A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 542 The conversation between two girls, the sale of Mundungus (1/2)

Chapter 542 The conversation between two girls, the sale of Mundungus

Stan Sampac, a well-known Knight Bus conductor in the wizarding world, was arrested on suspicion of Death Eater activity.

Mr Sampac, 21, was arrested last night after police raided his home in Clapham...

Aaron put down the "Daily Prophet" in his hand and curled his lips in disdain, "Stan Sampac was actually arrested and sent to prison. It's really funny, it's the most ridiculous thing in the world.

If he were a Death Eater, Harry Potter would be the Dark Lord. "

"He likes to talk nonsense when he is drunk, and people from the Ministry of Magic just believe it." Klea said, "A lot of scary things have happened in the past two months, and even many students' parents are hesitant to Let your children leave Hogwarts.

The Ministry of Magic is eager to make some achievements, and Stan Sampac is in the crosshairs of the gun. This jail sentence is inevitable. "

"The previous minister liked to cover the lid, but this minister seems to like to squeeze the soft persimmon."

"Screengeour is already very competent. At least he won't underestimate Voldemort and the Death Eaters. He is an upright politician." Clea put down the newspaper. "I'm going to the Quidditch pitch. Are you coming? Come?"

"Where are you going?" Aaron asked puzzledly, "I remember Quidditch training wasn't today!"

"I made a date with Hermione for the Gryffindor Quidditch tryouts."

"Not going."

"I knew it." Clea smiled and turned to leave the Slytherin common room.

When she arrived, Hermione was waiting for her in the audience.

Inside the stadium were dozens of Gryffindors, ranging from first to seventh grade. They were holding different types of broomsticks and were particularly active.

"When did Quidditch become so popular?" Clea asked in surprise.

"There wouldn't be so many people in the past, not even half of them, but this year is different." Hermione explained, "Many classmates who idolized Harry actively signed up after knowing that he was the captain of the Gryffindor team. ”

"Celebrity effect? ​​But that's right. After Voldemort was resurrected, he became the savior of the wizarding world.

And the experience of escaping from his hands several times in a row also confirmed this rumor. "

A look of embarrassment flashed across Hermione's face. She knew better than others how serious the rumors were.

The selection lasted for more than two hours. Dozens of students were divided into groups and took turns to be tested before Harry could barely fill in the Chasers and Beaters.

The goalkeeping test came last, and coincidentally both Ron Weasley and Cormac McLaggen signed up.

Players take turns playing and guarding the goal.

The official players selected before launch the attack, and whoever saves the most balls becomes the goalkeeper.

"What's the reason you asked me out?" Hermione asked a little cautiously while paying attention to the court.

"Well... there is something I want to confirm with you." Clea asked with interest, "I asked Dumbledore what happened in the Department of Mysteries that night. Were you used by Aaron? The door key was teleported away. Do you know where you were teleported? "

"I don't know." Hermione shook her head slightly, "When I opened my eyes, I saw Hagrid's hut, but I was definitely not there, and he refused to tell me."

"Is that so?" Klea thought of the floor in Aaron's dormitory that was covered by illusion, "I think I know where that place is."

"you know?"

"There are some speculations, but it will take some time to confirm. I hope you can help me."

Hearing this, Hermione shook her lips hesitantly, "Isn't this appropriate? Although I also want to know, it is his secret after all."

"Very suitable, Hermione." Clea looked at her righteously, "It's okay if he hides it from others, but we should not be considered outsiders!"

A blush rose on Hermione's cheeks, "You're right, how can I help you?"

"I will inform you when the time comes." Klea said, and then took out a small pale gold bottle from her pocket, "This is for you."

"Elixir of Fortune?" Hermione asked in surprise, "For me?"

"Of course it's for you." Clea put the small bottle directly into Hermione's hand, "You need it more than me. You decide when to use it."

