A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 612: Arrange an undercover agent, the third stop is St. Mungo’s Hospital of Magic (1/2)

Chapter 612: Arrange an undercover agent, the third stop is St. Mungo’s Hospital of Magic

"Subordinates need the support of the master's soul power, otherwise it will be difficult to mobilize the power of this world."

"No problem, I won't enter here next, but my clone will cooperate with you.

The two of you discuss it and try to make this illusory world as perfect as possible. Aaron said, bringing him back to the real world.

"You should be able to come and go freely in my spiritual space, right?"

"As long as the master does not take away the subordinate's permission, the subordinate can enter at any time, but currently cannot bring anything in."

"Perfecting the geographical division of the spiritual space is a long-term task. It's not too urgent. It can be done before I become the God of Magic. But there is a short-term task that you need to do right now."

"Master, please give me your orders." Yake said respectfully.

"Currently, the British wizarding world is controlled by the Dark Lord. I need you to break into the Death Eaters and occupy a high position." Aaron said with some embarrassment.

He had never thought of planting one of his own among the Death Eaters. After all, the danger was not high, but Yak's magic was really suitable.

Dark magic, swallowing evil thoughts and souls, is there any dark wizard who is more like a dark wizard than him?

"Master wants me to go undercover?" Yake said with a strange expression.

"You are not an ordinary undercover agent. You have to become the Dark Lord's right-hand man in the shortest possible time and have a certain say at the top."

"It's not easy."

"So you need to show yourself." Aaron said seriously, "If you are one-on-one, your strength will crush all the Death Eaters. This is enough for the Dark Lord to take seriously."

Yake rolled his eyes, "It's not difficult to gain attention, but it's difficult to gain trust."

"That's right." Aaron snapped his fingers, copied the memory related to Voldemort from his mind, and transferred this part of the memory to Yake's mind.

Yak took a while to come back to his senses, "Master, what's the purpose of showing these to me?"

“Just do what you like.

Voldemort appreciates genius, and you definitely meet the criteria.

He is a mixed-blood wizard, but he advocates pure-blood supremacy. It is best for you to be a pure-blood wizard.

You also have to design a tragic past, preferably so that he can see his own shadow in you. "

Yake suddenly realized, "Master is so clever!"

"This is not enough.

He will definitely recruit you. You can agree to help him, but you cannot immediately swear allegiance. "

"Why is this?"

"Geniuses are arrogant. Not getting it will make them appreciate you more, and you can also get some privileges.

After that, you need to show your wisdom and ability and put forward some constructive suggestions that are beneficial to maintaining the Dark Lord's rule, but will take time.

When necessary, you can kill a few disgusting scum to establish your authority. You can swallow evil thoughts. You should know who should and should not be killed. "

Hearing this, Yake's lips curved upward, "This subordinate knows what to do."

Aaron smiled enigmatically, and then opened a red magic circle in mid-air.


Countless gold fell from the magic circle and piled up into a hill in the blink of an eye.

"Financing of the activities.

You need a wand, you need to learn magical knowledge and history, you need to understand the pattern of the magical world during this time, you need to make up your own identity, and you need a frustrated but bohemian life. "

Yak didn't refuse. He knew what it meant to be unable to move without money.

After putting all the gold coins into his own dark space, Yak bowed respectfully to Aaron and disappeared.

Watching the other party leave, Aaron felt a little uncomfortable. He felt that he had gone too far towards Voldemort, and Dumbledore might not have been as hurt as him.

But when he thought of Grindelwald's terrifying fighting power, he threw away all the burdens in his heart. A madman who had only half a foot into the realm of a holy magician deserved his serious treatment.

He will definitely win in the end, but making more preparations can also reduce losses.


Aaron took a deep breath and took out a gold galleung.

At the same time, in a secluded forest.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron gathered around and listened patiently to the radio.

One name after another popped up from the radio. They were the newly caught half-blood or Muggle-born wizards by the Ministry of Magic. The three of them looked nervous, afraid of hearing the names of familiar people.

Fortunately, until the end of the broadcast, they didn't hear that anyone they knew was killed or taken to Azkaban.

