A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 618 The target of Apparition, trip to Godric's Hollow (1/2)

Chapter 618 The target of Apparition, the trip to Godric's Hollow

Aaron, also known as 'Gandalf', was shocked by Ron's attitude, especially since Harry beside him seemed to agree with him, which made him even more confused.

How could he know that Harry and the other two had been making do with their three meals a day these days, heating up the food they brought and putting it into their mouths, which had no taste except that they were not starving to death.

In comparison, the pies, pizzas, and milk provided by Gandalf had raised the quality of their food by several levels.

Hermione was also slightly relieved, as these things should be able to shut up these two guys.

But when it came to the formal meal, she found that she had underestimated the temptation of delicious food.

The fragrance in the air made her appetite grow, and the girl's reserve prevented her from eating too much, but she ate at a fast pace.

And Harry and Ron chewed their food slower and slower, as if they were chewing on steamed buns, while Hermione and Gandalf next to them were eating a full banquet, and compared to that, they had no appetite at all.

"Is it okay?" Gandalf asked Hermione lovingly as she finished her breakfast.

"Yeah!" Hermione nodded hurriedly, "It feels better than the food in a five-star hotel."

"How can they compare to me." Gandalf was not modest at all, and then looked at Harry and Ron, whose faces were twitching, "Have you finished eating?"

"We've finished eating." The two said in unison.

"Then let's get ready to go."

Ten minutes later, Gandalf folded up the tent and put it in his backpack.

Harry and the other two waited for him to finish packing. After eating and drinking, they felt much more relaxed.

"Okay, let's go!" Gandalf said as he walked out of the woods. "There are arrest teams everywhere now, so it's best not to stay in one place for too long." "Wait a minute." Ron asked in confusion, "Shouldn't we Apparate?" "Good idea, but it's best not to do that unless it's necessary." Gandalf looked at him with a smile, "Have you really mastered Apparate?" "Almost." Ron said proudly, "The three of us have basically mastered it." "To be precise, Harry and I have mastered it, and you are still a little bit away." Hermione said speechlessly, "But a little mistake can also cause separation." "Can you stop saying discouraging words?" Ron rolled his eyes at Hermione, thinking that she was just ruining his plan. "Split is just one of the visible risks." 'Gandalf' said slowly, "Apparition is the most convenient magic, but the farther the distance, the greater the consumption and the greater the risk."

"The consumption is nothing, as for the risk... Godric's Hollow is only 200 kilometers away from here." Harry said, the three of them are adult wizards, and Apparition over 200 kilometers is still possible.

"I told you that's just one of the risks." 'Gandalf' emphasized, "It's unwise to Apparate directly."

"Harry Potter, you are now the most wanted criminal of the Ministry of Magic. The reward of 10,000 Galleons is enough for an ordinary wizard family to live comfortably for several years.

Money is attractive. In the eyes of quite a few wizards, you are a walking gold Galleon. You can also use this opportunity to sell the mysterious man a favor."

"In addition, the key to Apparate is goal, determination, and calmness.

I believe you have determination and calmness, but what about the goal?

I haven't been to Godric's Hollow, and you probably haven't either!"

This caught the three of them off guard. Indeed, they only know a place name now, but they don't know anything about Godric's Hollow.

And Apparate requires focusing on the target, and then making up your mind to occupy the space imagined in your mind, and finally the movement during the transfer should be calm.

Apparate to a place you have never been to just by the place name, that is not a big risk, that is pure death, Dumbledore doesn't dare to play that way.

Gandalf noticed the change in the expressions of the three people and continued: "More importantly, Godric's Hollow is not as safe as you think."

"What does this mean?" Harry asked nervously.

"The place you can think of may not be what the You-Know-Who can't think of.

Maybe I think too much, but I can't rule out that the You-Know-Who has set up an ambush there."

"Harry." Hermione took a deep breath, "It's possible, and the possibility is not small."

"Then are we still going?" Ron swallowed, "I can't imagine that we were surrounded by a group of Death Eaters as soon as we Apparated there."

