A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 486 High-profile dropout, prophecy from the Department of Mysteries (1/2)

Chapter 486 High-profile dropout, predictions from the Department of Mysteries

"Looking for Sirius?" Aaron's eyes widened in shock, "Is he crazy?"

"I wanted to stop him, but I couldn't." Hermione said guiltily.

"You can tell, why is he looking for Sirius?"

"He won't tell us," Ron said, "but he seems to be very anxious and important."

"Didn't he tell you?" Aaron curled his lips, but the next moment he seemed to think of something, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "He is in Hogwarts now, and the only one who wants to find Sirius is... Umbridge Office Floo."

Ron and Hermione looked at each other and nodded blankly.


Aaron didn't know how to describe his current mood. He suddenly regretted agreeing to Professor Snape to teach Harry Potter Occlumency.

This is such a pure talent and he has never disappointed in causing trouble.

Aaron looked towards the east side of the tower where the shouts came from, "How long can George and Fred buy him."

"About twenty minutes." Ron whispered.

“That’s a little better, at least you don’t have to worry about time.

George and Fred are still very reliable, and if nothing happens, Harry should be able to come back safely. "

While talking, the professors and students gathered on the east side of the tower began to move downstairs. The three of them did not hesitate and immediately followed the large group.

After George and Fred attracted Umbridge's attention, they began to retreat downstairs while provoking.

They rained portable swamps down the corridor, giving Umbridge a hard time chasing them, before finally coming to a halt in the foyer.

"This is terrible." Ron looked at the two brothers surrounded by the investigation team, his face full of worry, "Umbridge doesn't know how to punish them."

"Punishment? I'm afraid she won't have this chance." Aaron said calmly, "The fireworks before Easter are enough to prove that they both have the intention to drop out of school. They should have made up their minds this time today."

"Drop out?" Hermione's pupils dilated slightly, "They are already in seventh grade. Isn't it a pity?"

"People who start their own businesses don't need a school certificate. Their research on quick-acting skipping sugar is very successful, isn't it?"

"Get out of my way, everyone."

Umbridge came over angrily, and the students surrounding the steps consciously gave way.

She looked at the Weasley twins standing in the middle of the hall, with pride written all over their faces, "Do you think it's fun to turn the corridor into a swamp?"

"It's really fun," George said, without a trace of fear in his voice.

"Very well," said Umbridge, "you will both soon learn the consequences of misbehaving in my school.

I didn't want this at first, and I was still a little bit intolerant when Argus found me, but now I feel it is necessary to pass the "Caning Approval Order." "

"So Mr. Filch's dream has finally come true?" George said with a strange expression, "He wanted to do this many years ago, but...it's such a pity."

"Yeah! What a pity, what a pity.

He maintained those torture instruments for a long time, but they couldn't fall on us. "

"Exactly, Fred.

I don’t think we’re good enough for full-time education anymore. "

"I feel the same way. We should try our talents in the real world."

"Here comes the broomstick," Fred and George said at the same time.

boom! boom!

The sound of breaking through the air came from a distance, getting closer and closer.

The two broomsticks were held tightly in George and Fred's hands. The two stepped directly onto the broomsticks and flew into the sky in front of everyone's attention.

"If you want to buy the portable swamp shown just now, please come to No. 93 Diagon Alley.

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, our new shop. "

"As long as you swear to use our products to get rid of this old toad, you can enjoy a special discount." George added, pointing at Umbridge.

"Get 'em," Umbridge shouted angrily.

However, Umbridge flew into the sky if she wanted to capture them, but the members of the investigation team obviously had no time to prepare and could only watch them leave.

The students present burst into cheers, and their admiration for the Weasley twins rose rapidly. Even Peeves took off his hat and saluted, showing a rare respect.

"This way of dropping out of school is unprecedented." Aaron lamented, "It's full of victorious attitude, and it also made a wonderful advertisement for their new store."

"It's quite... amazing." Hermione smiled, but looked a little unnatural, "But I still think they should graduate normally."

"Hermione, you are so ignorant!"

Ron said displeasedly, he was full of pride now.

George and Fred will probably be the legends of Hogwarts from now on, and he is the legend's biological brother.

"Harry." Aaron turned around with a half-smile and looked at Harry Potter, who was still breathing heavily and his face was slightly red. "It seems you have already met him, right?"

Harry glanced at Hermione and Ron who nodded at him, then nodded silently, "I asked something, something... about my father."

Aaron was a little surprised, James Potter has been here for many years, and I have never seen you care so much before!

"Hmm...Looking at how absent-minded you are, I guess the conversation didn't go very well!" Aaron said lightly, and then changed the subject, "But I don't care about this.

What I want to say is about Professor Snape. He handed you over to me, and I will teach you Occlumency. "

"Really?" Hermione asked excitedly.

"That's great." Harry also breathed a sigh of relief, "It will definitely be fine if you teach me."

"Snape can actually come up with this method." Ron said casually, "I wish I had just let you teach Harry."

"Tch! Then you are really overthinking it." Aaron waved his hand, "Harry and I are not close friends, so we wouldn't waste so much time teaching him Occlumency.

If Professor Snape hadn't found me and paid me some money, I wouldn't have bothered. "

"It's not so unkind!" Ron said.

"Am I being unreasonable?" Aaron joked, "Both of them know the importance of Occlumency, but because of some contradiction, neither one pays attention to the other."

"Especially you." Aaron pointed at Harry and said, "Is it so difficult to say a few soft words, admit a mistake or something? Occlumency is not for others to learn.

But it seems that in your opinion, face is more important than having your thoughts spied on by the Dark Lord. "

"You don't understand the situation." Harry said awkwardly, "He looked like he was going to kill me."

Aaron frowned slightly, "What did you do?"

