A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 497 Going to the Ministry of Magic, the consciousness of being a spectator (1/2)

Chapter 497 Going to the Ministry of Magic, the consciousness of being a spectator

Aaron packed up the useful props and then opened his personal panel.

[Host: Aaron Gaius]

[Magic energy: Body: 7483, mid-level magician; Thought body 7483, mid-level magician; total 14966 (elementary great magician, a rare existence in the magic world)]

[Talent: Once-in-a-lifetime (the magic energy increases by 4 points every day, the body increases by 2 points, and the thoughts body increases by 2 points)]

[Items: Resurrection Potion (can resurrect any creature that dies within an hour), Magic Carpet, Captain Jack's Compass, Nijia Mask...]

[Magic Points: 810]

Looking at the numbers behind the magic dot, Aaron sighed regretfully.

If you save for another twenty days, you can buy the Teeth of Diroyus, but plans often fail to keep up with changes. At this time, the more strength you have, the more safety you will have.

"System, add all the magic points to the magic energy!"

"Okay, host."

As soon as the words fell, the magic points were instantly cleared.

Both Aaron and the missing body felt the increase in magic power, but there was still a certain gap between them and the high-level magician.

"It's not a big improvement, but it's better than nothing." Aaron thought to himself, and then opened the system panel.

[Be a conscientious prefect (from now until the end of this semester); 1,200 magic points will be awarded for completing the task, and there will be no penalty for task failure; accepted]

Focusing on the number of magic points rewarded for completing the task, Aaron felt inexplicably sore in his liver.

The final exams are all over, and there are only a few days until the end of this semester. In other words, this four-digit reward is within his reach, but it is out of reach today.

As long as he has the support of these four-digit magic points, he is an intermediate-level great mage, and he will not be timid about anything he wants to do.

"Danger, there is a murder at the Ministry of Magic. Death Eaters will kill someone."

Just when Aaron felt regretful that twelve hundred magic points were so far away from him, the prophecy book suddenly made a prediction.

"Waltfak!" Aaron couldn't help yelling, "Are you forcing me?"

"I'm just saying it wouldn't be good news if it predicted anything."

"It's no good if we don't go down now. Who knows which one the Death Eaters will kill?"

The missing body nodded, and then drew out the white wand, "The prophecy book is coming."

The ancient prophecy book flew down from the throne, and the face on the cover made a frightened expression.

"Just in case, bring this with you!"

Aaron was not polite, took the prophecy book and rushed out of the Shenming Palace, Abe followed closely behind his master.

He returned to the dormitory in less than five minutes through the rather long secret passage, and ran out of the common room in a very short time.

There was a curfew at this time, and Hogwarts was particularly quiet in the dark.

Pushing open the door to the common room, Abe immediately spread his wings and put his two front paws under Aaron's arms to lift him high into the air.

The white wings were very bright in the night, but no one noticed this scene.

Leaving the confines of Hogwarts, Abe placed Aaron firmly on the ground.

"You go back first, I will call you when needed."

Abe clenched his right paw tightly and shook his head firmly, "I want to go with you so that I can protect the master."

Hearing this, Aaron felt some comfort in his heart, smiled and rubbed Abe's dragon head, "That is the Ministry of Magic after all, and it is too exaggerated to bring a giant dragon that has never appeared in the magic world to fight Death Eaters.

Go back and be on call honestly. I will only call you when it is absolutely necessary. Do you understand? "

After saying that, Aaron didn't give it a chance to react, and just phantomed away from the place.


Ministry of Magic.

With a soft sound, Aaron appeared in the Department of Mysteries on the ninth floor underground.

"He's finally here!"

He sighed slightly, then took out Captain Jack's compass, and then skillfully cast the Disillusionment Curse and the Iron Armor Curse on himself.

He is very proficient in offensive spells, but the education he received since childhood made him more familiar with the magic that the two Lao Liu and Lao Gou must learn.

Entering the first black door, there are twelve identical doors in the circular room.

The compass needle rotated crazily, and finally pointed at one of the doors.

Aaron cautiously approached the door, and heard various sounds of chanting spells, rapid imprisonment, fainting, and many obstacles... In addition to these, there was also the maniacal laughter of a witch.