Hermione hesitated for a moment and then accepted it sheepishly, "Logically speaking, our relationship shouldn't be what it is now. Why did you..."

"Why am I so nice to you, and I don't even feel bored at all?" Klea interrupted teasingly, and then pointed to her eyes, "My eyes are very special and I can see some fragments of the future.

But it’s hard to see now, and he’s improved a lot more than I thought. "


Hermione swallowed, "You're kidding, right?"

"You can also think of me as a fortune teller."

"It seems like it's not a joke. What did you see?"

"It's not the right time to tell you." Klea smiled, "Even the future can be changed if I'm not satisfied, but obviously you didn't disappoint me."

Hermione was about to ask again when she heard shouts from the audience.

Cormic guarded the goal, using his size to easily block four Quaffles.

"Confuse quickly," Hermione read hastily.

Cormac was startled for a moment, then flew in the opposite direction by some mistake, and missed the fifth ball.

“Cheating is not good!

But I don't like him either. Every time he looks at me, I feel weird. "

Hermione smiled awkwardly and looked down on the field with a guilty conscience.

Ron was the last one to come on the stage. Most of the Gryffindors in the audience were cheering for him, and Lavender Brown was shouting very hard.

His sister Ginny Weasley was in charge of serving. Although Ron was nervous, his performance was particularly successful. He saved five balls in a row and successfully won the goalkeeper position.


Time flies to mid-October, and a heavy snow covers Hogwarts.

Although the school's defensive measures have become increasingly tight, Dumbledore has not revoked students' rights to go to Hogsmeade.

Filch stood at the oak door as usual. He carefully checked the name of every student who was going to Hogsmeade and checked it with a detector to confirm that there were no prohibited items before letting them leave.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to Hogsmeade?" Aaron looked at Klea and asked, "You don't feel bored after staying in school for more than a month?"

"I'll talk about it next time, I have more important things to do." Klea pointed at Abe with an interesting tone, "But you have to lend it to me."

"Okay!" Aaron put Abe on the ground, and it automatically walked to Klea.

At this time, the three Harrys also came to the gate and diverted their attention.

"Hermione, you came just in time. I have something private to talk to you about." Clea winked at her, and the two of them walked towards the corner in tacit agreement.

"What's up?"

"I need you to help me hold him back as long as possible. Come back as late as you can."

"Today?" Hermione asked nervously.

"The defense in that place must be the most lax when he is not in school." Klea said seriously, "Nowadays, there are Death Eaters in the wizarding world causing damage every day. Who knows if we can go to Hogsmeade next week? .

Hermione, you have to understand that this opportunity will never come again. "

"Okay, I know what to do."

Abe on the side was confused. He didn't understand what the two future mistresses were talking about, but he was sure that he was going to do something while his master was away.

However, before it could figure out whether to tell its owner, it was picked up by Klea, and all thoughts were extinguished.

Hermione hurried back to the gate, and Filch had just finished checking on Harry, Ron, and Aaron, but he didn't keep them waiting.

Like Diagon Alley, the business in Hogsmeade Village has also been greatly affected. Even Zuko’s Joke Shop has been boarded up, but the Three Broomsticks are still open, so you can have a cup of butterbeer in this heavy snow. The sky is a comfort.

"Is that Mundungus?" Aaron said, pointing to a short man setting up a stall at the door of the bar.

"It seems so." Harry nodded and walked over.

"Hello, Harry." Mundungus said nervously.

"what are you doing here?"

"Uh... sell some things, you have to make a living first, right?" Mundungus said as he quickly put the goods into the boxes, "What are you doing, don't let me waste your time. "

"Wait a minute." Ron picked up a goblet on the ground. "These things look familiar. They seem to be..."

"Sirius." Harry said with a dark face, looking at Mundungus with an evil look in his eyes, "Are you reselling his things?"

"Where did Dumbledore find the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chick?"

Aaron's eyes twitched slightly, and he was extremely speechless.