Harry hesitated, not knowing how to speak.

"Let's talk about when the class will start!" Hermione changed the subject in time, "The time and location must be carefully arranged. If Umbridge catches us again, we really won't be able to tell."

"It's just the two of us this time, so we don't need to be so careful." Aaron said very casually, "Starting from next week, if you are free, go to the Transfiguration classroom in the evening. We have to say hello to Professor McGonagall in advance."

"I'm talking about just in case."

"I have it." Aaron pointed at Abe, "A dragon is on guard and sentry, absolutely foolproof."

Abe raised a paw symbolically, and the three people's mouths twitched slightly, but they didn't say anything else. They had fully experienced the power of this dragon during the Christmas vacation.


Over the next few days, George and Fred seemed to become a religion among the students, and stories of their rebellion against Umbridge continued to circulate throughout Hogwarts.

Many people began to imitate their way of speaking and play tricks on them.

The professors tacitly chose to turn a blind eye to this, and only Umbridge kept cleaning up the mess.

A week later.

After dinner, Aaron took Harry to the Transfiguration class professor, and Ron and Hermione followed.

"What are you two doing here?" Aaron said helplessly, "Let me state in advance that I am only responsible for teaching Harry."

"We're just taking a look," Hermione said immediately, "just to satisfy our curiosity."

"Hermione." Aaron said speechlessly, "I advise you to be honest."

"Actually, it was Harry who had another nightmare." Ron said, "I heard him talking in his sleep last night, 'a little further'."

"That's catching the Golden Snitch." Harry said hurriedly. Now that he had the opportunity to relearn Occlumency, he didn't want others to worry about him anymore.

“Be honest too, I need you to be honest.

Honestly, what did you see in your dream? "

"I was indeed catching the Golden Snitch. I grabbed it before Malfoy did on the Quidditch field."

"We won, right?" Ron asked with interest.

"Of course." Harry nodded seriously, acting serious.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Aaron clapped his hands and smiled meaningfully, "I appreciate your nonsense, but I hope you can still be so stubborn later."

Harry couldn't help but swallow, and a wry smile appeared on his lips as he thought about the upcoming training.

Aaron asked Harry to sit on a chair and asked gently: "Are you ready?"

"Ready." Harry said nervously, and then saw Aaron pull out his wand.

"Wait a minute." Harry seemed to have thought of something, "Why don't you pull out your memory?

Professor Snape would extract his memories and put them into a pensieve before each training session. "

"Me?" Aaron couldn't help but laugh, "Professor Snape did that because he was worried that something might happen while he was teaching you, and that you would peek into his memory.

But I don’t have to go to all that trouble. I’m pretty good at Occlumency, and coupled with my family’s inheritance of mind-hiding skills, this is double insurance. "

"Hiding the mind?" Harry's eyes lit up. If there was another way to avoid Voldemort spying on his brain, he could decisively give up the Occlumency technique. After all, it was not a good thing to have his memory spied on.

"You don't need to get into someone else's head to teach this, right?"

"No need." Aaron said thoughtfully, "The point of hiding the mind is to shield your own mind, just like how you resist the Imperius Curse.

However, it is more advanced than Occlumency. In addition to defending against the enemy's ingestion of spiritual thoughts, it can also counterattack to a certain extent.

If anyone dares to invade my brain, then I will let him know what it means to steal the chicken but lose the rice. "

"Do I want to learn this?" Harry said immediately.

"It's a pity that I can't teach."


"Do you know what family inheritance is?" Aaron asked angrily, "This magic was created by one of my ancestors with great effort. I can't just teach you just because you want to learn it!

The Potter family must have their own inherited magic, but..."

"But both my parents died and they didn't have time to pass it on to me." Harry said bitterly.

Aaron shrugged, then flicked his wand, "Back to business, are you ready?"

Harry took a deep breath and said, "Ready."

Aaron smiled slightly and pointed his wand at Harry's head without ceremony, "Absorb divine thoughts."

Pictures flashed through Harry's mind as if he had pressed the fast forward button.

Aaron also saw these memories. He could feel Harry's resistance, but this resistance was nothing in front of him. He easily found Harry's dream last night.

Along a long corridor, he entered a circular room, a room full of ticking sounds and pulsating lights... and finally came to a large room filled with shelves with various dust puffs on them. Hitting the glass ball, he quickly walked to the 97th row...


Harry was breathing heavily, his shirt was stained with sweat, and there was a layer of fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

"It's almost done!" Ron said worriedly.

"I can stop at any time, but Voldemort won't be that kind.

Don't worry, I'm measured and I will stop when he can't hold it anymore. "

After another half minute, Harry struggled to pick up his wand, "Expelliarmus."

White light shot out from the tip of the wand, but the next moment it was slapped by Aaron and flew to the ceiling.


Harry fell off the chair and looked at Aaron with more resentment.

"I knew you would look at me like this." Aaron shrugged helplessly, "But in fact, I already respect you very much, and I didn't look at anything that related to personal privacy."

"Then do I still have to say thank you?"

"It's up to you. Not every person who absorbs spiritual thoughts is as polite as me." Aaron said meaningfully, "In the Quidditch match, Malfoy caught the Golden Snitch before Malfoy could. This is a good lie."

Harry's face turned slightly red, but before he could speak, Hermione glared at him with an angry face, "I told you that you should go to Professor Snape to learn Occlumency."

"I, am I already studying?" Harry said awkwardly, and then looked at Aaron, "You saw it, do you know where that place is?"

"Ministry of Magic, Department of Mysteries." Aaron tapped his chin, "The room where Voldemort went should be where the prophecy ball is stored. There are prophecies made by most of the prognosticators in the magic world. If nothing else, he should be in Find a prophecy."

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