A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 559: Generous Voldemort, Living Horcrux Harry Potter? (1/2)

Chapter 559: Generous Voldemort, Living Horcrux Harry Potter?

"Horcrux - the diary (destroyed), the Marvolo family ring (destroyed), Slytherin's locket, Hufflepuff's golden cup, a suspected Ravenclaw relic, the viper Nagini... .

Voldemort's main soul may not be able to sense the destruction of the Horcrux..." Aaron muttered while writing this information on the blackboard.

"There are four left, or at least four." The missing body murmured thoughtfully, "That means that in addition to destroying Voldemort's main soul, our savior also needs to find and destroy four souls. "

"One of them has been reserved in advance by Dumbledore." Aaron pointed with his wand at Slytherin's locket and Hufflepuff's golden cup on the blackboard, "It must be one of them, that viper. He has always been with Voldemort, and he has no idea where the Ravenclaw's relics are."

"I think..."

"Wait, it seems like it's coming to life."

Before Xiannian Ti finished speaking, he was interrupted by Aaron's hand, because the task panel he paid attention to from time to time seemed to be updated.

[Find and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes, 1000 magic points will be awarded for each Horcrux found, and 500 magic points will be awarded for each Horcrux destroyed;

Rewards for completing the mission will be distributed directly until all Horcruxes are destroyed; there will be no penalty for mission failure; do you accept it? 】

Aaron looked at the mission panel with some confusion and stood there blankly.

After a few seconds, the corners of his mouth gradually rose.

"Hahaha, you can't stop the luck!" Aaron laughed wantonly, while not forgetting to transmit the mission content to the missing body.

"This is really a turn of events!" The missing body was also very excited, "This is a big deal, the biggest one in the past few years.

The rewards are great and the dangers don't seem that great.

Most importantly, it's not difficult. "

"Indeed, for others, just finding Horcruxes is as difficult as climbing to the sky, but we have Captain Jack's treasure hunting compass. Even if the Horcruxes are protected by magic, it is not difficult to find them as long as the distance is not too far.

As for destroying Horcruxes, it's too easy. Fire, poison or more powerful magic can be used with a simple effort. Aaron said proudly, "Come here, open the champagne. You must open the champagne to celebrate." "

Four Horcruxes equaled six thousand magic points.

Coupled with what he already has and what he will get from signing in in the future, he might be able to clear out the mall.

Although he has not received any rewards now, this does not hinder his fantasy of a better future.

"The most generous person is Voldemort. Why did he only split seven souls in the first place? Isn't the number nine more domineering than seven?"

“I guess I don’t dare!

If he really played like that, he would just turn into an irrational beast.

But it's still too early to be happy. Dumbledore won't live long, and he will definitely destroy a Horcrux before he dies. "

"It's a beautiful idea." Aaron cursed angrily. A Horcrux is worth 1,500 magic points, which is enough to save him from fighting for half a year.

"Robbing it?" Missing Body asked meaningfully.

“Of course I’ll grab it,” Aaron said firmly, “These days, the bold will be starved to death, and the coward will be starved to death.

Besides, we will definitely face off against Voldemort's Wolf Killer in the end, so we cannot miss any opportunity to improve our strength.

However, this matter must be planned carefully, and try not to be exposed as much as possible. "

"I think so too, I hope Phineas can give me some help!"


White bubbles seeped out from the mouth of the bottle, and the Black Shadow Ninja poured two glasses of champagne and sent them to Aaron and the missing body.

The two raised their glasses at the same time, enjoying the fragrance and rich taste of citrus.

"But there is one thing to say." Aaron slowly put down the wine glass and took out Captain Jack's compass from the system space, "We don't need to consider Slytherin's locket and Hufflepuff's gold cup for the time being.

These two things are definitely not in Hogwarts, and we won't be able to find them for a while.

I'm afraid the big snake Nagini will have to be ranked last. If you want to kill it, you have to pass Voldemort's level first.

So there is only one thing we can find now, Ravenclaw's relic, and I judge that there is a 50% chance that it is in Hogwarts. "

"Action tomorrow?"

