A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 70 The old immortal has a dirty heart

Aaron could clearly feel Snape heaving a sigh of relief, and he was even more certain that he knew that Voldemort might be in Hogwarts, and that he might be plotting the Philosopher's Stone.

But he was also sure that Snape could never be an accomplice of Voldemort, otherwise it would be impossible to save his resurrection potion, because a Dark Lord in his heyday would definitely be able to take Snape out of Hogwarts. retreat.

"Professor, can you tell me now who else knows about this?"

Snape took a deep breath and looked at Aaron with a smile, "Don't worry too much, there are not many people who know, except for the two people from last night."

"That's okay, it won't be too troublesome to deal with." Aaron was relieved. As long as the other insider was not Professor Quirrell, his safety could still be guaranteed.

But it couldn't be Quirrell. Voldemort used Quirrell's body to receive two spells last night. Even if he didn't care about the injury, he still had to take care of the lingering Voldemort.

It is estimated that apart from attending classes, he will try to minimize his publicity and stay in the office.

"But the other insider is not as easy to talk to as me." Snape said with a meaningful smile, pouring a lot of cold water on Aaron's heart, "You have to follow me to the principal's office, where is our principal? Wait for you."

"Headmaster? Albus Dumbledore?" Aaron asked in surprise, "He also knows?"

"What do you think?

You know Hagrid well.

Although I don't like him, there is something unique about being able to hang out at Hogwarts for so many years.

It's just that he was too loyal to Dumbledore and had almost no secrets in front of him. After coming out of the Forbidden Forest last night, he went to the principal's office overnight. "

"Very beautiful!" Aaron's face became more bitter and he was about to cry. "No one in Hogwarts is more difficult to deal with than Dumbledore. It's really troublesome."

"You seem to know him very well?" Snape asked curiously, "I don't know what interaction you have with him."

"Don't get me wrong, Professor.

I am not familiar with the principal, and my knowledge of Dumbledore is limited to the introduction in books.

However, the ancestors of my family have summarized a manual, one of which is this: the longer people live, the more experience they have, and it is difficult for you to guess their true thoughts. "

Snape raised his eyebrows, "That's right."


This type of people is commonly known as the immortal.

It would be better if you meet those who are not well-known, because they tend to live aloof from the world and just want to live in peace and contentment.

But when you meet those famous and high-ranking old people, you have to be more vigilant, because these people are all old men, and they may be betrayed without even knowing it.

In short, the heart of an old man is dirty. "

Snape clapped his hands and said with emotion, "That's right, very right.

If I had known this sentence before, I wouldn't have...

well! It’s hard to describe in one word!

Aaron, I have a heartfelt request, can you let me see your family's treasure book? "

"Impossible, just give up on this!" Aaron refused without even thinking.

That "thieves are thick and thieves are thick" book is the ancestral teaching passed down by his family for thousands of years, and it has been continuously improved.

It has no magic power and does not record any valuable spells. It is just an ordinary book, but it is not something that outsiders can read casually.

"Okay! I was rude." Snape said, then opened the door, "Come with me!"

"Professor, can I not go?"

"Of course you can, I'm happy to be free too.

But if Dumbledore doesn't wait for you, he may take the initiative to find you next. "

"Then I'd better go!"

The two arrived at the eighth floor of the castle. Aaron followed Snape and stood in front of a gargoyle.

"lemon tea!"

Snape read the command, and the gargoyle jumped aside. The wall behind it split in half, and a spiral staircase slowly moved upwards.

Coming to a door through the stairs, Snape opened the door directly and entered.

"Principal, I brought the person you are looking for."

"Thank you." Dumbledore was organizing the bookshelf on the stairs with his back to the two of them. "Aaron Gaius, you are the first student to come to my office this semester."

"I'm flattered." Aaron said with a smile.

He looked at the circular room and had to admit that it was much better than Snape's office.

More spacious, brighter, without the smell of various potions mixed together.

There are various silver utensils placed on the lockers, and on the walls are portraits of past principals. Through them, you can see the voices and smiles of these celebrities.