How short of money is this guy? These are the rags he doesn’t want, yet he has the nerve to sell them.

"I don't."

"Still quibbling." Harry pressed him against the wall angrily and pointed his wand at him, "These things have the crest of the Black family on them, and you stole them from Sirius's house.

what have you done? On the night of his death, you ransacked his house? "

"No, I..." Mundungus said on the verge of tears, "I am indeed selling the Black family's things, but these things are not worth much at all."

"Do you think I will believe it?"

"Put your wand down first and I'll give you an explanation."

"Harry." Hermione shook her head at him, "Listen to what he has to say first."

Harry was silent for a while, then put down his wand angrily.

"Phew!" Mundungus breathed a sigh of relief, "The thing is, not long after Sirius died, a man named Gandalf came to Grimmauld Place."

"Impossible, the secret keeper is Dumbledore..."

"But Sirius is the owner of that house." Mundungus said anxiously, "Gandalf took out a transfer agreement with Sirius's autograph on it, and it clearly stated that after his death, Gerry All valuables at No. 12 Mew Place must be handed over to Gandalf unconditionally.”

"Are you kidding me?" Harry laughed angrily, "Why would Sirius sign something like that? What if the existence of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​exposed?"

"But he did sign it!" Mundungus said incoherently. "Both Moody and Lupine have read the agreement. The notary is Phineas, and we also asked him to confirm the reliability of the agreement."

"Really?" Ron asked suspiciously.

"It's absolutely true, you can always check with Moody and Phineas.

Sirius probably knew he was going to die, so he made some preparations while he was still alive.

Gandalf said that Sirius came to him and asked him to do something, and it required a lot of money to do it, so..."

"Then how do you explain this?" Hermione asked, looking at the various rags on the ground.

"I helped Gandalf pack some things, which he doesn't like." Mundungus said weakly.

"You..." Harry glared at him fiercely and punched him in the face.


"Ouch!" Mundungus held his cheek, "Sirius just promised Gandalf to give him the Black family's belongings. The house is an inheritance left to you."

"Don't let me see you again." Harry said coldly. He had never hated a person as much as he did today, not even Snape.

As if he had been granted amnesty, Mundungus packed his suitcase and immediately apparated away.

"Damn thief."

"Okay, Harry, it's useless to talk about it now." Tonks opened the door of the bar, "Come in first, you shouldn't be out in the cold."

Several people entered the bar, and Harry was still very angry, "Can't the club control him? Sirius has only been dead for a long time, and he has already started selling his things."

"I know you are angry, and what Mundungus did was indeed very unkind." Tonks pursed her lips, "But we have more important things to do."

"I will tell Dumbledore, he is the only one who can scare Mundungus." Harry snorted.

"The point is, who is the wizard who signed the agreement with Sirius? What did he ask him to do?" Hermione said, looking at Tonks meaningfully, hoping she could give an explanation.

"I wasn't in the club at that time and didn't know much about it," Tonks said. "Lupine said Gandalf was..."

"Well..." Aaron interrupted with a guilty conscience, "I personally feel that I am not suitable to know these things. You can just discuss it among yourself, and I will not participate."

"It's okay." Hermione pulled Aaron to the chair, "Just listen, it's no big deal."

"But I..."

"No but, sit down first and I'll get some drinks." Hermione said with a serious face, turned and went to the bar.

Just kidding, if you go back early, Klea may fall short of your success.

After a while, she brought several glasses of butterbeer and placed them on the table.

Tonks shrugged and continued: "Lupine said that Gandalf is an older wizard who is as good as Dumbledore, but he seems to be wiser than Dumbledore."

"What else?" Hermione asked.

"No, we did some investigation afterwards, but found nothing except the appearance and name, it was like it popped out of thin air.

When asked about it, Phineas remained silent, only admitting that this was the case, and no more questions could be asked about it.

But one thing is certain, Sirius trusts him very much. "

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