"We must go there." Harry said firmly.

"Then prepare well!" 'Gandalf' reminded, "Before you Apparate, read the book to learn about Godric's Hollow and find the right target.

Prepare some Polyjuice Potion if possible. You'd better change your face, which is safer.

If you don't have Polyjuice Potion, prepare the Invisibility Cloak."

"But there are three of us." Ron frowned slightly, "The Invisibility Cloak can only cover two people at most."

"Miss Granger, just follow me. As long as the You-Know-Who is not here in person, ordinary Death Eaters will not find my Disillusionment Spell."

"Then should we also..."

"No." 'Gandalf' broke Ron's fantasy neatly, "It's not very friendly to an old man like me to cover the consumption of three people. You and Harry can squeeze the Invisibility Cloak."



A goblin named Gornuk was killed. It is said that the Muggle-born Dean Thomas and a goblin who escaped with Tonks, Cresswell and Gornuk were also there.

The pair may have evaded capture and if Dean heard the broadcast or anyone knows his whereabouts, please contact his parents and sisters.

A Muggle family of five were found dead in their home...

For the next period of time, the four of them continued to move camps while listening to the radio. As always, there was no good news. People died every day, some were arrested, and some were escaping.

"Tonks and Dean managed to escape, right?" Harry pondered.

"At least that's the case for now." 'Gandalf' sipped his cigarette, "Since you listen to the radio, you have to be mentally prepared. You won't hear any good news for a long time."

"I just don't want to hear bad news." Ron looked complicated, "Hermione, can you contact Aaron and ask him to take care of my sister?"

"Needless to say, he will take care of Ginny and the others." Hermione was very sure of this. "As long as they don't violate school rules, Snape can't do anything to them."

"It's hard to say!" 'Gandalf' shook his head slightly, "As far as I know, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood all participated in the battle for the Department of Mysteries.

From this alone, it can be seen that they are not law-abiding people, and it is bound to be a matter of time for them to get into trouble. "

"Not so comforting." Ron muttered resentfully.

"It's okay to cause trouble, as long as no one discovers it." 'Gandalf' continued, and then changed the subject, "But you can trust Aaron and he will not let them be punished too severely.

Speaking of which, how are you preparing? "

"Almost, Apparition will definitely be successful."

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"I'm not asking about Apparition." 'Gandalf' looked at Harry meaningfully, "Godric's Hollow is a village where wizards and Muggles live together. It's not too big or too small.

There are at least hundreds of people there. You're not going to ask them one by one where Dumbledore hid Gryffindor's sword, are you? "

"Uh... that's not that bad." Harry said bitterly, "I have locked several targets these days. One is Dumbledore's house, the other is the house where I survived, and the graves of my parents. ”

"And Bathilda Bagshot," Hermione reminded.


"The author of this book." Hermione took out a "History of Magic" and pointed to the author's name embossed on the cover.

"She has been living in Godric's Hollow. She is also the person Dumbledore is most familiar with. Maybe he entrusted the sword to her."

"Then add Bathilda Bagshot." Harry said sincerely. The author of "History of Magic" was not very old, so Dumbledore would not have entrusted the sword to such an old lady for safekeeping.

Moreover, Rita Skeeter revealed that a considerable part of the raw materials for Dumbledore's manuscript were provided by Bathilda Bagshot. Although there are rumors that she drank truth serum and had no choice but to tell the truth, this will also Affect his view of her.


As night fell, Harry and Ron disappeared in place wearing invisibility cloaks.

"According to what I said before, don't act rashly when you arrive." 'Gandalf' patiently warned, "The Apparition location is the small square in the center of the village. Don't look for the wrong place."


Harry's voice filled the air, followed by a bang, and they Apparated first.

"Are you ready?" 'Gandalf' looked at Hermione and asked.


'Gandalf' nodded slightly, raised his staff and pointed it at Hermione, casting a disembodiment spell on her.

