A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 506 The spiritual space, my territory, I decide (1/2)

Chapter 506: Spiritual space, I have the final say on my territory

The black particles merged into Aaron's body, and Voldemort successfully possessed him.

In this state, the effect of Occlumency will be greatly weakened. As long as he works harder, he can break through the defense of Aaron's brain.

Just when he was complacent and ready to explore the secrets of the Gaius family and the inherited magical knowledge, his consciousness was suddenly stretched to the limit.

After reacting, Voldemort found himself in a vast space.

Here the sky and the earth are closely connected, the clear blue lake water and the clouds in the sky complement each other, and the gorgeous blue aurora and the golden waterfalls on the snow-capped mountains weave into the most mysterious picture.

Voldemort swallowed unconsciously. It was the first time for him to see such a beautiful scenery, and he couldn't help but feel a little shocked. "What is this place?"

"Welcome to my spiritual space." Aaron suddenly appeared on the lake and said with a proud face: "I woven these beautiful scenery based on the postcards my parents sent me in the past. I have to say that they are very tasteful. .

But I only started building my spiritual space not long ago, so what you see is just a prototype. I didn’t have time to prepare for desert, grassland, forest, ocean, starry sky, etc. "

"Mind...space?" Voldemort murmured, his face gradually turning gloomy, "Have you been waiting for me here?"

"Hey, you must not say that. I warned you, didn't I?" Aaron said seriously, "It's just that the human brain becomes impulsive driven by curiosity.

But I didn't expect the Dark Lord to be so impatient. I thought you would torture me severely and then invade my memory! "

"I wanted to prepare slowly, but you are too surprising. Who knows what will happen if you delay it any longer?"

Aaron nodded noncommittally. Voldemort's worry was justified, because his body of thoughts had arrived at the Department of Mysteries and was now outside the execution chamber.

Abe and the Death Eaters are in a stalemate. As long as he finds the right opportunity, he may not be able to take away a few more elite Death Eaters.

At that time, it will be combined with the main body, a great mage and a holy dragon. This will be the capital to exchange lives with Voldemort, but it seems that it doesn't have to be so troublesome now.

"My Occlumency has reached its peak a long time ago, and even the gods cannot peek into my memories.

In addition, an ancestor of the Gaius family invented the Hidden Mind Technique that can shield the mind more than a thousand years ago, and was improved by future generations, giving the Hidden Mind Technique the ability to counterattack the enemy's consciousness.

Some time ago, I accidentally obtained a magic item, which enhanced my soul power to the point of being invulnerable. Building a spiritual space was also the inspiration I gained at that time. "

"You are so well prepared!" Voldemort gritted his teeth and said, "Memory, mind, and soul, do you dare to be more careful?"

"Dare." Aaron nodded seriously, "My physical strength has reached its bottleneck, and I will find ways to break through this limit in the future.

This requires opportunity, but it depends on human effort, I will definitely be able to do it. "


How dare you say that!

"To be honest, you are the first person to break into my spiritual space. Although you have very unfriendly intentions, I still want to know your opinion.

You have seen a lot, what do you think of this place? "

"It's very... beautiful and calming." Voldemort reluctantly told the truth, "But that's not why I'm here."

"I understand, but unfortunately, you are destined to get nothing.

In my spiritual space, I have great authority and endless magic power. Although my strength will not exceed the actual upper limit, you will not be able to defeat me so easily.

And to put it bluntly, as long as I think about it, I can drive you out with just one thought. "

"But you didn't do that. Is there any purpose?"

Aaron showed a shy smile, "As the saying goes, don't reciprocate. If you want to peek into my memory, naturally I also want to see yours.

But don’t get me wrong, I have a bottom line. As long as you have knowledge, I won’t look at your personal privacy, conspiracies, or subsequent actions against the Order of the Phoenix and the magical world. "

"Go to hell!"

Voldemort became angry, waved his wand angrily, and shot the green death curse directly at Aaron.

He really couldn't bear it anymore. The last time he felt so aggrieved was more than ten years ago, when the Death Curse was rebounded on him by Harry Potter.

Aaron put up the Seraphim Shield without hesitation. With the support of a steady stream of spiritual power, this powerful defensive magic had almost no loss on him.

