A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 561 Ultra-high-speed flight, selection of teleportation array coordinates (1/2)

Chapter 561 Ultra-high-speed flight, selection of teleportation array coordinates

[Host: Aaron Gaius]

[Magic energy: Body: 8894, high-level magician; Thought body 8894, high-level magician; total 17788 (intermediate-level great magician, a rare existence in the magic world)]

[Talent: Once-in-a-lifetime (the magic energy increases by 4 points every day, the body increases by 2 points, and the thoughts body increases by 2 points)]

[Items: Resurrection potion (can resurrect any creature that dies within an hour), magic carpet, Captain Jack's compass,...]

[Magic Points: 4730]

Aaron was lying on the bed and looking at his personal dashboard. The numbers in the last column made him feel excited.

It’s not easy, but it’s so easy that it feels unrealistic.

In just one day, he easily earned two thousand magic points. In addition, he also had a Ravenclaw crown worth five hundred magic points, which could be withdrawn by destroying it.

"It's just like a dream!" Aaron's lips curled up, "The system has increased the total amount of magic energy to 20,000."

"Okay, host."

The next moment, Aaron felt his magical energy surge rapidly, rising from a high-level magister to a peak magister, and stopped just after breaking through the threshold of a great magister.

At the same time, the missing body in the Shenming Palace also broke through to the primary level magister.

"Long lost power!" Aaron clenched his fist. Since creating the missing body, he has basically only used half of his magic power outside. No one has seen him in his prime.

Therefore, he stayed in the stage of Magister for too long, and now he suddenly entered a new realm and was not very adaptable.

"System, open the mall panel.

There are still more than 2,500 magic points left, which can barely be consumed. "

"The host finally figured it out." The system's voice was a little excited, and then the mall interface was displayed in front of Aaron.

[Magic category:

@Mirror Phantom Naraku (600 magic points, can put the opponent into sleep); @Precognition (400 magic points, can sense danger in advance); @Detection (500 magic points, can detect a certain area , determined by the user's ability); @Heavenly Punishment (2000 magic points, using the resonance of one's own magic power and the surrounding magic power to create virtual life from items containing magic power); @Reading (400 magic points, Transmit your thoughts to others with a telepathic ability to achieve long-distance conversations)]

[Material type:

@Tentacles of the deep-sea octopus (5 magic points); @Seaweed (1 magic point); @Teeth of Delous (1000 magic points, the teeth of a dragon that is said to live for ten thousand years); @Acromantula's venom (10 magic points); @Bee sting (1 magic point)]

[Item category:

@Razo Mask (2500 magic points, the wearer can summon the Blades of the Shadow Legion, note: collecting ten masks can control the Shadow Kingdom); @Firebolt (50 magic points); @Chicken Talisman (1000 magic points, floating, telekinesis); @Wei Zheng's Jar (500 magic points, with sealing ability, can seal up to three people); @Haiti Division (2500 magic points, the energy of the Dark Emperor of the Dark Tribe) The component is the most powerful one among the five dark spiritual stones (Haiti, Samsara Blood Stone, Black Magnet, Dark Moon Stone, and Tatar Stone). It contains enough energy to destroy the time and space rift barrier, which is more powerful than the others. The total energy of the four spirit stones is even greater, and they have both independent consciousness and strong temptation)]

Looking at the dazzling array of products, Aaron couldn't help but sigh with excitement.

Five kinds of magic, each of which is helpful to him. The Teeth of Diroyus, he promised Alger that he would prepare suitable forging materials, the Razor Mask can provide an army of sharp blades, and the combination of the Chicken Talisman and the Rabbit Talisman can Gaining the ability to fly at super speed, Wei Zheng's jar has the ability to seal, and the dark spiritual stone of Haiti Division is even more crucial...

But these products are very expensive, the cheapest one costs 400 magic points, and the most expensive one can wipe out his current family fortune.

"Still poor, no matter how much money I have, it's not enough to spend." Aaron smiled to himself, and after thinking for a while, he chose the ability to speak, the Fang of Delous, and the Chicken Charm.

He first tested his ability to read words, and a force of magic spread around him in all directions.

