A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 508 Twin brothers, the Order of the Phoenix stuck (1/2)

Chapter 508 Twin brothers, the Order of the Phoenix is ​​stuck

A terrifying giant dragon silhouette appeared behind Aaron, covering most of the execution chamber by just spreading its wings.

In terms of size alone, Abe is a younger brother to this dragon.


The sounds of swallowing came one after another, and everyone was shocked and speechless.

Although this dragon was a phantom, it made them feel suffocated, and the extreme pressure seemed to easily tear them apart.

"What kind of power is this?" A trace of fear flashed in Voldemort's eyes.

"Dragon power, the deep application of dragon-killing magic.

Normally, if I want to awaken this power, I have to wait until at least the mid-level, or even the high-level Grand Mage.

Thanks to the fire you set in my spiritual space, although it has no connection with the real world, it swallowed up enough magic power of the pinnacle great mage and I barely found the feeling of awakening this power. "

"How do you have such power?" Voldemort stared at Aaron with envy and hatred, "This is not fair."

He only broke through to become a Grand Mage when he was accumulating capital for starting a business in the magic world. At that time, he couldn't even count how much effort he put in, how much hardship he endured, and how many talents he killed.

But compare it to Aaron. His proud history of struggle is simply a bitter history.

Aaron pointed to the phantom of the dragon behind him and explained very understandingly: "The evil dragon Smaug, also known as the tyrant Smaug, is the last dragon king level dragon in the third era.

He can speak human words, has a very high IQ, his scales are indestructible, and his dragon breath can easily destroy a town.

In other words, it doesn't have any magic, otherwise it would be at least the level of a holy magician.

As for how this power was obtained..."

Aaron paused for a few seconds to whet everyone's appetite, and then grinned a harmless smile, "I killed it and pierced its heart with my own hands using a black arrow forged by the dwarves.

Bathed in the dragon's blood, then swallowed its dragon soul with the dragon-slaying magic crystal, and then buried the crystal in his own body.

Compared with that kind of pain, cutting out the bones is almost like scratching an itch. You will feel that your body, flesh, blood, bones, and even every cell are being burned by the flames. It cannot be said that life is worse than death, it can only be said that it is impossible to survive. , I can’t die.

Fortunately, I survived and mastered the dragon-slaying magic. "


Do you want to say it so lightly?

Voldemort seemed to have thought of something, and glanced at Abe flying in mid-air without trace. His cold gaze made the five-year-old Holy Dragon shiver.

"Don't even think about it." Aaron sneered, "The point is the dragon-slaying magic crystal. Without this material, you can destroy all the dragons in the magic world and it is impossible to master dragon-slaying magic.

Moreover, what I killed was a Dragon King at the level of a holy wizard. This magic power can only be used under special circumstances.

Unless you can find a similar or stronger dragon, dragon-slaying magic will be useless to you. "

"You must be very confident now, right?" Voldemort twitched the corner of his mouth and snorted dissatisfiedly, "You have temporarily stepped into the Grand Mage, or you are an intermediate Grand Mage. Coupled with your endless methods, you may be able to fight with I’ll give it a try.”

"It's good to know." Aaron said bluntly, "This is life in exchange for capital."

"I don't deny it, but how long can you hold on?" Voldemort asked meaningfully, "This power is temporarily borrowed by you, and it is lost very quickly. As long as I delay it for a while, you will enter a weak state or even directly It’s not impossible to fall into a coma.”

"This reminds me." Aaron reacted and launched a decisive attack.

His half-dragon transformation has greatly improved his speed, strength, defense and magic power. Various moves of elemental magic and dragon-slaying magic are also at his fingertips, and they are more powerful than before.

Voldemort seemed to be determined to avoid its sharp edge, dodging back and forth with his phantom movement. Unless he couldn't avoid it, he would raise his wand to defend passively.

This makes the scene look extremely weird. The majestic Dark Lord seems to be severely suppressed, extremely embarrassed but enjoying it, while Aaron has the upper hand, but he looks anxious and only wants a quick victory.

Their respective masters started fighting, and Abe and the Death Eaters naturally continued their previous battle.

