A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 547: The thief’s weak shield can be learned but cannot be used (1/2)

Chapter 547: A thief’s weak shield can be learned but cannot be used.

"I admit that what you said makes sense, but this...he is unreasonable!

Dumbledore's importance during the confrontation between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters is self-evident. He must be very aware of this. If he dies, it will directly or indirectly affect the Order of the Phoenix, and many people will die. "

"What if Dumbledore himself is not dead soon!" Clea interjected, she took the chalk from Aaron's hand and wrote this sentence on the blackboard, "With this prerequisite, everything can be connected. ”

Aaron's expression changed, and he and the missing body looked at each other, and both could see the solemnity in each other's eyes.

"That can't be true!" Aaron said incoherently, "The old immortal is only over a hundred years old. With his peak magic power, it is easy to live to be three hundred years old as long as he doesn't mess around.

Even if he works hard for the Order of the Phoenix, it will be enough to live a hundred years shorter. If I suffer a little more and deduct fifty years from him, he can live for another thirty years and not die young! "

Klea laughed dumbly and looked at Aaron with more sympathy and teasing, "Uncle Genes told us the two deals you made with Voldemort.

The second deal is to use the 'Moondrop' to keep Ollivander safe and release Hermione Granger once. We all support this very much, taking into account family ties and love. "

"Stop it." Aaron waved his hand, "Speaking of love is a bit exaggerated!"

"That's true." Klea nodded thoughtfully, "Love is not something you say, it's something you do."


Thunderbolts sounded continuously in Aaron's heart, shaking him to the core.

“Where did you learn this tiger-wolf thing?

And you are only fifteen years old, is it really appropriate to say this? "

"You'll be sixteen in the new year, and besides, you're my fiancé."

"It hasn't been decided yet!" Aaron said hurriedly.

"In fact, it has been decided." Klea spread her hands and said, "From the first time you saw me during the summer vacation, it's just that you didn't want to admit it.

That is to say, I am not an adult yet, otherwise..."


Aaron couldn't help but swallowed.

Wo Nima! Are all girls today so unrestrained?

"Haha!" Aaron forced a stiff smile, "That means we can still live in peace and harmony before I become an adult, no, before you become an adult, right?"

"You can understand it that way." Klea laughed like a silver bell, "Don't worry, I will also take care of the others for you."

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Aaron's mouth, and he was extremely speechless in his heart.

He felt that he was just a simple and ignorant little white rabbit at this moment, being stared at by one, or more specifically, several big bad wolves.

No wonder my father once said that boys should protect themselves outside. This is not unreasonable!

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business." Klea smiled, "Your second transaction was fine, but the first one was a bit ridiculous.

Trade the grace of a longer path to immortality in exchange for Voldemort not being able to lay a hand on you until Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter are dead.

It doesn't sound bad, but Grandpa Teppler almost shed tears when he laughed, and Uncle Vico and Aunt Lisanna couldn't laugh or cry either. Do you know why? "


"Because Dumbledore only has less than a year left to live." Clea said seriously, "You can also see his hands. They are dry, charred, and full of death. This is clear evidence. ”


Hearing this, Aaron almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

He never expected that the shield he had worked so hard to arrange was not as strong as he thought, and was even full of cracks.

Does that old immortal Dumbledore want to show off like this? He had been intact in the previous two wizard battles, but why was he so unreliable?

One year? He is also not developed enough to defeat Voldemort!

As for Harry Potter, he simply ignored him. Without Dumbledore's protection, he couldn't even defeat a few Death Eaters. It was basically impossible to expect him to delay.

"Now you understand?" Clea asked, "One year, no, there is no year now, Dumbledore will be dead in half a year.

A mediocre life harvested by Death is meaningless, but using his own death to allow Professor Snape to gain Voldemort's trust and become one of the top figures among Death Eaters is another matter. "

"Immortal." Aaron gritted his teeth and cursed, "Can't he hold on for a few more years?"

