A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 581 The Dead Asylum? Who told you I could save him (1/2)

Chapter 581 The Dead Asylum? Who told you I could save him?

"How did you contact him?" Kingsley asked.

Hermione was silent for a while, then took out a gold galleons, "He gave me this after attending Dumbledore's funeral. A change in the number means something is wrong.

He can determine my location based on this galleung, and then use a special magic to achieve long-distance conversations. "

"Confirm the location?" Kingsley's expression changed drastically, "You have to throw it away quickly, the further away the better."

"No." Hermione held the gold galleon tightly, "This may be the only way I can contact him. I can't lose it."

"But it will also expose our position." Kingsley said anxiously, "We really can't take risks."

"You have no idea what he is facing. Anyone may help Voldemort, but he will never." Hermione choked with tears as she spoke, "I believe him."

"This..." Kingsley was speechless and could only wink at Lupine, hoping that he could help persuade him.

"Okay, Hermione, you can keep this Galleons." Lupine said as calmly as possible.


"But we do need an explanation and we need to determine whether he leaked the information."

"Professor, I don't think it's Aaron." Harry interrupted awkwardly, "He has helped us fight against Voldemort many times in the past six years."

"Yes, that's it." Hagrid said, and Ron nodded.

"I don't want to believe it's him, but this involves the unity within the Order of the Phoenix." Lupine said rationally, "Leaking information is not a trivial matter. We lost Mad-Eye this time, but what about next time?"

Hermione paused and looked at Lupine with a slight sob, "What do you want me to do?"


Lu Ping took a deep breath and said seriously: "I hope you contact him again."


"Not now, we have to be prepared." Lupine glanced at everyone, "Be prepared for the worst."


"Ah ah... ah sneeze!" Aaron rubbed his nose. He didn't think he had a cold. It was probably because someone was talking about him.

"It's time for them to come back!" Aaron murmured thoughtfully. Even if Sirius wanted to hang out outside for a while, Abe would not lose his temper.

A few minutes later, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground was heard.

Abe dropped from the sky with Sirius and landed steadily in the yard.

Aaron raised the corner of his mouth slightly and raised the wand with his right hand to lift the silencing spell on Sirius, allowing him to speak.

"The task was completed well. Although the process was full of surprises, the results were not satisfactory."

Sirius took off his hat, glasses, and pulled off the black trench coat on his body, and then looked at Aaron without saying a word, his face full of bitterness, helplessness, and in addition, there was a trace of embarrassment.

"Alas!" Aaron patted his shoulder and comforted him with sincerity: "I know you are in a bad mood, but as a person who has died once, you don't have this ability to bear it.

Death is just another great adventure. More people will die in the future. You have to learn to get used to this regret and sadness.

What's more, Mad-Eye Alastor Moody deserved his death. "

"It's easy to say. If someone you care about died, would you still be as calm as you are now?"

"Of course not." Yaren said confidently, "You have to pay a price for fooling the God of Death, but I am not talented, and I happen to have the ability to fool the God of Death."

This may sound exaggerated or even unrealistic to others, but it is the truth.

The resurrection potion was still stored in his system space. He had never used it since he got it. As time went by, Aaron felt a little conflicted.

On the one hand, the pearl is covered in dust, and a treasure that cannot be used has no value at all. On the other hand, this treasure is really priceless, and it is really hard to part with it as a disposable consumable.

In addition, the dog spell can also bring people back to life, but the immortal power has been completely integrated with him. Using this power to resurrect yourself will not have any side effects, but resurrecting others will weaken the power to a certain extent. period, extending the time required to resurrect itself.

This kind of resurrection is risky. Unless he has to, he will never give away the power of the dog charm. Who knows how long it will take to get through the weakening period.

"Then do me a favor." Sirius flicked his wand guiltily and conjured a dark blue magic carpet. Lying on the magic carpet was Alastor Moody, who died peacefully.

