A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 529 Uncertainty factors in the future, the principal should have privileges (1/2)

Chapter 529 The uncertainty of the future, the principal should have privileges

"Okay, Mr. Voldemort, I fully understand what you mean."

"What about the reply?" Voldemort looked at Vico with red eyes, "I need a definite answer."

"I really can't give you this." Vico said impatiently, "Come on, show the guests."

"You two." Jins made a gesture of invitation to the door, "Please follow me!"

Voldemort was confused. He didn't understand what was wrong with his conditions, but he didn't expect Vico to refuse so straightforwardly.

He is only half a step away from the Holy Mage, but as long as he has the support of the Gaius family, this half step can be easily taken. As for the God of Magic in the future, it is only a matter of time to establish a kingdom of faith.

It can be said that as long as he is given enough "investment", he will definitely make a lot of money in the future. Logically, there is no reason to refuse.

Lucius on the side seemed to have figured out something, and his pupils widened unconsciously.

The Malfoy family is best at seeking benefits and avoiding harm. Voldemort may not be able to think of the key that he can't think of.

There are only two possibilities for Gaius's refusal. One is that he can't support Voldemort due to his ancestral teachings, and the other is that he simply doesn't care about his return.

But no matter which one, it means that the Gaius family has an extremely deep foundation, otherwise Voldemort and even his future would not be disdainful.

"Mr. Vico, I thought you were a smart man." Voldemort said with anger, "I advise you not to be too smart."

"Haha!" Vico said indifferently, "Salazar Slytherin's attitude is much better than yours."

Hearing the name of his ancestor, Voldemort calmed down his mood a little, "Refusing to cooperate with me, does that mean that Gaius wants to form an alliance with Dumbledore."

Vico shook his head, "No."

"I hope you will do what you say." Voldemort snorted, "Let's go."

"Wait a moment, master." Lucius said hurriedly, his eyes quickly sweeping over Aaron and Dumbledore.

Voldemort understood immediately, and he really couldn't leave now.

If he didn't keep an eye on Aaron, Dumbledore would definitely take him away, and it would be very difficult to catch him then.

"Good assist." Aaron silently praised Lucius in his heart, but a trace of regret flashed across his face.

This change in expression was caught by Voldemort by chance. He showed a sneer and sat calmly on the sofa, "Do you mind if I stay a little longer?"

"As long as you are happy." Aaron said embarrassedly.

"Professor Dumbledore, you can talk about the content of your cooperation.

But let me make it clear in advance that if you want the Gaius family to support you like Voldemort, then don't say anything."

"I said, the situation is special." Dumbledore smiled like a good man, "I hope our next conversation can be kept confidential, and no third person can know."

"No problem." Vicco snapped his fingers, and a gray-white barrier rose from the middle, covering him and Dumbledore. "Now it's okay, this barrier can definitely be airtight."

"Don't mind if I check it!"

"Whatever." Vicco said indifferently.

Dumbledore drew out his wand and walked around in the barrier before he was barely relieved.

He sat down again and was silent for a few seconds before speaking: "Mr. Gaius, do you know anything about Horcruxes?"

"Split the soul and hide it in an object outside the body.

This way, even if the body suffers a devastating blow, it will not die, because there is still a part of the soul that is not damaged in the world, but after the physical body is destroyed, unless there is a new body, it will not be as good as even the lowest wandering soul..." At this point, Vico paused and turned his head to look in the direction of Voldemort outside the barrier, "Do you mean he made a Horcrux?"

"I'm afraid so." Dumbledore said solemnly, "and more than one."

"Interesting, it is estimated that the reason why his appearance has become like this is also related to the multiple splits of the soul.

Genius and madness are only a thought away, Voldemort perfectly interprets the meaning of this sentence." Vico couldn't help but sigh, "What a pity, if he can take the right path, he will at least be a holy wizard in the future."

"This is my negligence, I didn't teach him well." Dumbledore blamed himself.

"The past is irreversible, so you don't have to worry too much. After all, it's too late to regret." Vicco comforted him, and then changed the subject, "You want to convince me with this?" Dumbledore nodded undeniably, "Voldemort now has unlimited capital to cause trouble. With his ability, as long as he doesn't die, the magic world will always be in danger." "I don't deny it, but this is not enough." Vicco said lightly. "He will first unify the magic world and integrate the power of wizards. He advocates pure blood, which will be a disaster for Muggle-born wizards. In the end, the Muggle world may usher in unprecedented destructive destruction." Dumbledore said anxiously, "Isn't this enough?" "I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious." Vicco calmly poured him a cup of tea, "Professor Dumbledore, I only ask you one question, have these things you described happened?" "Uh..." Dumbledore's mouth twitched slightly, "Not yet." "You also said it hasn't happened yet. We have no reason to worry about things that haven't happened."

"But isn't it necessary to nip things in the bud?" Dumbledore asked puzzled.

"There are too many uncertainties in the future." Vico said patiently, "Maybe at this moment he is still thinking about destroying the world, but the next second he will change his ways.

Gaius would not eliminate the possibility of the future just because of the so-called 'nip in the bud', that would be a bit unkind. "

"These will definitely happen, when the time comes..."

"The Hidden World Family will naturally stop it when the time comes."

Hearing this, Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief.

This means that the worst case scenario will not happen, and someone will tell the truth when the time comes.

"But even so, countless people will die in the process."

"That's their life." Vico said expressionlessly, "Professor Dumbledore, you may think I'm cold-blooded, but you have to know that we can't control this kind of thing.

Just like wars in the Muggle world happen almost every day, and the wizarding world is never peaceful. Voldemort is just a hardship that should be experienced in this era.

