Hagrid's reminder was a little late. Almost as soon as he finished speaking, a ball of blazing dragon flames with a destructive aura rushed towards Abe under the horrified eyes of everyone.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts went crazy.

It's over now. If Aaron knows that Abe is injured, then there will definitely be nothing good for them.

However, what happened next made their hearts drop in their throats.

While Abe was chewing on the eggshell, he felt the terrifying high temperature coming from behind him. He lowered his head subconsciously, and the dragon flames directly passed over the top of his head. There was no danger.

A ball of flame flew over his head. Abe touched the hat on his head with his right paw in confusion, and found a trace of burnt marks on it, and he immediately became angry.

This piece of clothing was specially prepared for it by its owner's mother. It was one of the few that had the Seamless Stretching Charm added to it, and it was also one of its favorites.

Its entire net worth and almost all its snacks are in this dress, and it would be better if it were burned.


Abe bit the eggshell in his mouth, turned around angrily, looked at Noble with black smoke coming from the corner of his mouth, and let out a meow that didn't belong to a cat.


A faint coercion spread quickly on the table, and Norbert took half a step back involuntarily.

But it soon calmed down and moved a step forward unwilling to be outdone.

No matter how loud it is, it is a Norwegian Ridgeback, a carnivorous fire dragon, completely different from those that eat grass.

Isn't it just that the appearance is a little higher than it? This cute and cute appearance has no deterrent effect at all. I don't believe that I can't beat him.

"Holy shit! It's true, this is definitely not a cat." Ron said in surprise.

"Don't talk about it now, separate them quickly, otherwise something will happen." Hagrid said, picking up his umbrella and giving Abe a blow to knock him out.

At the same time, Hermione's curse also flew towards Norbert.

Norbert staggered for a second and then stood up straight. The damage caused by this curse was almost negligible.

The fire dragon skin is very resistant to the stun spell, although it is most vulnerable when it is just born.

But Hermione was only a first-year freshman, equivalent to a cub among wizards, and the spells she released were not even as threatening to it as Hagrid's palm.

If Noble's side was normal, then Abe's side was more outrageous. When the red curse hit it, a layer of sacred white scales appeared under its clothes, which offset the curse.

"How could this happen?" Hagrid muttered to himself in confusion, "This doesn't make sense!"

He admitted that he had been merciful just now. It was too late to protect the cubs of magical animals. How could he use all his strength?

But even so, Abe should have shaken it a few times, instead of being intact like it is now, just like nothing happened.

This not only highlights Abe's unusualness, but also shows that he is somewhat incompetent as a forest farm guard.

Hermione and Hagrid looked at each other and planned to continue casting spells.

But before they could raise their wands, the two dragons each roared and frightened the two of them.

Abe bared his teeth at Hagrid, gave a simple warning, and then walked towards Norbert unhurriedly.

Revenge is also prioritized. First, beat up the dragon cub who damaged its clothes.

As for Hagrid, give him another chance! It might not be able to defeat him with its current physique, but that doesn't stop it from remembering this honest-looking giant first.

The fact that it has grown so big means that its owner used a levitating charm on it when it was still an egg. Other than that, no one has ever used a magic spell on it.

"Hagrid, what should I do?" Hermione held her wand tightly and swallowed.

"There's nothing we can do to stop it now. It's probably Noble's dragon breath that just made Abe angry.

If they don't have a fight, they probably won't be able to swallow this breath. Hagrid said helplessly, "And I feel like Abe has a grudge against me." "

"That's not okay." Hermione said, about to step forward and slip Abetti away, but was stopped by a thick arm.

"It's best not to interfere, this is like a conflict between children, just a small fight.

But if we don't let them deal with it now, when these two magical animals grow up, I don't know what the fight will be like. "

"But Nob is a dragon after all, and Abe can't defeat him."

"You can't say that." Hagrid said with a smile, "Noble has just broken out of his shell after all, and Abe still has the advantage in terms of size.

Don't worry, I will take action when it's time to take action. "

"But..." Hermione hesitated, "No matter what, you can't let Abe get hurt, otherwise I won't be able to explain."