At this moment, he felt that he could talk to the whole world, but it was not without limitations. The farther the distance, the worse the signal and the greater the consumption, but even so, it was a good ability.

If there is a war, he is the most suitable intelligence agent.

Then there was the Tooth of Diroyus. The system was very stingy. What he bought was not a whole tooth, but just an ice-green crystal the size of a brick.

But just by getting closer, he could feel the faint coercion contained in it. At the moment of contact, he seemed to see a giant dragon that covered the sky and hovered in the starry sky with endless majesty. That sharp and huge The teeth flashed with a cold light, and could easily tear apart space and crush any enemy.

Aaron wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his head, "Before I became a god, I really might not be able to defeat it."

"The host is very self-aware." The system teased.

"Nonsense." Aaron said speechlessly, and then picked up the chicken charm. There was a red rooster pattern on the octagonal rune stone.


The rooster pattern suddenly lost its color, and at the same time the same pattern appeared in Aaron's pupils.

With a thought in his mind, all the items in the dormitory floated and were arranged as he pleased, including liquids and even gravel on the ground.

"Not bad, similar to the floating spell, but the effect is countless times more powerful."

Aaron murmured, and then threw the rune stone in his hand. Under the influence of telekinesis, the octagonal rune was cut into hexagons, trigons... and finally turned into gray powder.

"It's about as I expected. Transformation or shaping will consume magic power. How much it consumes depends on the specific situation." Aaron showed a slight smile, "But this is not important. What is important is the ability to fly. I will think about it later. You don’t need to transform into an Animagus to fly in the sky.”

"System, refresh the empty product column of the item category and lock the spell series."

[ @Pig Spell (1000 magic points, causes the holder's eyes to emit destructive laser scorching light rays, the long-range emission energy of the fire laser beam is unlimited)]

“It’s okay!

The main thing is that I can't afford it now. "Aaron shook his head, and then continued to refresh the entire material product column. After all, he could buy all those miscellaneous things in the market.

[ @Inverse scale (100 magic points, the most precious scale on the dragon); @Catnip (2 magic points); @Cork (1 magic point); @Netherworld (100 magic points, soil of the world of the dead); @feather (1 magic point)]

"Well...it's okay!

Ni Lin can actually make a heart-protecting mirror, so with my current alchemy skills it won't be a problem.

The underworld is a medium for communicating with the dead. Although I don't know how to do it, there should be a corresponding record in Klea's mind.

As for the rest...it's all garbage. "

Finally, there was the refresh of the blank magic product column. He refreshed it more than a dozen times in a row, but could not find one that satisfied him. He had to stop when he had one hundred magic points left.

@Purification (300 magic points, releases pure light, dispels darkness, malice and negative emotions)

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Aaron looked at the magic introduction and couldn't help but smile forcefully.

It's tasteless to eat and it's a pity to throw it away.

That's not to say it's useless, on the contrary, it's quite useful in some situations, but the problem is that he can't use it now!

"System, buy the reverse scale."

As he finished speaking, a scale emitting an extremely weak blue-white light fell into Aaron's hand, and at the same time, his magic points were completely cleared.

"It's nothing more than going back to before liberation overnight." Aaron sighed and fell asleep with full harvest.


For more than a month after that, although Aaron still often wrote and drew with his notebook, he became much more relaxed and his behavior was not as urgent as before.

Perhaps the improvement in strength has led to a certain change in mentality. The total amount of magic energy has exceeded 20,000. Now he is confident enough to fight Voldemort head-on. He dare not say that he can defeat him, but retreating without a problem is not a problem.

Klea noticed his changes very keenly, and the frequency and time of looking for him gradually increased. During the process of going to and from the Shenming Palace, she naturally discovered the clues that Aaron wrote on the blackboard.

Although she was a little surprised that Voldemort would have seven Horcruxes, she was not too surprised. She even felt a little pity for Voldemort. Killing Harry Potter, his old enemy, would be equivalent to killing his own soul. There is nothing sadder than this. .

Hermione later realized that she was a much more reserved Gryffindor than Slytherin's Clea, but being able to date someone she liked also made her feel happy.

