A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 479 Umbridge is completely defeated, we have a traitor (1/2)

Chapter 479 Umbridge was completely defeated, we found a traitor


Students who had finished dinner crowded here and formed a big circle.

Professor Trelawney stood in the middle in a state of embarrassment. In addition to deep humiliation, there was also obvious fear and fear on his face.

Several large wooden boxes were placed crookedly at her feet, looking as if they had been thrown down from upstairs.

"Sixteen, sixteen years, I have lived and taught here." Professor Trelawney looked sad, angry and aggrieved, "Hogwarts is my home, you can't do this."

"It used to be your home." Umbridge proudly took out a piece of paper, "The Minister of Magic signed your dismissal order an hour ago.

Now please leave the hall and don't embarrass me, okay? "

Professor McGonagall couldn't stand it anymore. She walked through the crowd and walked straight to Professor Trelawney, took out a handkerchief and wiped her tears.

"Okay, okay, Sybil."

"Do you have anything to say?" Umbridge asked flatly.

"Oh! I do have a few things to say. Trelawney will not leave Hogwarts."

"Who approved it?"


A deep voice sounded, and Dumbledore appeared in the doorway.

"Dumbledore, I would like to remind you that according to the relevant details of Education Order No. 23 issued by the Minister himself, the Senior Inquisitor has the power to inspect, place on probation and dismiss any teacher who he believes does not meet the standards of the Ministry of Magic."

"Of course you have the right to fire my teachers, but you don't have the power to expel them from the school, only the principal has that power.

Therefore, Professor Trelawney has the right to continue living in Hogwarts. "

Professor Trelawney burst into tears, sobbing, and said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you, Professor Dumbledore.

But I have to go, I'm leaving Hogwarts to make a life elsewhere. "

"No, I hope you stay, Sybil." Dumbledore said seriously, "Professor McGonagall, take Sybil back to your room first."

"Wait a moment." Aaron walked over quickly, and then looked at Professor Trelawney meaningfully, "If you want to make a living elsewhere, I can help you a little.

I also have a storefront in Diagon Alley, Professor, you can go there and look after the store for me. "

"I..." Trelawney hesitated.

"Don't worry, the work there is easier, Harry Potter was an intern.

But first of all, the salary may be lower than that of a Hogwarts professor, so you have to be mentally prepared.

After all, I am not a philanthropist. You can stay there temporarily until Professor comes back, with food and accommodation provided. "

"Mr. Gaius, what do you mean?" Umbridge asked with a frown. She came to Trelawney specifically today just to scare the monkeys and scare the teachers who were dissatisfied with her.

But Aaron arranged an escape route for Trelawney in the blink of an eye, so the effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys would be somewhat compromised.

"It's not interesting, just think of it as a student's respect for the teacher!"

"But the dismissal order has just been approved."

"Does the senior investigator still care about the employment situation of the dismissed professor?" Aaron asked rhetorically, "Don't say it has just been approved. Even if it is not approved, it will not prevent Professor Trelawney from finding a new job. !”

Umbridge's mouth twitched slightly, and she was speechless.

The privileges Fudge gave her were limited to Hogwarts, and her powers would be greatly reduced outside of Hogwarts.

Professor Trelawney struggled for a while and said awkwardly but politely: "Thank you very much for your kindness, Mr. Gaius, but I still want to stay at Hogwarts."

"Are you sure?" Aaron was caught off guard. He had made it clear just now that she should go to his place to avoid the limelight, and she could return to school when the time was right.

Professor Trelawney nodded hesitantly. Of course she knew that she was not suitable to stay in Hogwarts now. As long as Umbridge was still the senior investigator, her life would never be easy.

Once Umbridge finds a way to bring down Dumbledore, she will still face the dilemma of being expelled.

But Dumbledore had taken her in for sixteen years after all, and she would have a bad conscience if she left like this. Although her prophecy ability sometimes worked, she might still be able to help him.

"Okay! Now that you have decided, I can only wish you good luck.

