A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 537: Caught eavesdropping, transfer student to Hogwarts (1/2)

Chapter 537: Caught eavesdropping, a transfer student at Hogwarts

After leaving Slughorn's box, Aaron went straight to Slytherin's box.

He needed to meet with Draco to find out his current state, at least to make sure he wouldn't make a big mess on impulse.

Zabini and Goyle were arguing with each other, and when they saw him come in, they shut up tacitly and sat back in their seats angrily.

"Can anyone tell me what happened just now?"

"Nothing." Zabini said, "There was a problem with the sliding door just now, and I accidentally tripped over Goyle."

Aaron shook his head speechlessly, and then found a place to sit down, "Draco, you don't seem to be in a good state now, and you seem to be a little worried."

"Don't worry about it." Draco, who was resting his head on Pansy Perkins' legs, was a little impatient, "This is none of your business."

"I don't want to ask, but I have to remind you to protect yourself."

Draco nodded slightly, stopped talking about this topic, and turned to look at Zabini, "What does Slughorn want to do?"

"To curry favor with people who are related to dignitaries, but he didn't find many."

"Who did he invite?"

"McLaggen from Gryffindor."

"Yes, his uncle is a senior official in the ministry." Draco said contemptuously.

"Belby, a Ravenclaw."

"He's a idiot, ignore him." Pansy said, "Who else?"

"Me." Aaron shrugged, "Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, and Ginny Weasley."

"I can understand inviting you and Potter, but Longbottom..." Pansy was a little unbelievable, "Could he be wrong? I don't think there is anything worth paying attention to about him."

"It's not surprising. Neville's parents were once the best Aurors, although now... they are retired due to illness."

"What about the girl from the Weasley family." Draco sneered, "What's unusual about her?"

"Many boys like him, right?" Pansy said disdainfully. "Being beautiful is only one aspect." Aaron explained, "What really matters is her talent. If she fights alone, at least one-third of the people in our carriage cannot beat her." "I really feel sorry for Slughorn's taste. He may be a little confused." Draco said, "My father said he is a very good wizard. He probably didn't hear that I was on the train, otherwise..." "I don't think you are likely to be invited." Zabini said, "He asked me about Nott. When he learned that his father was arrested by the Ministry, his face sank. I don't think Slughorn is interested in Death Eaters." "Confused." Draco cursed angrily, "What is he? Just a stupid teacher." "It's not that simple." Aaron said lightly, "As far as I know, he is Dumbledore. Many people personally invited him to come to Hogwarts to teach at this time, which is a kind of courage.

In addition, he is a Slytherin. Apart from his professional knowledge, his connections are definitely beyond your imagination.

From high-ranking officials to peddlers, he has people who can speak to him in all walks of life in the magic world. "

"My father is definitely better than him." Draco said unconvinced,

"I don't deny this. Your father is definitely worthy of the word "professional" in this regard.

However, Horace Slughorn is indeed a capable professor. Although he has some shortcomings, they are harmless. "

"You have a good evaluation of him." Draco snorted, "It doesn't matter if this old fat man doesn't like me. Maybe I won't go to Hogwarts next year."

"What do you mean by this?" Pansy asked unhappily.

She has liked Draco for a long time. If the other party is no longer in Hogwarts, where can she find him?

"Maybe I should do something more exciting and not waste my life in Charms."

After the words fell, Crabbe and Goyle stared at him in astonishment, Zabini showed curiosity, Pansy was stunned, and Aaron sighed slightly.

This is the rhythm of being tied to the Death Eaters, but your parents can't control it, do you have to be so confident?

"You mean... him?" Pansy asked cautiously.

"Nowadays, academics are not so important. Will the Dark Lord care about grades after he gains power?

No, he only cares about how others serve him and how to show loyalty to him."

"But you are only sixteen years old." Zabini frowned, "You haven't obtained the formal qualifications yet!"

"That's hard to say, what he asked me to do..."

"Enough." Aaron yelled, Draco's voice stopped abruptly, and everyone else in the car turned their eyes to him.

