A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 532 You must not die, the sea is vast, fish can leap high into the sky, and birds can fly (1

Chapter 532 You must not die. The sea is vast and fish can leap into the sky and birds can fly.

"Professor." Harry suppressed the fear in his heart and said hesitantly, "Voldemort seems to have... changed."

"I can see that." Dumbledore nodded slightly and said meaningfully: "Tom, it seems that you have gained a lot during the time when I talked with Mr. Vico!"

“It’s really big, old thing.

But you shouldn’t have gained nothing, right? "

"Yes, I already understand why the Gaius family has such a huge influence." A self-deprecating smile appeared on Dumbledore's face. "The term "sitting in a well and watching the sky" is really suitable for us."

Voldemort frowned, turned to look at Vico, and asked with some worry: "Is Gaius planning to violate the teachings of his ancestors?"

"Don't get me wrong." Vico waved his hand, "I assure you on the basis of the reputation of Gaius's ancestors, I have not and will not provide him with any help. "

"It better be."

Voldemort said these words and left with Lucius.

After regaining his appearance, his sanity improved a lot, and he did not doubt the authenticity of Vico's words.

Judging from Dumbledore's reaction, he definitely knew some secrets of the Gaius family. These secrets were undoubtedly very important, but they could not bring him any benefit.

And what he got were real benefits, and all he paid was a little time, so what else could he be dissatisfied with?

"What did you do?" Harry looked at Harry warily, "Tell me you weren't on his side."

"What are you thinking? I just made a simple deal with Voldemort.

I helped him restore his appearance, so he can't cause trouble to me for the time being, that's all. "Aaron said half-truthfully.

Hearing this, Dumbledore frowned and felt crazy in his heart.

It was a mistake, and they accidentally made them sign an armistice agreement.

"Professor, you are the main force against Voldemort. You must live well. Two hundred years is not a long time. You can think about three hundred years.

If you feel uncomfortable somewhere, you must come to me in time.

Abe is better than the therapists at St. Mungo's Hospital of Magic, so he can still help you get better. "

Aaron's attitude was extremely sincere, which made Dumbledore feel flattered and at the same time deeply ashamed.

He was not very kind to Aaron, and even plotted against him for a long time, but the other person was able to repay evil with kindness, which he felt was inferior to him.

Jeans turned his face away silently, fearing that he would laugh out loud.

If he hadn't understood the contents of the contract signed by the young master, he would probably have been deceived.

This is definitely not about respecting the old and favoring the young, but I am worried that if Dumbledore's shield is broken, his situation will not be so safe.

"And you, Harry." Aaron looked at him solemnly, "You are the only person in the prophecy who can defeat Voldemort, but before you have enough ability, you must protect yourself, do you understand?"

"Uh..." Harry nodded blankly, "I understand."

"Actually, I have an immature suggestion.

You can find a place where no one can find it and spend three to five years improving your magical abilities. "

"Forget it." Harry refused immediately.

If three to five years could give him the power to defeat Voldemort, he really wouldn't mind giving it a try, but with his talent there, it would be more reliable to help Dumbledore stop Voldemort.

"Ahem! The time is almost up." Vico said unhurriedly.

Aaron was stunned for a moment and turned to look at the clock on the wall. There was less than half an hour left before dawn.

He sighed slightly, and then put on his backpack, "The time of joyful gathering is always short, and the next step is my own adventure.

Vico, I'm leaving now. Tell my mother and grandpa to take care of themselves. "

"What about Klea?" Vico asked.

Aaron paused and said, "Say goodbye to her for me. The next time we meet won't be as long as seven or eight years, but I guess it will be two or three years."


The moonlight shines on the clean and tidy avenue, and three figures walk side by side.

Aaron stroked Abe and said with a triumphant smile: "I never thought that I would get the freedom I want under such circumstances. From now on, the sea is as wide as the fish can jump, and the sky is as high as the birds can fly."

"What do you mean?" Dumbledore asked confused.

"I have been secretly protected by Jeans and a team of followers since I was a child. This life has lasted for more than ten years, which makes me feel that my personal privacy has been seriously violated.

