A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 522 Homeless? Special situations can be handled specially (1/2)

Chapter 522 Homeless? Special situations can be handled specially

Aaron couldn't help but sigh slightly when he saw that other people were being picked up and dropped off by their elders.

In the past, Genes would definitely take the suitcase from his hand as soon as possible, but this time he didn't come. It was quite uncomfortable to stand here alone.

"Um... I asked my dad to take you to the Leaky Cauldron first?" Hermione asked, her voice very soft as if she was worried about hurting Aaron's pride, "He has a car, which will at least be more convenient."

"No need." Aaron pursed his lips, "It's also good to take the Knight Bus."

"Are you...sure?" Hermione asked in surprise. She had ridden in that car and knew what it was like.

"Sure, but I have to go home before that." Aaron shrugged and took off the ring on his left hand, "I have to return some magic props."

"The young master's decision is really gratifying!" Genes walked over with a chuckle.

"Mr. Jeans." Hermione said excitedly, "Since you are here, does that mean he can go home?"

"Not really, but almost, Miss Granger.

The young master has violated the ancestral precepts of the Gaius family. Normally, he cannot go home, but this time the situation is special..."

"When you said that, I suddenly didn't want to go back." Aaron took a step back and then took out two magic books from Abe's pocket. "You are here just in time. The magic ring and the magic book are from Take it back!"

"Master, there is no need to be nervous."

"It's okay if I'm not nervous! Who knows if you took me back to be punished?"

"Punished?" Hermione's eyes widened immediately, "Really?"

"No." Genes couldn't laugh or cry. "The young master did violate the ancestral precepts, but he can go back under certain circumstances, as long as he is willing to accept the arrangement."

"I don't accept it." Aaron said very decisively, "It's not that I haven't been arranged. My two trips were not ordinary miserable."

"It has nothing to do with traveling. You don't even need to go to cram school."

"That's even worse. It just means that the arrangement at home is more complicated than I thought."

"Okay! Since you have decided, young master, I can't force you.

But..." Jean paused, turned to look not far away, and said meaningfully: "Mr. Malfoy has looked this way several times since just now.

By the way, there have been some strangers in Diagon Alley recently. Although it looks a bit gloomy, thanks to their young master, the business in the shop has improved a lot. "


Aaron swallowed and cursed in his heart.

what is this? Intimidation and inducement?

He really underestimated how much Voldemort valued him. He originally thought that he would wait for a year and a half before attacking him, but now it seemed that he obviously didn't have that patience and was prepared to monitor and ambush him.

If he didn't agree to go back with Jeans, he would probably have to run away after leaving the station.

And Diagon Alley was absolutely not allowed to go. It was more dangerous than he thought. Did he really want to go to the Ministry of Magic?

Hermione seemed to understand the seriousness of the matter, and said thoughtfully: "I think it would be better for you to stay in the Order of the Phoenix for the time being."

This time Aaron did not refuse immediately, but he turned his head and glanced at Lupin, who was chatting happily with the Dursleys, and couldn't help but feel a toothache.

You can't go to the Order of the Phoenix unless you absolutely have to.

Unless Dumbledore died, he might be sold at some point.

The old man had a very dark heart, and he would definitely do such a wicked thing.

"Phew!" Aaron took a deep breath and looked at Genes sheepishly, "Can you reveal the specific reason so that I can be somewhat mentally prepared?"

"It's the old patriarch who's back." Genes said hesitantly.

"My grandpa?" Aaron was surprised for a moment, and then his expression became extremely exciting, "My grandpa and I haven't seen each other for ten years!"

"How can it be that long? It's only been five years." Jeans explained, "The year when the young master went to Hogwarts, he also came to the station to see you off, but you didn't see it."

"That's long enough." Aaron said with some complaints, but he was relieved in his heart.

Vico and Lisanna might blame him, but his grandfather really cared about him unconditionally. Even if he couldn't make an exception and take him home to protect him during the holidays, he would still talk to him about the past.