Hagrid frowned, wanting to protect Abe would mean that he might take action against Norbert later.

He planned to raise this young dragon as a child, so he was naturally reluctant to do so.

But thinking that he had something to do with the situation developing to this point, and Hermione's almost pleading eyes, Hagrid still nodded, "I promise you!"

"Thank you!" Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Abe had already walked up to Norbert, taking advantage of his physical advantage to coldly look down at the Norwegian Ridgeback.

Naturally, Norbert refused to be inferior to others, so he fluttered his wings and was about to fly.

However, Abe took action first, and before Norbert could take off, his white claws came down hard with the force of thunder.


The strong wind blew against his face, making Norbert unable to open his eyes. He took several steps back before he could react.

Feeling the severe pain coming from the dragon's face, Norbert's eyes were full of anger, and he was about to spit out the dragon's breath.

But Abe quickly rushed to it and raised its neck dozens of degrees with an uppercut.

Breathing fire is indeed impressive, but it's useless if you can't hit it.

Although Abe is quite envious of this skill, he is not jealous. As time goes by, it will have more and more skills, and Dragon Breath is just one of them.


The blazing dragon flames shot straight to the ceiling, but Norbert was still young after all, and his lung capacity was quite limited. The length of the dragon's breath was not more than half a meter before it dissipated in the air.

"Oh my God!" Ron stared in disbelief and said, "Noble can't lose! It's a dragon!"

"Is now the time to care about this?" Harry said speechlessly, "Hagrid, you'd better stop them quickly!

You live in a wooden house, so Abe is okay, but if Norbert continues, we will have to prepare to put out the fire. "

"Wait a little longer, my Norbert will definitely not lose." Hagrid's eyes were bright. Dragons are the most dangerous magical creatures. He did not think that his fire dragon could not defeat an unknown magical creature.

The corner of Harry's mouth twitched. Hagrid would lose his due calmness when facing these magical animals.

If it weren't for his inability to stop them, he would have done it himself.

The battle between the two young dragons continued, but the process was unexpectedly one-sided.

Noble had little power to fight back and was punched several times by Abe.

When Norbert's eyes were filled with stars, it turned over and pressed on Norbert's back, stepped on Norbert's wings with its hind legs, then raised its front paws and gave him a hard thump on the head.


Norbert shook his head and lay weakly on the table.

After the battle was over, Abe walked up to Hermione with a victor's attitude, then turned around and glared at Hagrid with contempt, which seemed to mean that your fire dragon is not as powerful as mine.

Hagrid seemed not to notice. He walked up to Norbert and stroked the whimpering baby dragon.

"Hey! Why are you pinching me?" Ron asked, looking at Harry complainingly.

"It's okay, it seems like it's not a dream." Harry said with a smile, "But how is it possible? The Norwegian Ridgeback actually lost."

"It should have been caused by Norbert's carelessness." Hagrid was a little unconvinced and tried his best to find some comfort reasons for his fire dragon. "First of all, Norbert was still young, less than an hour old after he was born. Abe, who is more than twice as big as him, will naturally suffer some losses.

Secondly, they were fighting in close quarters, and the space was too small, so Noble couldn't use it at all.

What's more important is that Norbert's wings have no effect at all. It is a dragon, and only by combining flames with flying can it fully exert its combat effectiveness.

All in all, at the same age, Nobel must win. "

"That seems to be the case." Ron nodded, "Judging from Abe's size and the amount of food he eats, he must be at least three years old!"

Just when a few people thought the matter was over, Norbert suddenly sprayed out a dragon's breath without any sense of martial ethics, and knocked away Abe who declared victory.

The sneak attack was certainly shameful, but it was so badly beaten.

A complete defeat, still with a complete body and skin.

Dragons are all arrogant. After being born, they experienced such a nightmare. Which dragon could endure this?

"Oh my God!" Hagrid stared at the white figure flying out from the table with wide eyes, feeling a little at a loss.

Harry and Ron were also a little confused. Isn't it over?

But what's going on? If you can't afford it, do you want to carry out a sneak attack?

"Abe!" Hermione yelled in distress, and ran over quickly to check on Abe.

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