A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 75 Scars with early warning effect

Aaron frowned. At this stage, the only thing more important than the exam is the Philosopher's Stone.

"Okay! I get it.

I hope the situation is not as bad as I thought."

"What did you say?" Draco asked.

"Nothing." Aaron smiled, and then followed Hermione to an empty table in the corner, "Let me guess what it is that makes you shamelessly come to me.

Hagrid told the method through the three-headed dog, right?"

"No, Hagrid kept it a secret.

This is also the main reason why we are still in the mood to study now."

Aaron said "huh" disdainfully. After several contacts, he had a clear understanding of the confidentiality of this giant.

Although it is not a negative number, it is at most a little better than zero.

Hermione looked strange, but thinking of the ridiculous things Hagrid did, she could only sigh silently in her heart.

"Then what do you want to talk to me about?"

"It's Harry." Hermione looked around and made sure no one was coming over. She lowered her voice and said, "The scar on his forehead has been aching for the past two days.

This is a sign. We guess that the mysterious man should take action soon."

"Oh? Is that true?" Aaron immediately became interested. He originally thought that the scar was just a proof of Harry's identity, making him a famous figure in the magic world since he was one year old, but he didn't expect it to have a warning function.

Hermione nodded, "I know you have always had a grudge against us, but this matter is of great importance. If I wasn't really undecided, I wouldn't want to trouble you."

"I'm not that stingy. I forgive you."

Hearing this, Hermione smiled far-fetchedly.

Ever since they kidnapped Abe, Aaron treated them purely as passers-by. When they met, he didn't even say hello. It was even more difficult to ease the relationship.

Harry and Ron had been looking for an opportunity to apologize, but when they saw Aaron's indifferent eyes, they felt guilty and lowered their heads and dared not look directly at him.

After trying several times in a row, they finally got used to this look and mustered up the courage to say sorry.

Aaron didn't know what Hermione was thinking. If he knew, he would probably just find it funny.

He was the one who was hurt. He couldn't let him take the initiative to ease the relationship. Doesn't he have any face?

"It's too passive to just stare at Hagrid and ask him if he has leaked the method through Mao Mao." Hermione said, "Now the mysterious man is almost unable to hold back, so..."

Aaron's heart skipped a beat, "You are not going to take the initiative to attack!"

"Don't get me wrong!" Hermione waved her hands hurriedly, "I don't have that idea."

"Then they both have that idea.

How much did they drink! They are too bold!"

"Not really!

They originally had this idea, but we have no evidence, and we don't have the opportunity to take the initiative to attack." Hermione explained, "They mean to put their energy from Hagrid to Snape."


Aaron patted his forehead and sighed.

Good guy, really good guy.

They are really smart, they can think of changing the target and gain a little initiative.

But they are stupid, it is true, the target they chose is wrong, and they will probably be stupid and know nothing when Voldemort succeeds and runs away.

"Aaron, I am in a state of confusion now, I don't know what to do."

"You definitely can't go to Snape, it's a waste of effort.

Let's keep an eye on Hagrid! He has a way to get through Momo, which is much more important."

"I know, but Harry and the others don't think so.

They have too deep a prejudice against Snape, and Hagrid is still very reliable."

Aaron's mouth twitched.

Hagrid is reliable? This is the biggest joke he has heard this school year.

"Huh!" Aaron took a deep breath and looked at Hermione seriously, "Now we can only think of ways to reduce the failure rate.

Aren't they going to increase surveillance on Snape? Go back and tell them that I'm helping you monitor Snape."

"Ah! Are you kidding... woo..."

"Don't make such a fuss, okay?" Aaron released his hand that was covering Hermione, "This is a library after all, are you so loud because you're worried that others won't know?"

"Sorry!" Hermione looked around and was relieved to see that no one noticed them, "But Harry and the others won't believe it.

They always thought that Snape was the professor you respected the most, and he didn't even want to be involved in the Philosopher's Stone. Tell you. "

"Normal, this is normal.

They are Gryffindor, and I am Slytherin.

