A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 534 The blessing of the guilty peach blossom? Fleur Delacour (1/2)

Chapter 534 The blessing of the guilty peach blossom? There's Someone Behind Fleur Delacour

"It seems that you are doing well here." Aaron smiled.

"The job in the wand shop is easier than I thought, and the salary is at a mid-range level." Fleur said, stretching her waist. "Usually, the customer flow is relatively small, but it will be much busier during the school season."

"Where is my uncle?"

"Mr. Ollivander is resting upstairs. Since I came here, he doesn't have to worry about selling wands. He just needs to keep a record. Unless he meets someone like you who is not worthy of a normal wand, he will I will take action myself.”

"I see, but it's a good thing."

After all, Ollivander is getting older. He is different from a great wizard like Dumbledore. His lifespan is estimated to be no more than a hundred years old. It would be easier to have a salesperson to help with daily work.

"What are you doing here?" Fleur poured him a glass of wine. "If you want to buy a wand, I can choose it for you. After all, your wand is really old."

"I just came to see Ollivander. After all, the magic world is not peaceful now."

"Huh?" Furong snorted and said with some dissatisfaction, "I thought you were here to see me!"


Aaron spurted out a mouthful of red liquid.

"Haha! This is no joke!"

"Who are you kidding?" Fleur gave Aaron a smile and slowly pushed him to the corner, "I haven't seen you for a year. Have you missed me?"


Aaron sniffed the fragrance of the hair of this girl who was three years older than him, his heartbeat could not help but quicken, and he swallowed hard.

Damn it! I am definitely cursed.

"The system is out.

Can't the Arima Charm remove the curse? For example, something like a life-threatening crime? "

"The healing power of the Horse Talisman is not omnipotent. Drunkness, sleep, and overeating are all controlled by the host. They are not considered negative effects." The system gloated. "As for the luck of love...the host is sure that it is a curse, not a curse." Blessing?"

Aaron: ...

Blessing? Blessings to your sister.

He might actually accept it two years later, but now he is just a student who has not graduated!

"This question shouldn't be that difficult to answer!" Fleur urged a little shyly. For a girl to ask this question, she had already let go of her reserve.

"This, that..." Aaron said with an awkward smile, "Actually, I have someone I like."

"Who?" Fleur asked with interest.

Aaron was speechless for a moment. Can you make up one that doesn't exist?

"This is personal privacy, I can't tell you."

"No, you must be lying to me." Fleur chuckled, "We have known each other for a long time, and I think I know you somewhat. If there really is such a person, you wouldn't hesitate now."

"Maybe there really is?" Aaron said far-fetchedly.

"Hermione Granger? Or Luna Lovegood?" Fleur asked meaningfully. Both of them were Aaron's dance partners at the Yule Ball, and they were both possible.

"Uh... how about you take a guess?"

"Granger Lovegood Delacour."

"Yes, that's right, it's her. I didn't expect you to guess all this." Aaron said without thinking, and then met the other person's eyes that were half-smiling.

After coming back to his senses, Aaron smiled bitterly, and felt like crying without tears in his heart.

This was sloppy, he should have listened to her finish reading her name, but he really didn't think that much as he was anxious to get rid of this trouble.

"What a pity, it seems that this person does not exist!" Fleur said proudly.

"Alas!" Aaron sighed slightly and quickly adjusted his mentality, "You are the boldest among the girls I know."

"After all, I'm not a student anymore. The longer we wait, the stranger the relationship becomes."

"That's a good analysis, but I'm sorry that I don't want to think about it now.

Don't ask me why, I won't tell you if you ask. "

"It doesn't matter." Fleur blinked, "I know you have a lot of secrets, and it's normal to be busy.

Besides, according to the standards of the wizarding world, you still have to wait a few months before you are considered an adult. "

"It would be nice if my parents thought like you." Aaron said with some heartache. He was forced by his family to go on a blind date a few years ago. Who can understand his sadness?

“Would you like me to visit your home?

I have only met your housekeeper, not even your uncle or aunt! "

"That's not necessary." Aaron said with great excitement.

His relationship with Fleur was just that, but Vico and Lisanna would never think so. When they saw the beautiful girl, they would probably think that she was their future daughter-in-law.

