A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 493 Dumbledore’s secret weapon, the principal trampled by centaurs (1/2)

Chapter 493 Dumbledore’s secret weapon, the principal trampled by centaurs

Harry's eyes widened immediately and he couldn't stand the passage: "Did you send those dementors?"

"Someone has to take action!" Umbridge said confidently. "Many people are yelling at you to shut up, but I am the only one who really takes action."

"How dirty!" Aaron looked at her disdainfully, "How did you become the deputy minister?"

"No comment." Umbridge said coldly, "Mr. Gaius, I won't embarrass you, but you'd better not stop me next.

You should know the consequences of attacking the principal. I don’t think you are ready to be expelled! "

Aaron smiled, noncommittal.

Umbridge picked up her wand and walked up to Harry, "Crucia..."

Halfway through the Cruciatus Curse, Aaron reached into his pocket, but before he could draw out his wand, Hermione shouted: "Tell her, Harry."

"Tell me what?" Umbridge asked in surprise. She almost forgot that there were two people entering the fire. Harry was a tough talker, but Hermione might not be so tight-lipped.

Others also looked at her in astonishment, as if they didn't believe she betrayed him so easily.

"If you don't tell me where it is, I will."

"It?" Aaron raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully, "What does it mean?"

Hermione took a deep breath and said with difficulty: "Dumbledore's secret weapon."

Aaron's lips twitched. Ron, Ginny and others all breathed a sigh of relief and expressed high appreciation for Hermione's ability to make up nonsense. Umbridge almost jumped up with excitement when she heard the word 'weapon'. .

“A weapon against the Ministry of Magic, right?

I knew what Dumbledore was planning secretly. What was that weapon? "

"We don't know what it is." Hermione sobbed, but she didn't shed a single tear.

Hearing this, Umbridge became even more excited.

not sure? It's true that she didn't know very well. If even the fifth-year wizard knew what weapons Dumbledore was preparing, then she would be worried that it was a lie.

"Where's the weapon?"

"In..." Hermione trembled and said hesitantly: "In the Forbidden Forest."


Aaron took a breath. He seemed to understand what weapon Hermione was talking about. "Hermione, I remind you, this is not a joke!"

"I...there's nothing I can do about it."

"It seems that Mr. Gaius also knows about the existence of this weapon?" Umbridge said meaningfully, "Then I think it is necessary to inform the minister. I believe he will be interested."

"That's not necessary." Aaron said with a forced smile.

"Then take me to find that weapon."

"I'm afraid that won't work. That weapon...is a weapon for now!

It's dangerous, very dangerous. "

"You think I'm afraid?" Umbridge sarcastically said, "You two, no, you three are coming with me.

As the principal, I will protect you. "

Aaron: ...

Keep hostages, keep hostages, do you want to say it so grandly?

"You stay here." Umbridge looked at the investigation team, then pointed at Ron and the others, "Don't let these guys escape."

"Okay, Professor." Montague agreed.


Forbidden forest.

Aaron, Hermione and Harry led the way, and Umbridge followed cautiously, holding her wand tightly in her right hand.

"Professor, to be honest, the Forbidden Forest is so dangerous, you shouldn't take away our wands." Aaron said speechlessly.

"I know what's appropriate." Umbridge sneered, "Wandless spellcasting is indeed amazing, but you should know that there is still a big difference between having a wand and not having a wand."

Aaron curled his lips contemptuously. This was indeed the case for most people, but with his proficiency in casting spells without a wand, the wand was really dispensable to him.

"How much further do we have to go?" Umbridge asked angrily, "We have gone very far."

"It's not far, it will be there soon." Hermione walked around the thick tree roots and walked quickly in the dim forest glade. "It must be somewhere where students cannot easily find it."

Umbridge had no doubts, but she really couldn't hold on anymore.

The pink sweater on her body was torn by thorns, and it was very difficult to move her short legs. She was not so tired even on the day when she was putting away the fireworks.


