A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 545 Teleportation array replaces rent, it’s not time to expand (1/2)

Chapter 545: Teleportation array replaces rent, it’s not time to expand

"It's baffling," Harry said. "Who is she? What did she find?"

"Klea, she found my secret base." Aaron sighed helplessly, "She is indeed the smartest one among us."

"Since you've been discovered, you might as well tell us." Hermione said with some pride. She had at least three-thirds of the credit for Clea being able to find Aaron's secret base.

If she hadn't tried so hard to delay, even resorting to pretending to be drunk, she might not have succeeded.

"That's not possible." Aaron firmly refused.

One Klea is already troublesome enough, and if he takes over this trio of troublemakers, his Shenming Palace will be in a state of chaos.

Besides, Sirius's 'body' is still there. It would be difficult to explain if he was discovered.

"I'm leaving first. If nothing else, Klea will be waiting for me right now!"


Shenming Palace.

As soon as Aaron arrived, he saw Klea admiring his treasure house.

The missing body introduced her one by one to the Nija mask, the magic carpet, Captain Jack's compass, the disposable tiger charm, the cursed Gilani emerald, five magic firearms, as well as the pills and enchantments he carefully refined. bullet.

"Okay, you go and rest first, I'm tired from hearing this." Aaron said to the missing body.

"You have some conscience." Miss Xiangzhong breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately ran to the farthest room and locked the door.

"You're back." Klea gave Aaron a proud look and then gave a thumbs up, "I can see that you have lived a very fulfilling life in the past few years."

"There's nothing I can do. I don't feel safe if I'm not fulfilled!"

"Then Uncle Genes really has to thank Voldemort. If he hadn't provided you with pressure from behind, you might not have worked so hard."

"Stop laughing at me." Aaron waved his hand, "Where have you visited?"

"I've seen everything that needs to be seen, including your granary, vault, morgue and multiple studios.

This underground palace is like a refuge. What are you afraid of? "

"Of course it's the Dark Lord." Aaron said matter-of-factly, "I offended him to death. Who knows one day he will break through Hogwarts."

“That’s part of the reason, but definitely not the whole story.

Or that was your purpose at the beginning, but now your purpose has changed a lot. "Klea said meaningfully, "Voldemort is a threat to you, but the threat is definitely not that big, but you need time to deal with it, and this underground palace can just meet this condition.

You said that Hogwarts is very important to you, but what is really important is this underground palace, right? "

"Smart." Aaron was not stingy with his applause. Being able to guess most of them correctly was already very impressive in his opinion. As for the signing, no one could guess it.

"But I think you have something more important that you're hiding from me. What is it?"

"can not tell you."

"Okay, you must have your reasons." Klea shrugged indifferently, then pointed to the storage shelf, "Did you bring these things back from other worlds?"

“The gun was made by my ancestors, and the bullets and pills were made by myself.

As for the rest... they were brought from other worlds. "

“It’s all fun and practical.”

"Tell me your suggestions first!" Aaron said.

"Your base is very comprehensive, including gardens and hot springs, but it lacks a hostess."

"Stop joking." Aaron rolled his eyes at her and said, "I'm asking you a question seriously."

"It is true that we are missing a hostess." Klea said seriously, but looking at the black lines on Aaron's face, her tone couldn't help but weaken a bit, "It's okay to be short of a guest room, just in case I have something to do someday." If I come here if I’m in a bad mood, I won’t even have a place to stay.”

"I'll open it up as soon as possible." Aaron said helplessly, "What else?"

"There is a way out." Klea said concisely. "If an enemy comes to attack, the defensive magic you set up is enough to buy you time to collect all the supplies here, but then you need a way to leave quickly."

"I've got the portkey ready."

"Portkeys are nice, but you proved in the Department of Mysteries that they are not 100% reliable, and you can't guarantee that you will be the only one here in the future.

So you need a teleportation array, a teleportation array that can allow you and even more people to leave safely. "

"This is a bit embarrassing. It's not that I haven't tried it, but the result... is hard to describe."