"Of course, but the compass is too conspicuous, so we can't look for it openly.

If Dumbledore knew it was still there, he would definitely come and steal it. He could do such a thing. "

"That's true!" The missing body nodded unnaturally. Dumbledore was originally thick-faced and dark-hearted, not to mention that now that his life was about to end, his face was not even as good as air.


The next day.

After class in the morning, Aaron quietly took out the compass covered by the illusion after the professor and other students left the classroom. At this moment, in the eyes of others, it was just an ordinary notebook that could no longer be ordinary.

Just in case, Abe was also taken out by him and stood guard.

The dragon's sense of smell is very sensitive, and its senses are far superior to those of humans. Once a professor approaches it, it will sound a warning. As for other people except Clea, no one can see through his illusion.

"Horcrux, tell me where the Horcrux hidden in Hogwarts is?" Aaron thought about the Horcrux in his mind and stared at the compass in his hand.

The pointer rotated rapidly and pointed in one direction.

"Found it." The corners of Aaron's mouth curled up, but he was happy for only three seconds before the pointer shifted slightly.

"What's going on? Alive?

Could it be that Nagini has already sneaked into the school? "Impossible, absolutely impossible, there is no such possibility. Aaron extinguished this idea as soon as it popped up in his mind. Dumbledore is still alive, and Voldemort will not risk sending his Horcrux in. "Maybe someone has found it!" Aaron sighed slightly and began to look for it in the direction of the pointer. Leaving the professor, walking through the corridor, and walking up the marble stairs... until he came to the eighth floor of the castle. "Watford..." Aaron looked at a portrait in front of him and almost spit out a mouthful of blood. "Slytherin?" The Fat Lady looked at Aaron in surprise, "Oh, I remember, you are Gaius, but how come you are in the Gryffindor common room?" "Uh..." "Let me guess?" The Fat Lady winked and said, "It's not love, the Slytherin prefect fell in love with a Gryffindor girl, this is big news!" "Don't talk nonsense, be careful I will sue you for defamation. "Aaron said speechlessly.

"I was just joking, but you seem to be blushing." The fat lady looked at him with a smile, and just when she was about to make a few jokes, she met her cold eyes and trembled in fear.

"Okay! Password."

Aaron's mouth twitched. If he knew the password, he wouldn't have stood at the door.

"Please call...Hermione for me!" Aaron said hesitantly. He originally wanted Harry to take him in, but the prefect of Gryffindor obviously had more power.

Between Hermione and Ron, as long as he had no brains, he knew who to choose.

"Sorry, I can't do it." The fat lady said confidently, "I'm just a gatekeeper. Calling people is not within my service scope."

"Haha!" Aaron laughed dryly, and a trace of purple light flashed in his pupils. Today he will try to hypnotize the characters in the portrait.

But before he could cast a spell, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Aaron, what are you doing here? "

The purple light in Aaron's eyes disappeared instantly, and he turned his head to see Neville holding a pot of green plants.

"I want to go in and find someone. You should know the password of Gryffindor, right?"

"This..." Neville was a little embarrassed, "But you are Slytherin."

"I thought we were friends." Aaron pretended to be unhappy and said, "Don't forget who saved you that night in the Department of Mysteries."


"No buts, is it okay or not?"

"Really not." Neville swallowed his saliva and said aggrievedly, "I am grateful for saving my life. My grandmother also said that she would invite you to our house as a guest if there is a chance, but I really can't let you in."

Hearing this, Aaron was so angry that he wanted to curse.

"I know you are an honest man, but it is wrong for you to treat your savior like this.

You know me, how can I harm anyone else?"

"Whoever you want to find, I will help you call him out. "


So what have I been talking to you about for so long?

"Hermione, please ask her to come out for a while."

Neville blinked, as if he understood something, "I'll go right away."


Neville read out the password, and the Fat Lady happily opened the circular doorway, let him in, and quickly closed the door.

"Sorry, even if you know the password, you still can't get in.

And I will notify the prefects, and the password will be changed tomorrow."

"It's unnecessary." Aaron said disdainfully. There are countless ways for him to get in, and the password is the most difficult one.