"It may indeed mess up your plans, but in a sense Dumbledore is still admirable."

"That's because you haven't been tricked by his old man." Aaron said angrily, "Our principal is not an ordinary gangster. He will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, even arranging his own death.

But what about Professor Snape? Did he ever think about how tortured Professor Snape would be?

He thought about it, but he didn't care, because he knew that Professor Snape would definitely agree to protect Harry Potter.

Now it seems that this is indeed the case, an unbreakable vow! Professor Snape directly cut off his escape route. "

"Then what do you want to do?"

“It’s not what I want to do, it’s just that I can’t do anything.

One is destined to die, and the other has made an unbreakable oath. It is thanks to Merlin that their plan can proceed normally. If I had a hand in it, it might be counterproductive. "Aaron was about to cry but had no tears and said, "All I can do now is seize this half year. As for taking it one step at a time after half a year, I hope Harry Potter dies so soon. "

"You can extend this time a little bit later." Klea pointed out.

"What's the meaning?"

Klea pointed in the direction of the treasure house, "Just lend out a few of the things in there..."

"No." Aaron immediately refused, "I'm not that stingy, but these are treasures that I got with great difficulty, why should I lend them to him?"

"Okay! Just pretend I didn't say that.

But if Harry Potter dies, you may face the Dark Lord again. "Klea said very relaxedly, "I don't doubt that you have a clearer way to live forever, but Voldemort will not let you go after you show it. He is not that kind. On the contrary..."

"On the contrary, he will ambush in advance, prepare a dragnet and wait for me to get in." Aaron said with a solemn expression, "He will definitely do this."

"It's good to know."

"But I never thought that Dumbledore would only live for one year!" Aaron said aggrievedly, "Isn't this bullying an honest person?"

"Honest person? Are you sure you are an honest person?" Klea sneered, "If you have this attribute, Uncle Vico will not let you leave home at all."

"Well... at least my thoughts were very simple when I signed the contract with Voldemort."

"Tch! I've reminded you of everything that needs to be reminded. It's up to you to decide whether you want to support Harry Potter or not."

"Support, I'll just support you." Aaron said tiredly, and then waved his wand, and all the treasures in the treasure house flew out and floated in the air.

"I think he needs this mask." Klea said, taking off the Niga mask. "Some ninja soldiers can give him a chance to escape."

"There is also a revolver, and a box of enchanted bullets." Aaron said with some reluctance, "I can give him three enchanted bullets at most, and I have to save some of the four enchanted bullets."

"Okay." Klea nodded, and then looked at the medicine bottles floating in the air, "For the elixir, there are twelve pills in one bottle, prepare half of the bottle, and the healing potion, there are twelve pills in one bottle, and prepare two A bottle of antidote, twenty pills in one bottle, and a bottle of tranquilizer, thirty pills in one bottle..."

Seeing Klea filling a box, Aaron felt inexplicably heartbroken. This was all made by the Missing Body with so much hard work, but he didn't expect that Harry Potter was directly discounted.

"It's a pity that you don't have any defensive magic items here, otherwise it would be perfect."

"Maybe in the future." Aaron said nonchalantly, "It happens to be Christmas, so I think it's a Christmas gift for Harry Potter.

It’s so unreasonable! I didn’t even know if I would receive a gift this Christmas, so I prepared it for him first. "

"You will receive a gift, not just from me, I can guarantee this." Klea chuckled, turned and left the Hall of Divine Sound.

Early the next morning, several gift boxes were placed at the foot of Aaron's bed as usual.

They were postcards from their parents, primroses from Clea, lavender from Hermione...the most important of them all was the magic book from Jeans.

Aaron almost didn't react when he got the magic book, because the book was signed by Wicht Gaius.

Logically speaking, it would have nothing to do with them if they were expelled from the family. It was understandable that Vico and Lisanna would send postcards. After all, one or two photos were of little value.