Aaron stopped and looked at a rope tied to a tree not far away, his expression became extremely wonderful.

Because the giant who was supposed to be chained here was missing, he remembered that Grawp was still chained well when he came last time.

Hermione and Harry's expressions instantly froze. How could they explain to Hagrid without Grawp?

"What?" Umbridge pointed her wand at them indifferently, seeming to realize that she might have been deceived. "Where are the weapons? There aren't any, right?"

"It's not that there aren't any, it's that the weapon...is lost." Aaron scratched his hair, feeling extremely irritable.

"Are you kidding me?

You know, I hate children the most. "

"Well... I don't have time to joke with you. I have to go find him, otherwise the Forbidden Forest will be very lively."

"Stop." Umbridge shouted loudly, "Explain it to me before you leave."

"Don't point the wand at me, okay?" Aaron said impatiently, "I'm sure I won't be the loser in a fight."

Umbridge's mouth twitched, she was stunned for a moment and then pointed her wand at Harry Potter, "Explain it to me now, otherwise I can't guarantee his safety. This is the Forbidden Forest. Even if you have an accident, I can explain it to you." ”

"It's shameless enough." Aaron laughed dumbly, "But my relationship with Harry Potter is not so good that it would hurt me. You can't threaten me."


This is heartbreaking!

Umbridge looked confused, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Do you know what you're doing, Umbridge?

If you threaten Slytherin with Gryffindor, no one will believe you.

Besides, you also said that this is a forbidden forest. Students can have accidents, why can't professors? Aaron asked with a half-smile, "You just drove away the forest farm guard last night. It would be normal for some poachers to come, right?" "

Umbridge's face changed back and forth between blue and purple. Who was threatening whom?

She didn't think that Aaron without a wand was her opponent, but after all, there were three students here, and she felt that she was losing blood even if she was injured in exchange for her life.

At this time, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and then an arrow was inserted into the trunk of the tree.


Umbridge screamed and quickly hid behind the three of them.

There was a sound of horse hoofbeats, and several people followed the sound. Dozens of horsemen ran over, with bows and arrows in their hands ready to go.

Umbridge took a step back and pointed nervously at the leading centaur, Margaery, "It's none of your business here, centaurs, this is a Ministry of Magic matter.

I am the Deputy Minister of Magic, Headmaster and Senior Investigator of Hogwarts. "

"What did Hagrid say when he left?" Aaron looked at Hermione meaningfully and asked.

"Oh!" Hermione raised her eyebrows, "It seems that the Ministry of Magic is reducing the territory of centaurs. It seems to be written in the decree. I remember it was issued by Professor Umbridge."

Umbridge's expression froze, but she still had the courage to say: "Put down your weapons, I warn you, according to the law you are creatures close to human intelligence..."

"Close to human intelligence?" Margery's face darkened, "Our intelligence is far higher than that of humans."

"This is an insult." The centaur next to him raised his bow and arrow and was about to shoot at Umbridge.

"Wait." Margery stopped him.

"You know what's going on." Umbridge thought her identity had frightened them, and she suddenly became more confident.

"Gaius, what is your relationship with her?" Margery asked.

"The relationship between the principal and the students is such that her coming here is purely an accident."

"I understand." Margery understood instantly and looked at Umbridge calmly, "Human, what are you doing in our forest?"

"Your woods?" Umbridge said with a little anger in her voice, "I want to remind you that you can live here because the Ministry of Magic allows you to occupy some territory."

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched, and he hurriedly pulled Harry and Hermione aside to avoid a fight that would splatter them with blood.


An arrow hit Umbridge's scalp.

She subconsciously raised her wand, and the invisible barrier caught the arrow.

"Such audacity, filthy bastard, lawless beast."

"Stop talking...well..." Hermione wanted her to stop humiliating the centaurs, because if things got too big, it would end badly.

But before she finished speaking, Aaron covered her mouth, and while pulling her further away, he gave Margery a gentle smile, "You continue, we are not familiar with her."

