Chapter 564: "Gandalf" returns to the world, but it's too late

"The flames are blazing!"

Without any hesitation, Aaron made a completely instinctive move.

A pale corpse was hit by a fireball as soon as it crawled out of the lake, and fell back into the black water, causing layers of ripples.


Aaron's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately regretted what he had just done.

Sure enough, this movement caught the attention of Harry and Dumbledore, and both pairs of eyes looked at Aaron's location at the same time.

"Who's there?" Harry drew his wand and became alert.

Dumbledore was more straightforward. With a flick of his finger, the white ball of light above the island flew over.

"My friend, don't use the Illusion Curse. You have been exposed."

Aaron sighed softly and reluctantly released his invisibility, but at the same time he used top-level transformation techniques to transform himself into an old man, holding a pipe in his left hand, a staff in his right hand, and a wine flask around his waist.

"Who are you?" Harry looked strange, "Why are you here?"

He was very confused, because even he didn't know where his destination was before he was brought by Dumbledore, and it was even less likely that Dumbledore would leak the secret.

But it is unrealistic to say that this person is following them. Apparition is basically impossible to follow, and the starting point is that Apparition is not allowed in Hogwarts. He does not have the privileges of the principal.

"Gandalf, an ordinary gray wizard."

Aaron’s voice was loud and he didn’t blush or breath.

Now he is Gandalf himself. In short, not many people have seen him, so who dares to say that he is a fake.

He is now the Grand Magister, and Dumbledore may not be able to see through his disguise. What's more, Dumbledore is dying, which is not in his prime.

And all the equipment on his body was real. After he went to Grimmauld Place last time, he was worried that such a day would come, so he bought and replaced all the props in advance.

Harry suddenly thought of something, "Were you the Black family's property that you took over after Sirius died?"

"Yes, that's right, it's me." 'Gandalf' admitted without hesitation, "I know he originally planned to leave the wealth to you, but what he asked me to do was too exaggerated. This is fair. trade.

Or maybe it's unfair to me, because that thing can't be done with gold. If I hadn't had some friendship with the Black family, and he begged me so hard, I wouldn't have bothered to pay attention to him. "

"What did he ask you to do?" Harry asked seriously, his tone extremely excited.

Sirius was dead. This was the only person who had made a deal with him during his lifetime. His instinct told him that the deal was related to him and was very important to him.

"That's the secret."

"How do you know this place?" Dumbledore asked.

"There are many places in this world that are difficult for Muggles to set foot on. My interest is to record the secrets of these unknown places." 'Gandalf' said nonsense seriously, "I discovered this place not long ago. It has the smell of dark magic. It was very rich, and I thought it was a legacy left by some ancient wizard, but now it seems that I was mistaken.

Sacrificing blood at the entrance may be a test of sincerity, but a serious person would never leave so many disgusting filth in his inheritance place. This is obviously a place where those who want to come in will die without a burial.

By the way, why are you two here? It’s really abnormal for the combination of the White Devil and the Savior to appear in a place like this! "

"Uh..." Harry's mouth twitched slightly, feeling overwhelmed by Gandalf's sudden change of direction.

"We are here to find Voldemort's Horcrux." Dumbledore said generously.

"Horcrux?" 'Gandalf''s pupils opened slightly, pretending to be surprised, "No wonder he can live for so long, he is really crazy."

"Are you coming to help?" Dumbledore asked.

"Help?" 'Gandalf' looked at the black lake with a guilty conscience, "This is a Jedi, do you want to kill me?"

"There's a boat that can come over," Harry said.

Only then did 'Gandalf' notice a small boat on the edge of the island. No wonder they could avoid the Inferi in the lake, but then a terrifying thought appeared in his mind.

"Well...with all due respect, if the way in the past wasn't so difficult, it only proves that the way back will be full of dangers."

"That's right." Dumbledore nodded, "Voldemort will not let people leave easily. This is why I want you to come over. I need help."

"How candid! Dumbledore." Gandalf smacked his cigarette holder indifferently, "It reminds me of an annoying old friend."

