A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 516 After signing this deed of sale, the candidate of the notary (1/2)

Chapter 516 After signing this deed of sale, the candidate of the notary public

"Why don't you go see Harry?

I have to say that this question is very in-depth. "

"Don't change the subject, give me a reason." Sirius said unhappily.

"One is not enough, I'll give you three." Aaron sneered, "First of all, you are a soul now, not a ghost.

Most people can't see you or hear what you are saying. If you want to contact Harry, the only way is through dreams. "

"Then...it's not impossible!" Sirius said with a smile in his eyes, "This is simply great."

He has been wanted by the Ministry of Magic for the past two years. He can only meet Harry with peace of mind when he is in the Order of the Phoenix. At other times, he has to carefully use the floo network to talk to Harry from a distance.

But if it was a dream, then he would have a lot of time to spend with his godson, and this method was very safe and almost no one would disturb him.

grass! Why didn't I think of this idea when I was alive?

"Don't get too happy too soon, I won't let you go." Aaron directly poured a ladle of cold water on Sirius's heart, "I don't want to expose my ability to pull the soul out of the body."

"I will let Harry keep it a secret." Sirius vowed, but when he saw Aaron's half-smiling eyes, he couldn't help but lower his head angrily.

"It seems that you still know your godson very well.

If he had known that you were not dead, he would probably have wiped away his current decadence, and maybe even held a banquet to celebrate. Acting too abnormally would arouse the suspicion of many people. "

"Then let me change the time!

Summer vacation, how about summer vacation? It was at the home of his Muggle relatives that I gave him a dream.

No matter how unusual this is, no one will notice, after all, that family is all weird. "

"It's a good idea." Aaron praised it, and then changed the subject, "But your idea is too beautiful, I still won't let you see him."

"Don't go too far." Sirius was so angry that his teeth itched.

"Am I going too far?

It was you who tricked me first, who is to blame?

If I keep you alive, I am tolerant and generous, repaying evil with kindness. "

Sirius was speechless and asked aggrievedly: "But why?"

"Can't I see you're unhappy?" Aaron said angrily, and then took out the resurrection potion in front of Sirius.

"This, this is?"

Sirius looked at the green solution and couldn't help but breathe a little faster.

In his current half-dead state, he can feel the value of this bottle of medicine better than a living person, and the rich life energy in it is quite tempting to him.

"This bottle of magic potion can perfectly resurrect people who die within an hour. It is a unique treasure that I use to save my life." Aaron

He said half-truthfully that after gaining the power of the Dog Talisman and the Horse Talisman, this bottle of medicine was no longer that important to him, but others didn't know that!

"I saved your soul when you were hit by the Death Curse. When your body was swallowed by the curtain, I fought hard to snatch you back from death. But what happens after that?

Harry asked me to take out this treasure to save you. I wanted to ask at that time, where did he get the nerve to ask me to use a priceless treasure to save someone I didn't know well?

There are also Lupine and Ron. Although they said it clearly, they all suspected that I was unwilling to save me. Do you know how depressed I was at that time? "

"Yes!" Sirius nodded, but with a pleased expression on his face, "As expected of me, he is my godson, and I always love him in vain.

Ron is not bad either, and Lupin, his temperament to doubt you is quite rare. "

Aaron blinked and said speechlessly: "I really think highly of your moral bottom line!"

"Uh... I apologize to you on their behalf, but this is somewhat excusable!" Sirius said angrily.

"Hmph!" Aaron snorted softly, "You are not my godfather, let alone my biological father. I save you out of love, but not out of duty."

Sirius shrugged helplessly, "Two years is just two years, I'll just wait."

“Very good, but you don’t have a choice.

If you want to be resurrected, you must obey me. "

"Haha! I exchanged 90% of my family property for that."

"Pull him down!" Aaron said with disgust, "Exchanging a life for those things you despise, in fact you made a lot of money.

That is to say, I see that you have been wandering around for half your life, and the kindness in my heart requires me to leave you 10% for your retirement, otherwise you will not even have a hair left. "

Sirius' mouth twitched slightly, is it really okay to be so straightforward?