Umbridge blinked in shock, then looked at Margaery, "Detention immediately."

A thick rope flew into the air and tied Margaery tightly.

His neck was strangled tighter and tighter, and his arms were tied tightly, making it difficult to break free for a while.

"From now on, please behave yourself." Umbridge said proudly.

"The curse stops immediately."

Aaron recited the spell, and the rope on Margaery instantly fell to the ground.

"Gaius, what do you mean?"

"Idiot, I'm saving you!" Aaron sneered, "You are really brave to humiliate the centaurs one after another in their territory, who value their dignity more than their lives!

Of course, if the professor thinks he can single-handedly defeat dozens of centaurs, then just think of me as being nosy! "

Umbridge was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the centaurs, her face instantly turning extremely pale.

Their eyes were all filled with anger, and many of the centaurs had already picked up bows, arrows and spears, with a posture that made them want to eat her alive.

"Gulu!" Umbridge swallowed and forced a stiff smile, "Actually... I have no ill intentions towards you."

The centaurs were completely unmoved and rushed down in unison.

"What are you doing...let me go...you dirty bastards...no..."

Umbridge let out a sharp scream, and her wand released streaks of red light to attack, but her little magic power was quickly overwhelmed by the siege of dozens of centaurs, without even a splash of water turning up.

"Tsk! It's so miserable!" Aaron looked at Umbridge who kept wailing under the trampling of dozens of pairs of horse hooves, and couldn't help but shook his head, "Don't kill me, she has some status after all."

"Yes, I am the Deputy Minister of Magic. You beasts better...ah..."

"Pretend I didn't say that." Aaron said with a smile. He was already in this situation and still called others beasts. It was really a good move.

The centaurs dragged Umbridge toward the dark woods. Her screams became farther and farther away, but soon nothing could be heard anymore.

"The good news is that we are safe, the bad news is that Graup is lost." Aaron spread his hands, "We have to find him."

"I don't think giants will be in danger in the Forbidden Forest." Harry said angrily, "He is the most dangerous one."

"No need to look for it, he's back." Hermione pointed at a huge black figure not far away and said.

When Grawp saw them, he grinned, revealing his big yellow teeth, "Haggar, where is Haggar?"

"Hagrid has gone out, and it will probably take a while before he comes back." Aaron said, holding his forehead, "Now just stay here.

If I see you not here next time, then I will call Abe over and have a good talk with you. "

Grawp trembled, sat on the ground aggrievedly, and then consciously tied the broken rope on his body to the tree.

"What should we do now?" Harry said angrily, "Sirius might be dead when we get back."

"Then don't go." Aaron smiled calmly, "To be honest, I hate Umbridge very much, but it's not a good thing that she caught you all today.

You've wasted a lot of time, and you don't have to throw yourself into a trap.

Once Professor Snape gets in touch with the Order of the Phoenix, they will handle it properly. "

"Who knows if he will delay time?" Harry gritted his teeth and kicked the big tree nearby. "That's true. We learned in the fire that Sirius was not at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters."

"Harry." Hermione comforted softly, "We have to go back anyway. We can't do anything without a wand, and how are you going to get to London."

"We want to know that too."

Ginny's voice suddenly appeared, and the three of them subconsciously turned their heads to look. Ron, Ginny, Luna, and Neville hurried over through the grass.

"Wow!" Luna looked at Graup with wide eyes, "No one told me that there is a giant in the Forbidden Forest."

"Don't worry about this. How did you escape?" Aaron asked curiously.

"We have learned to use the Stunning Curse, the Disarming Curse, and the Obstruction Curse." Ron said proudly, handing Harry and Hermione's wands into their hands.

"It seems that Slytherin's overall quality needs to be improved!" Aaron said with a wry smile. He could be defeated even if he took the initiative, which really made him, a prefect, look shameless.

"Harry, if Sirius is not in the Order of the Phoenix, then he may really be captured." Ron said nervously, "Have you figured out how to save him?"

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