"I'm sure you'll come over."

"That's true." 'Gandalf' pointed his staff at the boat and secretly used the power of the chicken charm to control it to row to the other side.

He now has the image of a master, and if he uses the Flying Curse to push him to the limit, he will be too low, and he thinks that the Flying Curse will be of little use. The Inferi below are not just decorations.

The boat floated to the shore, and 'Gandalf' stood on it carefully, trying not to touch the water.

The boat sails to the island on its own, seemingly keen to carry people over.

But think about it, Voldemort probably didn't want the people who came to the island to leave alive, so why would he refuse if someone wanted to die.

In a few minutes, the boat docked and 'Gandalf' landed on the island.

"Hello, sir, I am Harry Potter, Sirius's godson." Harry introduced himself somewhat cautiously, trying to build a relationship with Gandalf.

"You are scared, child." 'Gandalf' smiled calmly, "To be honest, this is very dangerous and is not the place you should come."

"But I have to come." Harry said seriously, "The prophecy says that only I can defeat him."

"What prophecy?" 'Gandalf' asked pretending to be curious.

"It's a secret, but if you're willing to trade Sirius with yours in exchange for..."

"If it's a secret, keep it safe." 'Gandalf' patted Harry's shoulder nonchalantly, and then walked to the base that emitted a green shimmer. On top was a medium-sized stone basin, and the green light was shining brightly. It was emitted by the liquid in the stone basin.

"Are the Horcruxes in here?"

"I think so," Dumbledore said. "These liquids are protected by a layer of resistance. You can't put your hand in them, and magic can't make them disappear or deform."

'Gandalf' frowned tightly and took a deep breath of cigarette to calm down, "If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid there is only one way."

"Drink it," Dumbledore said with a smile, tapping his wand in mid-air and conjuring a goblet.

"No, absolutely not." Harry said hurriedly, "This must be poison, you can't..."

"Hey, hey, Potter, you shouldn't include me in this!

Let me state in advance that I am not selfish, but it is better to try not to do this kind of behavior that involves death. "


"I'll drink," Dumbledore said.

"No, I don't agree." Harry immediately stood in front of Dumbledore, but looked at Gandalf, "There must be other ways, right?"

"Well!" 'Gandalf' nodded, "If Voldemort wanted to check his Horcrux on a whim one day, he would definitely not drink the liquid by himself.

Just like us now, one of the three people can drink it, which means we can bring one person over. "

"No, if we harm innocent people for our own benefit, what's the difference between us and the Dark Lord?"

"I didn't say he was innocent!" 'Gandalf' said speechlessly, "Kill innocent Death Eaters indiscriminately, even death row inmates in the Muggle world."

"Sir, isn't this too... cruel?" Harry said sarcastically.

"How about you come?" 'Gandalf' made a gesture of invitation to Harry, "They deserve to die, and being able to help you get the Horcrux before they die is an atonement for their sins during their lifetime.

If you really feel sorry for yourself, you can find a sinner who needs to be cut into pieces, and I believe they will be very happy to change it to a simpler way of death. "


Harry couldn't help but swallow. These words sounded very scary, but he still felt that it made sense.

"Professor, look..." Harry said hesitantly.

"No." Dumbledore said firmly, "No matter how just our purpose is, it cannot be a reason to take lives."

"Don't be so stubborn!" 'Gandalf' said impatiently, "How do you live to be a hundred years old if you are so upright?"

"It's too late."

'Gandalf' was stunned for a moment, as if he understood why Dumbledore said this, and he glanced at Dumbledore's withered right hand inadvertently.

"Perhaps you are right, it is indeed too late." 'Gandalf' asked meaningfully, "When did this happen? Or can you still..."

"Ahem!" Dumbledore immediately coughed twice and glanced at Harry several times, implying that 'Gandalf' could not let Harry know.

'Gandalf' shrugged, expressing his cooperation, and enthusiastically handed over his cigarette rod, making exactly the same action as Gandalf when he comforted the brown wizard Radagast, "Come on, old Toby." Tobacco can be refreshing.”