"My magic carpet." Aaron took a breath, and then glared at Sirius angrily, "I lent it to you because I was worried about Hermione. If she gets injured, this blanket can be used as a stretcher. You bring her back."

"I thought about it too." Sirius nodded.

"But I didn't let you use it as a shroud." Aaron cursed angrily, "It's too wasteful, no, too extravagant. Do you know how valuable this magic carpet is?"

"I probably know a little bit." Sirius' voice became much weaker.

When Moody fell, he threw the magic carpet out. His intention was just to collect his body, but when everything was settled and he went to collect Moody's body, the magic carpet automatically flew back and raised its corners, making it friendly. and 'waving' to him.

At that moment, he realized that this magic carpet was not an ordinary flying prop. It seemed to have a certain intelligence. The value of this kind of item was not comparable to that of ordinary alchemy products.

"Haha!" Aaron sneered, and then suppressed his unhappiness, "Forget it, I don't use it very much, just to fulfill the friendship between you and Mad-Eye."

"I want you to save him," Sirius pleaded.


Aaron almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Maybe I heard it wrong, what did you say?"

"save him."

"Mr. Black, please understand, the debt you owe me has not been paid yet!

So don't be too pushy. This is not a death asylum. I would have offended the God of Death by saving you. Aaron's face showed no expression, and he continued disdainfully: "I definitely have kindness, but don't think of me as too kind. I won't do such things that violate the rules casually." "

"It won't break the rules." Sirius said eagerly, "Mad-Eye is not dead yet."

"Huh?" Aaron became more interested and controlled the magic carpet to fly in front of him. He found that although Moody was bruised and bruised, he was still breathing, but it was extremely weak.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! It's really hard for you, the examination is really detailed." Aaron joked, and then changed the subject, "But the internal organs are broken, the bones are broken, and there is excessive bleeding.

Still alive is a miracle, but like a candle in the wind, life has entered a countdown.

It's hopeless. He can still breathe for more than an hour. Prepare a coffin! "

"You can save him."

"Hey, hey, hey! You can take medicine randomly, but you can't talk nonsense.

Who told you that I could save him? Be careful, I will sue you for slander! "

"It told me." Sirius pointed at the innocent-looking Abe, "After the magic carpet brought Mad-Eye back, Abe used healing magic to stabilize his injuries and breathed his last.

At that time, I thought he was hopeless, and then I saw Abe pointing in the direction of Diagon Alley with disdain.

Don't be afraid of your jokes. It bullied me for more than a month. Even if I don't understand the language, I can barely understand what it means. Only the owner can save him. "

Hearing this, Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, and he said angrily in dragon language: "You stupid dragon, you will cause trouble for me."

Abe grinned sheepishly, then looked up at the ceiling, pretending not to know anything.

"Ahem! You may have misunderstood something, I can't save him."

"No, you can definitely be saved." Sirius said firmly, "If I step into the underworld with one foot, you can pull me back. Mad-Eye is only on the verge of death."

"Well...saving you involves rules, but saving him requires medical skills. It's a doctor's job to bring a person back from the brink of death."

"I believe Abe won't lie. It's too simple."

"Okay!" Aaron sighed helplessly, "Since you insist on thinking so, I won't pretend anymore.

When it comes to healing, the therapists at St. Mungo's are not even second-rate in my opinion.

But the question is, why should I save him? "

"Human life is at stake, isn't that enough?"

"Don't talk to me about those big principles. There is a line in my family's ancestral motto that clearly states that it is better to be selfish.

People die every day in this world. I can't save everyone! "

Sirius gritted his teeth in confusion, "How can you be willing to save him?"

"I'm tired of saving you, but I can't bear to save another one, and there's no way to explain this to Moody.

What will he think when he sees you? What will you think when you see me?

To put it bluntly, my efforts to save him would only bring unnecessary trouble to me. "

"Trouble?" Sirius couldn't bear it anymore. "You say Mad-Eye is trouble? He sacrificed his life to protect Harry Potter. He is a respectable person."

"There are so many people worthy of respect, including him."