Gaius, no, not just the Gaius family, the other three hidden families all have an ancestral motto that does not allow family members to participate in disputes in the magic world. Do you know why? "

"I have had a guess." Dumbledore said with a complex expression, "If you participate, there will be no need for the Ministry of Magic to exist. You have the final say in the entire magical world."

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Vico was not stingy with his applause, "You are right. With the resources at our disposal, as long as we are willing, we can complete an unprecedented change in the magic world at any time.

But long-term peace may not be a good thing. Without disputes, the magic world's progress will become slow. In many cases, failure to progress means regression. "

Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully, "That means you can only guarantee that Voldemort won't go too far, right?"

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“It can be understood that the duty of our four families is to protect the world, but when it comes to internal disputes, what we can do is very limited.

In a sense, war is also a necessary evolution process of civilization. What we have to do is to control the scope of war. "

"Thank you for clearing up the confusion. I seem to understand." Dumbledore said with some regret, then he seemed to think of something, and a look of embarrassment flashed across his face, "I would like to ask, do you really not care about Aaron's affairs? ?”

"How to care? This is the ancestral teaching.

Since he made a choice, he had to bear the consequences, and he deserved to die. Vico smiled bitterly and said, "I am the patriarch of the Gaius family. If we make an exception because he is my son, then there is no need for the rules to exist." "

Dumbledore's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt that he was in trouble, but if it happened again, he would still drag Aaron into the water without hesitation.

"If you disturb me tonight, I will take Harry away." Dumbledore said angrily.

"Wait." Vico stopped him.

A flash of joy flashed in Dumbledore's eyes, and he knew that things would turn around. How could a father not care about his son?

As soon as Vico opened his mouth, he immediately took Aaron away and completely bound him to the Order of the Phoenix.

"Anything else, Mr. Vico?"

"My father wants to see you."

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

The patriarch of the Gaius family is right in front of him. Logically speaking, Vico can make all decisions. There is no need to move the retired patriarch out!

"Can I ask why?"

"Can I ask you a little favor?"

"This..." Dumbledore was even more confused. What else did the Gaius family need his help with?

"Mr. Vico, does this have anything to do with Aaron?"

"It's true!" Vico smiled excitedly, "This is very important to him, and it is also very important to the Gaius family.

And I guarantee that this will only do you good, not bad. "

"Okay!" Dumbledore pursed his lips, "I can go with you to see him, please open the barrier first!"

"It's better not to let Voldemort see it." Vico pointed out, and then rolled up his sleeves and pointed his wand at the Gaius clan emblem on his arm. A dark blue portal opened in front of him.

"The privilege of the patriarch, I can use the mark to go to the location of family members at any time."

"It's unbelievable, but I can understand it," Dumbledore said, and then got into the dark blue portal.

When the two appeared again, they were in a guest room. Teppler was sitting on a chair reading a book, while Lisanna beside her was happily telling Clea about Aaron's personality, habits, and hobbies over the years.

Although she didn't know much about him, she was definitely the mother who knew her son best in the world.

"Please sit down, Professor Albus Dumbledore." Teppler slowly put down the book in his hand, "Thanks to you for taking care of my grandson these years."

"This is what you should do as a headmaster." Dumbledore said shamelessly.

Teppler smiled slightly, "Time is limited, so I won't be polite to you, Professor.

Klea, come here. "


Clea walked up to the two of them, and Dumbledore's eyes lit up.

After so many years as a professor, this was the first time he saw such a cute little girl.

Not to mention her stunning appearance, her elegant temperament cannot be imitated, and her big green eyes are so protective.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the second daughter of the Darwin family, Clea Darwin." Tepler said with a smile, "Professor Dumbledore, Clea is fifteen years old this year. I hope to give her a gift." Do you think it would be convenient to go to Hogwarts as a transfer student?"

"No problem, I'll do it.

Hogwarts is very welcoming to outstanding students like Miss Clea. "

"I hope you can put Clea in Slytherin."

"This..." Dumbledore thought for a moment, "The sorting is usually decided by the Sorting Hat."

"The principal should have privileges!" Teppler pointedly pointed out, "Professor Dumbledore, you can rest assured that Klea's talent and bloodline are not much worse than Aaron."

"Okay, Slytherin will be Slytherin." Dumbledore said, as if he had formed a good relationship with the Darwin family, and said it to the Sorting Hat later.

"Sixth grade," Teppler continued.

"But her age?"

"Age is never a problem for a genius." Lisanna interjected, "The important thing is that she needs to be in the sixth year of Slytherin."

Dumbledore looked at Clea and seemed to have thought of something, "I would like to ask, is this arrangement of yours for..."

Klea's face turned slightly red, and the three of them nodded in unison.


Dumbledore gasped.

My dear, you are so blatant in arranging your partners. Are all big families so good at playing?

"Maybe I shouldn't say this, but Aaron may have some opinions." Dumbledore said awkwardly, "You may not know that he has a very close relationship with Miss Hermione Granger of Gryffindor. "

"What?" Lisanna shouted in surprise.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Gaius..."

"That's great, that kid finally figured it out."

Dumbledore's voice stopped suddenly, and he looked at Lisanna in surprise, with the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

We don’t dare to say it, and we don’t dare to ask it either.

"Klea." Tepler gave Klea an apologetic smile, "We really don't know this."

"It's okay, Grandpa, I don't care about this." Klea said nonchalantly, "And this doesn't conflict with the future I see."

"See the future?" Dumbledore's eyes widened in shock, "Is the vision you mean by seeing the future what I understand?"

"My eyes can see some fragments or destiny of the future, which can be regarded as the genetic talent of the Darwin family. I can barely control it now.

It's just that it doesn't have much effect on people who are stronger than me, and it requires the other person's cooperation. Clea said and looked at Dumbledore, "Do you want to try it?" "

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