A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 615 A ​​sense of urgency brought by a magic wand, Gandalf joins the team (1/2)

Chapter 615 A ​​sense of urgency brought by a magic wand, Gandalf joins the team

"Give it to me, Gregorovitch." Voldemort pointed his wand at Gregorovitch, who was hanging upside down in the air. He looked very frightened, his limbs clinging tightly to his trembling body, and his face was filled with tears. Congested and flushed.

"I didn't, I really didn't lie to you.

That wand was stolen many years ago. "

"Lie, Grigovitch." Voldemort made a cold voice, "This is your last chance. If you lie to me, you know the consequences."

"I swear on my life." Grigovitch cried in fear, "It was really stolen."

After a while, Grigovitch's pupils lost color, and Voldemort entered his memory.

In a dark corridor, the short and fat Grigovitch walked quickly with a lamp, and after a while he rushed to the room at the end of the corridor.

Under the light, sawdust and gold powder danced in the wind.

There was a handsome blond young man in the studio-like room. He squatted on the windowsill like a bird, his face full of joy.

The young man waved his wand and hit Grigovitch with a stun spell, and then he flew out of the window, leaving behind a loud laugh.

Voldemort exited his memory, and Gregorovitch also realized what had just happened, and the look of fear on his face became even worse.

"Who is the thief?" Voldemort asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, I never knew, I've been trying to find him all these years, but I've found nothing.

Please, no, don't kill me. "

"Trash." Voldemort seemed to be furious, "You should be lucky that I can't go to Ollivander. That's why you can save your life."

Harry opened his eyes suddenly and woke up from his sleep.

His scar ached faintly, his whole body was soaked in cold sweat, and his mood was extremely depressed.

"What did you dream about again?" Hermione asked, glaring at him angrily, "I thought your head didn't hurt anymore."

"No, I just took a nap." Harry sat up guiltily. Hermione had warned him more than once that he couldn't read Voldemort's mind, but he couldn't control his sleep and dreams.

"I advise you to tell the truth." Ron said speechlessly, "We really want to pretend we don't know, but it's too obvious every time you dream about the mysterious man."

Harry glanced at the two of them resentfully, "It's still Gregorovitch. Voldemort seems to be looking for a wand. The wand originally belonged to Gregorovitch, but it was stolen a long time ago."

"Wand? What is he looking for a wand for?" Ron asked with some confusion.

"The wand in my hand has magical power. It prevents Voldemort from killing me." Harry analyzed rationally, "Judging from the importance Voldemort attaches to that wand, that wand is very powerful and can definitely destroy me." The power of my wand.

No, we have to stop him before he finds the wand. "

"But... how to stop it?" Hermione poured a glass of cold water on Harry's heart. "We don't know any information about that wand, let alone where it is. We have no way to get ahead of it."

Harry calmed down and couldn't help but feel a little more desperate.

He understood that Hermione was right, but Voldemort had obviously found a way to kill him, and he was only taking a small step towards finding the Horcruxes.

As long as Voldemort finds a wand, he will be miserable, but he needs to find three Horcruxes besides Slytherin's locket, and Slytherin's locket may only be destroyed with Gryffindor's sword. , which means he has to find four things.

The difficulty ratio is one to four, and this is not even the most difficult one, Voldemort's main soul, which is simply hell mode.

"Where is Gandalf? Isn't he here yet?" Harry said a little irritably, "We have been waiting for two days and can't wait any longer."

Hearing this, Hermione looked at him with some embarrassment, "I know you are very anxious. We really need a strong helper."

"That's right. The place where the locket is kept is so dangerous, so the rest is probably not that safe."

Harry made a speechless retort when he heard heavy footsteps and scraping sounds.

"Quiet, someone is coming."

"I remember I used the ear plugs to listen to the spell." Hermione said in a low voice, "I also used the Muggle Expelling Charm, the Disillusionment Charm, and in short, I used all the protective spells that could be used. Logically speaking, no one would listen. to or see us.”

