A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 65 The blessing elixir is really so effective

The man in black robe paused slightly, and the cold murderous aura around him also subsided a lot.

"A duel between wizards?

OK, I promise you. "

As soon as the man in black robe finished speaking, his body trembled involuntarily, and a pleading voice came from his mind, "Master, there is no need for us to waste time on these two people.

Kill them quickly, that unicorn..."

"Shut up, it's not your turn to teach me how to do things." The man in black robe said angrily, and the voice in his mind fell silent for an instant.

"What's wrong with you?" Aaron was thoughtful, but his eyes were full of confusion.

"Nothing, let's start when you're ready!"

"Wait a minute!" Aaron took a deep breath and took out a small transparent bottle from his pocket.

After drinking the elixir of good fortune, you will have good luck within twelve hours.

He has always been reluctant to use this thing, but now is definitely the most appropriate time, because if he uses it, his chance of escaping will be greater, but if he doesn't use it, he may never have a chance in this life.

After Aaron took a sip, he carefully put the bottle away.

"what is that?"

"I spent a lot of money to find someone to prepare the potion for replenishing magic power.

But it's only useful for people below senior magicians. Aaron said nonsense seriously, and then pretended to be generous and took out the bottle again, "Do you need it?"

If you need to speak up, don't be polite. Wizards' duels are all about fairness.

Although you are far superior to me in age, magic, knowledge, experience, etc., I don't mind giving you a little more advantage. "

The man in black robe was stunned for several seconds.

To be honest, he had some doubts that the bottle contained no magic repair potion.

But Aaron's words made him embarrassed to ask again.

The majestic Dark Lord also wanted to save face. The other party had staked his family's reputation, so he couldn't be stingy, at least he couldn't suspect him of cheating in the duel.

Besides, the strength of the Gaius family has always been a mystery, but Aaron is only a twelve-year-old kid, what kind of treasure can he have.

Even if there is, he may not like it.

Unless it was the kind of thing that could replenish his vitality and solve his current urgent need, it would be worthy of his shame.

But when Aaron drank that thing just now, he couldn't feel any life breath at all, and he was sure that the thing didn't help him at all.

"No, I don't need it."

"Isn't it necessary?" Aaron breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but his face became more serious, "Sorry, I apologize to you for my behavior just now."

"Don't delay any more, let's get started!" The man in black robe's tone also calmed down, "I have some business to do after I finish you guys!"

"Okay," Aaron said, dragging his wand in front of him as a sign of respect.

But just after he finished this action, he looked at the man in black robe in front of him angrily, "You humiliate me, where is your wand?"

"Do you think I can still use a wand now that I'm like this?" The man in black robe said, "Don't underestimate me, I can still cast spells without a wand."

Just kidding, he is possessing someone else. If he uses a magic wand, that person will be exposed.

Unless he kills these two people and that unknown magical creature tonight, the consequences will be endless and may even affect his next plan.

But Aaron really gave him the feeling of light that he had not seen for a long time, and it would be a pity to die.

He still wanted to conquer him, and the first step to conquering this little wizard was to defeat him with absolute strength.

Geniuses are arrogant, but geniuses will also be impressed by other geniuses.

The Dark Lord is still very confident in his charisma. Although he is currently dying, he believes that it is only a matter of time before he returns.

But those previous followers may not all be reliable, and he needs to cultivate new blood.

"Forget it, keep going!" Aaron put down his wand and backed away slowly.

In a formal duel, both parties need to go to both ends of the field to start fighting, and they are now in a small open space, which can barely be used as a ring.

The man in black robe attaches great importance to this kind of duel etiquette, which Aaron did not expect, but this gave him more opportunities.

As Aaron retreated, he casually picked off the ring on his left hand.

When you retreat to the penultimate step, it is the best time to launch a surprise attack. At that time, the opponent is the most vigilant, but also the most unexpected.

Aaron was sure that the arrogant Dark Lord would never think that he would dare to play like this. After all, his previous performance was too confusing and his acting skills were full of talent.

Although the methods are somewhat shameful, a small life is a big deal.