Meanwhile, outside the execution chamber.

After receiving the memory and thoughts of the main body, the missing body couldn't help but raise the corners of its mouth.

"Are you awake? It's an unexpected surprise.

In this way, some changes can be made to the previous plan. Relying on sneak attacks to gain an advantage and then finding opportunities to escape is ultimately a bad idea. Personally, I prefer peaceful negotiations! "The missing body murmured, and then pointed the wand at the door.


The black door was blown away and landed heavily in the center of the battlefield.

The two sides who were fighting stopped in a tacit understanding. Aaron naturally knew who was coming, but when he glanced at the Death Eaters and the tied up Harry and others, he immediately put on the same expression, nervous, expectant and solemn. coexist.

They didn't know whether they were friends or foes, but violently breaking down the door was a sign that the person coming might not be a weakling.

At this time, Voldemort's side still has a certain advantage, but if the external force is strong enough and joins Aaron's side, the situation will be difficult to say.

The Missing Body did not keep everyone waiting, and walked in confidently with its head held high and its chest high.

"Abe? Death Eaters? And the Dark Lord. It looks like the fight was fierce!"

"Aaron?" Harry looked at the person coming in disbelief, then looked at the half-dragon-turned Aaron below, and couldn't help but look confused.

"Don't get me wrong, I am Allen, and Aaron is my twin brother." The missing body said nonsense seriously, putting itself in the position of his brother.

After all, he needs a character next, a character of a brother who is willing to risk his life to protect his younger brother.

Only by not being afraid of death and daring to fight tooth and nail can these lunatics be feared.

The missing body looked at Harry's forehead meaningfully, "You must be Harry Potter. Aaron has told me about you more than once, and Sister Adrian has also mentioned you once or twice.

As expected, it is better to meet you than to be famous. Your ability to commit suicide is not an ordinary professional. "


"Uh...thank you for the compliment, can you let us go first?"

"I'm afraid this won't work." Missing Body said confidently, "I'm not familiar with you, so I don't know if letting you go will do me any good, but there will definitely be disadvantages."

"As expected of brothers." Ron said speechlessly, "The rules of conduct cannot be said to be similar, only exactly the same."


Abe roared excitedly, "Master, you are finally here."

"Don't get too excited." The missing body immediately said in dragon language, "Be calm and don't expose any flaws.

You must know that even if I are added, I may not be able to defeat Voldemort. You have to make him afraid to negotiate well. "

"Why are you here?" Aaron pretended to be confused.

"What do you think?" Missing Body rolled his eyes at him angrily, "No one from the family will come if you violate the ancestral precepts. The only one who can help you is me, your brother."

"Do you know what this means?" Voldemort had a few more black lines on his forehead. According to the information he collected, Aaron was an only son, but now it seems that the information was wrong. This twin brother had never appeared, or appeared. Yes, but no one recognized it.

"Of course I know, but it doesn't matter." The missing body waved his hand, "It's just that I can't be alone. It's not that important to me.

Moreover, what I want to study next will require me to leave the magical world for a long time. Even if a wizard war occurs, it will not affect me at all.

My younger brother is too conservative and has always longed for a stable life, but I am different from him. Sitting around and being miserable is not my pursuit.

But we still have something in common. We both don't like trouble and we both know the importance of strength. "

As he spoke, the missing body raised his right hand, and a crimson flame slowly burned in the palm of his hand, "I also know the dragon-slaying magic, although I am still far away from becoming a dragon."

"I will help you kill these Death Eaters, and then I will deal with the Dark Lord with Abe.

With your awakened power, plus us, the outcome is barely 50-50. "

"Fifty-fifty?" Aaron looked confused in response, "Isn't this too low?"

"What do you know?" The Missing Body preached seriously, "No one is sure of winning in a battle, but life can create opportunities for victory.

Who makes you my brother? I will create this opportunity for you... Even if you can't kill him, you can still severely damage him. When the time comes, it's up to you whether you want to hit him last or take the opportunity to escape.

But you have to promise me that if I accidentally die, you have to avenge me, Gaius... is not that easy to bully. "


Are you risking your life at every turn? Where the hell did this lunatic come from?