"I really appreciate your kindness."

"It's good to know." Aaron said, and then he took out his wand and wrote a contract in mid-air, "Sign it!"

Sirius looked at the few lines of words in the air without knowing why, and his expression became more and more exciting.

The content of the contract is very simple, with only two clauses.

First, before Sirius was resurrected, he had to listen to Aaron in everything. If he was told to go east, he could not go west. If he was told to catch dogs, he could not chase chickens.

The second is to complete the transfer of wealth. Before the summer vacation, 90% of the Black family's wealth will be handed over to Aaron's private vault in Gringotts.


"What? You're not satisfied?"

"No, this..." Sirius pointed to the first item, "You are worried that I can't help myself and go to Harry or the Order of the Phoenix to control me, I understand that.

But isn't this too absolute? It's just like signing a contract to sell yourself. "

"Be more confident. Remove the word "just". This is a contract to sell yourself." Aaron said bluntly.

"This joke is a bit too big!"

"I'm serious." Aaron said seriously, "Frankly, I don't believe you.

After last night, I have a clear understanding of your moral bottom line. You even cheated a minor like me. What else can't you do? The first rule is necessary precautions. "

Sirius had a complicated look and wanted to refute, but he had nothing to say.

After a long silence, he looked at Aaron and asked, "Can you give me more protection?"

"What do you mean?"

"It means adding some additional conditions. I can listen to you, but you can't do anything to insult my dignity.

You can't say that you want to see the black dog jump through the fire ring, and I have to satisfy you, right? "

Hearing this, a picture emerged in Aaron's mind.

Sirius turned into a big black dog, happily jumped over three fire rings, somersaulted in the air and landed steadily, while he and the thought body applauded below and threw a bone over.


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Aaron took a breath, shook his head and crushed the picture he just thought of into powder.

"Ahem! I can promise that I won't insult your dignity, but I won't change the first one.

Resurrecting you is nothing, but this palace is my biggest secret and my only safe haven after I leave the family. I can't leave any hidden dangers."

"If you are not satisfied, you don't have to sign it. Just in case, I will reseal your soul and release you after the war in the wizarding world. But whether you can be resurrected at that time depends on your luck."

"Wait." Sirius said immediately, "I'll sign it."

"But the second one is a bit difficult. I'm already dead, and I can't give you the wealth of the Black family even if I want to!"

"This is a problem." Aaron frowned.

"Why don't you change the time to two years? I will write you an agreement as soon as I am resurrected."

"Haha! I am afraid that by then my wealth will only be left in the vault of Gringotts." Aaron teased, "Now the ancestral home of the Black family is the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. You don't think that the house and everything in it can be properly preserved after you die, do you?

Everything needs funding these days. After you die, the house will no longer be safe. It is not ruled out that someone in the Order of the Phoenix will sell it."

"That's impossible. I left the house to Harry."

"What about the gold and silver utensils in it, as well as the antiques and magic items collected by the Black family for thousands of years?"

"Just sell those things. I don't care."

"But I care." Aaron said unhappily, "That's all my money. I 's money. "

"You...are still short of money?" Sirius asked in surprise, "No way, you are the heir of the Gaius family. You may not be rich, but you should have enough food and clothing!"

"Thanks to you, I have been expelled from the family.

As expected, all my property has been temporarily frozen, except for the small shop in Diagon Alley that can barely provide a little income.

But I have too many places to spend money, and that little money is just not enough to make ends meet. Moreover, I still owe Professor Snape a sum of Galleons, which I promised to pay back next semester.

The most important thing is that I still have a dragon to raise. You have seen the size of Abe, and you should be able to imagine how much it eats.

In this case, if I can't increase income and reduce expenditure, I will have to go out to beg for food."

Sirius laughed awkwardly to cover up his embarrassment.

This is indeed the fault of the Order of the Phoenix, and it can't be thrown away, but the sad thing is that now he is the only one who bears Aaron's blame, which is very uncomfortable.

"What does it normally take to sign a transfer agreement?" Aaron asked, but quickly added, "I'm talking about the minimum."