"I think it's still necessary." Fleur murmured, "Don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble. I'm just visiting as a friend."

Aaron chuckled. If he believed this, he might not even know he was sold.

Besides, even if he believed it, his parents wouldn't believe it.

The first female friend to visit his home in five years was still a friend he met during the Triwizard Tournament. It was not normal for them to want to be wrong.

"There's really no need. I've already been kicked out of my house."

"What?" Furong frowned, but then a flash of joy flashed across her face, "I seem to understand why you came here. After tidying up the back hall, I can squeeze out a room for you."

Hearing this, a few more black lines appeared on Aaron's forehead, "You are overthinking, my store can still be occupied by people."

"Does that mean you will stay in your store this holiday?"

"That's what I thought originally, but now...I suddenly feel that staying in a hotel is quite suitable." After Aaron finished speaking, he didn't forget to add, "A hotel outside London."

The implication is that he will stay far away during this holiday, at least not in Diagon Alley.

"I understand, so where exactly are you going to live?"

"have no idea."

"It doesn't matter, I can ask Mr. Jeans." Fleur said lightly, "I think he will tell me."

Aaron almost stumbled and fell to the ground. He looked at Furong bitterly and said, "You are very beautiful. You are among the top three girls I know, but why do you fall in love with me?"

"I am a quarter of Veela blood, and few men can resist my charm." Fleur looked at him with a subtle expression and said, "You are the only one in your age group."

"Is this a reason?" Aaron said speechlessly. It means that only those with weak hearts cannot resist the charm of Veela. Try another Auror who has experienced hundreds of battles.

"Of course it's not just this one. You helped me a lot in the three events of the Triwizard Tournament and saved me several times.

Fire Dragon, Grindylow, and...Voldemort. "

"Don't get me wrong, that's because my eldest sister doesn't want the lives of the contestants to be in danger during the competition she is hosting."

"I only look at the facts. At first I thought you were just a damn connection person, but then you overturned my perception of you again and again." Furong said patiently, "As long as you are a woman, it is difficult not to be tempted. Bar!"

Aaron pursed his lips, feeling a headache because of his nowhere-to-place charm.

"I understand everything you say, but it doesn't mean I have to like you, right?"

"Do you dislike me?" Fleur asked confidently.

"I don't mind it."

"Then you hate me?"

"Uh... I don't mean that."

"Then it's over." Furong spread her hands, "You don't hate me or despise me, so why can't you like me?"


Aaron felt that his soul had been greatly shocked, as if something was wrong, but he just couldn't tell.

Jingle Bell!

The doorbell rang suddenly, and a boy walked in accompanied by his parents.

"I want to buy my son a wand."

Aaron felt like he was listening to the sounds of nature. He now felt a pain in his head, and this guest was able to get Furong away just in time. He came in time. It would have been better if he could have been earlier.

"Sorry, Mr. Ollivander won't be back for half an hour."

"Is that so? Then we'll come back in half an hour."

Aaron watched blankly as the parents took the boy away, and a wry smile appeared on his lips, "Is it really appropriate for you to do this?"

"I will give them a discount and deduct it from my salary."

Aaron was stunned for a moment and gave her a thumbs up.

Awesome, worthy of being the brave man of Beauxbatons.

"To be honest, it's an honor for me to be valued by such a beautiful girl like you..."

"Are you mocking me?" Fleur rolled her eyes at Aaron, "In the past, I might have thought that I was a genius, and there were not many people in the magic world who could compare with me.

But your existence made me see what it means to be someone else, and I was very wrong. "

"Can you let me finish my words first?" Aaron couldn't help crying or laughing, "It's an honor for me to be valued by such a beautiful girl like you, but unfortunately, I haven't considered the topic of talking about a partner for the time being..."

"I can wait." Fleur gritted her teeth and said.

Hearing this, Aaron's breath caught in his throat.

It takes a lot of courage for a girl to speak so firmly, so he didn't even know how to refuse.

"It's really embarrassing!" Aaron sighed, "If you haven't waited, you have to know that the future is full of uncertainty."

Fleur's face paled slightly, she could naturally understand what Aaron meant.