"A scuffle?" Aaron raised his eyebrows, took out his wand and pointed at the door, "Open the Alaho hole."

No one noticed that the door opened quietly, and no one noticed that there was an extra person in the room.

After Aaron entered, he saw six Harrys holding wands, leaning back to back in front of a strange archway that exuded the aura of death, while several groups of black mist continued to surround them.

The confrontation didn't last long before the black mist rushed down. The six people waved their wands in panic, but it had no effect at all.

Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Luna were each wrapped in a black mist and taken in different directions.

Hermione screamed and pulled the trigger. Silver light suddenly shot out from the muzzle of the gun, dispersing most of the black mist rushing towards her.


"There are many obstacles!"

A barrier was formed between the black mist and the silver light, but this barrier was shattered in an instant, and the Death Eater flew backwards, sliding on the ground for several meters before stopping.

"Antonin Dolokhov."

Aaron recognized this Death Eater, one of the Death Eaters who escaped from Azkaban.

"What is that?" Antoning calmed down and stared at Hermione fearfully and asked.

"A weapon." Lucius stepped forward and said. "Several Death Eaters died on this weapon before you escaped from prison."

"Really? If you give it to the master, he will be very happy." Antoning sneered.

"It's a pity that the Dark Lord once got it, but couldn't use it." Lucius sighed, and then looked at Harry in front of the arch playfully, "The game is over, Potter.

You don’t really believe it, do you really naively think that a bunch of kids can have a chance to defeat us? "

"Don't come here." Hermione pointed the gun at Lucius tremblingly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! Miss Granger, do you think you can scare me?" Lucius shook his head disapprovingly, "My understanding of this weapon is as good as yours. It explodes by devouring the user's magic power. Expose powerful power.

Although it is easy to use, the attack method is relatively simple, so it may not be difficult as long as you are prepared to hide in advance.

And I don’t think you can use it a third time with your magic level. Even if you can, you will be at the end of your game after the fight. "

"Then you can try?" Hermione's face turned pale, but she still had the courage to say, "He only gave me three rounds of bullets. The last one was made from the tail feathers of the thunderbird, and it was more powerful than the first two rounds. Much bigger.”

Antonin stepped forward with a grin, but was stopped by Lucius before he took a few steps, "There's no need, our target has never been her."

"Harry Potter." Lucius looked at him confidently, "Can you give me the prophecy ball now? The Dark Lord is waiting!"


"It seems that you are still hesitating, but it doesn't matter. Do you need your friends to help urge you?"

Harry looked around and saw that Ron and Ron were each captured by a Death Eater, especially Neville, whose enemy Bellatrix had a wand pointed at his throat, as if he was about to attack at any time.

"Not to him," growled Neville. "Don't give it to them, Harry."

"Longbottom, I wouldn't say that if I were you.

You must know that your grandma is used to losing loved ones, and she will be sad if something happens to you again. "

"Hahaha..." Bella laughed crazily, "Would you like to see how long Longbottom can last before he becomes as crazy as his parents?"

"Let the others leave, and I'll leave it to you." Harry said seriously. He had already paid the price for his recklessness and didn't want to make the price even more severe.

"Bargaining, do you have the qualifications to do so?" Lucius said disdainfully.

Four of the six of them were captured, and Potter would have been one of them if he hadn't been worried about damaging the prophecy ball.

Granger has a little bit of deterrence, but it's not much different.

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

Bella cast the Cruciatus Curse on Neville, who screamed and curled up on the ground, twitching in pain.

"Stop." Harry angrily raised the prophecy ball a few points, "or I'll smash it."

"Calm down Bella, we need the Prophecy Orb, do you want to disappoint the Dark Lord?"

Seemingly shocked by the name of the Dark Lord, Bella stopped angrily, "Just let him have a taste."

"Okay, Potter." Lucius stepped forward step by step, ignoring Hermione who was holding the Hibiscus flower. He knew very well that she would never dare to shoot with these hostages in hand.

He extended his right hand to Harry, "I'll be more direct and just give me the prophecy ball, otherwise you will watch them die.