Although they are just a group of dead old men, being placed here by the contemporary White Devil is enough to prove their abilities during their lifetime.

There was a gilded perch on the desk, and a strange bird covered in red feathers stood on it and stared at Abe with sharp eyes, as if he had discovered something interesting.

Abe also looked at this strange bird curiously, his smart eyes were filled with something special, and then... he wiped the corners of his mouth in frustration.

He also saw the Sorting Hat taking a nap on the shelf, and a giant smiling and waving at him...





Aaron suddenly stopped feeling sleepy and looked at him angrily. He had already pulled out the black wand.

Hagrid shivered in his heart and moved slowly towards Dumbledore, fearing that Aaron would not be able to restrain himself from casting a spell on him.

He also knew that what he did was unkind, but such a big thing happened in the Forbidden Forest. For the safety of Hogwarts, he could only report it to Dumbledore.

For a person as rigorous as him, details cannot be missed.

"What are you hiding from? I won't hit you."

"That's impossible to say." Hagrid said guiltily.

"You still know!" Aaron sneered, "Just for the things you did, it's natural for me to give you a good beating. If you weren't unable to beat me..."

"Feel sorry!"

“I’ve heard these two words too many times lately.

Hagrid, I just want to ask you, where on earth have I offended you so that you should target me everywhere? "

"I...this..." Hagrid's eyes dodge and he explained in a panic: "Actually, this is really just a misunderstanding. I didn't mean it."

"Do you think I will believe it?"

"Okay." Dumbledore slowly walked down the stairs, "It doesn't matter whether he did it on purpose or not.

Aaron, you are a smart boy and should know what I mean. "

"I know." Aaron glared at Hagrid fiercely, "Things have already happened. There is no point in holding on to someone."


"Don't be too quick to thank me yet, Hagrid.

You'd better control your mouth and think twice before speaking. "

"I see!"

Aaron shook his head, having little hope in Hagrid's assurance.

"Please take a seat! Mr. Gaius." Dumbledore sat at the desk and looked at Aaron with a smile.

Aaron was not embarrassed, he picked up Abe from the ground and sat on a chair.

"Professor, what do you want from me?"

"Didn't Professor Snape tell you?" Dumbledore asked meaningfully, "I thought you knew?"

"What he said and what you said are two different things."

"All right!

Hagrid told me some of what happened last night, including the unicorn being attacked by the men in black robes, and the fact that you had a very special potion. Dumbledore paused slightly as he spoke, "Aaron, can you let me see that bottle of potion?" "

"I'm very sorry, I'm afraid this can't be done." Aaron said seriously.

"Headmaster, I've seen it." Snape looked solemn, "The effect is very strong and unbelievable. It can instantly restore people who are dying to their best condition, and can even resurrect those who have just died.

But there is nothing you can do about a long-dead life. "

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed when he heard this, but he quickly returned to normal and smiled softly, "This is already amazing."

"Professor Dumbledore, if you want to know about my potion, please forgive me for refusing.

The bottle has been opened twice since yesterday and a small part of it has evaporated. "

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that." Dumbledore said with a smile, "What I want to say is, can you leave that bottle of potion to me for safekeeping?"

"What?" Aaron was immediately stunned.

What do you mean? Others only take a look at it, but why do you push it so much?

You are the White Demon King, you are powerful, but you cannot bully others!

"Professor, I may have heard wrongly." Aaron frowned, "You said you wanted me to give you the resurrection potion for safekeeping?"

"Sorry, you heard me right."

Dumbledore also felt embarrassed to force a junior like this.

But thinking of his own plan, he still shamelessly made this request.

"Give me a reason, or why?" Aaron said calmly, "Even if you are the principal, you have no right to force students to hand over their belongings."

Others in the office looked at each other, not expecting Aaron to be so tough in front of the principal.

"Aaron, you also saw last night, there was a man in black robes hiding in Hogwarts.

He is dangerous and desperately needs to replenish his vitality, so... this is also for your safety.

I can guarantee that the original item will be returned after the holiday. "

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