A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 597 From covering the sky with one hand to lawlessness, Dumbledore’s era has passed (1/2)

Chapter 597 From covering the sky with one hand to lawlessness, Dumbledore’s era has passed

The three Death Eaters turned into black smoke and floated into the sky. Abe returned to his harmless appearance and jumped into Clea's arms.

"Restored as before!" Aaron walked out of the box and waved his wand at the gap in the train.

The large hole in the roof of the carriage and the cracks in the wall of the carriage seemed to have been reversed and restored to their original state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The train slowly started to open, and there were dense whispers in the aisle, discussing what had just happened.

The senior students nodded to him, and some gave him a thumbs up. The junior students looked in reverence and blushed unconsciously when they met his gaze.

Aaron sighed slightly at this, missing Harry Potter inexplicably.

Although the savior has no abilities, he is the center of attention when he appears and will automatically attract everyone's attention. But now... he really doesn't want to be famous, and keeping a low profile is the purpose he has always adhered to.

But it doesn't matter. His threat level to the Death Eaters is even higher than that of Harry Potter. Even if he wants to keep a low profile, the Death Eaters who control Hogwarts may not allow it.

Besides, this last school year is accompanied by darkness and chaos, so more prestige is not necessarily a bad thing.

Klea said half-jokingly: "How does it feel? On the first day of school, I gained a group of fans."

"Not so good?" Aaron sat down angrily, "We've already experienced a wave of disgrace before we even arrived at Hogwarts. It's easy to imagine that the days to come will definitely not be easy."

"Yes!" Neville nodded in despair, "They really have one hand covering the sky. Barty Crouch Jr., a murderer, can actually represent the Ministry of Magic."

"You have grown up a lot after the battle in the Department of Mysteries, but you still lack understanding of politics." Aaron explained in a dumbfounded voice, "Voldemort has taken control of the Ministry of Magic, the largest authority, so the power of law and trial will naturally fall. In his hands.

In other words, he has the final say, right or wrong, right or wrong, and it's much easier than you think.

Mistrial and misjudgment, being imprisoned unjustly, making amends for his mistakes, and even going undercover to fight against dark forces, etc., can all be the reasons for him to confuse right and wrong. "

Hearing this, Neville's eyes widened in shock, and Ginny and Luna also looked a little unnatural.

They knew the situation was serious, but they didn't expect it to be so serious. It simply exceeded their imagination.

The Ministry of Magic and the Wizarding World are just one word apart, but they are worlds apart.

But Voldemort only controlled the Ministry of Magic, so it felt like he controlled the magical world.

"This is not covering the sky with one hand, this..." Neville struggled to organize his words, "it is simply lawless."

"That's not the case, but if no one stops it, lawlessness will only be a matter of time."

"How to stop it?" Neville asked subconsciously.

"It's very simple." Aaron raised two fingers. "The first is to believe in the prophecy. Once Harry defeats Voldemort and the Dark Lord dies, his power will naturally fall apart."

"What about number two?" Ginny asked.

"The second is that Dumbledore is resurrected." Clea interjected, "or someone as powerful as Albus Dumbledore stands up to resist Voldemort.

As long as the Ministry of Magic is reoccupied, the situation in the wizarding world will return to when Dumbledore was still alive. "

"Yes, that's what I meant to say."

"But where can we find someone?"

"It's not like nothing." Klea glanced at Aaron.

"F*ck!" Aaron's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately responded with his eyes: You can't make a joke like this. I don't want to confront Voldemort so early.

"Who is there?" Luna asked, looking at Clea expectantly.

"Well..." Klea thought for a while, "The first people who followed Dumbledore, each of them had considerable fighting power.

Alone, he might not be a match for Voldemort, but combined, he had to avoid his sharp edges. "

"Wait a minute." Neville said with some suspicion, "The youngest among them must be eighty years old!"

"That's right, half of the body was buried in the ground, with more than enough heart but not enough strength.

Many of them are retired and not even based in the UK.

This makes them not take action easily, not because they don't want to, but because their bodies simply don't allow it. "

Ginny thought thoughtfully, "Once they take action, they have to fight hard, right?"

"That's understandable."