"You are bringing shame on the Gaius family." Sirius cursed angrily.

"Don't be ridiculous, you sound like you know the Gaius family very well." Aaron waved his hand disdainfully, "The education I received since childhood told me that no matter how important other people's affairs are, it has nothing to do with me, because I can't control them at all. .

Let me give you a simple example. The Black family has a fortune of hundreds of millions, but there are countless beggars and disabled people in the world who need money to tide over their difficulties. Didn’t you also not lend a helping hand to them? "

"But Mad-Eye is different." Sirius said, "He is a member of the Order of the Phoenix and our companion."

"But it's the same to me." Aaron explained patiently, "Moody is no different from a stranger to me.

To put it bluntly, it is a matter of affection to save him, but it is a duty not to save him, but there is not even any affection between me and him. "

"Is it true that we can't save him?" Sirius was devastated, as if he had been drained of energy and energy.

"I understand your feelings, but please respect my principles.

You have a clear conscience to collect his body, otherwise his body will become a trophy for the Death Eaters, and you know what this means.

I can pay for his coffin, I can also let him wake up for half a minute before he is dying, so that he can give his last words, and I can even hold a low-key, luxurious and meaningful funeral for him, which is considered the most benevolent thing. "

"I just couldn't save him."

"Brother, you have to be reasonable!

Do you know how much it cost me to save him?

You can ask the healers at St. Mungo's Hospital for Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'm sure no one can save him. "

Sirius was speechless, a feeling of powerlessness spreading throughout his body.

He had no reason to force Aaron to do something he didn't want to do and was thankless, but he just felt frustrated and disappointed.

It's like grabbing a life-saving straw when you are drowning, but the straw breaks after a few seconds.

Aaron didn't know how to comfort him, so he put a glass of strong wine next to him.

"I'm not in the mood to drink."

"I didn't let you drink it. You can use this glass of wine to give him a ride when he comes back to his former glory."

Sirius looked at him in astonishment, as if there were billions of grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart.

Is this really appropriate? It’s so awkward!

"The host has a new mission, please check it carefully." The system prompt suddenly sounded in Aaron's mind.

Aaron was stunned for a moment, then opened the task panel.

[Find and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes, 1000 magic points will be awarded for each Horcrux found, and 500 magic points will be awarded for each Horcrux destroyed;

Rewards for completing the mission will be distributed directly until all Horcruxes are destroyed; there will be no penalty for mission failure; Accepted]

[Rescue Alastor Moody; 500 magic points will be awarded for completing the mission, and there will be no penalty for mission failure; do you accept it]


System, is Sirius your biological son?

Last year you asked me to save him, and this year you asked me to save the people he wanted to save.

And for some tasks, you don’t even give a hint. Isn’t this too biased? "

“This system has the obligation to remind you of tasks with time limits.

In addition, whether to accept this task or not is up to the host and has nothing to do with the system. "

Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, and then he looked at the reward on the task panel, "Accept."

Five hundred magic points is not a lot, but it is still a huge sum of money to him now, and there is no reason to miss it.

"Ahem!" Aaron coughed pretendingly, "I thought about it carefully and I can reluctantly save him."

"What did you say?" Sirius immediately got out of his decadent state, and bright colors bloomed in his eyes, "Haha, I knew you were not the kind of person who would not save someone."

"Hmph! But the ugly words lie ahead. Saving him is not as easy as offending the God of Death, and I am not absolutely sure.

In addition, after I rescued him, he had to sign a contract with me. I need his services before destroying Voldemort. You who have been there should know what I mean. "

"No problem, I can help you persuade him." Sirius promised, patting his chest. He was lucky to be able to save Mad-Eye's life. Besides, serving Aaron was also a disguised fight against Voldemort.

What's more important is that he finally has company, and the days of complaining alone will be gone forever.

"Zhiqu, if you can't persuade him, then I can only seal him for a while."


If you sleep in a coffin, you will sleep in a coffin. Why don't you say it so fresh and refined?

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