"There's no need to do anything! We can have a nice talk.

At worst, I'll take a step back. As long as you promise to let us go as a descendant of Slytherin, everything will be negotiable. "

Voldemort's mentality collapsed instantly and he yelled: "Don't even think about it!"

"Old people are stubborn." Aaron shook his head, and then said with a straight face: "Since you don't cooperate, don't even think about leaving easily."

"I can leave whenever I want without your permission." Voldemort said, and then pulled away from his consciousness, but he was shocked to find that he was still where he was, as if nothing had happened.

"what have you done?"

"Nothing was done." Aaron shrugged, "It's just that your method was not right.

If you want to leave here, you must obtain my consent, kill me, or completely destroy this space.

Friendly reminder, if you wipe out my consciousness here, it will not have any impact on me in the real world, but if I accidentally wipe out your consciousness, then you will really be finished.

Moreover, time passes much slower here than outside. Your Death Eaters are held back by my pets again. I have plenty of time to argue with you. "

Voldemort laughed angrily, "Do you think you can beat me?

I didn't use powerful magic just now because we were on the ninth floor underground, and no one would be able to forgive if something happened. But this is your territory, and I don't have so many scruples. "

"Me neither." Aaron said very bluntly, "No matter how much you ruin this place, it will only take a minute for me to recover after you leave.

And the initiative is now in my hands. If it comes to a particularly dangerous time, I will drive you out without hesitation. "

"damn it."

Voldemort cursed, not expecting that he would be pecked in the eye by a goose when he was hunting geese all day long.

I thought I was standing on the second floor this time, but I never expected that the other party was actually standing on the fifth floor.

The next moment, Voldemort took action decisively.

The tip of his wand lit up with a flash of silver light, and the blue lake water surged wildly, forming a giant python dozens of meters long that was no weaker than Abe.

The giant python looked up to the sky and roared, and its fangs made of water looked extremely cold under the illumination of the aurora.

"Hahaha!" Voldemort laughed, "Your plan is good, but any conspiracy is in vain in the face of absolute strength.

You are too weak now and are no match for me. "

"That's normally the case, but..."

Before he finished speaking, a complicated ice-blue magic circle emerged on the lake.

"Thousands of miles of ice!"

The forest-white cold air spread rapidly, and the lake surface was quickly frozen wherever it passed. The giant python also turned into a magnificent ice sculpture at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You..." Voldemort's expression changed slightly, "This is impossible. You are just a magician. How could you use this kind of magic?"

"Why not?" Aaron asked, "The advanced elemental magic array corresponds to the magister, and the ultimate elemental magic array corresponds to the great magister.

Although I am not yet a Grand Mage, I have mastered the ultimate elemental magic circle. As long as my magic power can keep up with my combat power, I will naturally be promoted to a Grand Mage.

Unfortunately, this is my spiritual space, which just makes up for the shortcomings in magic power. "

“Even if what you say is true, you are still just a junior great wizard.

For me, it's just a matter of spending more time. "

"That may be true, but it will definitely leave you with a very unforgettable memory." Aaron said lightly, and then he snapped his fingers, and the advanced magic array with five elements: blue, red, yellow, green, and purple, was arranged in a five-pointed star.

The hurricane carried huge waves and formed a dragon to absorb water. Flames and boulders formed lava that fell from the sky like a meteor shower. Purple thunder and lightning flashed down frequently, each blow carrying powerful destructive power.

Voldemort was also a little confused when he saw this scene. Sure enough, the magic power was enough, but it was different. He turned it up when he came up!

He hurriedly waved his wand, and a white shock wave rose into the sky, shattering the thunder clouds. A large barrier covered all the falling lava. Finally, he pointed at the dragon dozens of meters high to absorb water, and controlled it with his own magic power.

The dragon sucked water faster and with greater power, but it hit Aaron in the opposite direction.

"Feel your own power!" Voldemort sneered.

"I'm not interested." Aaron shook his head, and a mysterious blue magic circle emerged from beneath his feet.

A giant hand composed of water elements stretched out from the lake, sucking water and crushing the dragon easily, and then a water element giant of over a hundred meters rose from the lake.

