A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 502 The way to become a god? The Dark Lord who goes back on his word (1/2)

Chapter 502 How to become a god? The Dark Lord who goes back on his word

Voldemort blinked, as if he was surprised by Aaron's straightforwardness.

This is about the God of Magic, which is definitely a core secret among secrets in the wizard family, but Aaron admitted it so easily, which made him feel a little unrealistic.

"I thought you could be tougher?"

"A man who knows the times is a hero!

I don't want to suffer physical pain, that's too unfair." Aaron said embarrassedly, but he sneered in his heart.

For any wizard in the magic world, the God of Magic is an unattainable existence, and it may not appear in thousands of years.

But there will definitely be many magic gods in their family, but these big guys have settled or traveled in other worlds. Unless there is something big, they will not come back casually, that is, there are some records in the family tree.

Voldemort naturally didn't know what Aaron was thinking, and thought he had chosen to surrender, so he nodded with satisfaction, "I like smart people."

"If I were stupid, I wouldn't be alive today."

"Second question, is the god of your family still alive?"

Aaron frowned slightly, and did not answer immediately, but looked at Harry and others meaningfully, "The next step will be charged."

"Are you bargaining?" Little Barty said coldly.

"This is a fair trade, and the Dark Lord will definitely win."

"Perhaps the screams of his companions can sober him up a little." Bella tapped her wand and looked at the five trembling captives with a playful look, "So... who should I choose?

How about Weasley? This little girl's eyes are really scary."

"As long as you are happy." Aaron yawned indifferently, "I have sent away those who should be sent away, and the rest are not that important.

I gave them many chances, but they didn't seize them, so they deserved some punishment."

Bella's eyes twitched slightly, and inexplicable anger surged in her heart, "Crucio."

"Shattered to pieces!"

Aaron immediately raised his wand, and the red light ball defeated the Cruciatus Curse in mid-air.

"It seems that the hostages are still useful." Bella teased, "Now you can answer the Dark Lord's questions honestly." "That's probably not possible. Bellatrix, you have to make one thing clear. I am not a prisoner. Whether I cooperate or not depends on my mood." "As long as you cooperate, I can spare them." Voldemort said disdainfully, "Anyway, they are of no value." Aaron shrugged and continued, "The ancestor is dead. He sacrificed his life for a great cause and blessed his descendants." "Dead?" Voldemort was thoughtful, and this answer was in line with his judgment. If the god of law was still alive, he would not dare to do these little tricks to the heir of the Gaius family. Even if he believed that he had the combat power comparable to that of the Holy Magister, he was just a bigger ant in front of the god of law. "Did he leave a way to become a god?" Voldemort asked nervously, his voice trembling. This is his ultimate goal. He is only going very far on the road to immortality now, but only by becoming a god can he grasp a glimmer of hope for eternal life. "I don't know."

"Hmm?" Voldemort's fiery heart was suddenly extinguished by a basin of cold water, and his eyes turned unfriendly when he looked at Aaron.

"I really don't know." Aaron said immediately, "I'm just the heir, not the patriarch.

What's more, I'm not even a great wizard now, so even if my family told me, it wouldn't make much sense, and it would be quite bad."

Hearing this, Voldemort rolled his eyes at him with disdain, but didn't embarrass him.

After all, the matter was of great importance, and it was really unreliable to tell an heir who hadn't graduated yet.

"But there are other ways. I've seen two in the family library." Aaron touched his chin and said, "But using these methods to become a god may have some hidden dangers, or side effects."

"Tell me about it." Voldemort immediately became interested.

What are the side effects? He made himself look like a ghost for immortality, so what if he sacrificed himself for immortality? At most, he would not be a human being.

"Don't tell him." Harry shouted.

"Crucio!" Voldemort used the Cruciatus Curse without hesitation.

Harry screamed in pain on the ground, feeling the same despair as last year, but still gritted his teeth and said, "You must not tell him, otherwise..."