Then he raised his arms and said, "The attendant appears. You know what to do."

"Actually, I can do it myself." Hermione said helplessly. In fact, she also found that she was being taken care of by 'Gandalf' a little too much these days.

"Of course you can, but it's safer to follow me."

"All right!"

Hermione grabbed Gandalf's arm and was drawn into the suffocating darkness the next moment.

When they opened their eyes again, they arrived at the square in the center of Godric's Hollow covered in snow.

There is a war monument-like building in the center of the square, surrounded by several shops, a post office, a bar, and a small church.

"Sir." Harry whispered under the invisibility cloak, "Ron and I are right next to you."

"Don't move around in a hurry." Hermione whispered, "It's snowing here, we have to be careful to eliminate the footprints."

"Don't go to so much trouble!" Ron didn't care. "There's no one around. We came here specifically in the middle of the night."

"Sir, what do you think?"

"Wait a moment." 'Gandalf' tapped the staff in his hand, and the detection magic was activated instantly, and a three-dimensional model of the entire Godric's Hollow appeared in his mind.

A village with clearly distributed buildings, while hundreds of residents mostly sleep in their homes.

"It's a little strange. In my perception, there don't seem to be any Death Eaters here."

"Perhaps we came at the right time." Ron said, "Can you take off the invisibility cloak? It's really uncomfortable to be crowded."

"Yes, but don't be too far away from each other. If there is an emergency, you can retreat in time."

Ron immediately pulled off the invisibility cloak and thrust it into Harry's hand.

Hermione also removed the Disillusionment Curse from her body, but when she saw Gandalf sighing, her heart trembled inexplicably, and she immediately explained: "Aaron gave me a chance to make a mistake. I exposed it and said Maybe it’s safer.”

Aaron: ...

Indeed, it is easy to be accidentally injured if you are invisible.

But Hermione Granger was here, and even if the Death Eaters found her, they couldn't do anything serious because of the contract.

"So where to find it?" Ron asked.

"There." Harry pointed to the back of the church, where rows of tombstones stood, and he was sure his parents were among them.

The other three looked at each other and didn't raise any objections.

After all, James and Lily's graves are here, and this is probably the first time Harry has come to pay homage to them in his life.

Gently pushing open a narrow door at the entrance, the four of them carefully got in, and then separated in tacit agreement to carefully read the inscriptions on the tombstones.

"This person's surname is Aibo. Could he be a relative of Hannah?" Ron said.

"Maybe it's an ancestor." 'Gandalf' said, "Godric's Hollow is the birthplace of Gryffindor, and the ancestors of many wizarding families are from here."

Hermione stopped in front of a tombstone. She wiped off the snow on it and said with some surprise: "This is the mark in the story collection."

"It seems so." Harry walked over and looked at the pattern on it. Although it was badly weathered, he could vaguely make out a triangular pattern, an incomplete circle and a thin line in the center.

"Does Dumbledore want us to dig this grave?" Ron said, touching his chin.

"This is impossible." 'Gandalf' rolled his eyes and said, "Dumbledore still wants to be ashamed. He would not hide things in other people's graves."

"Perhaps there are other clues." Hermione looked at the inscription on the tombstone, "Ig...should be Ignotus Peverell."

"Judging from the weathering of the tombstone, this person was at least hundreds of years ago." 'Gandalf' said lightly, "Remember this name and look it up later!"

"Okay, let's go find my parents' tombstones first!" Harry said, then turned and went to the next row of tombstones.

Not long after, he stopped in front of a tombstone, stared blankly at the inscription on it, and cried silently.

James Potter

Born on March 27, 1960

Died on October 31, 1981

Lily Potter

Born on January 30, 1960

Died on October 31, 1981

"What a pity." 'Gandalf' sighed, then opened the wine bottle on his waist and sprinkled the wine on the ground, "Human life is always too fragile."

"There is another sentence here." Ron pointed to the bottom of the tombstone and said, "The last enemy to be destroyed is death."

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