"Maybe it's just a coincidence." Ron said calmly, but this did not make them feel at ease.

"You guys stay here first." Harry took out his wand, "I'll go out and take a look."

"No." Hermione stopped him immediately, "If it's a Death Eater, the protective spell I set can still block it for a while. If you go out directly, you will be a living target."

"Is anyone there?" A kind and gentle voice came in.

"It's Gandalf, this is his voice." The worry on Harry's face was immediately replaced by joy, and he opened the tent and walked out.

Hermione and Ron also finally saw the rumored Gandalf. He was carrying a backpack, wearing a gray wizard robe, a gray pointed hat, a gray beard, holding a long staff, and a belt around his waist. A cigarette stick.

"It feels like..." Ron said in surprise, "Another one..."

"Dumbledore," Hermione added, "another Albus Dumbledore."

"Yeah, that's what I was going to say."

"Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger." 'Gandalf's eyes paused on the three of them, "They are all here."

"Sir, thank you very much for coming to help." Harry said politely.

"I'm just being entrusted by others." 'Gandalf' didn't take it seriously, "I want to give Gaius the face, but the ugly words are ahead. When I encounter Fu Di..."

"Don't say his name." Ron said hurriedly, but he couldn't help but lower his head in embarrassment when he saw Gandalf's half-smiling eyes.

"Sorry, but his name is like a curse."

"Mysterious man, this is all right!" 'Gandalf' said nonchalantly.

Harry was actually a little excited. Gandalf dared to call Voldemort by his first name. This alone was enough to prove that he was still very reliable.

"Actually, finding the Horcrux is secondary. The primary purpose of Aaron asking me to come here is to protect his girlfriend." 'Gandalf' smiled meaningfully, and then saw a blush rising on Hermione's cheeks, "Don't If you're shy, I'm talking about you.

He paid a very high reward to convince me. There are really not many people in the world who can make him value me so much. I believe you will live a happy life after marrying him. "

Hermione blushed and nodded, feeling steam rising from her head at this moment.

Saying this in front of Harry and Ron, don't you know how thin-skinned girls are?

"Sir." Harry couldn't help but ask, "Where is the Horcrux, that is, Slytherin's locket?"

"I sent that thing to Aaron." 'Gandalf' said without blushing and out of breath, "Although the Death Eaters control Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, they dare not withhold Gaius' package. "

"The Horcrux won't have any negative impact on him, right?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"No, don't underestimate your future husband. The remnant soul of a mere mysterious man will not affect him at all.

By the way, where did I just say that? "

"Meet a mysterious man." Ron reminded weakly.

"When you encounter You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters, you'd better not count on me.

I once signed a contract with a person, and I would not use force against others. I could only protect her at most. "

Harry looked at Ron, was this sexism?

Ron instantly understood his best friend's eyes and shook his head slightly.

This has nothing to do with sexism, it’s just that we don’t have a boyfriend with a strong background.

"Sir, are Horcruxes really difficult to destroy?"

'Gandalf' looked at Harry deeply and said seriously: "It depends on what the Horcrux itself is.

The diary was just an ordinary carrier. It was also hit by the mysterious man's death curse, and he used his spear to attack his shield, destroying the Horcrux.

The ring of the Gaunt family is a relic of the Holy Magister Slytherin. It has been passed down for thousands of years and has very powerful magic. Dumbledore can destroy it with Gryffindor's sword of the same level.

Let me tell you, you should understand how difficult it is to destroy Slytherin's locket!

The mysterious man kept his soul fragment inside the locket. I used many methods, including fire, lightning strikes, toxins, and even curses, to stop it. "

"Can we only find Gryffindor's sword?" Harry murmured.

"Maybe, Dumbledore must have his own intentions." 'Gandalf' looked slightly moved. Gryffindor's sword can definitely destroy Horcruxes, but it is completely useless to him, but to Harry It's the only option.

Regardless of whether he could find Gryffindor's sword in the end, it would definitely take a lot of time. In this case, there was no need for him to stop it.