"I can help." Klea said confidently, "A teleportation array is nothing to me, and it does not violate family rules."

"This... is okay, but you have to plan it carefully."

The two quickly reached an agreement that Klea could come over to build the teleportation array on weekends or holidays, but she could not disturb Aaron or the Missing Body's work at other times.

After sending her out of the dormitory, Aaron closed the door and collapsed directly on the bed.

"What do you mean this is!" Aaron pulled Abe's ears weakly, with a look of helplessness on his face. From today on, the Shenming Palace is no longer his alone.

"The hostess's IQ is too high. It's not shameful to lose to her." Abe said aggrievedly.

"But it's so frustrating!" Aaron sighed, "I knew from the day she came to school that she would find my secret base sooner or later, but I didn't expect that she would find it on the first day.

He actually waited more than a month before taking action. He was really patient. "

"The master doesn't suffer, either!" Abe murmured, "At least she helped build the teleportation array."

"You are still too young, the teleportation array is just payment or rent.

I helped her open a bedroom, and she helped me build a teleportation array. She didn't take advantage of me, but instead found a way to use the most equal way to reasonably enter and exit the Shenming Palace. "

Abe scratched his head as if he didn't understand. He didn't understand but he didn't ask any more questions.

"Forget it, at least this matter will come to an end, and you don't have to worry about it in the future." Aaron smiled bitterly, rubbed his brows, and then opened his personal panel.

[Host: Aaron Gaius]

[Magic energy: Body: 8118, intermediate magister; Thought body 8118, intermediate magister; total 16236 (elementary great magister, a rare existence in the magic world)]

[Talent: Once-in-a-lifetime (the magic energy increases by 4 points every day, the body increases by 2 points, and the thoughts body increases by 2 points)]

[Items: Resurrection potion (can resurrect any creature that dies within an hour), magic carpet, Captain Jack's compass,...]

[Magic Points: 780]

"After waiting for so long, I finally waited for today." Aaron looked at the numbers on the panel and couldn't help but feel excited. He took several deep breaths but couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

"System, add all the magic points to the magic energy. This is enough for me to go one step further."

"Okay, host."

After the words fell, the value behind the magic point quickly decayed, and it only took a short moment to go from three digits to zero.

At the same moment, the magical energy of the main body and the missing body also increased rapidly, breaking through the high-level magister in the blink of an eye, but more importantly, the overall magical energy exceeded the barrier of the mid-level great magister.

"Comfortable." Aaron felt the surging magic power in his body, and felt that the heavy burden in his heart had disappeared without a trace, and he felt indescribably relaxed.

Voldemort? He's a bitch!

When he first encountered the Dark Lord, he could only flee in panic.

However, as his strength improved, his mentality gradually changed. From desperately escaping to facing the front, it was a long and bitter process, but luckily he made it through.

Every time he faced Voldemort, there were dangers. The risk of death was completely eliminated after obtaining the dog charm. But even so, he could only guarantee that he would not die, and he did not dare to expose this ability, because if he was caught, he would be worse off. Death, but now he has the confidence to be undefeated.

There is still a big gap between the mid-level Grand Mage and the peak Grand Mage, but the magic and trump cards he has mastered are enough to close these gaps, and a head-on confrontation is no longer a dream.

"No, calm down, calm down."

Aaron slapped his forehead a few times and suppressed his thoughts.

He couldn't expand, and not losing didn't mean he would win. He only went to fight Voldemort when he was full.

Moreover, Voldemort is not alone. He has a large number of supporters behind him. Once he is caught in the crowd tactics, it will be difficult to escape.


The next day, Hermione found Clea in the library and asked her about Aaron's secret base.

"I can tell you, but you have to keep it a secret."

"Of course," said Hermione, "I have the tightest tongue."

"I believe this, but the confidentiality I mentioned means that no one else can know, nor can Aaron know."