"My signature and a notary who is not bad enough." Sirius said in embarrassment, "I can't sign it even if I want to in my current state."

"That's not a big deal." Aaron glanced at the ice coffin, "Your body is still here. As long as you agree, I can temporarily resurrect you for a few minutes."


"Do I need to lie to you?"

"What about the notary?

Only members of the Order of the Phoenix meet the requirements. We can't let them come, right?"

"Can Professor Snape?" Aaron suggested.

"Absolutely not." Sirius refused sternly, "I'd rather die outside than jump from here. I don't want him to see me in such a miserable state.

Being laughed at by Snape for the rest of my life is worse than dying!"

Aaron's eyes twitched slightly, "Then there are no other choices?"

"There are two." Sirius said with a strange look, "One is Narcissa Malfoy, and the other is Bellatrix Lestrange.

Although I don't want to admit it, they were both members of the Black family before they got married. They are my sisters and are definitely qualified to be notaries."

"Bellatrix can't do it. If she knew you were still alive, it would be a small thing to kill you, but it would be great fun to tell Voldemort that I saved you.

The soul is his biggest shortcoming, and he might come to me directly and force me to make up for this shortcoming. "

"Can you do it?" Sirius asked unexpectedly.

After Aaron hesitated for a moment, he nodded.

The power of the Sheep Spell could slowly repair his soul, but it would take enough time, unless Voldemort was willing to swallow the soul in his Horcrux, which was obviously impossible.

"As for Narcissa Malfoy, it's not impossible.

Draco and I have a good relationship, so it was a simple matter of asking her to do this little favor for me. "

"Are you kidding me! This cousin of mine is also a Death Eater."

"I'm serious." Aaron said seriously, "The Malfoys are definitely the smartest among the Death Eaters, and Lucius even asked me to arrange a way out before Voldemort was resurrected.

They join the Death Eaters for profit, but helping me is for safety. This is within her ability, and Narcissa will not refuse. "

"Uh, um... I was just joking." Sirius said sheepishly, "You must not choose these two as notaries."

"Tch! I knew it." Aaron rolled his eyes at him, "Is there anyone else in your Black family besides marrying someone else?"

"Originally I had a younger brother, but he is already dead." Sirius sighed with emotion. "He joined the Death Eaters, but then he wanted to quit. He must have been killed by Voldemort!"

"It's a pity." Aaron sighed, and then seemed to think of something, "It can't be done with living people, but I wonder if it can be done with dead people?"

"My mother's portrait?" Sirius shook his head mockingly, "That's impossible. She has always regarded me as a disgrace to the Black family. She might be so excited when she knows I'm dead!"

"But you are the last of the Black family, no matter how unreasonable she is, she still understands the importance.

As long as you promise to have a child and pass on the blood of the Black family, no matter what the request is, I think she will agree to it. "

"Stop it." Sirius' eyes widened immediately, "I can't imagine that such words came from a sixteen-year-old student.

What the hell is this bad idea to have a baby? I bet you can figure it out. "

"Most people really can't think of it." Aaron murmured.

Sirius found that Aaron's eyes were as full of resistance and helplessness as his, and he suddenly had the illusion that Aaron and he might be the same kind of person.

"I would like to ask you, do you think about getting married and having children..."

"Shut up, don't mention this kind of thing, I don't want to hear it either."

Sirius understood immediately and gave him a knowing look.

Aaron rolled his eyes and didn't want to explain. The more he explained, the harder it became to explain. Besides, Sirius was under his control now, so it didn't matter what he thought.

"Besides your mother's portrait, is there anything else? A ghost can do it too."

"Then there is only Phineas Nilejes Black. According to his seniority, he should be considered my great-great-grandfather, but he was the headmaster of Hogwarts, and there is also a portrait of him in the headmaster's office."

"It's him." Aaron made the decision immediately. "He will agree to be a notary for the inheritance of the Black family. Moreover, he is still in the principal's office, so he is the best person to pass on the information!"

"Are you serious?" Sirius asked in shock.

"Of course, but we have to find a way to steal the portrait first."

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