But it's different now. I've been temporarily removed from the family, and they won't follow me anymore.

And I also made a deal with Voldemort. The wizarding world is still safe for me. I can do whatever I want and no one can control me. "

"Alas!" Dumbledore shook his head and sighed: "I don't know how blessed I am in the midst of blessings."

"Professor, I think I may understand his mood." Harry said with a complicated expression.

"I understand, but that's not what I'm talking about.

I just met his six followers, and they are all extraordinary talents. In my opinion, any one of them has the ability to be the Minister of Magic. "

"Are you kidding?" Aaron didn't believe it at all. The bodyguard had the ability to be a minister. This was somewhat exaggerated.

"It's really a joke." Dumbledore said sarcastically, "Just to enhance the atmosphere."

"Aaron, what are you going to do next?" Harry asked hesitantly.

“I will move into my store and take advantage of this time to relax.

If you have nothing to do, you can come to my shop for a drink, but if it involves Voldemort or Death Eaters, don't come over. I don't want to be tricked in again. Aaron said and gave Dumbledore a playful look, "Professor, I think you understand what I mean, right?" "

Dumbledore and Harry looked at each other, and they could see the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Aaron jumped out of the plan, and it was not that difficult to get him in again.

"Why do you want to come to my house tonight?" Aaron asked.

"This is really a coincidence." Harry explained far-fetchedly, "Umbridge was fired, and we went to persuade an old retired professor to join the job tonight.

His name is Horace Slughorn, and he seems to be interested in geniuses.

Then the professor suggested coming to your house to visit, just in time to catch up with you being surrounded by Death Eaters. "

Aaron really had no doubt about this coincidence. If Dumbledore knew that he would promote the cooperation between Aaron and Voldemort, he would never come here tonight.

"Slughorn...is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?"

"It's the new Potions Professor," Dumbledore said. "I gave the Defense Against the Dark Arts class to Severus."

"What?" Aaron looked at him with wide eyes, "Are you sure?"

"Professor Snape is pleased to accept the position."

"But what about curses? No one can hold the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for more than a year."

"I don't think anyone knows better than him."

The corners of Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, and he was speechless.

But he wasn't too worried. The curse was not fatal, and it was not like Professor Snape had never taught Defense Against the Dark Arts before.

"Professor, how do you plan to arrange Harry?" Aaron asked curiously, "Should he be placed in the Order of the Phoenix or at the Dursley's?"

"The Burrow."

"Wait a minute." Harry said excitedly, "Professor, you mean that I can live with the Weasley family this holiday."

"Isn't it safe enough there?" Aaron frowned.

"The Ministry of Magic has set up strict protection. Although it will cause some inconvenience to the Weasley family, they will not mind."

"The protection of the Ministry of Magic..." Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly, "I don't know how our new minister is, but the protection of the Ministry of Magic may not be reliable, otherwise Bones would not be dead."

“Protection is better than no protection, and members of the Order of the Phoenix will occasionally come by.

As long as Harry didn't act without permission, there wouldn't be much of a problem. "

"I won't." Harry said firmly.

"Keep your word." Aaron patted his shoulder and said seriously: "You must live well and don't let Sirius down."

After saying that, Aaron phantomed and left the place.

Returning to his one-third acre of land in Diagon Alley, Aaron lay on the bed in a happy mood, and the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably.

The trouble that had worried him for a long time was solved so perfectly tonight. From now on until the death of Dumbledore and Harry Potter, he can develop in peace.

"System, open the personal panel."


[Host: Aaron Gaius]

[Magic energy: Body: 7934, intermediate magister; Thought body 7934, intermediate magister; total 15840 (elementary great magister, a rare existence in the magic world)]

[Talent: Once-in-a-lifetime (the magic energy increases by 4 points every day, the body increases by 2 points, and the thoughts body increases by 2 points)]

[Items:, resurrection potion (can resurrect any creature that dies within an hour), magic carpet, Captain Jack's compass, prophecy book, pensieve...]

[Magic Points: 344]

"Still a junior Grand Mage." Aaron murmured. In his opinion, the total amount of magic energy must be at least 20,000 to be able to arm-wrestle with Voldemort.

