "Does that mean we have to pretend that nothing happened?"

"That's not necessarily true." Dumbledore took out last night's letter from the drawer. "As the principal of Hogwarts, someone broke into Gryffindor's dormitory in the middle of the night. It's hard to explain without asking."

Professor McGonagall seemed to have thought of something, a glint flashed in her eyes, "I'm going to call Mr. Gaius to the principal's office right now."

"Dumbledore, didn't I make it clear enough just now?" Phineas said with some displeasure, "No matter what you do, don't target the Gaius family."

"Don't worry, Phineas.

It's not as serious as you think, I know what I'm doing. "

"It better be."

On the other side, Aaron had just finished dinner and was thinking about how to spend the Christmas vacation when a tall and thin figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Professor McGonagall, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Gaius, Professor Dumbledore asked me to invite you over."

Hearing this, Aaron's face remained calm, but his heart skipped a beat.

Something is wrong, 12 out of 10 is wrong.

He just sent the letter to Ron last night, and Dumbledore talked to him tonight, even if he said it was a coincidence, even dogs didn't believe it.

"Professor McGonagall, I would like to ask, what does Professor Dumbledore want to see me for?"

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal.

I should just ask you a few questions and tell the truth. "

Aaron immediately had the answer in his mind. It was probably Dumbledore who knew about him sending the letter.

But it doesn't matter, he asked himself that he didn't reveal any flaws.

They absolutely couldn't find any evidence, and there was nothing they could do against Dumbledore as long as he refused to acknowledge him.

Thinking like this, Aaron stood up without thinking, "Then let's go quickly, we can't keep the principal waiting."

Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows slightly and led the way very skillfully.

Entering the principal's office, Aaron saw a letter on Dumbledore's desk at a glance, and couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart.

"Mr. Gaius, please sit down."

Aaron was not polite and just found a chair and sat down.

"Um...Professor Dumbledore, we are all so familiar with each other. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Dumbledore nodded slightly, then picked up the letter on the table, "Does it look familiar?"

"Weasley's life is in danger... Also... this is not a prank. If you don't believe it, you will be responsible for the consequences." Aaron read without blushing, then frowned slightly, "I'm sure it's not Slytherin.

After all, as a prefect, I often collect their homework, and I have never seen such handwriting.

This must be just a prank by some student! "

"It was not a prank, Arthur Weasley was attacked and seriously injured.

In a sense, this letter came very timely, and it can even be said to have saved Arthur's life. "

"What?" A look of shock appeared on Aaron's face, and he carefully looked at the letter in his hand, "This is really... really incredible!

This must be Professor Trelawney's handiwork. She is the only one in Hogwarts who has this kind of prophetic ability. "

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall looked at each other, and they could see the speechlessness in each other's eyes.

With his acting skills, if they didn't know the truth, they might have been fooled.

"Ahem!" Dumbledore coughed, "Unfortunately, this letter has nothing to do with Professor Trelawney.

Last night, someone pretended to be me and tricked the Fat Lady into opening the door to the Gryffindor common room, then placed this letter next to Ron's bed and set an alarm in a friendly manner.

If it were Sybil, there would be no need to go to such trouble. "

"No way!" Aaron raised his brows slightly, then looked at Dumbledore pretending to be angry, "Principal, you didn't ask me to come over because you doubted me, right?"

Dumbledore: ...

Suspect? What is suspicion? Do you dare to say it’s not you?

"Don't get excited, the main thing is that this letter is definitely not left by the professor."

"It's not Gryffindor either." Professor McGonagall added, "Gryffindor knows the password, there's no need to pretend to be the headmaster."

"That's it." Dumbledore shrugged slightly, "You are the best among the students, and the professor is proud of both transfiguration and divination.

And you have a good relationship with Weasley. Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George are all your friends. "

"So, this is why you doubt me?" Aaron asked, "Is this too hasty?"

"I also think it's a bit hasty, but..." Dumbledore pointed to the birdcage placed in the window, "Harry's owl saw what happened last night."


A bolt from the blue suddenly sounded in Aaron's heart.

Damn, it was a miscalculation, a hundred secrets and one sparseness!

He had thought of everything except Hedwig.

But then I thought about it. He sneaked in while invisible last night. Hedwig couldn't see him at all. She could only identify him by smell.

Besides, what if this owl has a genetic mutation that can see through his magic? It's all in vain if it can't speak.

"Professor, I think this may be a misunderstanding." Aaron said seriously, "I slept in the dormitory last night and never left."

Hedwig immediately flapped her wings and made a strange cry, as if to refute his words.


Abe roared, and a dragon's power pressed down on Hedwig like a mountain.

It immediately chose to follow its heart, its sounds and movements stopped abruptly, and it just squatted in the cage obediently.

"Aaron." Professor McGonagall glared at him, "Take care of your pets."

"Yes, yes, but Abe did nothing wrong.

My master has been slandered, so it is normal for him to be angry. "

"Okay! Let's just treat this as a misunderstanding!" Dumbledore said nonchalantly, and then changed the subject, "Mr. Gaius, who do you think left this letter?"

Aaron took a deep breath, held his head high and said, "How do I know? It's not me anyway."

A few black lines appeared on Dumbledore's forehead. Don't you feel ashamed to say this?

"Then what do you think this person's intentions are?" Dumbledore asked meaningfully.

"Uh... Professor, I am just an ordinary Slytherin. Is this appropriate for you to ask me?"

"It's okay. Teachers and students have completely different views. I want to hear your opinion."

"It's probably a prank, it just happened to happen."

"What if it's not a prank?" Professor McGonagall asked, "What if this person has rare prophecy and saw the process of Arthur's injury, and then deliberately left this letter?"

"Well..." Aaron pondered for a moment, knowing that they were trying to trick him, so he simply told the truth, "Maybe I just don't want to die without saving him."

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