Not only me, Snape is Slytherin, and the mysterious man is also Slytherin. "

Hermione:......"Don't go so far."

"That's not important.

You just need to tell them that I suspect Snape has something to do with the black-robed man I met in the Forbidden Forest."

"This...can they believe it?"

"Just make up a reason.

For example, on a dark and windy night, a Slytherin wizard happened to see their beloved college professor handing a bottle of silver-white unicorn blood to the black-robed man. "Hermione hesitated for a long time after hearing this.

She knew that if she said this, Harry and Ron would definitely regard Aaron as a like-minded 'one of their own', and it would be much easier for them to speak and do things.

But in this way, when the truth comes out, they will realize that they have been deceived.

She has experienced a crisis of trust once and doesn't want to experience it again.

"I don't recommend doing this." Hermione shook her head seriously. "Otherwise, you will have no trust in them in the future."

Aaron paused slightly and sat quietly on the chair to think.

He understood what Hermione meant. This was indeed an oversight on his part. A single sentence would make his task more convenient, but it would also damage his personal credibility. The gain was not worth the loss!

"Then...tell the truth?"

"This is even worse." Hermione said with a wry smile, "This is too hurtful to their self-esteem. They can't accept it."

"Don't get me wrong, what I mean is to tell a small part of the truth, just keep it to a certain degree." Aaron looked at Hermione meaningfully, "Because I saved your life, you are worried that Snape will get the magic." Queen Shi would be unfavorable to me, so she told me the speculation that the black robe was related to Snape, and asked me to be careful about him.

Out of respect for the professor, I decided to prove for him that he is not a bad person. In the process, I will keep an eye on Professor Snape for you. "

"Is this possible?" Hermione was a little skeptical, "Something feels wrong!"

“It can be done.

Every lie has flaws, but finding them is not easy.

Moreover, the scar on Harry's head had begun to warn him that he was running out of time. At this time, he would not refuse help from others.

If that doesn't work, just add more fuel and tell them that you told me a white lie. For example, on a dark and stormy night, three Gryffindor wizards happened to see a person who looked exactly like this. Nap's man and a man in black robes...

After this, I will gradually do some simple repair work and slowly add it to your plan. "

Hermione's eyes twitched slightly, "I'll tell them both.

Then we just need to keep an eye on Hagrid! "

"That's not necessarily true." Aaron shook his head, "In your opinion, Hagrid is very reliable, but in my opinion, he is not generally unreliable.

Of course, I'm not looking down on him. Hagrid's ability to do things is still very strong, otherwise Dumbledore wouldn't think so highly of him, but his ability to keep secrets...

hehe! You say he is tight-lipped, but in my opinion the bottle mouth is sealed, but the bottle body is leaking everywhere.

If anyone tried to get some secrets out of Hagrid, he couldn't keep them. "

"No way!"

"Quite so." Aaron said very seriously, "Hagrid will be a good friend, but please take my advice and never tell him the secret."

Hermione nodded blankly, then thought of something, and her face turned serious, "According to what you said, it's not particularly safe for us to focus on Hagrid."

“At least it’s better than doing nothing!

If he really reveals the method of passing Maomao, you will definitely be the first to know. "

"That's all I can think of." Hermione said melancholy, and then went to explain to Harry and Ron.

After a while, she turned back again, with a bit of embarrassment still on her face.

"Why are you back again?"

"Harry and Ron are very grateful for your help, but they are worried that your abilities are limited on your own, so they asked me to come and help you. The two of us can look after each other to some extent."

Aaron raised his eyebrows and looked back from a distance. Harry was greeting him with a smile, apparently welcoming him as a teammate.

Ron even gave him a look of affirmation, feeling pleased that he had "abandoned the darkness and turned to the light" in time.

“There’s no need for this!

I still know who Snape is, and they say he is spying on him, but I don't care at all. "

"They don't think so." Hermione shrugged, "It's just a show, it's not a big deal, but it can make them feel more at ease."

"This... forget it, that's it!

Look at Hagrid, what I say..." Aaron paused slightly and looked up at the ceiling, as if he could see Dumbledore's office through it.

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