However, in addition to the normal growth of the more than 4,000 magic energy, it will take at least one year to replenish it, and there must be no loss in the process.

But now that the knife hanging over his head could fall at any time is gone, time is not so urgent.

"The system opens the mall interface. I'm in a very good mood today and plan to clear all the magic points."

"No problem, host."

[Magic category:

@Mirror Phantom Naraku (600 magic points, can put the opponent into sleep); @Precognition (400 magic points, can sense danger in advance); @Detection (500 magic points, can detect a certain area , determined by the user's ability); @Heavenly Punishment (2000 magic points, using the resonance of one's own magic power with the surrounding magic power to create virtual life from items containing magic power); @Fire Control (300 magic points) 】

[Material type:

@Tentacles of the deep-sea octopus (5 magic points); @Seaweed (1 magic point); @Teeth of Delous (1000 magic points, the teeth of a dragon that is said to live for ten thousand years); @Acromantula's venom (10 magic points); @Bee sting (1 magic point)]

[Item category:

@Razo Mask (2500 magic points, the wearer can summon the Blades of the Shadow Legion, note: collecting ten masks can control the Shadow Kingdom); @Firebolt (50 magic points); @Chicken Spell (1000 magic points, floating, telekinesis); @Harmonica (5 magic points); @Big bowl of instant noodles (5 magic points, definitely too much for one person to eat)]

Aaron looked at the fifteen full product columns and directly used 300 magic points to purchase the ability to control fire.

After a while, he pointed his palm at the fireplace and sucked out the blazing flames inside.

This flame constantly changes into various shapes under Aaron's control. Even the direction and size can be controlled as he wishes.

"Not bad," Aaron murmured, returning the flame to the fireplace.

Although this ability still needs continuous development, it also makes up for the shortcomings of the fire dragon-slaying magic to a certain extent.

After that, Aaron spent five magic points to buy a large bowl of instant noodles. This bowl of instant noodles shocked him a little. It was as big as a military pot and was enough for ten people to have a full meal.

After putting the instant noodles into the system space, Aaron still had thirty-nine magic points left, and patiently refreshed the blank product column in the magic category.

@Voice change (200 magic points, imitate or adjust the voice)... Out is useless and quite expensive, @Color change (100 magic points, change the color of objects and creatures)... Out is even worse than the previous one, @Bloodthirst (600 magic points, absorb the blood of others or animals to restore one's own injuries and physical strength)...Out is disgusting, it is nothing before the healing ability of the horse charm...

@Talk (400 magic points, transmit your thoughts to others with a telepathy-like ability, enabling long-distance conversations)

After refreshing it more than twenty times in a row, a barely passable magic ability appeared in the product column.

Aaron sighed slightly, then set the target on the item harmonica and refreshed it decisively.

This bargain had been sitting there for too long, and he would rather have a blank product column than have it sit there in an eyesore.

@Wei Zheng’s Jar (500 magic points, with sealing ability, can seal up to three people)

Aaron stared blankly at the triangular prism-shaped box in the product column, and it took him a while to react.

This was the first time he had seen a sealing magic item. It was definitely more useful than his sealing magic, but it was a bit more expensive, and now he could only covet it.


Aaron looked at the last remaining blank product column and started a new round of refreshing.

@Rotten Iron Sword (7 magic points)... @Cheeseburger (3 magic points)... @Magic Defense Theory (10 magic points)... @Oak Seed (1 magic point)......

Refreshed more than a dozen times, none of them were useful.

In the end, when Aaron felt that his luck tonight had been exhausted by Wei Zheng's jar, an oval-shaped stone shining with a faint blue light came into view.

@Haiti Division (2500 magic points, the energy component of the Dark Emperor of the Dark Tribe, is the most powerful among the five Dark Spirit Stones (Haiti Division, Samsara Blood Stone, Black Magnetite, Dark Moon Stone, and Tatar Stone) A powerful one, it contains enough energy to destroy the barrier of space-time rifts. It is greater than the combined energy of the other four spiritual stones. It also has independent consciousness and strong temptation)

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