A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 56 Is this the end?

Draco lay outside the window, watching the battle inside with interest, completely unaware of the figure behind him.


A hand suddenly tapped Draco on the shoulder, startling him.

But before he could scream out, Aaron covered his mouth, "Don't get excited, it's me."

"Aaron, you're here." Draco whispered.

"How's the situation?"

"It's incredible that Hagrid actually has a Norwegian Ridgeback.

But what I never expected was that Abe actually had wings, and he was not so powerful. He could actually fight with baby dragons. "

"Honest gift crab!" Aaron held his forehead and shook his head, "It's still exposed."

After saying that, he walked to the wooden door and prepared to kick it open.

"Wait a minute." Draco hurriedly stopped him and said with a meaningful smile: "A sacred war between magical animal cubs is taking place in this cabin. I suggest that we wait until they decide the winner before entering. "

"There is also a giant and three Gryffindors inside. By then, my Abe will probably be bullied into something bad." Aaron ignored him and kicked the door.


The wooden door shook violently, and a layer of dust fell from it.

The noise immediately aroused the alert of everyone in the hut. Hagrid first glanced at Norbert and Abe who were fighting in mid-air, and then made a silence gesture to Harry and others.

"Who is it? I've gone to bed late at night. If you have anything to do, come back tomorrow."

"Aaron Gaius, my pet should be in the house now. I advise you to open the door for me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

"It's over now." Hermione's face instantly turned gray when she heard this, and she slumped on the chair helplessly.

Harry and Ron also had anxious faces, but more of them felt guilty.

Didn't they just abduct one... okay! The cubs of magical beasts are much more valuable than cats.

But it’s only been more than an hour! They were caught doing this. This is unreasonable!

"Calm down, don't talk." Hagrid comforted him, "He may not know that you are here.

Harry, take out the invisibility cloak quickly and get them both in.

I'll knock Norbert and Abe out again. As long as we don't get discovered by him, we'll have a chance to hide it. "

"Hagrid, you have to be careful when you deceive yourself and others!" Hermione said with a bitter smile, "I don't know how we were exposed, but Aaron wouldn't have come at this time if he wasn't sure."


The sound of the door being kicked sounded again, hitting the hearts of several people hard.

"Then you have to at least try it first. The door here is quite strong and they won't come in so quickly.

Harry, hurry up. "


Harry nodded immediately and took out the invisibility cloak.

Hagrid also took out his wand. Although he didn't want to hurt the magical beast cubs from the bottom of his heart, he couldn't care so much at this time.

If caught, not only him, but Harry and the others would also be punished.

So, these two little guys should sleep a little longer!

However, the next moment, a spell sounded outside the door, and everyone was stunned.

"The Alajo hole opens."

The lockpicking spell, as the name suggests, can open door locks.

Although it has no offensive power, it can work wonders at certain times, such as now.

After casting the unlocking spell, the latch of the wooden door quickly fell off. Everyone in the hut felt a haze in their hearts as they watched the latch fall.

Outside the hut, Aaron sneered and kicked again, causing the door to open completely.

He ignored the messy house and the stunned people, and directly fixed his gaze on the two dragons fighting in the sky, and then the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

Abe, who had switched to combat mode, was seen violently torturing the Norwegian Ridgeback, using fists and kicks to make the opponent miserable.

The jet-black skin has a bit of purple on it, and even the wings are a little asymmetrical. He is simply bullying the children with his size advantage.

"Abe, come here."

Aaron shouted, and Abe, who was being beaten happily, suddenly paused, kicked Noble and flew to the table, and then flew to the ground.

It quickly retracted its wings, the white scales on its body quickly faded away, and its fangs and claws retracted at the same time, assuming a cute and harmless appearance.

Abe glanced at Aaron with some anxiety, and lowered his proud dragon head in grievance.

The owner gave many warnings not to reveal his identity, but he forgot this warning less than two hours after leaving.

"Okay, who are you showing this to?" Aaron said, dumbfounded. He immediately picked it up, observed it carefully, and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that it was not injured.


Abe pointed distressedly at the burnt parts of his hat and clothes, and then pointed at the fire dragon that was beaten so hard that it could barely stand up, briefly expressing that it was not exposed on purpose.