This is no joke. We have four hostages. If you don’t believe it, we can kill one first to show you. "

Harry looked into Lucius's eyes, was silent for a moment, and reluctantly placed the prophecy ball in Lucius' hand.

He didn't want to do this, but he had no choice. Even if there was a one in ten thousand chance, he couldn't gamble with his friend's life.

The prophecy ball reached Lucius's hand and became dim again.

He didn't care at all about this change, after all, he was not the one in the prophecy.

"Congratulations on making the right decision." Lucius said proudly, "Then... what should I do with you next?"

"Kill them all!" Bella laughed, "But before that, I still want to see how long Longbottom can last."

"You can't do this." Harry said in shock.

"Yes, that's too cruel." Lucius said meaningfully, "Bring Potter back, the Dark Lord will be happy to see him.

The four of them...throw them into the curtain. Whether they survive depends on luck.

Although the chance is very small, it is still possible. At least the people who studied this curtain once believed that living people can survive in the world of the dead.

Let them contribute to the research work of the wizarding world, and it will not leave any trace. "

"Behind the curtain is the world of the dead?" Harry's eyes widened in astonishment, and then he pointed his wand at Lucius angrily.

"I wouldn't do this if I were you. They may not die, but they will never come back to this world." Lucius chuckled, "It's much better than complete death, isn't it?"

Harry stared at him coldly, debating whether to fight to the death or not.

He wasn't sure, but he had to try. He couldn't really watch them being thrown into the curtain!

"What about her?" Antonin pointed at Hermione and asked, "How to deal with her? Don't tell me you are going to let her go?"


Lucius' expression remained unchanged, but he was secretly complaining in his heart.

He really wanted to let her go, but since Antoning asked, he couldn't pretend to be confused, otherwise it would be difficult for these Death Eaters to get along if they thought he had different intentions.

"Take it away together, but be polite and don't hurt her.

The Dark Lord, the real owner of the weapon in Miss Granger's hands, is very interested, and she might be a good bargaining chip. "

Aaron, who was hiding in the dark and carefully concealing his figure, twitched his lips slightly. He could tell that Lucius was indirectly protecting Hermione, but something didn't sound right.

But it can't be said to be a bad thing. If nothing unexpected happens, she can still use the Moon Drops in exchange for freedom after meeting Voldemort.

As for the others...do they want to be saved?

Aaron is particularly troubled. He is just a spectator now. There is actually no difference between using a crystal ball to divine things and watching it live. As long as he doesn't show up, it means he is not fully involved.

He had warned them that this was a trap and didn't want to meddle in their own business, but now that they were here, it was somewhat callous to watch them being sent into the world of the dead.

"Just wait and see, maybe the Order of the Phoenix can come over at the critical moment!" Aaron thought silently, setting a bottom line for his actions.

Unless their lives are in danger, they will never take action.

At this time, he no longer had enough confidence in Professor Snape. Did he notify the Order of the Phoenix?

If not, he would never be able to stay on his own after getting involved tonight.

But if they had been notified, they would have arrived long ago.

Taking a step back and saying that Snape delayed for some time due to personal grudges, it wouldn't have taken this long.

It didn't matter if he was drunk and celebrating, as long as the news reached the Order of the Phoenix, Lupin, Moody and the others would apparate over in the blink of an eye.

Neville was the first to be pushed onto the high platform in the center. Looking at the windless and automatic curtain, he seemed to know what he was about to face. Although he was nervous, there was no fear on his face.

"Go in yourself!" Bellatrix said.

"Torn apart."

Harry decisively cast a spell on Bella, but the spell bounced off her easily.

"Hahaha, you little darling, do you still want to try it?"

"Potter, don't resist at this time." Lucius shook his head pitifully, "Unless you want your friends to die immediately."

"I think he needs an unforgettable lesson." Bella smiled meaningfully, then pointed her wand at Neville, "Crush the bones!"


Neville screamed again, his eyes were bloodshot, his forehead was sweating, and he fell to the ground shaking.

"Stop, this is my fault. You should punish me if you want." Harry shouted sharply.

"Longbottom's parents also begged us this way, but it was too boring." Bella played with the taste, and then used a floating spell to lift Navitality in the air, "Your friend has to pay a little price for what you just did. "

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