A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 577 Specific transfer time, placement of future father-in-law and mother-in-law (1/2)

Chapter 577 Specific transfer time and placement of future father-in-law and mother-in-law

"What are you doing?" Sirius couldn't help but be curious as he watched Aaron standing quietly, holding a gold Galleons in his left hand, and touching his forehead with the index and middle fingers of his right hand.

"I'm trying to get in touch with Hermione." Aaron said patiently, "If you want to know when the Order of the Phoenix will pick up Harry and leave, don't disturb me."

At the same time, Hermione, who was reading a worn book at home, felt the warmth coming from her pocket and took out a gold galleon.

She looked at the changed numbers on the Galleons and frowned slightly.

This was the contact signal Aaron had agreed with her, but she didn't know how to contact him.

But the next moment, Aaron's voice came to her mind.

"Good morning, Hermione."

"Ah?" Hermione looked around in surprise, "Aaron? Where are you?"

"Stop looking for me. I'm staying well in Diagon Alley now."

"But you..."

"This is a special kind of magic. According to Muggles, it's telepathy!" Aaron patiently explained, "That gold galleon is used to determine your location so that I can navigate through the vast sea of ​​people. find you."

Hermione blinked, and then a happy smile appeared on her face, "Does this mean we can communicate at any time?"

"What good things are you thinking about?" Aaron shook his head, "Reciting words from a distance consumes a lot of magic power, and I am very busy every day and don't have that much time."

"I think so." Hermione shrugged, "Then you must have something to do with me."

"Yes, I'll make a long story short, you should know when Harry is transferred, right?"

Hermione was stunned for a moment, "Why do you ask this? Aren't you not allowed to participate?"

"I can't participate, but...

Forget it, it's not good for you to know too much. Anyway, I need you to tell me the specific time. "

"I..." Hermione gritted her teeth in confusion, "I'm sorry, but I really can't say it."

"Have you cast the Loyalty Curse?"

"That's not true."

"That is really a failure." Aaron shook his head and said, "Such a secret matter does not need to be protected by the Loyalty Curse. What if someone leaks the news?"

Although Professor Snape had already leaked the news, it still did not prevent him from complaining about the Order of the Phoenix. This work was too lax.

“It won’t be leaked, the plans are all temporarily modified.

However, your suggestions are valuable, and I will remind the Order of the Phoenix, although they may affect team trust. "

"We'll talk about that kind of thing later. I really need you to tell me the exact transfer time now."

"Give me a convincing reason."


Aaron glanced at Sirius with a strange look on his face, asking, "Does it count for a godfather to care about a grown-up boy?"

"Well... I can add insurance to your plan." Aaron said very sincerely. This was his sincerity. No plan is perfect, even Dumbledore's plan may have accidents.

"That's not enough of a reason," Hermione said tactfully.

"I will explain it later, but it's really not convenient to tell you now."

"Then we can't talk about it. You also know how important this matter is."

Aaron stamped his feet anxiously. His girlfriend's lack of energy was really giving her a headache.

"Okay, I understand your difficulty.

But I know where his home is. Do you understand what this means? "

Hermione rubbed her forehead, feeling inexplicably tired.

Of course she understood what Aaron meant. If she didn't tell him the specific time, Aaron would probably camp out near Privet Drive. She didn't think the magic set up by the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix could stop him.

"The Order went to Privet Drive to pick him up on Saturday night, that's all I can tell you."

"That's enough." Aaron breathed a sigh of relief, and then added: "Don't go, I'm sure it will be very dangerous that night."

"Don't persuade me, I have to go." Hermione said with a chuckle, "Ron and I both know Harry's plan, and we are mentally prepared."

"Phew!" Aaron took a deep breath and couldn't help but remind: "You only have one chance to make a mistake."

"Of course I know, I..." Hermione struggled for a while and continued: "I plan to cast a forgetting spell on my parents and let them go to Australia. What do you think..."

"Absolutely not." Aaron interrupted her very simply, "Memory is fragile. Once you do that, your parents may forget you forever."