"How long will this kind of life continue?" Ron said tiredly, "I'm really afraid of hearing my parents' names one day."

"They'll be fine, definitely not." Harry comforted, comforting himself at the same time.

"Wait a minute." Hermione looked surprised and took a galleung from her neck. The number on it changed, "Aaron has sent a message."

"Thank God, there is finally news." Ron was relieved. "I hope the locket is still in Gandalf's hand, otherwise I will have waited so many days in vain."

"Didn't we decide to find Gryffindor's sword?" Harry said.

"Plans and actions are two different things. The fact is that we are still standing still."

"Don't make any noise." Hermione glared at the two of them, and then began long-distance spiritual communication.

"Hmm...have you found the Horcrux?"

"Can you please stop talking about Horcruxes?" Aaron laughed dumbly, "I haven't seen you for more than a week, you at least care about me!"

"Shouldn't you care about me first?" Hermione chuckled.

"Okay, let me care about you first. How have you been these days?"

"What do you think?

Death Eaters were chasing us wherever we went, and we had to change places every few days.

And you? You were at Hogwarts. Those Death Eaters didn't give you any trouble, right? "

"Don't worry, they don't dare." Aaron said confidently. He had already beaten Amycus Carlo. As long as their brains are not burned out, they will not find trouble.

"Ask my sister."


Ron and Harry spoke almost at the same time, smiling at each other in tacit understanding.

Hermione rolled her eyes at them angrily, but still asked for them, after all, she wanted to know too.

"Ginny, Neville, Luna, are they okay?"

"It's okay for now, as long as they behave themselves, there is no reason for Death Eaters to punish them.

But you also know that they are not disciplined people, and it is bound to happen sooner or later that they make mistakes. "

"What did he say?" Ron asked nervously.

"It's okay now, but it's hard to say in the future." Hermione said solemnly, "But he is also in Hogwarts, so he should be able to protect them."

"I hope so!" Harry said helplessly. They couldn't protect themselves now. They couldn't do anything except worry. They could only count on Aaron.

"Let's talk business." Hermione continued, "Has Slytherin's locket been found?"

"Found it." Aaron said nonsense seriously, "Gandalf realized that the thing was not simple, but he only thought it was an ordinary black magic item. If I hadn't asked, he wouldn't have thought about the Horcrux. ”

"Found it." Hermione said to the two of them excitedly, "It is indeed in Gandalf's hands."

"Hurry up and ask Gandalf if he has destroyed the Horcrux." Harry said urgently.

Hermione nodded and asked immediately.

Aaron hesitated for a moment, but decided not to let them know that Gandalf could destroy the Horcrux. After all, delaying time was also one of his purposes.

"No, Gandalf does not have the ability to destroy Horcruxes.

After all, the locket is a relic of Salazar Slytherin. It has powerful magic and is difficult to destroy, and the awakening of Voldemort's soul fragments at the critical moment makes the Horcrux even more indestructible.

It may require special methods or special props to destroy it. "

With a hint of disappointment in Hermione's eyes, she turned to explain the situation to Harry and Ron.

"Gryffindor's sword." Harry gritted his teeth, "We must find it."

"But Dumbledore didn't tell you where the sword is." Ron said depressedly.

"Godric's Hollow." Harry said, "That's the most likely place. We'll set off after we've rested."


"Be quiet." Hermione interrupted the conversation between the two of them, "We can talk about it later, okay?"

"I have good news for you," Aaron continued.

"What good news?"

"Gandalf will help you."

"What?" Hermione stood up in surprise, happy and at a loss at the same time, "You mean Gandalf will help us find Horcruxes."

"You can say that it took a lot of effort for me to convince him." Aaron said patiently, "It will be much easier for you with his help."

"When will Gandalf come?"

"Within a day or two! He needs to prepare some things."

"okay, I get it."

After hanging up the phone, Hermione couldn't hide her excitement, but Harry and Ron's expressions were a little unnatural.

They couldn't hear Aaron's voice, but Hermione didn't avoid them when she spoke. No matter how slow her reaction was, they understood that an old wizard would join them.