"If you have nothing to do, turn your face away." Aaron said slowly, but his voice was extremely cold, and the others naturally did not dare to continue to pay attention.

"I don't care what he asks you to do, but if I were you, I wouldn't let anyone know before I get this done.

The Dark Lord is not a good person, don't do anything for him easily before you are ready."

"I know." Draco said weakly.

"We won't tell anyone." Pansy said.

Aaron didn't care about it, because no one would believe it even if it was spread out.


The train slowed down and stopped at Hogsmeade Station.

Everyone else in the box left one after another, leaving only Aaron and Draco.

"You go first! I'll check things." Draco said.

Aaron ignored him, but turned to look at the luggage rack, "The invisibility cloak is pretty good, but it can't fool my eyes, nor can it fool Abe's nose. From the moment I came in, I knew what was in the box. Hiding someone."

"Everything is petrified."

Draco pulled out his wand and cast the petrification spell.

boom! boom! boom!

Harry's body tilted on the luggage rack and he fell heavily to the ground.

This time the invisibility cloak failed to cover his figure. He was completely unable to move and could only watch the two approaching.

Malfoy looked at him triumphantly, "I heard Goyle's box hit you. You must have blocked the door when Shabini came back, but unfortunately I saw something white flash past. "

"His shoes, right?" Aaron looked at the white sneakers that Harry was wearing speechlessly, "I really don't know what to say to you. Spying on intelligence is great, isn't it? But have you ever thought about being caught? What are the consequences?"

"I can handle it, I don't need your help," Draco said.

"Do you think I want to help you?" Aaron rolled his eyes at him and said, "Harry Potter does need to be taught a lesson, but you can't go too far."

Draco pursed his lips, looked at Harry for a moment, and then kicked him in the nose.

Red blood spurted out, coating Harry's mouth and nose.

"Tsk!" Aaron shook his head in disgust, "It's too cruel."

"He deserves it." Draco cursed angrily, then picked up his suitcase and stepped on Harry to leave the box.

"The curse stops immediately."

Aaron lifted the petrification spell, and Harry's body was no longer stiff.

He wiped the nosebleed and stood up staggeringly to make himself look less embarrassed.

"Do you want me to fix your nose?"

"No, no need...Okay! That would be great if that's possible."

"Heal quickly."

There was a crunch, and Harry felt his nose burning and hurting, but it soon returned to normal.

"Thank you." Harry said, "You just..."

"I don't think I did anything wrong." Aaron said calmly, "It's okay to eavesdrop, but if you are caught eavesdropping, you should pay the price."

"But I didn't hear any useful information."

"It's better not to tell such jokes." Aaron patted his shoulder, "If you hear any important information, he will not use the petrification spell, but the amnesia spell."

Harry was speechless, changed into his school robe and followed Aaron off the train.

Ron and Hermione were waiting anxiously for them at the car door, and were slightly relieved when they saw the two come out.

"Where did the blood on your face come from?" Ron frowned.

"It fell." Aaron answered for him, and said angrily: "Face to the ground, that hurts!"

"It doesn't matter, it was just a little accident." Harry said sarcastically. It was too embarrassing to suffer a big loss at the hands of Malfoy, so it would be better not to let anyone know about it.

"Get in the car quickly, it's too late."

A few minutes later, the four of them took the last carriage and headed towards Hogwarts.

Looking at the Thestral pulling the cart, Harry couldn't help but think of his godfather, and his heart gradually became heavier, "Aaron, Malfoy..."

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Aaron said immediately, "I finally jumped out of that pit, don't even think about dragging me in again."

The corners of Harry's mouth twitched, and he had to swallow the words that came to his lips.

As time passed, the carriage stopped at the school gate.

Aaron seemed to feel something and looked at the wall in a daze.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked.

"Boundary, a very powerful barrier.