"But he didn't tell us where he hid the sword." Ron said depressedly, "These days, Harry only thinks about Godric's Hollow."

"Then go find it!"

"Is this too hasty?

We have no clue that the Sword of Gryffindor is in Godric's Hollow. "

"There are still some." Harry said stubbornly, "Godric Gryffindor, Gryffindor's sword, and Godric's Hollow, there must be a connection between these three."

Ron's mouth twitched slightly, this reason is too far-fetched!

But it was hard for him to raise any objections, after all, they had no next target except Godric's Hollow.

"By the way, can you let me go in and sit down first?" 'Gandalf' pointed to the tent, "It took a lot of effort to find you."

"Uh... Of course, please come in." Harry smiled awkwardly but politely. He was so focused on talking just now that he actually forgot that Gandalf was also an old man over a hundred years old.

'Gandalf' walked into the tent and frowned unconsciously.

This tent has also been cast with a traceless stretch spell, but the interior space is relatively small, and the bathroom and kitchen are quite shabby, and it is barely enough to squeeze in three people.

"You live in this miserable place?" 'Gandalf' looked at Hermione with some distress, making her feel flattered.

"It's okay!" Hermione whispered.

"What's okay? You're a girl, living with them two..."

"Well..." Harry interrupted embarrassedly, "Mr. Gandalf, Hermione is in another compartment, and we sleep separately."

"That's not okay. This tent is worth three hands at least." 'Gandalf' was very angry. "It's okay for you two rough guys to live in it. Don't you feel ashamed to let a girl suffer with you?"

"We didn't bring this tent out." Ron showed an aggrieved expression.

'Gandalf' was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Hermione in disbelief, "Yours?"

"It's not mine, it's Mr. Weasley's.

The tent originally belonged to Perkins, but when he didn't want it during the Quidditch World Cup, it was picked up by Mr. Weasley. "

"Haha!" 'Gandalf' smiled tiredly, "I was wrong, this tent shouldn't be three-handed, it must be at least four or five-handed."

"The conditions are a bit poor, but we have been avoiding the pursuit of Death Eaters, so it would be nice to have this thing."

"Alas!" 'Gandalf' sighed deeply and said helplessly: "I brought a tent. You can pack it up and move it over!"

"How old is it?" Ron asked.

“Almost ten times as big as yours.

And my tent has separate toilets, bathrooms for men and women, and several bedrooms.

Most importantly, there is a lot of fresh food in the kitchen. "

"We'll move right now."

Ron couldn't hide his excitement, so he dragged Harry and started packing.

He didn't care about the bathroom or bathroom, but food was their biggest concern these days.

Although they packed up all the food when they came out of No. 12 Grimmauld Place, the three of them had eaten for more than ten days and were almost at the bottom.

Fortunately Gandalf came, otherwise they would have had to eat dirt in two days.

"Aren't you going?" 'Gandalf' looked at Hermione and asked.

"All my things are in my bag, no need to pack them away." Hermione sat down easily, "How did you find us? I obviously set up so many protective spells."

"The spell is good, but your magic power is too weak." 'Gandalf' twirled his fingers, lit the cigarette holder, took a beautiful puff and exhaled white smoke.

"Can you please stop smoking?" Hermione frowned.

"Hahaha, don't mind.

My tobacco is made from a mixture of magic potions and rare herbs. It is not harmful. On the contrary, it can refresh the mind and strengthen the body. "Gandalf" smiled and said, "In the eyes of a great magician who is much more powerful than you, your protective spell is no different than non-existence." "

Hermione nodded thoughtfully and looked at Gandalf with more respect.

"We're packed and ready to move." Harry and Ron came over carrying two bags.

"The tent hasn't been packed yet!" Hermione rolled her eyes at the two of them speechlessly.

The four of them walked out of the tent, and Hermione waved her wand at the tent.

The inner and outer tents, poles, windproof ropes, ground nails and other components all rose in mid-air, folded and bundled automatically, and then put into the bag one by one by Hermione.

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