"I am sure that after defeating Voldemort, I will repair their memories."

"That may also cause memory loss. Even a small part is a huge loss." Aaron said earnestly, "There are some patients in St. Mungo's Hospital who have to stay in the special ward because of memory loss."

"I know, but this is to protect them." Hermione said helplessly.

"Leave it to me!" Aaron said solemnly, "Just think of it as compensation for kidnapping their daughter."

"What are you talking about?" A blush rose on Hermione's cheeks, "We're not there yet!"

"Sooner or later, but I am serious. Protecting my father-in-law and mother-in-law is what I, the future son-in-law, should do."

Hearing this, Hermione felt warm in her heart, "Then what are you going to do?"

"Leave them at home first, and I'll have them settled."


Disconnecting, Aaron slowly lowered his arms.

Having a long distance conversation can feel like running a marathon.

Although it didn't have much impact on him, he still had to take a moment and relax.

Sirius put a chair in front of him very discerningly, "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Aaron sat down proudly, "It's just time...I'm a little thirsty."

"What do you want to drink?" Sirius smiled like an aunt, and soon he brought three kinds of drinks, "Milk, juice, wine, everything you need."

Aaron smiled contemptuously, "I want a Coke."


"Muggle drinks, you don't even know this, do you?"

"Uh...I'm going to buy it right now. I'll be back soon." Sirius immediately picked up the wand and prepared to make a simple disguise for himself.

"Forget it!" Aaron waved his hand, picked up a glass of wine and drank it slowly.

"Can you tell me the time?" Sirius asked flatteringly.

"This Saturday, five days before Harry's birthday, you can join the operation then."


"These two words are the least nutritious." Aaron sneered, "I will thank Merlin if you don't let me off the hook then."

"I promise not." Sirius said seriously. He might not care about other things, but when it comes to the safety of his godson, who can care about him?

"What magic did you use just now? I've never heard of it."

"What? You want to learn?"

"Is that possible?" Sirius looked forward to it. He had been hiding here and there for these years, and he had to take huge risks if he wanted to see Harry. If he had learned such a convenient magic earlier, there would never have been a battle in the Department of Mysteries.

"Of course not. I can't help you even if I want to teach you this magic."

"Family inheritance?" Sirius' tone was full of regret, but he also expressed understanding that the ancient wizard family may be superior to others because of these inheritances, which is not something that an outsider like him can covet.

Aaron blinked, Sirius might have misunderstood something.

But he didn't intend to explain, and he wouldn't mind if there were a few more misunderstandings like this.


After lunch, Aaron held Abe in his arms and sat in his bedroom thoughtfully.

He made a sworn promise to settle his future father-in-law and mother-in-law, but the specific method was similar. He just asked them to leave the UK and kept their memories intact.

It was easy to do this. It was not difficult for him to hypnotize two Muggles, but he still felt that it was not safe.

After all, Voldemort knew how important Hermione was to him, and he would inevitably not threaten them if they broke up with each other. He didn't think that a madman who could split his soul seven times would have any moral bottom line.

"We can only ask for help." Aaron sighed helplessly, and then threw a ball of flame into the fireplace to light it.

At the same time, the house elf who was cleaning the foyer of the Gaius family seemed to have noticed something, and stared blankly at the fiercely burning flames in the fireplace.

After a while, Aaron's shadow emerged from the flames.

"Little Master?" Yobi wiped his eyes, then looked around carefully, and said with tears in his eyes: "Little Master, how are you doing?"

"It's not bad. I'm in great shape. It tastes great when I eat it!"

"I'm sorry, Joby can't help. The master won't let Joby leave the house." The house elf blamed himself and wiped his tears. The Gaius family did not discriminate against him. He didn't have to abuse himself like Dobby to reduce the pain. Guilt.

"No need to apologize. In a sense, the life now is what I have always longed for, although there are many more threats than I expected." Aaron said nonchalantly, "Where is Genes? I have something to do with him. ”

"Shh!" Yobi immediately made a silence gesture and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Little master, you may be angry, but Yobi must remind you that the housekeeper will not do anything for you now."