Even I can't break through it in a short time. It's probably set up by Dumbledore himself. "

"You're right, the anti-invasion spell set by Dumbledore himself is a hundred times more powerful than before." Professor Flitwick came over with the list, "The only thing missing is the four of you. If it's later, you can only Spent the night outside."


"Professor, you have known us for five years, right?" Harry felt a little confused.

"No one is an exception." Professor Flitwick said seriously, "This is for the safety of the school. It would be troublesome if the Aurors investigated."

"Aurors are here too?" Ron asked in surprise.

"The arrangements of the Ministry of Magic are to protect the students of Hogwarts, especially Harry Potter."

"I don't think this will work," Aaron said.

"This is the result of discussions between Dumbledore and the Minister of Magic. Barriers are not a panacea. Aurors will be very useful in emergencies."

A few people left their names symbolically, and Filch checked them again with a magic detector before walking up the path and up the marble steps.

Entering the auditorium, Aaron sat at the Slytherin table, while the three Harrys went to the Gryffindor table.

After a while, Hagrid returned to the staff seat, while Professor McGonagall led the new students to the front of the auditorium.

She called the names like every year, and the Sorting Hat decided which house the new students would attend.

Aaron is the prefect of Slytherin. Every time the Sorting Hat reads a Slytherin, he has to welcome it on behalf of the Slytherin house.

It may be that the resurrection of Voldemort has caused panic in the wizarding world. The number of freshmen this year is smaller than before, but after all, Hogwarts has Dumbledore to control the situation, so overall it is still reasonable.

The new students were quickly assigned, but Professor McGonagall did not take away the sorting hat, but stood there waiting for something.

At this time, Dumbledore stood up and used the amplification spell to increase his voice. "The sorting ceremony has not officially ended yet. Hogwarts will welcome a transfer student this year. She will spend two years of happy study with us." time.

Please welcome our new classmate, Miss Clea Darwin. "


Aaron squirted out a mouthful of juice, but Abe stood up excitedly, excitedly looking for the figure of his future mistress.

"What's wrong with you?" Draco asked in confusion, "Isn't it just a transfer student? He probably came in through the back door."

"Haha!" Aaron scratched his hair without tears, "Maybe you didn't hear her name clearly."

"Klea Da..." Halfway through, Draco seemed to have thought of something and looked at Aaron in astonishment, "What is your relationship with her? Brother and sister or sister?"

"If they were brothers and sisters, I would admit it, but..." Aaron hesitated before speaking. He couldn't say that they were greedy for my body. This would make others think.

Klea walked out of the waiting room of the branch. As soon as she appeared, she attracted the attention of everyone in the auditorium. Young and old were all killed, and many people secretly swallowed their saliva.

It's not like they've seen beautiful ones before, but this is the first time they've seen such a pure and lovely person.

The female students felt ashamed of themselves, but the majority of their male compatriots proudly held up their chests and showed their best side as much as possible, hoping that the goddess would look at them.

Clea ignored everyone's gazes, walked straight through the auditorium, walked to the end of the Slytherin table, and looked at Aaron who bowed his head silently with a proud look on his face.

"Are you surprised? If nothing else happens, I should be in this school for the next two years."


The sounds of heartbreak sounded one after another, silent but real.

Countless eyes filled with anger were shot at Aaron. At this moment, most of the boys seemed to understand what the 'hatred of seizing a wife' was.

"You are really amazing." Aaron gave a thumbs up and complained speechlessly: "You have attracted so much hatred from me since you came here."

"It seems you can't blame me!" Klea said confidently, "If you feel uncomfortable, you can transfer to another school, but I don't think you can."

"Indeed not." Aaron said with a wry smile. He grew up the fastest at Hogwarts. After leaving this school, God knows how many more years he will have to struggle.

"Miss Darwin." Professor McGonagall couldn't help but remind her, "Can you come over to attend the sorting ceremony?"

"Of course, Professor."

Clea sat generously on the chair. Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore exchanged glances, and put the sorting hat on her head helplessly.

Although the result has already been decided, she also wanted to take this opportunity to understand the talent of this new student.

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