After a while, Hermione hurried out of the doorway.

She gave Aaron a close hug and asked with a meaningful smile: "Tell me, what do you want to see me for?"

"Does it mean I have something to do with you?" Aaron said with a smile.

"This is the Gryffindor common room. If you don't know the password, you can't even get in. If I just want to see it, I won't choose this place. "Okay, I want to go in and find someone." "Who?" "I don't know, but I'm sure that person is inside." Hermione frowned slightly when she heard this, "Is it important?" "Very important, at least for now, nothing is more important than this." Aaron said solemnly. "I believe you." Hermione nodded, grabbed his hand and walked towards the archway. "Wait, wait." The Fat Lady said hurriedly, "Miss Granger, is it really appropriate for you to do this?" "I am the prefect and have the right to bring people in. I will be responsible if something goes wrong, and I promise that nothing will go wrong." The Fat Lady hesitated for a moment and stopped blocking, "Please come in." However, the moment he stepped over the threshold, Aaron cast an illusion spell on himself and entered the invisible state, "This way it won't embarrass you." Hermione smiled knowingly, "What can I do for you?" "Follow me, I can find that person. "Aaron said, placing the compass in his palm and moving in the direction indicated by the needle.

The two passed through an arch, climbed the spiral staircase, and then... entered the boys' dormitory.

Aaron stopped in front of a door, speechless for a moment.

He had been to this place once before and was quite impressed.

"Are you sure it's here?" Hermione asked with a strange look, "Harry and Ron's dormitory?"

"Uh..." Aaron looked down at the compass, the needle didn't move, "I can only be sure that there are people in it, but it's hard to say whether it's them two. "

"Let's talk after we go in first!" Hermione shrugged and opened the door.

There were only Harry and Ron in the dormitory, and Dean, Seamus, and Neville happened to be away.

"Hermione." Harry greeted.

"I didn't come here." Hermione pointed to her left side with some embarrassment. Aaron removed the Disillusionment Curse in time and appeared in front of the two of them.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, their expressions gradually becoming serious.

They all knew that Aaron, a Slytherin, would never come to the Gryffindor common room if it wasn't for something important.

"What happened?" Harry asked tentatively.

"Yes." Aaron looked at Harry Potter, whom the pointer was pointing to, unexpectedly. "I came to find someone, and now it seems that I may have found him."

"Me?" Harry pointed at himself, not knowing why, "What do you want from me?"

"Have you found anything lately? Something that doesn't belong to you."

"This..." Harry shook his head, "This really doesn't exist."

"You have it," Ron reminded, "Half-Blood Prince's book, you forgot that it doesn't belong to you."

“I threw that book in the Room of Requirement.

Because the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse was learned from that book, Malfoy was almost killed... In short, I don't dare to keep it anymore. "

"It's not that book." Aaron said very firmly, "It's on you."

"But I don't have anything on me!" Harry spread his hands in frustration and took out all the things on him to prove his innocence.

A wand, six Galleons, four Sickles, a bottle of lucky potion, and a bottle of antidote were placed on the table one by one.

Aaron glanced at the table and continued to focus on Harry, but this time it was a little more strange.

"Don't look at me like that, it's really gone."

"Take off your clothes, shoes, and glasses."

"Ah?" Harry swallowed and couldn't help but take two steps back, "What do you want to do? Hermione is still here!"

Aaron's old face darkened and he rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Stop your disgusting thoughts. My sexual orientation is very normal and I am not interested in men."

"But what you said is really easy for people to think wrong." Ron said while suppressing a smile.

"Please cooperate!" Hermione said helplessly, "He won't make trouble unreasonably. He must have his own reasons."

"Even if you say so..."

"Everything is petrified."

Aaron waved his wand directly, and a ray of red light hit Harry, who suddenly stood stiffly on the spot.

"Hermione, turn your face away. Abe, you are responsible for guarding the door. Ron, you take off his clothes. Nothing can be left except the final bottom line."

"Is this really good?" Ron frowned tightly, "We all want to believe you, but is this too ridiculous?"

"I can't say the specifics, but it is very important, even more important than your life."


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