"I will talk to him about the details. Just find him. You don't have to worry about the extra things."


"Don't make me say it a second time."

"Yes, Yobi will go now." The house elf said aggrievedly. Although the young master was temporarily removed from the family, the young master is still the young master after all, and he cannot disobey the orders within the rules.

A few minutes later, Joby walked over in frustration, followed by Genes who looked helpless.

"Master, it was my negligence not to cut off the floo network between home and Diagon Alley, but I really didn't expect you to still contact home."

"I admit, I'm a little thick-skinned." Aaron said awkwardly.

Jeans: ...

A little bit? It must be 100 million points!

"If the young master just wants to say hello, or wants to see the environment at home, there is no problem, but if he is looking for help, I really can't help you."

"Haha!" Aaron smiled sheepishly, "It's not really asking for help. I just want you to do a trivial thing for me."

"No negotiation." Genes refused with a stern face.

"Just protecting two Muggles."


"They are my future parents-in-law."

"What?" Jeans' eyes widened in astonishment, "Master, I may have heard you wrong. What did you just say?"

"My future father-in-law and mother-in-law." Aaron gritted his teeth, "Do you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly." Jeans raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "I would like to ask, are they Hermione Granger's parents? Are you worried that the Dark Lord will take them as hostages?"

"What do you think?"

Jeans hesitated for a while and reluctantly made a decision, "I can send someone to protect them secretly."

"What level of protection?" Aaron asked, "Don't just send two people to frustrate me."

"Where are you thinking, young master? I'm not that bad." Genes couldn't laugh or cry, "Your guards are very free at the moment. You can find something for them to do."

Aaron nodded thoughtfully. The six of them together did have a good fighting power, but it might not be enough.

"I need you to go there in person."

"Do you want to express your attitude on behalf of the Gaius family?" Genes pinched his chin and then sneered: "Master, don't you think this is a bit overwhelming?"

"Ahem! Those are the future in-laws of the Gaius family. If they are not protected, it may cause emotional problems between Hermione and me.

And Mr. Vico and Ms. Lisanna have been worrying about my lifelong affairs. Do you understand what this means? "

"Uh..." Jeans pursed his lips, and he was at war with himself, "Okay, I'll just go."

"Take them to Australia. I remember my family opened a hospital there and I arranged work there."

"Master, you are going too far.

What's the difference between having two Muggle doctors in a magic hospital and having two mascots? "

"Then temporarily acquire a Muggle clinic." Aaron said thoughtfully, "Don't worry, I'll pay for it, thirty thousand Galleons is enough."

“Barely enough.

Wait, Master, where did you get the money? "

"Who are you looking down on?" Aaron glared at him angrily, "I became independent before I was ten years old. Isn't it a matter of minutes to make some money with my intelligence?"

Phineas said he had something to say and knocked away 90% of the Black family's property in a matter of minutes. He had to give a thumbs up and say "good knocking."

After all, compared with the continuation of the family's bloodline, money is completely external. What do you need money for when the Black family is gone?

“In that case, I’ll do it tomorrow.

However, it’s just this once, it won’t happen next time. "

"Then it's up to you." Aaron said gratefully, and then prepared to exit the Floo network.

"Wait a moment." Genes stopped Aaron, "Master, I have a small question. What are you going to do if I was indifferent just now?"

"That would be more troublesome. I might place them to live near the Ishkar family.

Otto and I haven't seen each other for some years. While reminiscing about old times, I accidentally revealed their relationship with me. I don't think he would turn a blind eye.

This is not to pull him into trouble, I just arranged for Hermione's parents to be within the shelter of the Ishkar family. It would be difficult for Death Eaters to get in, let alone arrest people inside. "

"Haha!" The corner of Jeans' mouth twitched slightly, "Master, it's better not to do this kind of thing. The Gaius family also wants to lose face."

"It depends on your ability to do things."

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