"We can only count on Harry." Neville sighed. For those old timers to risk their lives on the battlefield, the guilt on their conscience alone would be enough for them to regret it for the rest of their lives.

"By the way, why did you let Abe do it just now?" Luna asked with some confusion, "I remember you didn't want it to be exposed?"

"It has been exposed a long time ago." Aaron said helplessly, "Quite a few Death Eaters know that I have raised a dragon.

Since there is no point in hiding it like this, it is better to take it out directly to increase the deterrent effect. "


As night fell, the Hogwarts Express stopped at Hogsmeade Station.

Hagrid still held a lantern to greet the first-year students to take the boat across the river, while the second-year students and above took the carriage pulled by the Thestral and rushed to Hogwarts Castle first.

It was no different from previous years, except that the atmosphere was particularly depressing.

Some Death Eaters and Dementors were standing guard in the darkness, but they were not there to protect the students, but more to prevent them from escaping.

Arriving at the entrance hall, Professor McGonagall, who looked slightly pale, stood here.

The vice-president forced a stiff smile and watched the students walk towards the auditorium. She wanted to say hello or something, but she didn't know how to start.

"Professor, don't think about comforting or encouraging them." Aaron said softly, "No matter how many precautions you say, it can't compare to a day's personal experience."

"Thank you, Mr. Gaius." Professor McGonagall rubbed her eyes bitterly, "Hogwarts shouldn't be like this. You are just a group of children and shouldn't suffer these... wrong educations."

Aaron sighed softly and didn't know how to comfort.

Minerva McGonagall has taught at Hogwarts for decades, and few people can compare to her feelings for this school.

But suddenly everything changed. Dumbledore died, the Death Eaters took power, and the educational style of Hogwarts also changed dramatically.

It's normal for her to find it hard to accept, but she can't leave.

If these teachers leave the school in anger, it is equivalent to abandoning their students. The Death Eaters will completely control the education of wizards. In the long run, what future do students have?

"Professor, the situation is indeed very bad, but it is not without hope." Claire said, "If you believe me, please wait for a while, okay?"

Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment, and then carefully looked around, and after confirming that there were no ears and eyes, she lowered her voice and said, "You also believe that Harry will come back, right?"

"Professor." Claire was amused, "Harry will definitely come back, but this is not what I want to say."

"What is it?"

"Well...can I say it?

Just reveal a little bit, it won't affect the overall situation."

"Alas!" Aaron shook his head speechlessly, "Just be happy."

"I knew you wouldn't refuse. "Claire stood on tiptoe and kissed Aaron on the face, then leaned close to Professor McGonagall's ear mysteriously, "Dumbledore made arrangements before he died."

"What did you say?" Professor McGonagall's voice rose a few notes, and her pale face became more rosy, "Albus, he really..."

"Shh!" Claire immediately made a gesture to silence, "I can't tell you the details yet, at least not before Christmas.

But if there is any trouble that cannot be solved, you can come and discuss it with Aaron."

"Ahem! Don't say the second half of the sentence." Aaron wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. If he frequently contacted the vice-principal of Hogwarts, it was hard to guarantee that the Carrow brothers and sisters would not think too much.

"I know what you are worried about, but it's okay not to meet, which is not difficult for you."

"Ah... I'll think about it, and it depends on the situation!"

"That's about right."

Professor McGonagall was still a little confused, but she knew that this would definitely be beneficial to Hogwarts, and she felt much more relaxed.

"Okay, it's almost time, you should go to the hall."

The two finally walked into the hall and sat calmly in front of the Slytherin table.

Professor Snape, wearing a dignified black wizard robe, sat in Dumbledore's previous position, with the Carrow brothers and sisters on his left and right.

Perhaps because of the presence of these two Death Eaters, the other professors sat upright in their respective seats, and even the students of the four colleges kept quiet tacitly.

"This atmosphere is really weird, it feels dead.

It wasn't like this when Dumbledore was still alive."

"Bear it! It's only an hour or two."

The two voices were very soft, but now the hall is audible, almost everyone can hear it.

The Carrow brothers and sisters frowned tightly, and a hint of coldness appeared in their eyes.