"Thank you." Dumbledore took the cigarette rod inexplicably, took two puffs, and then blew out a smoke ring. His mood was indeed much calmer.

Seeing this, 'Gandalf' also showed a smile.

Taking a puff of this real cigarette should completely avoid Dumbledore's suspicion. After all, there is an essential difference between magic tobacco and real tobacco.

"I don't think you're going to stop me, are you?" Dumbledore asked.

"Of course, as I am old, I understand your thoughts very well." 'Gandalf' said empathetically, "It's just a pity."

"Professor, I don't understand what you are saying, but you can't do this."

"Harry, these liquids won't poison me.

Voldemort would want the intruders to live a little longer, to figure out why they were so eager to empty the basin, to figure out how they knew where his Horcruxes were.

And..." Dumbledore paused, "He has cast a powerful magic on this stone basin, and the person who drinks all the liquid needs to be willing, at least at first. "

Harry wanted to say something more, but Dumbledore reached out to stop him, "Don't forget the conditions you promised me before coming.

These liquids may make me incapacitated, they may make me forget the purpose of coming here, or they may make me extremely painful, so painful that I beg you.

But don't heed any of my requests. It's your job, Harry, to make sure I drink up all this liquid.

Even if you force me to swallow it, you have to do it. "

"I won't help." 'Gandalf' said with a serious face, "I didn't agree to any of your conditions."

"Of course, but I'll be looking after you later." Dumbledore said in a relaxed tone, "This is also the main purpose of asking you to come to the island."

"I can agree to this, after all, Sirius..."

"What's wrong Sirius?"


"Professor, why don't you let me drink the potion?" Harry asked bitterly.

"Because your life is more valuable, and Dumbledore is just an old man compared to you."

"That's right. I am older than you, smarter than you, and you are much more precious than me." Dumbledore picked up the cup and put it into the stone basin. There was no resistance this time, and he easily scooped up a full cup.

"I wish you good health, Harry."

Dumbledore put the cup to his lips and drank it in one gulp.

The next moment, he seemed to be in great pain. He fell on the rock and twitched, and his wand and cup also fell to the ground.

"Harry..." Dumbledore's voice trembled, as if he had seen something terrible, and his expression was extremely frightened.

"Professor." Harry hurriedly supported him and asked at a loss, "Can you hear me?"

"Take it." 'Gandalf' put the goblet in front of Harry, "Don't forget what you promised him."

"No, no, no..." Dumbledore groaned and shook his head, "Don't make me, stop it."

"You can't stop." Harry seemed to have made up his mind and immediately poured a cup of potion into Dumbledore's mouth. "You must keep drinking it and drink it up."

"I don't want...I don't want...let me go."

Harry's hand holding the cup kept shaking. He had never been so panicked before, but he continued what he had done and poured a cup into Dumbledore's mouth.

"Make it stop, make it stop."

"It will stop, but you have to drink this drink first."

"Please, don't force me."

"I'm sorry, Professor." Harry fed him another drink.

The liquid in the stone basin dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye. On the sixth time, Dumbledore even screamed, 'Kill me, kill me! ’ But this didn’t stop Harry’s movements at all.

When he drank the seventh cup, he was already unconscious and recalled the nightmares from the past, "It's my fault, it's all my fault, don't hurt them."

"Drink this, and you'll be fine soon." Harry closed his eyes, opened Dumbledore's mouth, and tried not to look at Dumbledore's pleading look.

Dumbledore screamed loudly, and there seemed to be a touch of death on his face.

He lay on the ground and punched the ground with his fist, "I don't want that. I'll do whatever you want, please."

"Professor, it will be over soon." Harry helped him up, held his neck and drank another drink.

The stone basin finally reached the bottom, and Harry panted and scooped out the last cup of liquid. It took great physical and mental suffering before he walked to Dumbledore.

"One more drink, Professor, just this one.

After drinking it, I promise I will do whatever you say. "

Dumbledore seemed to have no strength to resist, and kept shaking his head with a grimace, but under Harry's repeated requests, he opened his mouth tremblingly and drank the last glass of liquid.

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