"Gandalf." Ron murmured, "Can he trust you?"

"Trust it," said Harry, "but he is so old after all."

"Dumbledore is not young either." Hermione said dissatisfiedly, "Having a reliable reinforcement at this time is just timely."

"That's not what I meant, but..." Harry hesitated, "My wanted posters are posted everywhere now. It will be dangerous to follow me."

"Are you worried about this?" Hermione was speechless. "Gandalf got the Horcrux and tried to destroy it. This kind of behavior is simply declaring war on the mysterious man, and it is the kind that will not stop until death. How can he care about helping you?" Point of danger.

Moreover, he was invited by Aaron to show off his face, and I was too embarrassed to refuse. "

"That's...ok!" Harry nodded with a wry smile, "It's just a day or two, just wait."

On the other side, Aaron put away the gold galleons for communication, folded up the tent and put it into his backpack.

"I've been notified in advance, it's time to go to the next stop."


St. Mungo's Hospital of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Aaron transformed into the image of Gandalf and walked in openly.

"Hello, sir, may I help you?" asked the receptionist in the waiting area.

"I'm just here to visit two old friends." 'Gandalf' said in a kind tone.

"Who do you want to visit?" The receptionist was a little embarrassed, "This is my first time meeting you, so there are some things I need to understand clearly.

If it is convenient, please fill out a form first and leave your identity information and the identity of the patient you want to visit, so that I can take you to the corresponding ward. "

"I remember there weren't such cumbersome rules before!"

"This is the new rule of the Ministry of Magic. It is mainly for strangers. Please understand."

'Gandalf' thought thoughtfully, "Is it to confirm the wizard's bloodline again? I didn't expect that they have already reached out to the hospital!"

The receptionist's face changed slightly, and he remained silent to express his acquiescence.

"Don't think too much, I will cooperate if necessary." 'Gandalf' chuckled and walked up to the receptionist and looked directly into her eyes.

A purple gaze flashed in his eyes, and the receptionist was stunned for a moment, then put down the form in his hand, as if he was a different person and became extremely enthusiastic.

"Mr. Gandalf, please come here. The dean will be very happy to know that you are here."

“There’s no need to inform him, he’s busy and I’m busy too.

I'm in a hurry. I'll leave after seeing the patient. Don't disturb me during this period. "

"Okay, sir."

After passing the waiting area, 'Gandalf' walked up the stairs with a cane.

The Equipment Accident Department on the first floor, the Biological Injury Department on the second floor, the Strange Bacteria Infection Department on the third floor, the Pharmacy and Plant Poisoning Department on the fourth floor, and he didn't stop until the Magic Injury Department on the fifth floor.

Arriving at a permanent ward, Aaron pushed the door open and closed the door softly.

There were two beds in the room. A man and a woman were lying on the beds in a daze, looking at the ceiling with blank eyes.

"Who are you?" an old woman wearing a robe, holding a red handbag, and wearing a hat with a stuffed eagle asked warily.

"Augusta Longbottom?

You are Neville's grandma, and the fact that you are here shows that I am looking in the right place. "

"Who are you?" Augusta asked again, already pulling out the wand with one hand, "I have never seen you. There are only my son and daughter-in-law left in this ward. You can't be here to visit them. ”

"How do you say that?" 'Gandalf' frowned slightly, and his blue pupils looked at Frank Longbottom and Alice Longbottom on the hospital bed.

"I'm here for them."

"Are you kidding?" Augusta scolded angrily, "My son and daughter-in-law have suffered unspeakable trauma. They do not pose a threat to anyone. How can they just lie in a hospital bed and spend the rest of their lives? ?"

"Okay, Mrs. Longbottom." 'Gandalf' pressed his hand, "You may have misunderstood something, I didn't mean to harm them.

Also, it would be better for us to keep your voice down.

Forget it, I’ll do it myself! "

'Gandalf' knocked on the floor with the staff in his hand, and pure white energy spread instantly and enveloped the entire ward.

"You, what did you do?"

"Don't worry, it's just a small barrier.

No sound can be heard in the ward, and people outside the ward will only see you here talking to yourself with your son and daughter-in-law. "

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