Harry's voice stopped abruptly, and Voldemort glared at him coldly, "Thank goodness you are still useful, otherwise I will kill you immediately."

"Mr. Gaius, you can continue."

Aaron ignored Harry's almost pleading eyes. What a joke? If I don't tell him, I will be the one who is unlucky.

"The first is to communicate with powerful demons far beyond ordinary gods and be loyal as a servant.

As long as you serve them honestly and meet their requirements, they will naturally give you generous rewards, including the evolution of life level."

"Servant?" Voldemort smiled contemptuously, "Is it a slave?"

"Ordinary people want to be slaves, and they don't look down on them." Aaron sneered, "And the words are not said that way, it's nothing more than joining a force to make your own way easier.

If you communicate with a kind being, you will have a high degree of freedom. This kind of demon god may not even look at you for tens of millions of years.

But if you communicate with an evil being, then congratulations, they still won't take you seriously, but they will squeeze every bit of your value.

However, they also know that if you want the horse to run, you have to feed it with grass. It is more realistic. You will get what you want more easily, but the price you pay may not be able to bear. "

Voldemort pondered for a moment and asked, "How to communicate with them?"

"One depends on yourself. As long as you are good enough, you will naturally get the favor of the gods.

One is to have someone lead the way and find the spokesperson of the gods. He may give you this opportunity.

One is to offer sacrifices, offer sacrifices, and communicate with special magic circles, but people may not pay attention to you, because the last thing the gods lack is sacrifices. "

Voldemort snorted. He gave up the first option decisively. He was confident in his talent, but it was somewhat unreliable to expect the gods to favor him. He also gave up the second option. He had never heard of the spokesperson of the gods. He could only choose the third option, but this was not easy to deal with. He knew nothing about the sacrificial rituals, magic circles and sacrifices.

"You should know the magic circle rituals to establish a connection with the devil, right?"

"Heh! I really don't know this."


"I didn't lie to you." Aaron said helplessly, "The Gaius family has no records of those magic circle rituals or even spells. After all, the gods are not without desires. Asking them for help costs far more than what you get, and what our family hates most is trouble."

"Then how do you know this method?" Voldemort asked aggressively, but soon he figured out something, "If it's not the Gaius family, then it must be the other three families, right?"

Aaron:......"I'll give you a piece of advice. Don't think about them."

"Tell me which family it is? "Voldemort said indifferently. He had already dragged the heir of one family into the water, so it would be no big deal to offend another family.

"Darwin, their family is responsible for record keeping." Aaron said weakly, "But the Darwin family is different from the Gaius family. Although there are similar rules that they cannot participate in the disputes in the wizarding world, it is almost impossible to drag their heirs into the water like they did to me.

They have no reason to participate, and Leon is smarter than a monkey. You can't find him at all. As for Claire...

I'm not trying to hit you. I can't match that girl's IQ and EQ, and she is recognized as the group's favorite by the four families. If you dare to hit her, you can't afford the consequences. "Hearing this, Voldemort's mouth twitched, and he could only suppress the thoughts in his heart.

After all, there is still a gap from the Holy Magister. First, complete the small goal of unifying the wizarding world and eliminating Muggles, and then make long-term plans.

"What about the second way to become a god?"