But if you really can't stay any longer, you can still come to me. "

"I can't thank you enough," Professor Trelawney said sincerely.

"Thank you for your trust, Sybil." Dumbledore said with emotion.

"Let's go upstairs first."

Professor McGonagall helped Professor Trelawney up the marble stairs, and Professor Flitwick waved his wand to levitate the boxes in mid-air and followed them.

Umbridge watched this scene helplessly, and she barely came back to her senses until Professor McGonagall and the others were out of sight.

"Dumbledore, I will appoint a new Divination professor, and her room will still be free by then."

"You don't need to worry about this. I have already found the right candidate, and he is willing to live on the first floor."

"What did you say?" Umbridge screamed, her mood suddenly unbearable.

She originally thought that expelling Trelawney would kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, it would kill the chicken and scare the monkeys. Secondly, she could place one of her own people in the position of professor, thereby increasing her control over Hogwarts.

But he never expected that Dumbledore not only kept Trelawney, but also arranged for a new professor. Her plan today became a joke.

"Dumbledore, I have to remind you."

"You don't need to remind me, I know the education better than you." Old Dumbledore said with a smile, "When the principal cannot find a suitable candidate, the Ministry of Magic has the right to appoint teachers."

As the words fell, the sound of horse hooves getting closer and closer reached everyone's ears.

A centaur walked in through the gate. The students exclaimed and got out of the way with great sincerity.

"Fierenze?" Aaron raised his eyebrows slightly and said in surprise: "You actually invited him here?"

"It's appropriate!" Dumbledore asked with a smile.

Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, could he say it was inappropriate?

The horse people study the stars better than any wizard. They are second in divination, and no one dares to be first.

Umbridge stared at Firenze dumbfounded, feeling not only anger but also a deep sense of frustration.

She understood that centaurs were much more difficult to deal with than Trelawny, and it was almost impossible to find fault with the teaching level.

And even if she could find fault, she couldn't attack Firenze in a short period of time. Targeting the divination professor twice in a row would have an impact on her reputation if word spread.


Because Firenze seamlessly transitioned into the Divination professor position, Umbridge's actions ended hastily and had no impact on the students.

It is inconvenient for centaurs to go up the stairs, so the divination class was moved to classroom 11 on the first floor.

Dumbledore used magic to change the classroom into a forest environment, and the ceiling became a clear night sky, making it easier for Firenze to explain the stars.

However, divination is an abstract subject after all. Even if you change to a more professional teacher, it will only make the class more interesting. There are still only a few people who can really understand it.

As the O.W.L.s exam approaches, the pressure on fifth-year wizards is increasing.

Aaron, the prefect, is also a little busy. The fifth-year Slytherin will come to him from time to time to ask questions, and he will patiently answer them one by one.

But the exam required twelve courses, including compulsory courses and elective courses. The combination of all kinds of questions made him feel overwhelmed.

In addition to his duties as a prefect, he is also responsible for the teaching duties of the D.A.

After several months of training, some students can summon physical patron saints, which causes the Room of Requirement to become very lively, with white swans, minas, skunks, rabbits and other patron saints running around in the room.

The worse ones can only summon a ball of white mist, barely able to create an illusory shield.

Aaron looked at the training of the students below on the podium and nodded with satisfaction. In addition to a sense of accomplishment, he felt more relaxed.

During this period of time, he taught everything that should be taught, and the rest was to train well.

He directly handed over the task of supervising training to Harry Potter. He didn't want to do this job, but Harry never tired of it.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a burning sensation coming from his pocket, and he couldn't help but frown.

"Stop training, stop all training." Aaron said loudly using amplification spell, his expression became particularly solemn.

More than thirty students stopped what they were doing and looked at Aaron in confusion.

"Something happened, and I have to announce that D.A. is officially suspended today."

"What happened?" Fred and George asked.

"It's a pity, but there is a traitor among us."

After the words fell, everyone looked at each other in shock.

They had been training in the Room of Requirement for half a year without any problems. The word 'traitor' came so suddenly that they were caught off guard.