Good guy, there are really blind people.

What do you mean by saying this? Don't you know that Dumbledore's era is over?

Just when I don't know how to establish my authority, someone really brought me a pillow when I was sleepy.

However, their eyes fell on the Slytherin table, and when they saw the source of the sound, their faces twitched.

You can establish your authority anytime, there is no need to kick the iron plate!

Hogwarts is indeed controlled by the Death Eaters, but this pair of dogs and bitches is an exception.

The men can't beat them. Although Aaron is unlikely to attack them due to the contract, his pets are a sword hanging over their heads.

Once he is pushed to the edge, he will face an angry dragon.

The women can't be provoked. Behind Claire is a powerful wizard family, powerful enough to change the existing pattern of the wizarding world.

If they dare to attack her, Voldemort will probably kill them first.

The brother and sister looked at each other and pretended not to hear anything.

After a while, Hagrid returned to the hall, glared at Snape angrily, and then sat in his seat. Then Professor McGonagall led the first-year wizards in.

Most of the young wizards looked at the ceiling curiously, looking forward to the future magic courses, but some of them looked at the ground nervously, and even trembled with fear, as if they knew how difficult their future life would be.

"Okay, those whose names I read come forward." Professor McGonagall took out a roll of parchment and called the names as in previous years.

"Wait." Amycus interrupted, "Don't forget to check their bloodline certificates."

"I haven't forgotten it, of course I haven't forgotten it. This list has been checked by the Ministry of Magic, and it has obvious blood lines." Professor McGonagall looked ugly, "Do you think Yaxley will handle the blood lines of young wizards of Muggle origin?" Prove it?”

"Yaxley won't do this, but there is no guarantee that one or two fish will not slip through the net." Alecto joked, "After all, there are still some pure-blood traitors in the Ministry of Magic that have not been cleaned up."

Alecto emphasized the pronunciation of 'pure-blood traitor' and glanced meaningfully at the Gryffindor table, making Neville and others gnashed their teeth in anger.

"I hope no fish slipped through the net here." Professor McGonagall said and took a deep breath. "The sorting ceremony continues, Jonathan Brooke."

A thin boy sat on the stool cautiously, and Professor McGonagall put the sorting hat on his head.

"Ravenclaw!" shouted the Sorting Hat.

There were bursts of applause from the Eagle Dean's table as they welcomed their first freshman of the year.

"Walker Mitchell."


"Ted Diesel."



Every time a name is read, the corresponding dean's table will applaud enthusiastically.

But gradually the applause became smaller and smaller, because Amycus and Alecto would carefully examine each student.

Slytherins, who valued blood, were completely relieved. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff just glanced at them briefly, but the new students of Gryffindor received special attention. The cold eyes even made one of them cry. Little witch with pigtails.

After the sorting ceremony, a dozen freshmen were assigned to each college.

Although Muggle-born wizards are not eligible to go to school, Hogwarts has lost some students. However, the new policy of the Ministry of Magic requires that wizards admitted must receive education, which has added some students. In total, it is almost the same as before. .

"Ahem!" Snape walked to the microphone and coughed twice, and said expressionlessly: "I believe you have all read the latest "Daily Prophet". Our former headmaster Albus Dumbledore was notorious. After the apparent murder of the most wanted man, Harry Potter..."

"Lies!" Hagrid cursed angrily, "Harry would never go against Dumbledore."

"Rubber Hagrid." Snape glanced back at Hagrid, "I know you have a good relationship with Harry Potter, but this is not your reason to defend him.

If he was really wronged, why not go to the Ministry of Magic to explain it clearly? I believe the Ministry of Magic will give him justice. "

"That's because..." Hagrid's voice suddenly stopped mid-sentence. Professor Flitwick, who was sitting next to him, quietly cast a silencing spell. Professor McGonagall also shook her head slightly at him.

Hagrid was straight-tempered, but they didn't dare let him speak out at this time, otherwise he would have to go to Azkaban to stand trial before tomorrow.

"You're lucky." Professor Snape said calmly, "Be careful when you speak next time. If you want to change Hogwarts to a new Care of Magical Creatures professor, you can speak freely."

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