But the magic book is different. It is a priceless treasure and its help to him is self-evident.

"Is Ancestor Weihet going to violate the ancestral teachings?" A big question mark appeared in Aaron's mind, and he opened the book with curiosity and confusion.

There is only one short line on the first page: It can be learned, but it cannot be used temporarily.

"Good guy, what a good guy." Aaron rolled his eyes disdainfully. He only learned but didn't use it. Strictly speaking, it didn't violate the family rules.

But his brain is not full of water, and learning is also very time-consuming. What is the difference between just learning and not using it, and being useless?

But when he turned to the second page, Aaron's little thoughts disappeared instantly.

A contract clearly states that no magic in this book can be used until the war in the magic world is over, and the rest of the content can only be read after signing the contract.

“Sure enough, my ancestors are still my ancestors.

It’s really not an ordinary six! Aaron patted his head with the book in a dumbfounded way, then gritted his teeth and said, "I'm just going to read it, that's all I won't study for the time being." "

As a drop of blood fell on the contract, the second page turned into ashes and dissipated, revealing the content behind it.

Fusion magic, giving an element one or more properties in addition to itself...


Aaron closed the magic book suddenly. At this moment, he felt his heartbeat speeding up and his blood boiling.

On purpose, that old fox Weiheter definitely did it on purpose.

He has now learned a few forbidden magic tricks, but he is not yet proficient in them and requires a lot of time to activate them. However, this book can sublimate elemental magic to the maximum extent, doubling its power and even rivaling higher-level magic.

But it would be too much of a bully to only learn it but not use it. This is what he urgently needs, but it is clearly within reach, but out of reach. It can only be said that the ancestors know how to play with people.

Aaron took several deep breaths in succession, suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and put the magic book into the dressing room.

It's not the right time yet, so instead of learning it, it's better to focus on the combination and superposition of the ultimate magic circle.


The Burrow.

In addition to the Weasleys, Lupin and Tonks were also here.

Harry took the opportunity to tell them about the conversation he overheard between Snape and Draco, "I know it sounds crazy, but I promise I'm not lying.

Voldemort had given Draco some kind of mission, and Snape was helping him. "

"Have you ever thought that Snape just pretended to help Draco to get information." Lupine said.

"It doesn't sound like it."

"Perhaps Harry is right," said Tonks. "The Unbreakable Vow is..."

"In the final analysis, it still depends on whether you believe in Dumbledore's judgment." Lupine interrupted, "Dumbledore believes in Snape, so I also believe in it."

"Dumbledore makes mistakes too," Harry said resentfully, feeling a little disappointed that Lupine didn't believe him.

"You are blinded by hatred."

"I don't."

"You are."

"People disappear every day, Harry.

There are only a few people we can trust. If there is internal strife now, we will lose. "Lu Ping said seriously.

Harry fell into silence after hearing this. He still believed in his judgment, but he also knew that this was not the right time to undermine his own morale.

His suspicions didn't make much sense now, but when he returned to school he could tell Dumbledore, confident that the old man would be on his side.

"Harry, come with me."

Mr. Weasley took Harry to the warehouse, and after confirming the two of them, he said, "Please forgive Lemos. His current situation comes with a price."

"Are you okay! Mr. Weasley?"

"Molly was being followed, and most of the time she didn't dare to go out. Her life was really not easy."

"So did you get my owl? What was Draco focusing on in Borgin Burke's?"

"Judging from your description, what you and Ron saw in the summer should be the vanishing cabinet." Mr. Weasley said solemnly, "It was something popular when Voldemort first gained power.

You can imagine its appeal. If a Death Eater came to your door, you could just hide in the cupboard and disappear for an hour or two.

These cabinets can transport you to almost any corner, but they are unreliable and their effectiveness is hit or miss. "

"What happened to Borgin Burke's cabinet?"

"It's okay, it's still there."

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