To a certain extent, this was a relief for him. As long as Jeans could take him back, the Death Eaters would not dare to attack him on the road.

"Master, this subordinate can only say so much.

If you are still unwilling to go back, then... I can only wish you good luck. "

"Return, why not?" Aaron handed the suitcase to Jeans very sincerely, then hugged Abe and greeted Lucius, who had been paying attention to him.

The meaning is very obvious. There is still someone covering my back, so I need to think carefully before taking action.

When Lucius saw this, he forced a relieved smile and left the station with Draco.

"So...your safety problem is solved like this?" Hermione was a little unable to react.

"It's only safe for the time being, but it's really hard to say after that." Aaron wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, "Uncle Genes, we can go."

"Okay, Master." Genes smiled and then pushed the suitcase into the car.

"Goodbye, if you have anything, you can call me." Aaron waved and turned to follow Genes.

After a while, Harry and Ron came over.

The two looked at Aaron's brisk back and had deep doubts in their hearts.

"Isn't he unable to go home?" Harry asked puzzled.

"Some accidents happened, but it might be a good thing." Hermione said thoughtfully.


Sitting in the car, Aaron was in an extremely wonderful mood.

This summer vacation will be more relaxed than ever before, and Genes seemed to have mentioned that he didn't even have to go to cram school this time, which was simply the best thing.

Genes saw the smile on Aaron's face through the rearview mirror, and a hint of playfulness appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Are my parents at home?"

"Of course." Genes said, "The old patriarch is back, and the patriarch and his wife are naturally at home."

"Haha, worthy of being my grandpa.

I usually have to rely on luck to see them, but the situation changes when my grandpa comes back." Aaron said gloatingly.

"That may have nothing to do with the old patriarch. The main thing is that you, young master, played a little too much this time. The patriarch and his wife are also very troubled."

"Uh... That's not important. How does my grandfather look?"

"The old patriarch is only sixty years old. For a great magician, this age is nothing. Naturally, he is very healthy."

"I'm asking about his mood." Aaron asked a little nervously, "Is he angry with me?"

"This... I don't think so!" Jins said uncertainly, "After the old patriarch knew that you, young master, violated the ancestral precepts, he just smashed his study."

Hearing this, Aaron couldn't help twitching his mouth, "Is it too late for me to get off the car now?"

"Uh... Young master, don't worry."

"Forget it!

You know how much he loves that study. My dad will be scolded if he goes in without permission. . "

"I remember that you can come and go freely, young master."

"How can this be the same?" Aaron complained speechlessly, "In his heart, I must be more valuable than the study and my father, but what he did has proved his anger in his heart. If I go back, I will definitely be beaten first!"

"It's not that serious." Genes said, "The old patriarch was very angry at the time, but it has been several days, and his anger has almost subsided.

And the old patriarch received a letter two days ago, and he smiled very happily, so he decided to let me come to pick you up."

"What letter?"

"I can't say, but it is certain that the young master can make an exception and go home, and that letter is indispensable.

In addition, the family's arrangements for the young master are also closely related to that letter. "

Aaron raised his eyebrows and became interested in the letter, but he quickly restrained his curiosity.

What you should know, you will naturally know after returning home.

As for the family's arrangements...it depends on your mood. If you can do it, do it. If you can't do it, the worst thing is that you will be kicked out!

But it doesn't matter. As long as we seize the opportunity to buy enough supplies and hide in the Shenming Temple, we don't care if there is a flood outside before school starts.


A few hours later, the car drove into the castle gate.

The house elf Yobi quickly ran over to salute and took the suitcase from the trunk.

"Master, the old master said that you should go to the living room to find him after you come back." Yobi said respectfully.

"Got it."

Aaron nodded indifferently, then walked to the door of the living room and pushed it open.

Then he was numb all over, and saw his parents and his grandfather Tepler, a spirited old man with a goatee, sitting side by side.

The three of them looked at him in unison, and a full sense of oppression instantly came over them.

Aaron couldn't help but shudder. He dared to swear that he had never been so thrilling even when facing Voldemort.