"Where is Malfoy?" Ron searched around unabashedly, "Is he not here?

I knew it must be him, ever since Harry accused his father on The Quibbler..."

"Shut up, Weasley," Draco said viciously.

A look of embarrassment flashed across Ron's face, "You are here!"

"What? Disappointed you?"

"Uh... you can't say here that you weren't the one who told the secret." Ron said bravely, and many people looked at Draco with unkind eyes.

Although a little rude, the person most likely to betray in this classroom is Malfoy.

"It's not him." Hermione quietly tugged on Ron's sleeve and reminded in a low voice: "I'm definitely not him. I added magic to that list."

"There aren't any disgusting bubbles on my face, right?" Draco sneered pointedly.

"Your contract was a bit off," Aaron said, and then took out the D.A.'s list from his pocket, "So I added a layer of insurance."

He unfolded the parchment, and a name shining with red light became particularly prominent.

"Who is Marietta Acmo? Is she here?"

"It seems not." Qiu Zhang weakly raised her hand and said, "She is my friend, and her mother is from the Floo Network Management Bureau of the Department of Magical Transportation."

"That's not the reason for her to tell the truth!" Aaron sneered, "But Ron, shouldn't you apologize to Draco?"

"Ah..." Ron blushed and struggled for a while, then reluctantly walked up to Draco and said 'I'm sorry' in a voice that was quieter than a mosquito.

"Can you please be louder? I didn't hear anything."

"You... don't push yourself too far. I've already apologized."

"Tch!" Draco curled his lips disdainfully, "I don't feel any sincerity at all!"

"That's enough." Hermione said uneasily, "We should get out of here first."

"Don't worry, there's still some time." Aaron said, "This list has just changed, which shows that what she just told Umbridge D.A. is that she has to organize people even if she wants to catch us.

In other words, there is still enough time to retreat, but the Room of Requirement will no longer be available. "

"Sorry, I forced her to join in the first place." Qiu Zhang said guiltily.

"It's not your fault." Harry comforted him with heartache.

Aaron gave him a look of contempt directly. Cedric is still alive and well, and their relationship has not been broken. There is something wrong with your concern.

Harry responded unceremoniously with a look, do you know what first love is, no, the value of secret love for a goddess?

Aaron: ...

"Ahem! There's no point in talking about this.

Fortunately, I have taught everything that needs to be taught, so the Room of Requirement is not necessary.

But Miss Acmore has been taking classes with us for half a year. She is still a Ravenclaw, so she must know each of our names. "

After the words fell, everyone's faces showed panic.

They had all ignored this, and if Marietta had given the list they would have been annihilated.

"Actually, there's no need to worry too much." Aaron said calmly, "If unfortunately Umbridge finds one of you, the best way is to deny it.

D.A. is purely a fabrication of Marietta's and we know nothing about it. "

"Umbridge won't believe it." Li said worriedly, "She will probably use some terrible methods to force us to confess."

"That's true, Umbridge has always had no lower limit." Aaron said after thinking for a moment, "If you really can't hold on, just resist symbolically, and then admit it unwillingly."

"Huh?" George and Fred looked at each other, "Is this really appropriate?"

"Of course it's appropriate." Aaron said seriously, "Admitting directly is called confession and leniency, striving for leniency, resisting and then admitting is called torture to extract a confession.

If her punishment is too severe, we can sue her. "

"Uh... I feel like something is not right, but it seems to make sense." Angelina said with a strange expression, "It just feels like we have become a swindler."

"You can't say that." Harry agreed with Aaron's strategy. "When dealing with someone like Umbridge, you can't talk morally with her, otherwise it will only be us who suffer."

"I heard it." Aaron spread his hands, "It's not like Umbridge just caught someone off guard. Her lack of evidence is our biggest advantage.

Okay, everyone can leave. It's best not to come here again before she is kicked out of Hogwarts.

Also, be natural when walking, don’t go in groups, it’s best to keep people from different colleges separate. "

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