Aaron laughed angrily at this action, and immediately put a new pet suit in front of it, "Put it on first! Forget it this time, but don't make an example next time, understand?"

Abe nodded repeatedly, stood on the ground with his two hind paws, and put on new clothes for himself in a humane manner.

"Draco, please close the door."

"Okay!" Della nodded with a smile, turned around and bolted the door.

When the three of them saw Draco Malfoy here, they immediately understood some things they didn't understand.

This guy must have followed them sneakily and then tipped Aaron off, otherwise there is no way to explain it.

Now I just hope that Draco comes a little later. If he hears about the Philosopher's Stone and Snape, it will be great fun.

Aaron walked to a chair, wiped the dust on it casually, sat on it with an expressionless expression and crossed his legs. The feeling of oppression rose instantly.

"Guys, I'm very angry right now, but I'm still willing to talk to you calmly.

Explain it! I'll give you a chance to explain. "

Several people looked at each other, but no one spoke.

"Don't you want to explain?

Or are you saying that you know you did something dirty and you're too embarrassed to explain? "

"I think it's probably the latter." Draco gloated. "That's how Gryffindors are. It's almost normal for them to dare to do something or not."

"Aaron, please listen to my explanation first." Hermione gritted her teeth, "Actually..."

"Stop it, don't talk yet.

No matter what the reason is, some things are just done without explanation.

And what you say may not be true. I can’t believe you anymore. Aaron said with some disappointment.

Hearing this, Hermione's eyes turned slightly red, but she resisted crying.

What she did was indeed unethical and there was nothing to say.

"Explain it!" Aaron looked at the other three people, "Let me hear what excuses you can make up."

After a few seconds, still no one spoke.

"Don't you want to tell me? It's really interesting!

Let a girl charge into battle and take the blame, you are really promising. "

"That's so right." Draco couldn't help but applaud, "I still admire Hermione Granger in this regard. Although she deceived Aaron, at least she is better than the celebrities Potter and Wes. Ledo shares the responsibility.”


"What? Weasley has something to say?" Draco smiled provocatively, "You had already put Abe on the table when I came, and I didn't know anything about what happened before.

So I'm quite curious about your plan. Can you tell me how you kidnapped Abe? "

When Ron heard this, he clenched his fists angrily.

He felt particularly aggrieved when Malfoy pointed his nose at him and scolded him, but he didn't know how to refute.

Could it be that it would be too embarrassing to tell them that they had given Abe a sleeping pill to bring him here?

While Harry felt humiliated, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the time, Draco did not hear the conversation about the Sorcerer's Stone, which was fortunate among misfortunes.

"That's enough, I asked them to do it." Hagrid said helplessly, "I couldn't suppress my curiosity and wanted to see what kind of species Abe was, so...

Anyway, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry. "

"Why does the Ministry of Magic need to do anything if an apology is useful?" Aaron said coldly, "Besides, you have to apologize because I caught you in the act!"

So if I don't know, can I just pretend that nothing happened?

You should be glad that Abe was not injured, otherwise this matter would never have been settled like this. "

"Yes, that's it." Draco said, but his expression became weird, "Aaron, do you mean to forget it like this?

Is this too cheap for them? They almost sold Abe!

No, to be precise, it has been sold, but there was a little accident in the process. "

"I know what you want to say." Aaron reluctantly grabbed Abe's two front paws and lifted him up, "Actually, I don't want to just let it go.

But this little guy’s identity has also been exposed. If things get bigger, do you think Abe’s identity can be concealed? "

"This...I didn't think about it.

But what kind of magical creature is it? "

"You will know when it grows up, but it's not convenient to say now." Aaron sighed, his eyes swept across the other people in the room, and stayed on the Norwegian Ridgeback for a second longer, "It's better to stand up for a while. Please sign a confidentiality agreement! Don’t tell anyone about what happened tonight.”

Hagrid's eyes lit up. This was indeed the best way to solve the problem, and in this way, his Norbert could also be saved.

"That's a good idea, how about the Red Loyalty Charm?

You can make Malfoy the secret keeper. "

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