"I'm back." Vico asked lightly.

"Father, what are you doing?"

"Can't you see? We are waiting for you!" Lisanna said speechlessly.

"Okay, okay, let my grandson sit down first!" Tepler looked at his grandson whom he hadn't seen for several years lovingly, "Let's talk about business first, otherwise it will be awkward to see you so nervous."

"Did you hear that?" Vico rolled his eyes at him, "Your grandfather asked you to sit down."

Aaron immediately sat opposite the three of them, and tactfully lowered his head, pretending to accept criticism humbly.

"Heh!" Vicco pouted sarcastically, "Who are you showing this to? You're my son, and I don't know you well enough?

It's already happened, isn't it too late to admit your mistake now?"

"Your father and I never realized you were so bold before!" Lisanna said tiredly, "The ancestral precepts clearly state that members of the Gaius family cannot participate in disputes in the magic world, and you actually...

Anyway, I almost had a heart attack when I received the news. You used to be quite reliable, but why are you so worrying this time!"

"I'm very sorry, I won't do it next time."

"Do you dare to do it again next time?" Vicco was so angry that he almost hit someone, but was glared back by his own father.

"Dad, there must be a limit to favoritism, you can't protect him anymore.

I'm not angry that he overestimates his own abilities, I'm angry that he dared to violate the ancestral precepts of the Gaius family.

This time he dares to get involved in the disputes in the magic world. Next time he may not dare to fight for the dominance of the magic world. When the time comes..."

"When the time comes, I will personally cross out his name on the family tree." Tepler hummed, "Just don't stop him."

"Uh...it depends on the situation. After all, he is my biological son." Vico said unnaturally, and then looked at Aaron angrily, "Did you hear that? I won't be able to protect you by then. ”

"I heard it." Aaron nodded, "I promise there won't be a next time."

"It's good to know." Vico said angrily, "Tell me, why?"


"Stop pretending to be confused, why did you go to the Department of Mysteries?" Teppler looked at Aaron seriously, "My dear grandson, you caused a lot of trouble this time, we have to know the reason!"

"For the sake of justice." Aaron said righteously, "The battle between the Dark Lord and the White Lord has begun, and if it is not stopped, sooner or later it will spread to the entire magical world.

As a descendant of the Gaius family, how can I sit back and watch? "

After the words fell, the entire living room fell silent.

Genes smiled and said nothing, Vico held his forehead and shook his head, Lisanna rolled her eyes speechlessly, and Tepler showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes while being helpless.

"Do you believe this yourself?" Lisanna teased.

"Of course I believe it." Of course Aaron couldn't convince them with this reason, but today he was talking about breaking the sky, and he was also for peace and justice.

If he told them that he was acting impulsively, there would probably be a wave of mixed doubles between father and son.

"But we don't believe it." Vico said angrily, "You'd better..."

"Forget it." Teppler interrupted, "When children grow up, they have their own ideas, and it's normal not to want to speak out."

Vico pursed his lips and immediately suppressed his thoughts of questioning. Dad had spoken, and he couldn't help but listen.

"Let's get down to business!" Teppler looked at Aaron, "Do you want to know why we asked you to come back when you clearly violated the ancestral precepts?"

"Yeah!" Aaron nodded, "I thought about the possibility that Grandpa made an exception for me, but then I thought about it and thought it was unlikely."

"It's really impossible." Tepler said with a smile, "Violating the ancestral precepts is something I, a retired patriarch, cannot tolerate."

Hearing this, Aaron looked at Vico thoughtfully.

If the retired clan leader doesn't work, then it can only be the current clan leader.

"What are you watching me do?" Vico said unhappily, "The current patriarch treats family rules as child's play for his son. Does this sound fun?

If I dare to protect you, your grandfather will dare to kill his relatives. "

"Then...it can't really be that letter, right?" Aaron asked with some horror.

"It seems that Jeans told you." Tepler seemed to have expected it and threw the letter to Aaron casually. "The ancestral precepts of the Gaius family are very strict, but they can handle special situations as appropriate."

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