Hermione hesitated for a moment, then nodded. The worst he could do was pretend to discover it by accident. He would have to let him in when the time came!

"His secret base is built underground." Klea said, "It's very deep, close to the Black Lake."

"What? Underground." Hermione opened her mouth in surprise and suddenly said, "No wonder I couldn't find it after searching for so long."

"Where is the entrance?"

"His dormitory." Klea said with emotion, "This is the smartest way. No one would have thought that his dormitory would be connected to a secret base.

Slytherin respected him and would not enter his room without permission, and people from the other three houses probably couldn't even enter Slytherin's common room. "

"Then it's over, I can't get in." Hermione lay on the table in frustration, feeling that the duck she had got flew away.

"Well... you can't enter the entrance, but you should know the end point." Klea teased, "There is a huge Slytherin statue there. You should have been there."

"The Chamber of Secrets must be Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets." Hermione climbed up excitedly, "Why didn't I think of that?

The secret room is underground, not too far from the Slytherin common room, and can be used with some modifications. "

But soon the smile on her face solidified, "It's useless to know where it is. Only the language of snakes can open the secret room, but only Harry can speak the language of snakes."

"Don't think about it, even if you know snake language, you still can't get in." Klea said with certainty, "There is only one entrance to his secret base, and the other entrances have been blocked by him.

Even if Harry Potter reopened the Chamber of Secrets, all he would see would be stones and dirt. "

"This, this is too bullying." Hermione didn't know whether to laugh or cry, knowing that she couldn't go anywhere.

"You will have a chance to go, but it's not the time yet."

"I know." Hermione gritted her teeth, "He said he could only take us in by himself, but that would mean that the Order of the Phoenix was defeated."

Klea thought of the magic arrays in the Divine Call Palace and muttered: "Aaron is right. When the time comes, he will be the only one safe in the entire magic world."


Christmas is coming soon, and before the holiday, Professor Slughorn prepares a banquet for all the students he thinks are worthy of inviting, and each person can bring one guest.

Nothing major happened during this period. Gryffindor defeated Slytherin in the Quidditch match, 240 to 150.

Logically speaking, Slytherin wouldn't be able to achieve this kind of record with Clea participating, but on the day of the match, Seeker Malfoy took time off, and Chaser Vasai was unable to play due to an injury in training, but there was a talented Seeker on the opposite side. Harry Potter and goalkeeper Ron Weasley also performed exceptionally well.

In this situation of five versus seven, if you can avoid losing badly, you have already won.

It is worth mentioning that after this game, Ron successfully got rid of being single and got together with Lavender Brown, a Gryffindor of the same age.

The two were inseparable all day long, often kissing in public, exuding the sour smell of love.

At eight o'clock in the evening, many wizards and witches walked towards Slughorn's office.

His office was enchanted to be much larger than an average teacher's room and could accommodate many people.

Perhaps to heighten the festive atmosphere, curtains of various colors are hung on the ceiling and walls. In the center is a golden lantern, in which countless elves shine with golden light.

Aaron walked in with Abe, and as soon as he entered, he saw Slughorn taking Harry Potter and taking photos with several elderly wizards.

"It's a celebrity exchange meeting, I shouldn't have come." Aaron sighed in a low voice.

"It's boring, isn't it?" Klea came over with a cocktail, "In addition to his famous former students, he also invited several professors from the school.

That's fine, the more people there are, the less likely you will be noticed. "

"I hope so!" Aaron smiled bitterly, "Who did you invite over?"

"Don't worry, it's not a boy." Klea pointed to a girl in the crowd, "I'm inviting one of your school girls."

"Celine?" Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, "I haven't paid much attention to her this semester."

"That's normal. She quit after I came." Klea said matter-of-factly, "I had a careful chat with her and successfully turned her love for you into admiration."

"Haha!" Aaron patted his chest nervously, "This is the only news that makes me happy today."

"Then how are you going to thank me?"

"This... we'll talk about it later, later."

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