"Wait, brother, give me some time." Aaron interrupted him hastily, then looked helplessly at Voldemort and directly stated his purpose, "I think we can have a good talk."

"What do you want to talk about?" Voldemort curled his lips knowingly.

"Sign a contract!" Aaron took a deep breath, "Let us leave. Don't take the initiative to trouble me within a year. As for today's incident, just pretend that nothing happened."


"Get out of my way." The missing body scolded angrily, "When will your fearful character change?"

"I'm not afraid of trouble, I'm afraid that you'll die here." Aaron yelled, and the missing body was stunned for a moment, and stood there in a very cooperative manner.

“You have obtained the prophecy, and tonight’s action is not considered a failure.

Of course, if you still feel unwilling, then I can only do as he said. Aaron said to Voldemort sincerely, "You should have seen my potential when you possessed me just now. You don't want to fight me to the death, right?" "

Voldemort was silent for several seconds, and his scarlet vertical pupils glanced at the holy dragon Abe, the half-dragon Aaron Gaius who could pose a certain threat to him, and the unknown Aaron Gaius.

"You are lucky this time, but next time..."

"Let's wait until next time!" Aaron's expression remained unchanged, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He then waved his wand and used magic power in mid-air to write a concise, clear, but very strict magic contract.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" The missing body asked in a deep voice, "I will come to protect you this time, but next time I won't be able to help you even if I want to.

Instead of living in other people's calculations from now on, it's better to take a gamble and kill him and be done with it. "

"Please listen to me this time, I can't risk your life."

Voldemort was still a little unwilling at first, but after hearing these words, he felt inexplicably more balanced.

He didn't want to risk his life, especially since there was no benefit to be gained from such a risk.

Besides, there is only a thief who can steal for a thousand days, but there is no thief who can guard against him for a thousand days. His calculation this time was full of coincidences and it was impossible to succeed, but there was still a chance next time.

Although Aaron was a Slytherin, he was not without weaknesses and could plan well.

Voldemort snorted lightly, raised his wand and flicked his wrist, ready to write his name to put an end to everything that happened tonight.

Aaron and the missing body looked at it eagerly, and they were extremely excited.

On the surface, he suffered a loss and compromised for the safety of his brother's life, but in fact, he stood in the atmosphere this time. It can't be said that he won, but at least he won.

He has already mixed in, and it is impossible to get himself out of this vortex.

But as long as Voldemort is willing to sign the contract, he will have enough time to develop.

He has also carefully calculated this time. Even if Voldemort wants to start a wizard war, he needs sufficient time to prepare. One year is just enough for him to integrate the forces of all parties.

More importantly, although Aaron was gifted, he was still just a magician in his eyes. It was impossible for him to grow to the point where he was threatening him in one year. After one year, his power would spread all over the magic world, and it would be easier to control Aaron.

However, reality is always full of surprises. Voldemort had just written a letter when two doors on the top suddenly opened.

Six groups of bright white light fell from the sky and turned into Sirius, Lupin, Moody, Tonks, Kingsley and Snape after landing.

Aaron and his thought body looked at these members of the Order of the Phoenix, and felt that billions of horses were galloping through their hearts.

If he came earlier, he wouldn't have to fight so hard. If he came later, he could have gained a year of development time, but he waited for him to get involved, exposing many of his cards, and even killed him when he was about to negotiate. Could this be coming at the right time?

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid this contract can't be signed." Voldemort sneered.

Aaron also felt sorry, but he had to pretend to be relieved, otherwise Voldemort would find out what was going on.

The two looked at each other and teleported in tacit understanding.

Voldemort came to the Death Eaters, and Aaron teleported to his brother 'Alan'. The moment he landed, he stopped the half-dragon state and sat weakly on the chair.

Abe also immediately stopped the transformation state and turned into a harmless cat, but the bruises on his body made people feel distressed.

"You have done very well." The thought body patted Aaron's shoulder, "At least in my opinion, it is impeccable, but now... I can only say that things are unpredictable."


This is a true self-consolation.

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