The reason is that in the future he may have a master, and all her youth will be wasted in vain.

But thinking about everything that happened in the Triwizard Tournament, she knew that she would never forget this person in her life.


"Ahem!" Fleur was about to speak, but was interrupted by a cough.

Ollivander came down the stairs and looked at Aaron in surprise, "When did you arrive?"

"I've been here for a while and I didn't dare to disturb you."

"Don't tell me you're here to see me. There must be something wrong with you."

Aaron scratched his head in embarrassment, "I have been temporarily removed from the family."

"Have you violated the ancestral teachings of the Gaius family?" Ollivander said in surprise, "No way, aren't you usually very steady?"

"On impulse, coupled with layers of calculations, Merlin can't handle it even if he comes!" Aaron said bitterly, "But those things have passed, and now I am back to a neutral position, but without the protection of my family.

It's not too bad, at least I'm safe now. "

"Tell me, what can I do for you?" Ollivander asked seriously.

"No need, uncle, with your little strength you can't help at all." Aaron said politely, "I'm here to tell you good news.

I signed a contract with Voldemort. You can open a store with confidence, and no dark wizard will come to trouble you. "

Ollivander was not happy at all. If Aaron had not been removed from the Gaius family, there would be no harm in signing the contract.

But now he was just a homeless little wizard with no background, money, strength, or connections. He was able to sign a contract with Voldemort at an unknown price.

"What contract did you sign?"

"Don't worry, I won't suffer any loss."

"Tell me, don't let me, an old man, worry about it, okay?"

"I just made a small exchange with him for a bottle of magic potion." Aaron shrugged. "That bottle of potion can help him restore his appearance. He has no reason to refuse a wand shop."

"What else?" Ollivander stared closely into Aaron's eyes and said meaningfully: "I'm not an old fool. If you don't have enough chips, Voldemort will never let you go easily."

"Ah..." Aaron hesitated for a moment, smiled awkwardly and scratched his head, "I did make another deal. If nothing else happens, I will definitely confront Voldemort.

But he won't take action against me in a short period of time, and even when he sees me, he has to pretend not to see me. "

"I know you have had your own opinion since you were a child, but that's the Dark Lord!" Ollivander said melancholy, "Are you sure?"

"I'm absolutely sure." Aaron said confidently, "If you don't believe it, you can ask her. She knows my strength and Voldemort can't catch me yet."

Ollivander turned to look at Fleur, and was reluctantly relieved to see that she didn't deny it.

"If you have any trouble, you can come to me. I can't help you much, but I still know some friends." Ollivander said. After all, he is a master of wand making and still has connections.

"I know." Aaron waved his hand nonchalantly and walked out of the store with Abe in his arms.

Ollivander struggled to sit on the chair, "This kid doesn't usually cause trouble, but he does cause big trouble."

"Is he going to be okay?" Fleur asked worriedly.

"It's safe for the time being, otherwise he wouldn't have been so relaxed just now." Ollivander forced a smile and said, "Let's talk about your business first! How were you going to answer him if I didn't come out just now?"

"I..." Fleur was cautious for a while, her face as red as a ripe apple, "I don't know, but I won't give up, even if it means serving him tea and water."

"You!" Ollivander shook his head helplessly, "Fortunately you chose him, otherwise you might have suffered a lot of injustice if you married him in the future!"

"I thought you would criticize me!" Fleur said sarcastically.

"Do I look so unhuman?" Ollivander said angrily, "From the moment you came to apply for a job with me, I knew why you came. Every time I gave you a holiday, you would do it intentionally or unintentionally. Do you really think I can’t see anything when I run to that store?”

"Is it that obvious?"

"What do you think? However, I have been very satisfied with you over the past year. If you become my granddaughter-in-law, I will 100% approve it.

But this shouldn't be rushed. After all, there are too many excellent girls around him, and his parents have been preparing for his lifelong event a long time ago. "

"I listen to you." Fleur said firmly, "I will do whatever you say."

"I will arrange this." Ollivander thought for a while, "You and I will go out in the afternoon and go to Gaius' house to meet Vico and Lisanna.

As long as they recognize you, then everything will be easy to say, but you can't let him know for the time being. "

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