One of the ancestral precepts summarized by the ancestors of the Gaius family is this: Nothing is more important than life, and sometimes you can do whatever it takes to save your life.

Although he didn't know which ancestor's quote it was, and it had nothing to do with honor or anything like that, he especially liked this kind of straightforwardness.

Especially right now, this statement simply rings true.

There is still a chance for a comeback while alive, but if it dies, let alone a comeback, there won't even be a coffin board.

The other party can use his strength to bully the small, but can't he not practice martial ethics?

There are still seven steps, six steps, five steps to the edge of the clearing...

Aaron's heart was in his throat. He had already taken off the ring on his left hand, and the magic energy in his body had been wildly replenished, but he did not dare to be careless at all.

Finally reaching the penultimate step, Aaron quickly raised his wand, preparing to use all his strength to crush the man in black robe to pieces.

I turned around and ran if I missed the hit. Now I have a little distance and can run a few more steps.

But if you are lucky enough to hit it, you will have to hit it a few more times, and then run away.

Before the war, I took a sip of the Elixir of Fortune just for now.

"Aaron, Hermione, are you there?"

Hagrid's voice suddenly came from not far away. His huge body was moving quickly, crackling through the low bushes.

Behind him were an exhausted Harry, Ron, and Draco.

At the same time, Aaron also released a body-shattering curse, which happened to hit the man in black robe.

However, when he heard Hagrid's voice, he withdrew some of his strength in time and did not explode to his true level.


A shrill scream rang out. The man in black robe felt great pain but did not dare to stop for a moment. He flew quickly in the opposite direction and quickly disappeared into the night.

Aaron looked at this scene in a daze, thinking that the effect of the elixir was too good!

If I had known I should have taken a sip before entering the Forbidden Forest, I might not even have encountered this black-robed man.

"Where are the people?" Hagrid asked breathlessly, the crossbow in his hand ready to go.

"Do you even need to ask? Of course he ran away!"

"So are you okay?"

"What do you think?

If I hadn't thought quickly enough and delayed it for so much time, we might both have died. Aaron said angrily, "Of course, I may not die, but Hermione will definitely not survive." "

Hearing this, Hagrid couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

He proposed to divide the troops into two groups, but he did not expect the danger to be so great.

When he saw two balls of flame appearing in the sky above the Forbidden Forest, he started to rush towards this direction crazily, and happened to meet Malfoy who was running crazily on the way.

After knowing that there was a weirdo in black here sucking the blood of unicorns, his speed increased a lot, but this was the Forbidden Forest after all, and after falling twice, he had to limit the speed.

"Sorry." Hagrid said a little ashamedly, "I shouldn't have been divided into groups, so at least you won't be in danger."

"No, Hagrid, this has nothing to do with you." Hermione comforted, "No one thought there was such a monster in the Forbidden Forest."

"I reminded him.

I said that there have been uncertainties in the Forbidden Forest recently, so we shouldn't come here tonight, but Hagrid didn't seem to take my words to heart. "

"I'm sorry." The honest giant lowered his head again, "This is all my fault."

"Hmph! It's you who should be blamed. If you hadn't insisted on your own way, we wouldn't have encountered this kind of danger.

Hagrid, you should be lucky that there were no casualties, otherwise you would have spent the rest of your life in Azkaban!

Even Dumbledore may not be able to protect you. "

"Aaron, that's enough for you. Hagrid already knows he was wrong." Hermione said somewhat unbearably.

"Hey! Hermione, don't forget who saved you.

And we just escaped death and saved a life, can't I still complain?

If Yaya hadn't sneezed, we might have escaped unscathed.

If you hadn't suddenly..."

At this point, Aaron suddenly paused. He was afraid that if he continued speaking, some girl would shed tears again.

"In short, tonight is not an ordinary excitement, but all of this can be avoided."

The others looked at each other, then nodded in disbelief.

"By the way, where is the unicorn?" Hagrid asked, "Malfoy said you found it."

"I found it, but..." Hermione gritted her teeth, "Hagrid, you have to be mentally prepared. I think the poor guy has no breath of life."

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