"Faith, an extremely huge faith." Aaron said seriously, "but it takes a long time to accumulate. "I don't lack time, I have enough time." Voldemort said with some pride. Although he is not a god yet, he is confident that his life span can be comparable to that of a god. "I believe this, but if you use this method to become a god, your own strength will be affected by faith to a certain extent. And to put it bluntly, you may be stealing God's job. " "It doesn't matter, it's nothing at all." Voldemort laughed. He also has experience in getting on the bus first and then buying a ticket. He is afraid that he can't even get on the bus and can't reach the end with his two legs. Besides, his current goal is to unify the magic world. If he can do this, he can then control the entire Muggle world. At that time, a steady stream of faith will be at his fingertips. To put it bluntly, this road is the best shortcut for him, and there is no reason not to take it. "Mr. Gaius, I am very satisfied with this answer. " "I look forward to the day when you succeed." Aaron said with a fake smile. If this can succeed, God will not have to mess around. "Did your ancestors leave anything behind? For example, powerful weapons? "This..." Aaron thought of the weapons that Jins had mentioned before, and paused for a moment, "There should be some, but I'm not sure." "How come you don't even know this?" Little Barty said sarcastically. "Nonsense, I'm the patriarch if I know everything. Since I can remember, I've been trying to avoid these responsibilities, and I don't know much about the secrets of the family. " "Then you should know the mission of the Gaius family, right? As far as I know, your parents have been running around the world in recent years. Don't tell me they are sightseeing. " "Really." Aaron clapped his hands excitedly, "I've never seen such irresponsible parents as them. According to Vico and others, they are still young and don't want to waste time on their children, so they handed me over to the butler to teach. " Voldemort twitched his mouth, "Let's talk about your family's mission!" "Sorry, I can't say that. But I can tell you that this mission will not affect your plan, and the same is true for the other three families. Also, I'll give you a piece of advice, don't try to find out our secrets, Salazar Slytherin should have given you some kind of warning!"

Voldemort thought for a moment, then laughed, "I have a sense of propriety. I don't know what kind of heritage a family created by a god has, but I don't want to try.

The reason why I tried so hard to trick you here is just to learn something, but now it seems that it is still very rewarding. "

"You know everything you know, can we go?" Aaron asked expectantly.

"Do you think it's possible?" Voldemort raised his eyebrows, and the faces of the ten Death Eaters also showed a little ridicule.

"The descendants of Slytherin will never go back on their word!"

"Did I promise you anything?" Voldemort asked with a smile, "I will spare them, but that doesn't mean I will let them go. As for you... I am even less likely to let you go.

But don't worry, I won't kill you, I just ask you to stay here and don't mess with me until I unify the magic world. "

"In the end, there's still no way to avoid it!" Aaron scratched his head and turned the black wand twice on his fingertips before being firmly grasped in his hand.

It seemed that the only way in front of him was a fight to the death. He was also very depressed. He tried every means to delay time, even Voldemort was holding him back, but there was still no trace of the Order of the Phoenix.

Even if Bella arranged an anti-Apparition spell, but the Ministry of Magic has no shortage of floo network, is it really difficult to come here?

"You should be mentally prepared." Lucius said.

Aaron nodded noncommittally, "To be honest, it's not a good thing to avoid the coming storm in the magic world in this way, but I don't want to."

"It's not up to you." Little Barty took out his wand, then looked at Voldemort, "Master..."

"If he doesn't cooperate, help him. Besides...according to the rules of the Gaius family, you won't be punished even if you kill him."

Aaron: ...

Do you want to be so straightforward?

"Did you hear that?" Little Barty sneered and tilted his head. "Whether he is captured without mercy, or he resists stubbornly and is taken back half-dead, or he dies without a burial place."

"You can't kill me, not just you, but none of you can kill me." Aaron said very confidently. Now his biggest trump card is no longer the missing body, but immortality.

Even if Voldemort takes action himself, he won't be able to kill him, but if he discovers that he has the power of immortality, then his small goal of ruling the magical world will probably be put aside.

"Arrogant, we are not on the same level as last year's group of Death Eaters."

"The quality is indeed much higher, and it is also a very big challenge for me." Aaron said calmly, and then looked at Voldemort uneasily, "Is the Dark Lord interested in joining?"

"If they can't capture you." Voldemort grinned strangely, "Do you think I don't know what you are thinking?

I'm sorry to tell you that you won't be able to wait for reinforcements this time. My servants will delay me for enough time. When they come, they will only find a messy Department of Mysteries. "

Aaron: ...

The case was solved, no wonder it took so long without reinforcements.

But logically speaking, Professor Snape must have informed the Order of the Phoenix. Harry Potter is still here, so he shouldn't be so relieved!

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