The two excellent girls seemed to have reached some kind of agreement that they would not appear next to Aaron at the same time when dating, at least in public.

As the number of dates between Aaron and the two of them increased, some gossip spread in Hogwarts, to which the three of them didn't pay much attention.

First of all, Aaron and Hermione were both prefects, and they were firmly suppressing Slytherin and Gryffindor houses. No one dared to say anything too harsh, and at most they would show their envy, jealousy, and hatred.

The excellence of the second three is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although it is a bit outrageous for the top three in the school to be together, it is not unacceptable.

Finally, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley were in love. This big news related to the savior attracted everyone's attention as soon as it appeared, and other gossips would pale in comparison to it.

The only one who feels heartbroken may be Ron, his best brother and his only sister...

Although he didn't mind, he still felt a little awkward, but who asked him to take off Harry's clothes before? The combination of guilt and injustice made him reluctantly admit their relationship.

Come June, students begin preparing for final exams.

Aaron's mood gradually became uneasy, not because of the exam, but because Dumbledore's death was getting closer and closer. He would definitely take Harry to destroy a Horcrux before he died.

"What's wrong with you these days? You're looking so sad." Hermione asked, sitting in the corner of the library with an absent-minded Aaron next to her.

"Is it obvious?"

"Very obvious." Hermione nodded seriously.

"I'm sorry for making you worry." Aaron forced out a smile, and then seemed to have thought of something, and said solemnly: "Before the holiday, don't run around, and don't get too close to Harry, especially since he has been there recently. Don’t take part in any action.”

"What's the meaning?"

"Time is running out." Aaron said in a strange way.

Hearing this, Hermione thought of something and blurted out: "Is it related to Dumbledore?"

"How do you know?" Aaron frowned, "Klea told you."

"No, I guessed it myself." Hermione said guiltily, "His hand... I saw it in the library. It was a very dangerous curse."

"Which book? What's the title?"

"This...I forgot."

"Alas!" Aaron sighed tiredly, "Stop lying in front of me. How much has she told you?"

"A little bit." Hermione stretched out her index finger and thumb sheepishly, revealing a small slit in the middle. "Your safety is related to the life and death of Dumbledore and Harry. I only know this much."

"Where are the Horcruxes?" Aaron asked worriedly, "She didn't tell you, right?"

"Harry told us that Voldemort also had four Horcruxes, Slytherin's locket, Hufflepuff's golden cup, Gryffindor or Ravenclaw's relics, and a big snake." Min looked at Aaron thoughtfully, "You should know this too, otherwise you wouldn't have asked me not to participate in Harry's recent actions."

Aaron nodded noncommittally and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that she didn't know that Harry was Voldemort's Horcrux, otherwise she would not be able to hold on.

"After Dumbledore's death, there may, no, there will definitely be trouble in Hogwarts. I'm not worried about Clea, but you..."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Hermione assured her.

Aaron didn't quite believe it, but thinking about the deal he made with Voldemort last summer, he felt a little more relaxed. As long as she didn't commit suicide, she would be safe.

That night, Aaron returned to the Shenming Temple.

The missing body was building a teleportation array with Klea, and when they saw him walking over angrily, they stopped what they were doing.

"I guess something is wrong with you, right?"

"How much did you talk to Hermione?"

"So, she didn't keep it secret, right?" Klea raised her eyebrows and smiled, "But it probably wasn't intentional. That girl is very measured in what she says and does. You should have guessed it."

"Don't change the subject."

"I'm more measured than her. I didn't say anything that I shouldn't have said." Klea said confidently, "But I suggest you don't write everything on the blackboard."

Aaron's face darkened, he pulled out his wand and pointed it at the blackboard, and all the writing on it disappeared instantly.

"How far has the teleportation array been built?"

"Ninety-nine percent of it is completed, but the coordinates are sent..." The missing body said with some confusion, "Are you sure you want to locate the coordinates to Ollivander's Wand Shop?"

"It's a helpless move. You also know my uncle's temperament. He will just do his own thing behind closed doors.

Once the magic world becomes chaotic, perhaps he will be the safest place. "

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