The giant looked at Voldemort, and his pupils made of water slowly deformed, revealing a humanized mockery.

"The ultimate water element magic can easily annihilate an army, but I believe it is nothing to the Dark Lord!"

"Of course." Voldemort's eyes twitched slightly, and then he waved his wand.

The water element giant's palm was shattered instantly, but the lake provided enough material for its body, and it returned to its original shape after a while.

Seeing this, Voldemort roared, and green magic surged crazily.

The water element giant roared crazily, but its body still escaped from the water uncontrollably and was compressed into a water ball.


The water ball burst and turned into a downpour in the sky.

"Amazing." Aaron applauded.

"That's all." Voldemort snorted coldly, "If you can only do this step, then..."

Before he finished speaking, two identical water element giants rose from the bottom of the lake, and his voice stopped abruptly.


"I practiced elemental magic for five years before I could barely achieve the instantaneous use of the ultimate magic circle, but using it multiple times is a bit reluctant." Aaron said with some shame, "But this is my spiritual space, in a sense I am the god here, even though I am the weakest one, but with enough magic power, I can still try things that are impossible in the real world."

"It's nothing to fight one against the Dark Lord. I believe it's easy to fight two!"


Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

Although he wanted to kill Aaron immediately, he couldn't care less about the two broken arms.

The water element giant has a huge body and has a huge advantage when fighting in the water. Every movement can set off huge waves tens of meters high.

While dodging the defenses, Voldemort repeated his old tricks, using the levitating spell to control the two giants out of the water, and then using the transfiguration and disappearing spells to defeat them.

Although the powerful magic released by a junior great mage was a little difficult to deal with, it was just that much to him.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, three ice-blue magic arrays appeared in front of him.

"Is it over yet?" Voldemort's face turned completely dark.

"It depends on the situation." Aaron smiled slightly and explained patiently: "I don't dare to use ultimate elemental magic in the real world. After all, I am just a magician. This kind of powerful magic is still very expensive for me. After a few times, my magic power will be drained out in less than ten times.

But it's different here. Endless magic power, thick sandbags, not qualified sparring partners... In short, that's what you understand.

It is perfect to use a peak-level great mage to test my future abilities. If I want to blame you, I can only blame you for your bad luck for breaking into my territory. "

Hearing this, Voldemort was furious. Just as he was about to curse, three dragon roars came from the magic circle.

Three huge ice dragons flew out from it. Their fangs and claws, ice-armored dragon scales, and snow-white ice wings all exuded white cold air.

Their size is slightly smaller than that of the water element giants, but their sense of oppression is no less oppressive.

The ice dragon spread its wings and scratched its claws across the lake, hovering under the aurora.

They sprayed out forest-white dragon breath at the same time, and the three shock waves gathered together in mid-air and shot straight towards Voldemort below.

"Calendar Fire!"

Voldemort roared and raised his wand, and the blazing dark red magic fire collided with the dragon's breath.

After all, the fire that could burn everything was released by Voldemort with all his strength, and it only took a few seconds to swallow up the dragon's breath.

Voldemort did not stop immediately, but controlled the sea of ​​fire to roll towards the three ice dragons.

The three-headed ice dragon was contaminated by this flame, and its body melted quickly.

They roared in pain, then opened their huge mouths and slammed into Voldemort.

Voldemort didn't want to stand firm against the three huge burning ice balls and immediately phantomed away.


There was a bang and Voldemort appeared behind Aaron.

"Avada eats the big melon!"

Aaron phantomed tens of meters away, but Voldemort pursued him.

The two fought for several rounds during teleportation and then separated quickly. Voldemort was unscathed and only slightly breathing, while Aaron was slightly injured.

But in this space, his injuries healed at an incredible speed. Voldemort was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but he could only rage.

He was confident enough to win in a head-on battle, but the opponent's infinite magic power and terrifying self-healing ability were simply two insurmountable mountains.

Unless he kills with one hit, he really won't be able to get out for a short time.

What's even more tragic is that his magic power cannot be replenished here. If he continues to drag on, even if he is a peak-level great mage, he will still be in danger of capsizing.

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